Blue Swarm (Mass Effect/Starcraft Swarm Control Quest)

[X]Take her
[X]Drop her
[X]Leave Alone

Now hear me out. She doesn't know anything about the swarm yet. The only thing she managed to get out of the mind blend is what the overlord knows (basically nerdy things about the weather) and that it's part of a hive mind (big surprise from something looking like that...). This means that for her we are something psyonically big but nothing evil (As in she thougt that she was communicating with 1 individual and instead got the the whole theatre, and that was too much for her individual mind) . For all she knows we could be space ants.

Killing them will only make it so that their superiors send more troops to investigate. Instead we can take her and talk with her to try and give us better PR while we wait for her companions to come back. Then we can go deeper into diplomatic talks without the council trying to destroy us. Or just drop her and see what happens without making enemies.

If we drop her and they still come then at least they will come to investigate this new organism instead of going armed to the teeth looking for the missing soldiers or, if they are dead, to kill whatever that did it.
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This means that for her we are something psyonically big but nothing evil
The hive, my home, minds uncountable. Spirea of flesh and bone, directed by the Cerebrate. We carry the will of the Overmind.
A city of Flesh?
We are unnumbered unending. We are the swarm.
Oh oh no...
We literally introduced ourselves as the Swarm. The connotation is fairly obvious.

Moreover, on a personal note I'm not interested in a servant nor a collaborator. Also, trying to Stockholm her is a transgression I'm not willing to go with, and we don't need her alive to study the Asari form.
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We literally introduced ourselves as the Swarm. The connotation is fairly obvious.

Moreover, on a personal note I'm not interested in a servant nor a collaborator. Also, trying to Stockholm her is a transgression I'm not willing to go with, and we don't need her alive to study the Asari form.
In the head of an ant they are also probably endless. The extent of the "unending" the overlord knows is the cluster hives that we have right now. Keep in mind that she only knows what the overlord knows, not what the cerebrate lived.

Also politically we could be something like the geth or the collectors (but not literally evil). Some kind of independent race. We could start diplomatic talks so that they leave us alone and then keep expanding in our corner of the galaxy.

If we kill anyone that comes close the only thing that they will think of are the Rachni wars.
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Also we could be something like the geth or the collectors (but not literally evil). We could start diplomatic talks so that they leave us alone and then keep expanding in our corner of the galaxy.
That's not going to work though. The Citadel is never going to let a swarm species like us expand because this will cascade into an existential crisis. Moreover, they have past cultural trauma from when that happened with the Krogan and Rachni which pushes them towards opposition. Then, there's the fact peace would be against( nor helpful to genetic evolution) this Cerebrate even if they know the original war with the Protoss and Terrans was based on a lie.

Also, unlike the Geth, the Zerg need genetic samples for growth. Samples we might be barred from.
That's not going to work though. The Citadel is never going to let a swarm species like us expand because this will cascade into an existential crisis. Moreover, they have past cultural trauma from when that happened with the Krogan and Rachni which pushes them towards opposition. Then, there's the fact peace would be against( nor helpful to genetic evolution) this Cerebrate even if they know the original war with the Protoss and Terrans was based on a lie.

Also, unlike the Geth, the Zerg need genetic samples for growth. Samples we might be barred from.

Not to mention we're the damn Zerg, if you guys want fluffy times with diplomacy is king your kind of in the wrong place.

The Zerg have and will depopulate entire worlds just to seek out the best prime essence, eradicate entire species, consume entire sectors, and are in the trillions.

No one wants the Zerg swarm up and running, and if the system alliance has star craft games and blizzard is a thing…well…

We're enemies anyway. Let's also not forget we are monsters, and we will act monstrous to what others perceive as civilization.

We are not here to save the galaxy.
We are not here to make Allie's or friends, at most it's non-aggression pacts of convince.
We are here to Survive and Thrive as hyper evolutionary swarm-based blender-killer machines.

And no one can truly say otherwise.

If you guys want to humanize the Zerg go see Kerrigan. If you want to survive the hell-hole the reapers have made of this galaxy then suit up your big-Zerg essence and proceed to mulch your enemies and stomp on their carcasses to form biomass for more members of the swarm.
[X] Leave Her in peace in exchange for peace. Not worth the harm.

I'm bloodthirsty in some circumstances, but I am unhappy with slaughter in response to curiosity.

Live and let Live is fluffy enough to sway an idealist like this young Maiden.

In the meantime we can set up mental protections.
Also, unlike the Geth, the Zerg need genetic samples for growth. Samples we might be barred from.
Every species has it's mercs and assholes, plus the Terminus. I don't see how we'll be "barred" from anything.
If you guys want to humanize the Zerg go see Kerrigan. If you want to survive the hell-hole the reapers have made of this galaxy then suit up your big-Zerg essence and proceed to mulch your enemies and stomp on their carcasses to form biomass for more members of the swarm.
The Zerg didn't do so well in canon against all the other species did they? Only a great contender not the top. At least not till Kerrigan lit them up? A little humanity might help.
The Zerg didn't do so well in canon against all the other species did they?
The Protoss had an Exterminatus equivalent they threw around pretty regularly, it seems, given the speed Mar Chara was condemned. Other than that... I don't think it was explicitly stated that the Zerg and Protoss went full, drag down combat with each other. They get nothing from the Protoss after all. Occasionally fighting to get new samples/keep the containment sure but not the sort of combat a Monster race is capable of.

