Blue Swarm (Mass Effect/Starcraft Swarm Control Quest)

Okay update will come a bit busy irl and with other things but as a general reminder this, and probably eventually my other quests have a discord home now for some talk maybe rolls don't know about that yet.

Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games

Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.
Okay update will come a bit busy irl and with other things but as a general reminder this, and probably eventually my other quests have a discord home now for some talk maybe rolls don't know about that yet.

Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games

Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.
Says the invite is invalid >.>
Turn 11B
[X]Just Watch
--[X]Forces: 104 zerglings (pulling half from cluster 1-3, +48 new spawn zerglings), 18 spinelings from cluster 1-2, adding in 44 new spawned spinelings, 11 overlords (8 from spawning, take extra 3 from places where supply will not be strained, if not then pick least likely to put stain on said cluster)

Your overlords that have been spotted shift and hover grazing in the thick clouds as to reduce the amount of attention that you are getting The zerglings and spinelings on the base and in their bellies wait. For now, you can not strike the small ship in the atmosphere could do great damage before it's taken out and you know little of their numbers through the prisoner's mind indicates it would be small locally you can see flashes of a greater force both from these Batarians and the Council that this force is apparently apart of.

The time they search drags on their language unknown to the prisoner and so remains such to your mind. They seem angry though as they find much of the facility empty the two guards around the Terran-appearing woman speak in hushes but rapid tones. What you left is taken several small weapons and armors as well as a few broken vehicles brought up to the ship in the sky. As they load on the ship the small group around the woman argue, she has been watching the skies tracking the aimless movements of your overlords for the whole duration.

The argument there is quick and less heated than those between the metal-skinned ones, Turians the prisoner's mind provides. In the end some kind of structure is set up and the two guards and woman are left. They could be easy prey but you stay your hand for now, through your forces are left scattered on the area and unable to move you have been able to empty your overlords of the rest of your army for now.

Research Dice: 2 (+10)
-[X]Defense (53/100+) 2 dice
Spore Colony, Spore Cannon, Sunken Colony

The complexity of the defensive structures keeps coming back to the minds they must have to accurately target and identify at a distance and know when and how to attack often without the direction of an overlord, queen, or cerebrate. The issue has been solved by using some of the overlords and a smattering of other creatures' genetics the holes have been patched. For the simpler structures, this is all that you need. Genetics are in such a state that you need no focus to work on them.

Between that and the success of other simpler structures, you feel the need to observe their growth lessen. Now it will only be more complicated structures that will distract from other goals.


Growth Dice 3 (+5)
-[X]Creep Colony (0/0) [75] 1 die, cluster 3
-[X]Creep Colony (0/0) [75] 1 die, cluster 3
-[X]Gas Refinery (0/0) [50] 1 die, cluster 2

The colonies grow the depths of the caves are slowly covered in creep as the colonies are born the new Refinery will add to the gas production of the colony. The growth is pleasant it means you have more, more resources, more supplies, more preparation for when you are attacked.

-[X]Metomorph Creature |36L|
Grow a member of the swarm.
--[X]Drone [50] x 9 (fill the refinery with the drones, the rest goes into the rich mines)
--[X]Overlord [100] x4 (8 go to the ambush point)
--[X]Zerglings 2x [50] x12 (48 zerglings if this is correct, then that means the reinforcements go to the ambush point)
--[X]Spineling 2x [50] x11 (44 if the math is correct, they go to the ambush point as well)
exploration dice 1 +5

Much of your forces have been diverted to the failed ambush, though the drones are quick to work supporting your industry.

-[X]Worm Watch (63/150) 1 die
You need to know more if you are to eventually take out the beast need to know its habits and its weaknesses.

The worm is uneventful and you see little variation from its pattern before in the recent time. The overlord watching it has noticed that it does respond to sunlight when it rarely gets past the clouds even when it is burrowed it is quick to surface and take in the light. Perhaps this can be of use perhaps not.

