Bone and Blood (Naruto Quest)

I do read Fallow Fields, but I think the concept of Itachi's sister in The Scorpion and the Frog was too far for me.

Interesting premise, I'll check it out.

Alright putting the SI into Sasuke during the Tsukuyomi is neat. Are you sure you don't just want me to make Naruto a girl when he's born though?

Maybe I should roll dice for characters who haven't been born yet...

I made the mistake of going on the homepage to look for this. Anonkun and Questionable Questing are the two sites I won't touch, sorry.

It's always an Uchiha SI... not lingering on the very early childhood of an SI is a plus, so I'll look into it.

Eh, go ahead. You can recommend a little smut, as a treat. IIRC Hear the Silence has some in it so I won't be offended over a little bit.

I'll check those two out, Fluffy Clouds in particular grabbed me with its hook looking into it but I'll give the other one a chance. Looks like Hear the Silence has been privated, but I was pretty well caught up before, even if, tbh I was getting a little skeptical of the direction.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone, expect to see an update this weekend if not tonight.
To be honest that would be cool kinda thought that's what you were doing when you made the quest at least for some of the world building aspect's
Akun in particular is often just straight up disgusting. It's a part of the internet I don't often see away from 4chan.

Good thing almost all the best stories from there are crossposted to more respectable platforms.
I'd recommend Nugar's People Lie on Fanfiction net mostly for the worldbuilding. Be warned that there's some ick and weird dynamics in there.
Campaign 4: Mission 3: Completion
Even with the joints fused together, a short pulse of chakra is enough to get the scythe to split in half and fold, and you slip it into your sleeves when you shrug your kimono back onto your shoulders. The two halves adhere to your arms and shoulders easily enough, and don't hold up your top noticeably.

That matter dealt with, you quickly activate Jet Movement and dart in the same direction as your last opponent did.


Based on his frantic breathing and the twitch in his left hand, you figure the dark-skinned teenager who escaped earlier had just been broken out of a genjutsu. Probably by the monkey, which you surmise was dispelled by you killing his summoner. The caster of the genjutsu, one of the other Ame-nin at the rearline, an older kunoichi with an ever-present grin who wore a wide-brimmed hat atop her boilersuit, lay in a pool of blood atop the mushroom you were now standing on. She probably didn't expect him to break out of the genjutsu so quickly.

Once you fully land, the tan shinobi's head snapped in your direction. He forces his hand to stop twitching when he spins on you. A flick from his other hand is all he needs to call forth a kusarigama from some sealing matrix you can't see, probably on the inside of his sleeve.

"That hurts my mission performance, you know?" You state blandly.

"Huh—" It sounds like he's about to say something, but you only commented to throw him off. Still, he manages to barely block your first punch with his weapon's chain, and he nearly intercepts your follow up with the scythe side of the kusarigama. You abort the follow-up strike and hock his leg instead, sending him stumbling off the side of the mushroom. He awkwardly saves himself from having his head stomped in by twisting out of the way of your second foot and, twirling like a drunk after last call, throws the weighted end of his chain around a higher tree limb to pull himself away.

Cursing your lack of a ranged option, you cast Wind Style: Destructive Finger on your right hand and spring in the direction of your opponent. "It's pretty ironic to be using that weapon against an Ame-nin," you remark when your strike destroys the scythe.

You grab the tree trunk with your left hand and twist around it, aiming a heel-kick at your opponent's solar plexus. He's wide-eyed, but crouched and ready for your next attack, having already summoned another sword. Or it's a sword he's already used, some of these sealing specialists are able to remotely seal their weapons, if there's a formula on them. It's a valiant effort, but it doesn't matter when you transfer the momentum of your flying heel-kick into a hammer kick with your other leg.

Or it wouldn't have mattered, as your kick makes contact with a supported block from a newly-arrived Konoha-nin. You see that it's an older Hyuga, when you stop moving and land on the branch your opponent was on; and he and your new arrival find their footing on the forest floor below.

"Dekai, return to the main force, we're retreating," the Hyuga, who is old, you can see lines on his face and you think, some gray in his hair.

"But—" Dekai, whose name you heard before, now that you think about it, starts to protest.