After that, the Confederacy and later Dominion used their native psionics to produce novel strategic weapons in order to use the Zerg as a blunt instrument, which were eventually countered (as seen in HotS by the Dominion not using psi emitters of the old style) and iterated.
LotV is dumb and doesn't count other than the cool new Protoss stuff.
A Life That Will Be Lived Free
A Life That Will Be Lived

When she was young she loved her Mother more than anything. She never knew her Father. Mother never mentioned her. She later expected her Father was an Asari somehow. But even without a Father she still had her Mother, and the servants. Mother was a young Matriarch when she was born. Mother sometimes had difficulty standing amoung the other older and more established Matriarch of her time and for some reason Mother seemed so worried about that when nobody, not even the servants were around. Not even her trusty nursemaid. So she tried to do her best to make Mother happy. Because she was Mother's one and only precious child. Often she was even called that, my Precious. So she always listened Mother in how to act, how to dress, and how to speak because Mother knows what is best. Over time though things seemed to change. Not in any way obvious. But as she grew the time Mother found to spend time with her and read her stories, or sing to get, or even just sleep together while being held. Even as Mother got better and better at dealing with other Matriarchs and she grew to understand what was happening better to understand their holdings to know how well off they were becoming things seemed, less innocent. Mother was...colder. Like the mask she wore for appearance sake was sticking to her more and more. More confidence in exchange for who she was. 'Precious' became less an endearment of the heart and more a statement of equitable worth. The way she had to dress, behave, speak, and present herself were all facet of a jewel.
Then the arguments started. She doesn't remember quite when they started. Or why. But they were likely started by her. Mother never raised her voice, anymore, after all. She was either dismissed for being too sulky, ignorant, or emotional. Always buying her clothes and jewels, and made to be shown off at parties or official functions for some reason or another. Sometimes even expected to appear with a member of one house or another's arm. Occasionally even other species dignitaries or Mother's business partners. Aloof, yet warm. Always available, yet never attracted. Putting out, yet never interested. How bad was it? From year to year she could tell you where she was gonna be, what she was gonna wear, and who she was gonna wear it with, or for whom. With si little variation even when she started to act out. Mother only spent any significant amount of time with her when it came to dressing her. Followed with running through her lines should a guest or host say one thing or another.
On the eve of her hundredth birthday she had gotten...just so sick of it. Sick of herself, sick of the perfectly timed life she lives..No. of the life that lived her. And especially how her Mother seemed to have died and that thing the other Matriarchs expected her to be had just taken over her Mother's life and wore her skin! The only place she really lived was in her own mind and imagination. Of the stories her nursemaid now personal servant often told her, slipped her Justicar comics. And those memories of her Mother telling her of her Maiden and Matron days spent with Merc companies fighting the good fight and the fun bars, and frontiering on the edges of known space. And all the people! She wanted that life! To live how here Mother lived when she truly lived! So she did it! Really went against her fake Mother's wishes and left before her Mother could ever know!
Thankfully she had a online buddy who was her (only real) best friend. He was in the area and swung by to give her a gift and to finally see her in person. He actually was a Merc with a good crew if people. Not like those Eclipse mercs that were rumored to require you to kill someone to get blooded nor that big to be honest. Just a few frigate ships worth at most and they spent most of their time either doing survey work or providing security for survey crews on potentially hostile worlds or hostile space. Sometimes a bit if pirate clean up.
Mother let her do whatever she wanted in her 'free' time so long as it didn't shame her. So she could shoot, played some of the military training sims and Mother was all for exercises that helped improve her physic and athletic body shape. Ugh. Because if this while Lanus was very cross with her for stowawaying on his crews ship it wasn't hard to convince them she had some talent. Even if they insisted that he was her babysitter now. Or the half that made jeers and referred to her as Lanus's girlfriend. Double ugh. Take her seriously as just herself damnit. Bad enough Lanus chooses now to start trying to curb her.
Then the first mission happened and now she's investigating, well posted as a look out considering it's obvious what happened to the outpost. And as plain as the planet looks it's still exciting! A new untamed planet! And even an all new species that the previous survey crew missed. All for the taking!
She, Kila, was gonna be the very first to Mind Meld with them. To learn of this new species and get herself in the history books with her impressions of it's mind. Sure it might be nothing great since they appear to be about as harmless as those space cows some people found and like to propagate everywhere for a food source for future travelers and marooned space travelers. But she's been studying them all day and they don't seem to wander aimlessly. Always a certain distance from each other. And in some kind of complex rhythm. That has to require some degree of complex thoughts yes? Whatever thoughts they have it must be interesting. And even if it's not? She'll still be doing the sort of things she always wanted to do. What she wants when she wants. And right now she wants to be the very first right here with this amazingly flying\floating creature! To take a risk, even if it's just this small one. This is her life. It is her own and she'll live it free!