  • Minerals: 26895
    Biomass: 160
    Vespine Gas: 36
    ???: 5

    Production +17650 Minerals
    +11 Biomass
    +51 Vespine

    Pillar Field +50 Per Drone. Drone Cap Unlimited -5 production for all drones here for every 5 drones here, Max Unknown. 5/ꝏ
    Poor Mine +10 Per Drone. Drone Cap 2 Max 2,000 0/2
    Rich Caves +200 per Drone. Drone Cap 100 Max 99,966,750 87/100

    Pillar Field up to +10 Per Refinery. +4 per drone operation. Max 9,999,980 6/6
    Volcanic Shelf up to +15 Per Refinery. +5 per drone operation. Max Unknown 3/3
    Deep Mines up to +8 Per Refinery. +4 per drone operation. Max 999,984 4/4
  • Volcanic Slopes (Cluster 1)
    Deep Caverns (Cluster 3)
    Rocky Basin (Wormlandia)
    Southern Plane (Cluster 2)
    Western Ridges (Unoccupied)
    Nothern Plane (Under Magma)
    Shattered Mountain (Unoccupied)
    Stable Range (Temp Facility)
  • Other Forces
    Zerglings 62
    Spinelings 26
    Overlords 8

    Hive Cluster 1
    Zerglings 33
    Spinelings 12
    Drones 6
    Overlord 9
    Hatchery 1
    Gas Refinery 2
    Sunken Colony 1
    Spore Colony 1
    Evolution Chamber 1
    Spawning Pool 1
    The Void Hybrid 1

    Hive Cluster 2
    Zerglings 33
    Spinelings 12
    Drones 8
    Overlord 6
    Hatchery 1
    Creep Colony 1
    Spore Colony 1

    Hive Cluster 3
    Zerglings 32
    Spinelings 12
    Drones 91
    Overlord 12
    Cerebrate (Unnamed) 1
    Hatchery 1
    Gas Refinery 2

    Control 44/64|29/72|31/48|113/96|{14}/100
    Void Emanations 1/10?
    Larva 12
    Larva 12
    Larva 12
  • Military: 1|+5
    Research: 2|+10
    Diplomatic: 0|-10
    Growth: 3|+5
    Exploration: 1|+5
    Free: 0

    Perfection of Metamorphosis any growth die rolled under 25 become 25 instead.
    Psionic Growth: When metamorphing creatures from larva double the amount is born.
  • |#D| shows structures that can be built with a drone. Drones can be used the same turn they are birthed.

    Prototype metamorphosis is very expensive as you build more requirement buildings the cost drops down to standard. They are not from larvae and are not affected by Psionic Growth

    (#/#+) shows an action with a repeatable effect. These actions roll overflow into the action again.

    Dice Mod, as a Cerebrate you can use your mental prowess in many ways, even if you are using parts designed for particular tasks. Whenever you wish you can expend a die from one category to gain another in a category of your choosing. However, in addition to the normal mods for the category, you gain an additional -15 to that roll.

    Unfinished structures progress by 5 each turn. Dice can be used to finish them but are not needed.

    When spawning structures a hatchery must be present, or another source of creep. Hatcheries are exceptions to this.

    When at a hive cluster that can produce a resource drones that are not busy will produce the resources available. The projected resources are listed in resources.

    /Name\ as part of an action means that a creature or structure of that name is required to be sacrificed. (Read mutate) to make the new item. All structures require drones unless they use this notation to indicate another structure or creature.

    Free Dice can be used to take actions even in categories with no action availability.

    Actions shown in growth with |#L| Means they use Larva meaning that growing creatures to fill out your ranks is easy with materials to do so. You do not need to use a dice to take the action but you will need to use a Larva, you have # larva

    <##%> Shows and action that has a random chance of success, failure in these can reduce minor assets like drones, each die is another roll and another chance of success. <??%> The chance is unknown.

    Biomass can be used as Minerals 1 to 1. Or as Vespine 100 to 1. You can convert minerals into biomass in a ratio of 10 to 1.

    A Hatchery is needed to evolve new creatures. An evolution chamber is helpful but not needed in researching swarm forms.

    When voting use -[X]# to show how many dice you are using for each action this is not needed if you are only using one. Please vote by plan.

    (#/#) shows the progress of an action, the second number shows when the action will be completed. If the action has (#/0) then any die assigned to the action will complete the action regardless of the roll. (#/??) This means that the number needed to complete the action is unknown.

    [#] Shows the number of minerals needed for the action.
    [#] Shows the number of biomass needed for the action.
    [#] Shows the number of vespine gas needed for the action.

Military Actions
[]Defensive Positioning (0/0)
Set up the zerglings, and spinelings to defend in case of an attack.

[]Pobing <??%>
You are still weak but you can expend a few zerglings against the worm to test it learn more.

[]Assault <??%>
The aliens lay at the old facility you have forces already pinned down at the location you can easily overrun them though you are sure they can get a message off. Making an attack, a matter of luck and timing.
Research Actions
[]Repair an available damaged Essence
-[]Spawning (0/100+)
Hatchery, Lair
-[]Unlocking (0/100+)
Hydralisk Den, Evolution Chamber
-[]Defense (63/100+)
Spore Colony, Spore Cannon, Sunken Colony

[]Play with evolution (0/??) [10]
Try and create something with the available genes, drone, overlord, zergling, creep cluster, spawning pool, hatchery.