"One of Lord Jiraiya's students is not being left behind, go!"

That catches your attention, you can't help but widen your eyes. You rocket after the departing ninja, but your eyes shoot open even wider when a spear of chakra pierces your throat.

Well, it doesn't pierce your throat, but you can feel your windpipe separate from itself. And the chakra emanating from the tenketsu on the Hyuga's hands is clearly visible. You land on the forest floor under the cap of the mushroom you were on before pursuing Dekai.

"I am your opponent," the Hyuga declares defiantly, spreading his feet and putting one palm forward.

Your mouth filling with blood stops you from stopping whatever he's about to do, and you curse under your breath. Well, you curse mentally, as you're not actually breathing at the moment, discounting the bubble caused by the sharp, nasal inhale you took at the surprise of your larynx being pierced.

"Eight Trigrams:" he intones, and you decide that you're already sick of your enemies aiming for your neck. Well, not really, it's a reasonable target; most ninja are pretty good about guarding their torso or have some form of natural defense. Not that you don't, you've just had the misfortune of running into opponents with the ability to circumvent some of yours. "Thirty-Two Palms!"

He drives at you with five series of attacks, two strikes to the chest to start, then two to your biceps. Already you can feel the strange sensation of heavy numbness spreading around the point where his fingers made contact. The third wave is four strikes. Despite the technique's name, you can't help but notice that he's striking you with his fingers, not his palms. The fourth set of attacks consists of eight strikes, and the last is sixteen.

Having to move your body via your bones isn't very difficult, it's something you've practiced rather frequently so as not to tear your muscles and ligaments if you ever have to do it while they're paralyzed. Still, between that and the sensation of (presumably) your chakra being sealed at the tenketsu, it's rather annoying.

So, thinking about how your movement ninjutsu can be constantly sustained, you apply a similar principle to forcing raw chakra through your chakra system. It works marvelously well, a pulse of your cyan chakra throwing your opponent back.

His mouth opens like a fish gasping in the air, likely worried that you've reverse-engineered his clan's taijutsu style. While that would be pretty cool, you've already got your own.

With the forceful expulsion of chakra opening your system momentarily, you lunge forward and strike, Wind still whirling around your fist. The enhanced chakra flow empowered your already-potent enhanced taijutsu, and the combination of the two surprises even you. Your simple punch caves the Hyuga's chest in, before sending him careening back into the stem of the mushroom you had been fighting on before. The massive fungus' stem snaps, forcing you to dance away from it.

Glancing down at your fist, you realize that the blood dripping from it is your own, there are thin rivulets streaming down both of your arms, a cursory look down your forearms tells you that you're sweating blood, likely from the spots on your skin directly above your tenketsu. You're about to go off in the direction of the famous Sannin's student when a flare goes up. Your order to retreat.


It's not often you shower in the field. You're usually fine with running all the way back to the village so you can clean off the grime of a mission before crashing into your own, wonderful bed. Something about the mix of sweat and blood and mud and those strange fungal spores that blanket so much of the Land of Meadows made you want to wash it off right away. There was also the matter of your ruined outfit. Loathe as you were to do it, you requisitioned a jumpsuit for yourself. Not a boilersuit though, you wanted some freedom of movement.

Several hours after donning a more standard shinobi outfit, you arrive at Amegakure. The mood in the village, even at the mission office where you turn in your report (not a very detailed one, that's for the commander to submit) is strangely muted. You would have expected at least the village's shinobi to be gossiping about an assault from Konoha of all villages being blunted.

The strange silence hanging over the village perturbs you all the way home, which you enter without even seeing if the front door is locked. It's not, thanks to your hunch that today is the day the Academy has off. While you did manage to keep a good track of the date while out on missions, you often lost track of the day of the week.

You walk into a conversation happening in the parlor. Even though it's your own home, you can't help but stop awkwardly.

Juura sits across from your mother, one leg crossed over the other, in his typical working outfit of a baggy rust-colored shirt and navy pants. His jacket is hung up on the rarely-used coat tree in the corner of the room. Your mother is in the middle of pouring herself more strong tea from the steaming pot on the coffee table. She's dressed casually, in a sweater and loose pants, with her blonde-dyed hair in a loose braid. She must have just had it done, it looks more saturated than when you left. Though your mother seems lively, there are bags under Juura's eyes. Which is strange, he has almost as much stamina as you.

