[X] Wait: I know that Ron wants to head out to find the Serpents Four right now, but Little Mikey is right. It would be safer for us to wait and see what happens before we do anything rash. If the Serpents Four are found and apprehended, we can break into the place they'll be held in and ... kill them... there. If they're not, we'll search for them as soon as it's safe.
Usually it's the author requesting fan-art rather than fan-art being requested of the author, but here; Aqua Maria reclining against the riverside while talking to Susan. A perspective from along the river, sky in the distance (occluded sunset if the angle is right), with the silhouette of one of them gesturing conversationally, might work best.
Usually it's the author requesting fan-art rather than fan-art being requested of the author, but here; Aqua Maria reclining against the riverside while talking to Susan. A perspective from along the river, sky in the distance (occluded sunset if the angle is right), with the silhouette of one of them gesturing conversationally, might work best.
I would utterly adore it if people liked Bang Baby enough to create fan-art or omake of it -- whether or not people asked me for requests or not -- but I have been in an artsy sort of mood. Author-Art is the least ii can do to help people be able to envision scenes better, provide people an extra measure of enjoyment and a way to make up for when ii am unable to write.

I don't know if I'll be able to include all of that detail into the author-art, but I'll do my best to make it look good.
Someone has added my "Superman Vs. Ebon [A Moment Before Impact]" to their "Art I'll Be Reviewing On My YouTube Channel" collection on Deviantart...!?!?


Must resist urge to freak out...!
Look them up and make sure they aren't mean.
Delete everything.
Burn the servers.
Don't let the trolls feed.
I checked out this person's Deviantart page and it looks like he does reviews on art he finds online. He hasn't made an episode since late April due to a lack of time, but he seems alright.

I just can't believe he wants to show and talk about my art. It's bizarre.

Disclaimer: Static Shock belong to DC Comics
Rating: T. Mostly for swearing, but the rating may get worse eventually.

Ron's Reaction
3+0 = 3
[Ron's Reaction]
8+0 = 8
[Ron's Reaction]
10+0 = 10​

12+0 = 12
20+0 = 20
4+0 = 4​

13+0 = 13​

Bang Baby
Episode 011

November 12th, 2011
I didn't speak for a couple of moments, and in my silence I could have sworn I heard Little Mikey let out a silent sigh. Ron muttered something. He made it to the front door and was about to slip out when I called out, "Wait." Ron turned around and looked at me, questioning me with his eyes. I took a step forward. "Little Mikey is right."

"Why...?" Ron started, his voice rough. "Why are you taking his side?"

"I'm not taking 'his side', Ron." I replied in as firm a tone as I could manage. "I am just saying that he is right: it would be a lot smarter if we waited to see what happens rather than head out right now."

Ron had no response to that, and didn't even try to come up with one. He maintained eye contact for another moment, and then just nodded before he turned around. Once again, I stopped him before he could leave.

"Don't even think about it, Ron." I said, and Ron turned toward me. I returned his look, showing no signs of backing down, and told him. "You are not heading out there on your own. It's too dangerous -- and it's stupid."

Ron studied my face. He didn't mention that I had done something dangerous and stupid when I had headed out to meet with the League to tell them about the Meta-Breed, when I had headed out to meet with Maria to talk and experiment with our powers, when I had planned to turn on Ebon before he and Erika were well. He didn't mention all of the decisions that I had made that were dangerous or stupid or both. Ron didn't even argue, as I thought he would. Instead, he nodded tightly.

"... As you wish." Ron replied, and turned around, and this time when he stepped forward, I did not try to stop him.

I watched until Ron had turned around the corner and into the kitchen toward the basement, my mind buzzing with too many thoughts and feelings to get a grip on any of them. Finally I turned around and walked toward the hallway, deciding that if we were going to wait, I would do all that I could to make sure that we were prepared for when it was time to head out.

November 18th, 2011

For almost a week, I stayed at the house, barely stepping foot outside it other than to steal food as their food began to run out. More often than not, I simply sat on the couch in the living room, staring at the television screen and trying not to think about Ron and how foul his mood had become, and how foul his mood had become toward me especially. It had felt like months since I had a pleasant conversation with him, and yet in reality I knew that it hadn't even been less than a week since I had put my foot down.

