Bone and Blood (Naruto Quest)

[X] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?
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[X] It's a breach of protocol. The prisoners will all go together, along with the ninja who are due back in Ame. Give the bandaged jounin, and one of your chunin, a message to Youme-sensei, asking her to contact you if the group doesn't arrive in Ame. If anything happens, it will be an interesting foray into the internal politics of the village, at least.
[x] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?
[X] It's a breach of protocol. The prisoners will all go together, along with the ninja who are due back in Ame. Give the bandaged jounin, and one of your chunin, a message to Youme-sensei, asking her to contact you if the group doesn't arrive in Ame. If anything happens, it will be an interesting foray into the internal politics of the village, at least.
Interesting development. Those two clearly don't know who we are and treating us like this is not something we should take laying down. We have a reputation to uphold after all.

It's also clear they either intend to kill the konoha ninja either for personal reasons or do something really unsavory to the kunoichi, and then killing them. There is no honor in killing an opponent who cannot find back and it is just deplorable to commit other war crimes We should not stand for it.

[X] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?

Let's make it abundantly clear that they can either fall in line and follow protocol or they can die. If anybody asks they were incompetent fools who died on their mission.

Maybe someone else can do a write in that better captures this intent but otherwise the above option seems the only correct one. I also get the feeling that those two can not be trusted to honor their word and so normal diplomacy doesn't seem like it would work and would probably just have the same effect as letting them do what they want in the first place.

Besides that, Ame cannot afford to make a true enemy of Konoha and the prisoners would definitely relay what transpired.
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[X] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?

Edit: wasn't sure which choice to make, but since it's implied that they're trying to rape the two prisonner kunoichis, they can both die.
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[x] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?
[X] It's a breach of protocol. The prisoners will all go together, along with the ninja who are due back in Ame. Give the bandaged jounin, and one of your chunin, a message to Youme-sensei, asking her to contact you if the group doesn't arrive in Ame. If anything happens, it will be an interesting foray into the internal politics of the village, at least.
[X] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?

I suspect this is a Henge jutsu. He's not Ame.
"You're not allowed to break out of both the Yamanaka and Nara paralysis jutsu, you know,"
You thrust your heel into his stomach and slap his hands apart, earning you a confused sputter.

Tall shit, get hit.

Luckily, making you bleed a little

Girl... I am pretty sure most other ninja would be dead from this.

Just an hunch.

"There are eight," you cut in, eyes still narrowed. Something is being implied here, something you're not picking up on, but something you can tell isn't good.

He's trying to erase our two prisoners from the list, probably intend to kill them and pretend we never captured them.

Now, to find a way to *accidentally* have him be a casualty...

[x] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?

Fuck this noise, this guy is not important if he actually thinks we are not as good as him.

Let's be clear: This kind of attitude leads to dead allies, we are just showing them the consequences first hand, even are polite enough not to kill them.

[] Write-in (Maybe it's time for some of that good, old-fashioned Bone Diplomacy?)

If we were not in the middle of an important mission, I would propose a duel, too bad it's not a good idea.

I suspect this is a Henge jutsu. He's not Ame.

That would be hilarious, and also help us a lot.
Have to admit, the more I look at it, the more suspect the two idiots are.

May not be a henge, but definitely a case of incompetency.

Really ought to check.
[X] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?

Eh fuck it, let's lean into that Kaguya bloodthirst shall we?
[X] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?
[X] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?
[X] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?
[X] It's a breach of protocol. The prisoners will all go together, along with the ninja who are due back in Ame. Give the bandaged jounin, and one of your chunin, a message to Youme-sensei, asking her to contact you if the group doesn't arrive in Ame. If anything happens, it will be an interesting foray into the internal politics of the village, at least.

[X] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?

If we're gonna commit to politics or violence, I want to commit all the way.
[X] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?

"It's such a shame how that one Konoha ANBU member managed to rip your hand off and escape without anyone seeing them. Now run back to Ame if you don't want them to rip off anything else."
[X] You've had enough of the pair of them treating you like this. There was no command structure specified for this mission and the way they've conducted themselves isn't becoming of a formal commander, much less an informal one. They can stay behind in the Land of Meadows for a few hours before they leave for Ame and you leave for your next mission.
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[X] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?
[x] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?

gotta occasionally cull the stupid that somehow stumbled into positions of authority.
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It seems you reach your decisions in the same moment, as the ANBU flicks their left wrist. You're faster on the draw though, and you throw your stolen kunai with a resounding crack. Both the kunai and your opponent's tanto explode when the masked shinobi moves the blade to intercept the projectile, and that's enough to stagger them. The shrapnel from both weapons shreds their cloak, but you can't tell if that injured them yet. You don't take even a moment to check, taking their instant of hesitation to move in on them and drill their solar plexus with a double front punch. Expelling the eddying wind from your wrists sends them careening back into the thicker trees with a pained grunt.
Tsubaki's insane raw strength is being shown really well here.

You thrust your heel into his stomach and slap his hands apart, earning you a confused sputter. Then you snake your left hand around his right wrist in a three-finger grab, extruding blades from your metacarpals and phalanges, and when he goes to retreat back into the shadows, you pull.

He shouts and swears before disappearing back into the shadows, leaving half of his hand, including two fingers, in your grasp. An instant later, you jump to the forest floor just as quickly when you hear the hissing of an explosive tag behind you.
Damn that's brutal and Tsubaki clearly knows how to inflict massive amounts of damage very efficiently.

"Two ANBU?" The scarred jounin who was skeptical of you before, says with what's definitely a scoff when the entire group sent to sap Konoha's supply lines early the next day, when all of the survivors (all but two of the jounin and most of the chunin) are present. The self-declared commander of the expedition, whose name you've yet to decide whether or not you'll commit to memory, was part of the group to arrive last, a team of two (previously three, one of the jounin casualties was under his watch) jounin. Unlike your group, his didn't return with one of the scrolls full of supplies in hand, which wasn't a goal or even really needed in the village, but which is a nice trophy.

He grabs the bloody sleeve of your kimono, causing you to slap his hand away, narrowing your eyes at him. "Easy there," he says with an audible sneer, feeling the dried blood between his fingers, "doesn't look like it's yours, and you're not dressed right to be a med-nin." His seeming companion, the heavier, also rebreather-clad jounin who unfortunately, wasn't his team's casualty, openly laughs at that.
"Enough from you," the wider jounin says in a deep voice, heavily modulated by his rebreather. Both he and the older, scarred jounin are almost looming over the bandaged jounin, who regards them impassively, wheezing as his cigarette hangs from his lips. You stare at the wide jounin's hand in your face with your jaw set, you've never been treated like this, not even when you were a chunin, as brief as that was.
So he's discriminating against Tsubaki because of her gender primarily as well as slightly because of her age.

[X] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?

Let's go all in on screwing these assholes over.
[X] Well, if he's offering you his hand, maybe he doesn't need it anymore? At least the fingers on it. Torturing(?) prisoners who clearly don't have intel to give, along with the way him and his buddy have treated the rest of the shinobi here (one could easily argue they're responsible for at least some of the casualties on your side), demonstrate more than clearly enough that these two aren't fit to represent Amegakure as jounin. This isn't how jounin of Amegakure act, is it?

Gonna choose violence, for fun.