"Tsubaki," your mother is happy to see you as always, and she brightens up even more when you come through the door. "Welcome back, what do you want for dinner?"

"I'm not sure," you offer the non-answer. "I would have been back yesterday, but I decided to get cleaned up," you smooth out your jumpsuit, suddenly self-conscious, "sorry."

"That's fine, I always say you need more rest," your mother chides before standing. "I'll put a pot of tea on for you."

"Thank you mother," you say, inclining your head.

"I thought you'd get back today Tsubaki," your teammate says once your mother crosses the room, "sorry for dropping in while you weren't here."

You shrug, "that's fine, it's probably calmer here than at your house."

Juura raises an eyebrow at that, but doesn't comment, "you look like a proper shinobi. What happened to your yukata."

"The same thing that happens to all of them," you say without a derisive snort, because your mother comes in at that point. She probably had water boiling for you since Juura got here, anticipating your arrival. "I think I'll get a full night's sleep then go to the tailor's tomorrow, I need more sets made."

"Tsubaki, sit," your mother says invitingly, and you set down next to her, letting your head fall back against the couch.

"It's best you hear it from me, Tsubaki," Juura leans forward as you take a sip of your tea. It's white and hasn't been steeped particularly long, just the way you like it. You see him rub his eyes over the rim of your teacup, he really is tired. Or fatigued in… some other way, you can't place it, but you don't like it. "Your favorite tailors are gone, I've got a few suggestions, but I think you already ruled them out when you became a chunin, sorry."

You don't groan, but you do swallow the rest of your tea and quickly pour yourself another cup. "Probably, unless a new, highly skilled tailor who's used to working with shinobi has opened a shop without me knowing," you set your cup down and look up at the ceiling.

"There are plenty of other seamstresses and shops that do good work, Tsubaki," your mother says with a small smile. You know that she's skeptical of your more expensive tastes, but clothes are the one thing you actually splurge on.

"I earn a lot on missions, mother, and you do love the patterns," you counter. Your mother just pats you on the back of the hand and drinks her tea.

[] Look into Juura's suggestions, even if you know that you've already written them off. You can even make it a day out with your mother. She has a good eye, even if she's considerably less uptight about fashion than you are.

[] Ask Satou and her father about clothing. She usually dresses pretty well when she's off-duty, though you have different aesthetic sensibilities, but her dad is both wealthy and prefers a style somewhat out of step with the rest of Ame. Not the same kind that you like, but different enough from the rest of the village that he'll have to know some tailor.

[] Put off the clothing question. You still have enough outfits, for now at least. Besides, you don't really want to think about the implications of your tailors disappearing.

[] Write-in.

Voting closes at !

A/N: Oh boy, another late night one. Given the forecast, there will probably be more of these in the coming week. A little bit of a downtime vote before the next mission, which will cap off the campaign and will be rather brutal. I know that this one was kind of brutal, but there's a difference between mission pot and boss mission brutal. Of course, if you vote to put it off you can go right into the mission.
Not to rip off another quest (is totally ripping off anothet quest), but what about getting a Spider Summon contract?
Thank you for the chapter, really enjoyable as always!

[X] Ask Satou and her father about clothing. She usually dresses pretty well when she's off-duty, though you have different aesthetic sensibilities, but her dad is both wealthy and prefers a style somewhat out of step with the rest of Ame. Not the same kind that you like, but different enough from the rest of the village that he'll have to know some tailor.

We can't look like random ninja #15 now can we
Last edited:
A/N: Oh boy, another late night one. Given the forecast, there will probably be more of these in the coming week. A little bit of a downtime vote before the next mission, which will cap off the campaign and will be rather brutal. I know that this one was kind of brutal, but there's a difference between mission pot and boss mission brutal. Of course, if you vote to put it off you can go right into the mission.

Do we have a character picture lying around somewhere? Character sheet doesn't have it at first glance.

[X] Look into Juura's suggestions, even if you know that you've already written them off. You can even make it a day out with your mother. She has a good eye, even if she's considerably less uptight about fashion than you are.