I tried not to think about the Serpents Four, but found it impossible. I wondered what they were all doing as I sat in the house. Had rattle recovered from the scale-breaking punch to the stomach that I had seen Wonder Woman deal him on the news? Had coil recovered from the probable concussion that Hawkgirl had left him with after hitting him in the head with her mace? How were constrict and venom? Had the League or Static found and somehow managed to arrest the Serpents Four without alerting anybody -- or were they still at large?

I thought a lot about them. A large part of me hated them, blaming them for what had happened between Ron and I, and blaming them for the increased distance between us. I knew that the Serpents Four weren't responsible for those things, couldn't be responsible for those things, but I couldn't find it within myself to care. Even if the Serpents Four weren't responsible for those things, they were responsible for a lot of other things.

I was about to turn to another news channel when I heard a sound from behind me. I turned around on the couch to see Erika finish pushing a small crate into the living room.

I stood up quietly, moving toward where Erika now stood next to the crate, unsure of what was inside of the crate. What I saw caused the tension to leave me. "These are the things that you have been working on for the last couple of days...?"

Erika smiled ever-so-slightly. "Yeah." I said and lifted a metallic baseball bat with a thistle-colored grip and end cap out of the crate. "I thought that you would like something to use on the Serpents Four when we found them."

"I don't--"

Erika interrupted me before I could say more. "I know that you can shapeshift the ends of your arms into weapons, but from what I heard about the Serpents Four from Ron, I didn't think that you would be able to use that to hurt them. I made this--" Erika gestured to the baseball bat. "--so that you will be able to hurt them."

I hadn't thought about that. "How does it work?"

Erika's mouth showed teeth.

November 19th, 2001

"Erika." I said, turning from the television screen to look at her the moment that she entered the living room. Erika frowned and looked between me and the television screen for a moment before her eyes widened in apparent realization. "Find the others and tell them to make sure that they're ready to go in ten minutes: it's time."

Erika nodded and then turned to do as I said.

I picked up my new baseball bat and turned back to the television screen. The camera tilted upwards and then to the left as it followed Superman, the Martian Manhunter, the Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and Hawkgirl through the air and out of town. The screen shifted a couple of moments later to an unfamiliar man sitting in a helicopter above a street full of flames.

Firefly and Volcana had escaped from Stryker's Island Penitentiary.

I had been unpleasantly reminded of Hot Streak when the news had started to report on what was happening in metropolis, but I had pushed those feelings aside when I realized what was about to happen, when I realized that the League would have to leave to confront and deal with this new crisis.

[X] Search Near The Docks For The Serpents Four.
[X] Search Near The Freeman Community Center For The Serpents Four.
[X] Search Near The Market For The Serpents Four.

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"Why...?" Ron started, his voice rough. "Why are you taking his side?"

"I'm not taking 'his side', Ron." I replied in as firm a tone as I could manage. "I am just saying that he is right: it would be a lot smarter if we waited to see what happens rather than head out right now."

Ron had no response to that, and didn't even try to come up with one. He maintained eye contact for another moment, and then just nodded before he turned around. Once again, I stopped him before he could leave.

"Don't even think about it, Ron." I said, and Ron turned toward me. I returned his look, showing no signs of backing down, and told him. "You are not heading out there on your own. It's too dangerous -- and it's stupid."

Ron studied my face. He didn't mention that I had done something dangerous and stupid when I had headed out to meet with the League to tell them about the Meta-Breed, when I had headed out to meet with Maria to talk and experiment with our powers, when I had planned to turn on Ebon before he and Erika were well. He didn't mention all of the decisions that I had made that were dangerous or stupid or both. Ron didn't even argue, as I thought he would. Instead, he nodded tightly.

"... As you wish." Ron replied, and turned around, and this time when he stepped forward, I did not try to stop him.
Whelp. He listened, but we just burned tons of credibility. I think the only reason he's sticking around is he legit knows he's got enemies he can't face himself. Once we get big enough, he may try to splinter off his own group.
I [something] up quietly,
Sorry dude, you missed a 'something' again.
I picked up my new baseball bat and turned back to the television screen. The camera tilted upwards and then to the left as it followed Superman, the Martian Manhunter, the Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and Hawkgirl through the air and out of town. The screen shifted a couple of moments later to an unfamiliar man sitting in a helicopter above a street full of flames.

