Assassins in the GFFA (Star Wars/Assassin's Creed, CK2)

I will say one thing: This big boost might be necessary.

The Empire is much smarter here than in Canon.
Production System Mechanics
I'm going to break down the Mechanics I'm using for production.

They will be broken down into 6 categories:

Food (An army runs on his stomach, as Mao said)

Ground (Weapons, Armor, Bases and Infrastructure)

Space (Weapons Armor, Bases and Infrastructure)
Training (For Non-Force Sensitives)

Force Training (For Force Sensitives)

Credits (Represented as Financial Centers. This can include investments via front companies, starting your own trade routes and bounty hunting boards.

Will be represented by Vertical Farming. For every 1 farming points, you can train a basic soldier. To train a basic Assassin, it will require 100. This can be unlocked by converting a military officer (Republic, Rebellion, Confederacy or Empire) to your cause, (which will provide manpower)and and having sufficient credits to do so. You will be able build vertical farms as soon as you have the credits to do so.

Ground: All the weapons, equipment, armor, vechicles, bases and Infrastructure are
Represented by Ground Factories (Organic or Droid) Schematics are already unlocked; you just need credits and droids. Every 1 point will equip a basic weapon, armor, and equipment of a basic soldier or that a droid, and droids are much cheaper to maintain than organics, so a droid that's built already has everything it needs for combat.

Space: Are represented by Space Factories. For every 5 points, you can build a basic starfighter, or equipment/weapons, or transports (organic/droid/commercial/whatever you can think of.) They also serve as Space Naval bases.

Force Training: Any Jedi or Sith, or Neutral Temple\Academy serves as a Training Academy which Revan or any other Force Sensitive at the level of Jedi Knight, Sith Acolyte or Neutral (as long as they are on that level) can be used as a trainer for. You can find more Force Sensitives, As Order 66 is still ongoing and Darth Vader is still hunting Jedi, they will be pretty rare. If you can find more on your own before Vader and the Inquisition does, you can influence them (diplomacy rolls) and then train them. This will require a Lore Advisor to train as well, which Revan can act as.

Credits: This is kickstarted by building Financial Centers. Make dat loot. You can make credits through investments, selling loot you don't want, stealing from the Empire or Hutts, former Confederacy worlds, etc. This acts as a HoloNet bank, meaning you can stash your money and even start your own Banking Corporation if you wish.

Revan, should you convert him to your cause, comes with 10 construction droids on his ship that you can use to begin building when you get credits.

I'd like to add that it isn't necessarily Revan you're voting for.

You have until 3PM EST today until the vote is closed, I'm gonna write up the update real quick. You will then hit the Jed'aii Temple for missions 5-6 of Tython, which will close up the training missions. I have the tag 'hard mode' up for a reason.

Whoever you choose will join you as your Mentor, as the Order Of Assassins have no true Master.

2 1/2 hours until then.

Ugh. I'm going to keep this going. Getting busy right now. I'm going to extend the vote til Sunday Afternoon. If we can get more votes in (that means you, lurkers :V) great.

Come on, party people. Let's not have a quest die this early on.

Why? Because he can hopefully counterbalance Treya thanks to his connection to KOTOR2's protagonist. Because he was bad-ass. And because there is such a thing as too much Samuel L. Jackson.

This quest isn't dead. I'm just busy. I'm in the process of using an extension of the GI Bill, via the Veteran's Affairs Education System (Vocational Rehab) for up to a Master's Degree in Communications, with the end-goal of being a Peer Support Specialist. I have to face facts, I'm a recovering alcoholic and while I've been sober for over a year, I still feel the urge to drink. I can't. I need to be on meds for the rest of my life. This is the new normal for me. The end-goal for me is to be a Peer Support Specialist to help out recovering addicts like myself and help them live decent, healthy lives. I work part-time on top of that AND Volunteer at the local VA Hospital (Salem, Virginia) So I'm a busy guy. Next turn will be over the weekend and we'll go from there.

I'm committed to this, party people, all I ask for is patience.
Mission 2: Tython, Part 4
(GM Note: Revan won the vote. This update will depict his conversion to your cause. Revan will act as your Mentor. The Order Of Assassins have no true Master, and while he can recommend missions and training which can lead to bonuses and traits, you can choose your own path with no notable penalties.)