We could always start getting some clothes that are "good enough" since we know we'll lose on our missions.
[X] Look into Juura's suggestions, even if you know that you've already written them off. You can even make it a day out with your mother. She has a good eye, even if she's considerably less uptight about fashion than you are.
Glancing down at your fist, you realize that the blood dripping from it is your own, there are thin rivulets streaming down both of your arms, a cursory look down your forearms tells you that you're sweating blood, likely from the spots on your skin directly above your tenketsu.

Did we just involuntarily open the gates with this stunt?

Talk about a way to surprise a hyugaa, not only did we break out of the tenketsu sealing technique, it made us stronger.

"Your favorite tailors are gone, I've got a few suggestions, but I think you already ruled them out when you became a chunin, sorry."

There's been a purge.

We're going to have to watch our back, don't we?

[X] Ask Satou and her father about clothing. She usually dresses pretty well when she's off-duty, though you have different aesthetic sensibilities, but her dad is both wealthy and prefers a style somewhat out of step with the rest of Ame. Not the same kind that you like, but different enough from the rest of the village that he'll have to know some tailor.
[X] Look into Juura's suggestions, even if you know that you've already written them off. You can even make it a day out with your mother. She has a good eye, even if she's considerably less uptight about fashion than you are.
[X] Ask Satou and her father about clothing. She usually dresses pretty well when she's off-duty, though you have different aesthetic sensibilities, but her dad is both wealthy and prefers a style somewhat out of step with the rest of Ame. Not the same kind that you like, but different enough from the rest of the village that he'll have to know some tailor.

Yeah, sounds like a purge. Also we may have just stumbled into the Eight Gates or similar.
Seems like Tsubaki ran into on of Jiraya's students.

[X] Look into Juura's suggestions, even if you know that you've already written them off. You can even make it a day out with your mother. She has a good eye, even if she's considerably less uptight about fashion than you are.

Bonding with her mom is nice.
[X] Look into Juura's suggestions, even if you know that you've already written them off. You can even make it a day out with your mother. She has a good eye, even if she's considerably less uptight about fashion than you are.

There gonna get destroyed anyway
[X] Look into Juura's suggestions, even if you know that you've already written them off. You can even make it a day out with your mother. She has a good eye, even if she's considerably less uptight about fashion than you are.
Seems like Tsubaki ran into on of Jiraya's students.

Team 6

This was a shinobi team of Konohagakure led by Jiraiya. It consisted of Minato Namikaze, who Jiraiya took special interest in on the belief that he could be the Child of the Prophecy, Dekai, and an unnamed individual. Minato would later become the Fourth Hokage.

What? The black hair dude?

[X] Ask Satou and her father about clothing. She usually dresses pretty well when she's off-duty, though you have different aesthetic sensibilities, but her dad is both wealthy and prefers a style somewhat out of step with the rest of Ame. Not the same kind that you like, but different enough from the rest of the village that he'll have to know some tailor
[X] Look into Juura's suggestions, even if you know that you've already written them off. You can even make it a day out with your mother. She has a good eye, even if she's considerably less uptight about fashion than you are.
[X] Ask Satou and her father about clothing. She usually dresses pretty well when she's off-duty, though you have different aesthetic sensibilities, but her dad is both wealthy and prefers a style somewhat out of step with the rest of Ame. Not the same kind that you like, but different enough from the rest of the village that he'll have to know some tailor

Changed my mind, I care about Tsubaki looking fashionable in the battlefield than being pragmatic
We probably really should get started in seriously investing into the Fire Style, not having any ranged options is reducing Tsubakis style points.
[X] Ask Satou and her father about clothing. She usually dresses pretty well when she's off-duty, though you have different aesthetic sensibilities, but her dad is both wealthy and prefers a style somewhat out of step with the rest of Ame. Not the same kind that you like, but different enough from the rest of the village that he'll have to know some tailor
[X] Ask Satou and her father about clothing. She usually dresses pretty well when she's off-duty, though you have different aesthetic sensibilities, but her dad is both wealthy and prefers a style somewhat out of step with the rest of Ame. Not the same kind that you like, but different enough from the rest of the village that he'll have to know some tailor

I care weary much about Tsubaki's tastes in fashion.