[]Develop the Tarantula (0/100)
Your ideas have merit and by working out the exact enzymes needed for its growth you will be able to mutate a structure for it, or at least determine which structure already makes the needed chemicals.

[]Reach out into the Void (0/??)
You only reached gently looking for your kin a louder attempt may be able to call them but something else could hear such powerful Psionics.

[]Try to Speed up the Development of your Psionic Specialty <??%>
You need to be ready now any tool that is delayed is time lost to the swarm.

[]Instinct and Mind (0/??)
You wish to create a swarm controller that will lay dormant until it is disconnected from higher-level control. Giving it orders so that lost broods will try and reach out.

[]Evolution Master (32/300)
Gain Spawn The Evolution Master as a Growth Option, operates like Grow Cerebrate, the Evolution master gives 3 research dice and the Art of Essence (Whenever working on genes and essence research roll twice and sum the dice.) Can only have one.

[]Adaptation Chamber (45/150)
Gain mutate the Adaptation Chamber as a Growth Option, the first grants an additional research die, broods are more able to adapt individually to specific threats without aid.

[]Geneweavers (32/75)
Gain the metamorph Geneweavers as a Growth Option. The Geneweavers require the Queen's nest and an Evolution Chamber. They are battlefield control and support focusing on healing and buffs.

[]Hybrid Mind Link (19/5000)
A mix of zerg and protoss genes this creature taps directly into the void and replicates the connection of the overmind and the cerebrates. This bares research.

[]Biolensing (0/??)
You need to create a lense that can deal with the heat of combat scale lasers before you can begin to form a creature around one.

[]Material (0/??) [1]
This strange material you found in the alien facility is unlike any other element or metal you have come across more research is required though you have limited supplies.

[]Thinker (88/100)
A secondary mind to expand capacity on pondering and thoughts.
Diplomatic Actions
[] A Name? (0/??)
Loneliness is not an emotion of the swarm the feeling is alien the machine keeps you alive but a name will remind you that soon there will be others in the swarm that will have the ability to use it.

[] Speak <??%>
The survivor (is required) is not yet part of the swarm yet still you can pull things from it's mind with enough effort.

[] Watcher <??%>
Aproach the watcher and attempt to commune.
Growth Actions
You can grow new structures at Hive Cluster 1, 2, or 3. Please Specify.

[]Hatchery (0/50) [300]
Grow a hatchery without more control organisms and with the damage to your genes, you will watch over it carefully as it grows to ensure no issues arise. You know deeply the damages to the code of the hatchery and can carefully ensure that it does not come up as it grows.

[]Hatchery Far (0/75) [300]
You wish to start a new hive cluster. Select a location to send the drone.

[]Evolution Chamber (0/75) [75]
Grow an evolution chamber without more control organisms and with the damage to your genes, you will watch over it carefully as it grows to ensure no issues arise. You know deeply the damages to the code of the Evolution Chamber and can carefully ensure that it does not come up as it grows.

[]Hydralisk Den (0/125) [100] [50]
Grow an Hydralisk Den without more control organisms and with the damage to your genes, you will watch over it carefully as it grows to ensure no issues arise. You know deeply the damages to the code of the Evolution Chamber and can carefully ensure that it does not come up as it grows.

[]Spore Cannon (0/50) [100] [50] /Spore Colony\
The expanded systems allow this cannon to fire spores further at higher speed, it loses much of its function as an anti-air weapon but becomes an important member of anti-orbital defenses and can be used to send biomass and genetic information quickly between planets in a system.

[]Lair (0/200) [150] [100] /Hatchery\
The Lair is mutated from the hatchery using the complex enzymes the spawning pool produces it does the catalytic conversion of those compounds into proteins needed for the heavier zerg fliers. Though the damage to the essence of the swarm means it might take a long time and while mutating the Lair will not produce larva. Without another hatchery, it is a slight risk.

[]Cerebrate (0/2000) [1000]
You do not wish to be alone this will leave you critically low on supplies and make it hard to grow any other structures ad the two of you will take nearly all the available creep. The look into genes reminded you of the complexity and difficulty it is to grow a new Cerebrate.