Tython, Part 4

Kal and Ashoka investigate the unknown visitor, located about 100 kilometers outside of the Jedi Temple. They stay hidden behind the local flora and fauna, trees and bushes and schrubbery, and Kal recognizes the individual in his mask and armor and cloak.

"Ashoka, this is a very powerful practitioner of the Force. This is Revan. He was both a powerful Jedi Knight and Dark Lord of the Sith. I learned about the guy through my training on Mustafar. Did you ever come across any information about him during your studies as a Padawan?"

To which Ashoka replies, "Of course I did, Stabby. He was trained at the ancient Jedi Academy on Dantooine and had different Masters. He was a prodigy. He went rogue and led the Republic against the Mandlorians and defeated them at Malachor V. After that, he..fell to the dark side and made himself a Sith Lord with his apprentice and friend, Malak. He attempted a surgical campaign against the Republic, using the Star Forge, and then was captured by his lover and wife, Bastila. They then retraced his steps while he rebuilt his connection to the Force and saved the Republic from his old apprentice. Why? You think he'd bother to help us?"

"The though did cross my mind, Snips. If he can help us build up our Orders, we have a much better chance of beating the Empire. Sidious is more powerful than anyone in the galaxy right now. We need him."

"Fine, Kal. But it's your funeral if he doesn't like you."

"I got this, Ashoka."

...And then Kal walks around the bushes and reveals himself to Revan. He is alone, at least it so appears, and you don't feel any organic presence around besides local animals.

"Identify yourself, young one. I feel your presence. You are strong in the Force, but your potential is mostly untapped. Who are you and what do you want with me?" Revan says as Kal walks up to him. He keeps a healthy distance, about 8 meters away.

Kal replies, "I know of you, Revan. I was being trained as a Sith on Mustafar and broke free of their control. I am Kal Cestis. I am training a new Order. I could use your help. If you have access to the Holonet, you know that the Galactic Republic has been replaced by an Empire. What you might not know is that there are two Sith Lords controlling it. This...Emperor, Palpatine, is actually an extremely powerful Sith Lord who goes by the name of Darth Sidious. He has his apprentice, Darth Vader, hunting down Jedi with the end goal of extermination of what's left of the Jedi Order..and they are very efficient in their hunt. Sidious is scearching for an Artifact called the Apple Of Eden..and I fear if he uses Sith techniques, he could use it to enslave every sentient being in the galaxy to his will. Mind control on a massive scale. It cannot be allowed."

"And what do you ask of me? I do have access to the Holonet. My Astromech Droid hacked into it and I know some of what you just told me."

I'm neither Jedi nor Sith. My order, the one I'm trying to build up, is the Order Of Assassins, and our code is simple. We are Assassins. We work in the dark to serve the light. Nothing is true but the Force, and everything is permitted. I'm willing to do pretty much whatever it takes to get the Apple Of Eden before Sidious does, or failing that, find a way to defeat him before he unlocks it's secrets."

"If what you say is true, young Assassin, I would be willing to train you in the ways of the Force, but you must pay attention to what I do. I am well versed in all aspects of the Force, both Jedi and Sith ways, and could help you on your campaign. I can train, I can fight, and I can teach you in many ways: How to marshal forces, how to manage finances, pretty much anything you can think of. All I ask is you pay attention to me, and you have my skills and my lightsabers...also, I sense a servant of the light. Do you have a, say, young Jedi Knight with you?"

"I do, Lord Revan. Ashoka Tano, Knight of the New Jedi Order, come out and reveal yourself."

..and so, Ashoka comes out of the bushes and introduces herself to Revan. "Revan, I learned about you through study in the Jedi Archives. My Master, Anakin Skywalker, told me to study you intensely. You could be a huge help to both Stabby and me. I would also like to introduce you to the current Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who is currently in exile on Tattooine for a reason he hasn't told me..but this galaxy needs you. The Force needs you. Please, help us."