@Planetary Tennis
Please let me know if this characterization needs to be altered, or rewritten entirely, to fit the Kila that you created for your story.
A Life That Will Be Lived

When she was young she loved her Mother more than anything. She never knew her Father. Mother never mentioned her. She later expected her Father was an Asari somehow. But even without a Father she still had her Mother, and the servants. Mother was a young Matriarch when she was born. Mother sometimes had difficulty standing amoung the other older and more established Matriarch of her time and for some reason Mother seemed so worried about that when nobody, not even the servants were around. Not even her trusty nursemaid. So she tried to do her best to make Mother happy. Because she was Mother's one and only precious child. Often she was even called that, my Precious. So she always listened Mother in how to act, how to dress, and how to speak because Mother knows what is best. Over time though things seemed to change. Not in any way obvious. But as she grew the time Mother found to spend time with her and read her stories, or sing to get, or even just sleep together while being held. Even as Mother got better and better at dealing with other Matriarchs and she grew to understand what was happening better to understand their holdings to know how well off they were becoming things seemed, less innocent. Mother was...colder. Like the mask she wore for appearance sake was sticking to her more and more. More confidence in exchange for who she was. 'Precious' became less an endearment of the heart and more a statement of equitable worth. The way she had to dress, behave, speak, and present herself were all facet of a jewel.
Then the arguments started. She doesn't remember quite when they started. Or why. But they were likely started by her. Mother never raised her voice, anymore, after all. She was either dismissed for being too sulky, ignorant, or emotional. Always buying her clothes and jewels, and made to be shown off at parties or official functions for some reason or another. Sometimes even expected to appear with a member of one house or another's arm. Occasionally even other species dignitaries or Mother's business partners. Aloof, yet warm. Always available, yet never attracted. Putting out, yet never interested. How bad was it? From year to year she could tell you where she was gonna be, what she was gonna wear, and who she was gonna wear it with, or for whom. With si little variation even when she started to act out. Mother only spent any significant amount of time with her when it came to dressing her. Followed with running through her lines should a guest or host say one thing or another.
On the eve of her hundredth birthday she had gotten...just so sick of it. Sick of herself, sick of the perfectly timed life she lives..No. of the life that lived her. And especially how her Mother seemed to have died and that thing the other Matriarchs expected her to be had just taken over her Mother's life and wore her skin! The only place she really lived was in her own mind and imagination. Of the stories her nursemaid now personal servant often told her, slipped her Justicar comics. And those memories of her Mother telling her of her Maiden and Matron days spent with Merc companies fighting the good fight and the fun bars, and frontiering on the edges of known space. And all the people! She wanted that life! To live how here Mother lived when she truly lived! So she did it! Really went against her fake Mother's wishes and left before her Mother could ever know!
Thankfully she had a online buddy who was her (only real) best friend. He was in the area and swung by to give her a gift and to finally see her in person. He actually was a Merc with a good crew if people. Not like those Eclipse mercs that were rumored to require you to kill someone to get blooded nor that big to be honest. Just a few frigate ships worth at most and they spent most of their time either doing survey work or providing security for survey crews on potentially hostile worlds or hostile space. Sometimes a bit if pirate clean up.
Mother let her do whatever she wanted in her 'free' time so long as it didn't shame her. So she could shoot, played some of the military training sims and Mother was all for exercises that helped improve her physic and athletic body shape. Ugh. Because if this while Lanus was very cross with her for stowawaying on his crews ship it wasn't hard to convince them she had some talent. Even if they insisted that he was her babysitter now. Or the half that made jeers and referred to her as Lanus's girlfriend. Double ugh. Take her seriously as just herself damnit. Bad enough Lanus chooses now to start trying to curb her.
Then the first mission happened and now she's investigating, well posted as a look out considering it's obvious what happened to the outpost. And as plain as the planet looks it's still exciting! A new untamed planet! And even an all new species that the previous survey crew missed. All for the taking!
She, Kila, was gonna be the very first to Mind Meld with them. To learn of this new species and get herself in the history books with her impressions of it's mind. Sure it might be nothing great since they appear to be about as harmless as those space cows some people found and like to propagate everywhere for a food source for future travelers and marooned space travelers. But she's been studying them all day and they don't seem to wander aimlessly. Always a certain distance from each other. And in some kind of complex rhythm. That has to require some degree of complex thoughts yes? Whatever thoughts they have it must be interesting. And even if it's not? She'll still be doing the sort of things she always wanted to do. What she wants when she wants. And right now she wants to be the very first right here with this amazingly flying\floating creature! To take a risk, even if it's just this small one. This is her life. It is her own and she'll live it free!

@Planetary Tennis
Please let me know if this characterization needs to be altered, or rewritten entirely, to fit the Kila that you created for your story.

Characterization is perfect though I would recommend double spacing your paragraphs. Loved the omake.