[]Metomorph Creature |36L|
Grow a member of the swarm.
-[]Drone [50]
-[]Overlord [100]
-[]Zerglings 2x [50]
-[]Spineling 2x [50]

[]Spawn Structure |105D|
-[]Sunken Colony [50] /Creep Colony\
The Sunken Colony is one of the zerg broods' defensive structures and even with the damage to the genes, it is still viable. Though you need to work to ensure nothing happens as it mutates.
-[]Spore Colony [50] /Creep Colony\
The Sunken Colony is one of the zerg broods' defensive structures and even with the damage to the genes, it is still viable. Though you need to work to ensure nothing happens as it mutates.
-[]Gas Refinery [50]
A mutation of the Extractor that is able to turn various natural gasses and volcanic gasses into Vespine produces based on local gas availability. Requires Drones to harvest.
-[]Creep Colony [75]
More creep means more area for you to expand and to move, while the hatchery will make more creep, you already know that the colony's genes work.
-[]Spawning Pool [200]
Grow a spawning pool you understand what is needed and it will be simple for another to be built though without large numbers of zerg dying or disconnected creep it is unneeded at this time.

[]Mine <??%>
You can try to access minerals buried in the ground, however, with pockets of gas and magma, it does risk the drones.

[]Prototype Spawning (0/0)
Each creature requires a full evolution pit for its gestation, however, you can birth them without the need for the normal structures that provide their many needed biochemicals.
-[]Hydralisk [200] [100]
-[]Queen [450] [150]
-[]Infestor [300] [450]
-[]Nueral Parasite [75] [30]
-[]Mutalisk [300] [300]
-[]Scourge x2 [75] [225]
-[]Defiler [250] [750]
-[]Ultralisk [1000] [1000]
Exploration Actions
[]Space (0/0)
You have an overlord of the basics of the swarm's movement through space. You can see what the system is like beyond this world. However, any other would likely be able to detect the overlord as it moves in orbit.

[]Worm Watch (87/150)
You need to know more if you are to eventually take out the beast need to know its habits and its weaknesses.

Select an area to examine in greater depths possibly discovering more than your quick scouting.
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Our mineral stores are getting a bit crazy, we should probably get a lot more overlords so we can expand the bases more
Just found this. Seems really interesting so far, can anyone more familiar with Mass Effect give me an idea of where in the time line we are?
Hmmm I'll make a plan when I get home, but I have a question @Planetary Tennis if we research the defense that turn, does that mean we can freely make the defenses with the drones at will then? Because that would massively increase the growth rate and such…

And it looks like the council races are getting suspicious…time to get to work on our defense and spawn enough Zerg to overwhelm them and have a spore cannon knock their ship out of the sky.

If one of those fuckers can destroy a battle cruiser in one shot then a frigate like that should be toasted!!!
I feel that we should tack another or three Hatcheries in each Cluster, and definitely should morph a Lair as soon as we can. Though admittedly it clashes with a Neural Parasite, which would give us potentially useful information, so...
Right now you have unlocked the ability to freely build any structure that had been (0/0) as long as you have the minerals and drones. Drones can be used the turn they are spawned.
I think this is the first or second time I'll be voting in this quest.

I think this is more important atm.
[X] Worm Watch (87/150)
Correct yes?
[X] Plan: Defensive tactics...for now...

-[x] Defensive Positioning (0/0) (1 die, +5)
Set up the zerglings, and spinelings to defend in case of an attack.

-[x]Repair an available damaged Essence
--[x]Defense (63/100+) (1 die, +10)
Spore Colony, Spore Cannon, Sunken Colony
-[x]Thinker (88/100) (1 die, +10)
A secondary mind to expand capacity on pondering and thoughts.


-[x]Hatchery (0/50) [300] Cluster 1
Grow a hatchery without more control organisms and with the damage to your genes, you will watch over it carefully as it grows to ensure no issues arise. You know deeply the damages to the code of the hatchery and can carefully ensure that it does not come up as it grows.
-[x]Hatchery (0/50) [300] Cluster 2
Grow a hatchery without more control organisms and with the damage to your genes, you will watch over it carefully as it grows to ensure no issues arise. You know deeply the damages to the code of the hatchery and can carefully ensure that it does not come up as it grows.
-[x]Hatchery (0/50) [300] Cluster 3
Grow a hatchery without more control organisms and with the damage to your genes, you will watch over it carefully as it grows to ensure no issues arise. You know deeply the damages to the code of the hatchery and can carefully ensure that it does not come up as it grows.