Firefly and Volcana had escaped from Stryker's Island Penitentiary.

I had been unpleasantly reminded of Hot Streak when the news had started to report on what was happening in metropolis, but I had pushed those feelings aside when I realized what was about to happen, when I realized that the League would have to leave to confront and deal with this new crisis.
Well fuck. The Meta-Breed's still out there, and the League isn't here.
At least we don't have to deal with two pyromaniacs out on a date.

[X] Search Near The Docks For The Serpents Four.
Woah, what's up with the text color between the brackets?
Whelp. He listened, but we just burned tons of credibility. I think the only reason he's sticking around is he legit knows he's got enemies he can't face himself. Once we get big enough, he may try to splinter off his own group.
Interesting thought Always Late.
Sorry dude, you missed a 'something' again.
Darn it. Fixed, now.
Well fuck. The Meta-Breed's still out there, and the League isn't here.
At least we don't have to deal with two pyromaniacs out on a date.

Woah, what's up with the text color between the brackets?
Eh, Ron's reaction played out about how I expected. Good thing Susan was able to stop him.

Though, I'm not completely sure why Ron has such a grudge specifically and only against the Serpent Four, and also is only focused on killing them as revenge. I'd think that other antagonists would have partially redirected his grudge by now.

Didn't it end up coming out that Ebon planned the whole thing?

[X] Search Near The Docks For The Serpents Four.

The Docks are always a classic!

I'll be amused if the Docks are heavily patrolled nowadays, due to the Big Bang events. But I presume the Dockside Devils would know that if it were true.

Hmm. Maybe it would have helped to include a few reasons why they'd search each of those locations. As it is, it's just kind of like randomly choosing a location. (Definitely not as arbitrary as the North/West/East/South vote, though. I remember that, Coshiua. :p)
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I exist to do four things:
1. Give analysis and constructive critisism.
2. Misapply #1 to create shitstorms.
3. Crack jokes to make up for #2.
4. Give QMs ideas to use against the playerbase to make everyone else hate me again.:V
Don't be surprised if I PM you for some ideas in the future. :V
Eh, Ron's reaction played out about how I expected. Good thing Susan was able to stop him.

Though, I'm not completely sure why Ron has such a grudge specifically and only against the Serpent Four, and also is only focused on killing them as revenge. I'd think that other antagonists would have partially redirected his grudge by now.
Ron holds a grudge against the Serpents Four because the Serpents Fourbeat him up and almost killed him -- the first [meta]humans to do so since the Big Bang -- and are part of the Meta-Breed. He also held a [short-lived] grudge on Hot Streak, Slumber, and the rest of the Meta-Breed, but Hot Streak and Slumber have been taken down and arrested and the Meta-Breed has been broken up. Ron hasn't had a chance to develop more grudges though that will probably change in the future as he interacts with more characters.

Yay! Being able to interact with more characters now that Ebon is gone will be awesome!
Didn't it end up coming out that Ebon planned the whole thing?
Susan started to think that ebon could have in episode ten, but didn't finish the thought.
The Docks are always a classic!
I'll be amused if the Docks are heavily patrolled nowadays, due to the Big Bang events. But I presume the Dockside Devils would know that if it were true.
Hmm. Maybe it would have helped to include a few reasons why they'd search each of those locations. As it is, it's just kind of like randomly choosing a location. (Definitely not as arbitrary as the North/West/East/South vote, though. I remember that, Coshiua. :p)
I was tired, I didn't want to spoil a couple of things, and it is better than the North/West/East/South vote.
Aqua-Maria [After The Hospital Pt. I]
Maria Cruz did not sleep that night. Even if she had been tired, she wouldn't have let herself: there were too many dangers that could come from the dark around her, and there was no one around to keep watch, so her eyes remained open. Every now and then she would close her eyes for a few minutes and listen for any signs of danger, but she would always open them again shortly after. She would scan the area around her, or at least what she could see of it, and kept near the light of her fire.

Maria spent most of the night staring into the darkness, listening to her surroundings, and thinking. She thought about the people that she cared about: Victoria, Mariana, and the others that had looked to her for guidance and protection. She thought about all of the people that she had let down: her mother, her father, her sister, and all of the others that she had been unable to protect. She thought about the person that she had to leave behind. Maria couldn't think about Susan for very long, as the thought of her made her heart ache, and every time that she thought about Susan's face when she had told her about what had happened, she would feel the tears begin to build up at the corners of her eyes, and she would have to wipe them roughly to keep them from falling.