-[x]Spawn Structure |105D|
--[x]Sunken Colony [50] /Creep Colony\ (1750 Minerals, 35 CC)
The Sunken Colony is one of the zerg broods' defensive structures and even with the damage to the genes, it is still viable. Though you need to work to ensure nothing happens as it mutates.
---[x] 11 cluster 1
---[x] 12 Cluster 2+3
--[x]Spore Colony [50] /Creep Colony\ (1800 Minerals, 36 CC)
The Sunken Colony is one of the zerg broods' defensive structures and even with the damage to the genes, it is still viable. Though you need to work to ensure nothing happens as it mutates.
---[x]15 cluster 1+2
---[x] 6 cluster 3
--[x]Gas Refinery [50] (total 11, 550 Minerals, 11D)
A mutation of the Extractor that is able to turn various natural gasses and volcanic gasses into Vespine produces based on local gas availability. Requires Drones to harvest.
---[x] 3 Cluster 1+3
---[x] 5 Cluster 2
--[x]Creep Colony [75] (5,250 Minerals, 70D)
---[x] 26 Cluster 1, 2
---[x] 18 Cluster 3
More creep means more area for you to expand and to move, while the hatchery will make more creep, you already know that the colony's genes work.
--[x]Spawning Pool [200] (400 minerals, 2D)
Grow a spawning pool you understand what is needed and it will be simple for another to be built though without large numbers of zerg dying or disconnected creep it is unneeded at this time.
---Cluster 2+3 (400, 2D)
[X] Metomorph Creature |36L|
Grow a member of the swarm.
-[x] Drone [50] X36 (70 drones for defenses, 2 for hatcheries, take 15 from rich mines)

12,750 Minerals
0 Biomass
0 Vespine
0 ???

[x] Worm Watch (87/150) (1 die, +5)
You need to know more if you are to eventually take out the beast need to know its habits and its weaknesses.

Alright, here is where things get REAL interesting REAL fast, now that it's been confirmed that we can grow shit fast now if its at 0 per turn, I'm rapidly expanding our forces to become the kind of threat rating the Zerg DESERVE to have if first contact is made...we will BLANKET the ground with our forces, and force anyone who isn't zerg into the skies! where when we get lairs (i plan to have at least 2 hatcheries by that point for every lair we have) we will have enough mutalisks and scourge to wipe out any threats.

course issue being our overlord count is going to be strained. Thankfully im spending way more drones this turn and will make it up for the next turn with double our current larva count, which case 72 larva=144 zerg spawned a turn, which means even more units are going to get nuts...however to automate our shit we need to make sure things go smoothly, which means more research. However, im also a paranoid fucker and want to have at least 12 sunken, 12 spore, and 4 spore cannons per base (besides the underground one...hidden chambers and all that!)

plus, with the extra hatchery, our biomass count will skyrocket...and allow us to create a second cerebrate at a faster pace, and hopefully make an aburther...and of course the other research dice as well. Within the next few turns i anticipate our growth to hit a stage where we can colonize the rest of the area besides the wormtopia and the compound with ease. which means our zerg count will skyrocket to the point i sincerely doubt anything besides orbital bombardment is going to root us out, and I'm also planning on adding redundancy to our buildings, we don't want critical structures to be essentially "SHOOT ME" target without backups.

Edited: for the sake of the plan im putting each of the things in spoilers for people to not get if doesnt show up in the votes please let me know ahead of time!
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There's a few more sections to vote on and I think voting has been done by plan, so... Almost. Otherwise yes, that is the most pressing Exploration action we have available.
Thx. I assume the worm is a Thresher Maw. We get that genetic coding, we have like 20 percent tools needed to conquer the galaxy. Reapers nonwithstanding.
How many choices are let into a plan before it's too much?
Based on this chapter I assume this isn't Commander Shepard's crew?
Thx. I assume the worm is a Thresher Maw. We get that genetic coding, we have like 20 percent tools needed to conquer the galaxy. Reapers nonwithstanding.
How many choices are let into a plan before it's too much?
Based on this chapter I assume this isn't Commander Shepard's crew?

it aint shepards crew, most likely a patrol, specter, or merc group.

also Thresher Maw aint that crazy with how much shit the zerg truly has, what it can do is basically give us the codes for possibly a mutation/alteration of the Nydus worm/cannal. Which case our bases become HELL to invade as we can reinforce pretty much instantly, and with Nydus worms, we can EASILY start the raids into enemy territory at fricken will.

Add in our capabilities of surviving the shit in the galaxy, and the fact we dont NEED mass relays, makes us a nightmare in the waiting for the reapers to grind on...after all the zerg beat the Xel-Naga with sheer force of wave tactics with primitive for us zerg forms from Zerrus...we can do so again with the full might of a reborn swarm.