It was a very long night. But like every night, the black began to fade into gray, and soon she was able to see father than a couple of feet past the glow of her fire. Rather than to wait for the sun to rise fully, she put the fire out, retrieved all of the things that she thought that she would need , and when she was sure that the fire was out, she began to walk.

This time as she walked, she paid better attention to her surroundings. When she passed a bush that held a number of berries, she stopped and scooped them into an empty pouch for later. Once the pouch was full, she put it in her bag and scooped up a few more handfuls of the berries, eating them as she walked away from the bush. She stopped when she noticed some of the edible roots that Superman had told her about on his last visit and picked a number of them, putting them into another empty pouch.

Maria started to head back when the skies started to darken. She started a fire with firewood from the pile that Superman had helped her collect, making sure not to touch the firewood or the lighter until after she had redefined her form, and then made her way back down the hill to the lake. She fell to her knees, dropping the small canteen that she carried with her before scooping up handfuls of water and drinking them. After drinking her fill and double-checking to make sure that her canteen was filled, she headed back up the hill to her hut.

Maria stepped into the rough circular basin that Superman had shaped for her and stared at the fire. She had no plans to sleep, but after so long without sleep, she found it much harder to stay awake then she had the last couple of days. She fought sleep for a couple of hours, distracting herself with the berries and roots she had collected. When she finished eating, she leaned back into her basin and began to form shapes with the water that had accumulated. Eventually the shapes, along with her eyelids, fell, and before she knew it, she was dreaming.


Smoke and screams filled the air, and Maria couldn't tell which was making it harder for her to breathe. The smoke clung to her mouth and nose, filling her lungs with poisoned air. The fire was everywhere, all around her, and the heat seemed unbearable, nearly boiling her skin. However, she could barely hear the crackling of the fire over the screams that filled the air. She wanted to cover for ears, and for a moment she did, until something impacted her hard against the chest. She stumbled backwards and fell on one of the fires, smothering it with a hiss of steam.

Looking back up, figures started to take shape, some walking through the flames, some slithering through the flames, and some flying through the flames. To her right, she saw Ebon, arms crossed in front of his chest. He was staring at her with a cold look that chilled her to the bone in spite of the fires around them. To her left, she saw Shiv, his fists covered in crackling purplish-white energy that took the form of a pair of large boxing gloves. He looked at her and his eyes gleamed with something completely and utterly insane. Ebon gestured at Maria, even as she tried to raise her arms in front of herself, to call forth a wave that would break them up.

Nothing happened.

"Hehehehehehe!!!" Shiv laughed as he approached her. "This should be fun!"

Shiv lunged forward, the purplish-white energy around his arms shifting, and Maria felt something slam into her with great force. She stumbled backwards, hands instinctively moving to protect her wounded side, but Shiv was already there.

"Wat er we waiting for...?!"


Maria jerked awake, her breathing erratic. She looked in front of her, and noticed that her fire had started to die down. She got up, her body shaking, and took several tries for her to pick up and throw a couple of sticks into the fire to build it back up. Only when the flames had risen did she step back into her basin. She shifted against it, forced herself to take in a number of large calming breaths like superman had taught her, and slowly shook the panic that had been brought on by her nightmare.

It hadn't happened quite like that. Maria had been in the river when the Meta-Breed had shown up, but it hadn't been hard to imagine what the street had looked like. She had seen enough of the destruction when Superman had taken her from the hospital to know what it had looked like, even after the flames had been put out and people had started sorting things out. Maria had had a chance to fight the Meta-Breed -- had given as much as she had gotten -- but had been unable to match the sheer numbers of metahumans that Ebon had brought with him. It was a miracle that she had lasted as long as she had, and she didn't think that she would ever be able to look at a shadow without fearing whether or not Ebon would rise up from it, but she had.

The meta-breed had broken her -- but she had started to pick up the pieces. She knew that she was not one hundred percent, but she also knew that she would get there. It would just take her a little more time to rest and recover from what had happened.

'And,' she thought as she stared at the hut that she and Superman had built, 'I have all of the time in the world.'