Revan replies, "First off, I do not associate myself as Darth Revan anymore. I am not a Sith. Don't refer me to that again, it disgusts me..but I am willing to help you both. To train, to build forces, to do pretty much whatever you need from me. I agree to your terms Kal. I will be your Master."

Kal responds, "I am grateful, but the Order Of Assassins have no true Masters, only Mentors. I will happily accept you as a Mentor, but this is MY order and have to build it and go on missions. I must chart my own path, for the most part..but if we agree together that the Empire must be defeated and Sidious and his apprentice, Vader, must be neutralized on have my full attention and that of my friend, Snips."

Revan is dumbstruck. "What is with kids and nicknames?.....nevermind that. I agree to your terms. I will help build up your Order, Kal, and Ashoka can rely on Master Kenobi. I have read up on some of his exploits..he is not all that powerful in the Force, but he is well disiplined, and probably the best user of Soresu I've ever come across or seen. He will make a great Grandmaster. Kal, you have me as your Mentor."

Revan has agreed to teach Kal. Kal has gained the Trait: Revan's Mentee, which is a +2 to all basic skills except Lore, which is a +4.

(GM Note: I'll write it up later and give you Revan's stat sheet and such, as well as update Kal's stats. Next update will be sometime next week.)

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Mission Selection and Training 1
Alright, party people, so here's where you train in between missions and also select where you go next.

Mission Selection:

[x] Geonosis (Stealing droid blueprints and possible conversion of old CIS leaders for advisors)
[x] Carida (Officer Assassinations and stealing Imperial Blueprints)
[x] Mandalore (Revan is respected there, also for resources and possible manpower, potential martial advisor)
[x] Kashyyk (Sabotage Operation Skyhook, Convert wookiees for manpower, potential martial advisor)
[x] Raxus Prime (Blueprints and Scrap, lots of scrap)
[x] Tatooine (Meeting Obi-Wan, making deal(s) with Jabba the Hutt (potential stewardship advisor)
[x] Write-in (Justify where you're going and what you're going there for, and I'll probably allow it)

GM Rec's: I'd go with Geonosis, Mandalore, or Tatooine for now to make connections for the foundations of the Rebel Alliance. Geonosis can give you CIS Droid and Ship Blueprints, Mandalore can give you Mandos to take up Assassinations and access to Bounty Hunting Guilds for credits, and more. Tattooine gives you contact with Obi-Wan, possible contact with Jabba, and access to underground connections with less than..reputable characters at Cantinas and such.

Training (Select 3)

[x] Train with Ashoka: While she is a joker at times, she takes her training just as seriously as you do. The Force is telling you the bond between you two could make or break your overall mission. Don't ignore it. Revan will oversee the training, perhaps correcting any flaws he sees during Lightsaber dueling or Force Training. 6 points total to basic traits, distribute as you wish.

[x] Training with Traya: She is utterly opposed to Sidious and his plans for The Apple Of Eden, and her knowledge of the Force is vast. Use her knowledge to advance your own. +2 to learning, +4 to Lore.

[x] Training the Younglings: When you teach, you learn. Offer Ashoka assistance training her Younglings to help them reach the level of Jedi Padawans, Revan will oversee you both. +4 to Learning, +2 to Lore.

[x] Lightsaber training: Improve your overall skill with Lightsaber(s). Kal is most proficient in Form 6, Niman/Jar'kai, using dual single-blade sabers which are good for both offense and defense. He is also proficient in Form 1, Shii-Cho, the basic form taught to all who have lightsabers. Choose a form and then go all out. Revan has a basic dueling droid with staffs, so Kal can train without really screwing anything up. +6 to Martial.

[x] Banking knowledge: Access the Holonet to start setting up your own accounts. Revan has given you a credit chip for 1,000,000 credits, it's time to make some investments or just stash everything in a savings account for now and let it grow until you have a better idea of how you want to build up your Order. +4 to Stewardship, +2 to Learning.

[x] Write-in: Do anything you want that I haven't covered. I'll allow +6 to any basic trait, using any training that you can think of using your current resources. I'm pretty flexible.

And the last vote. Either Ashoka or Revan has to stay behind to watch over the Younglings.

[x] Revan stays behind
[x] Ashoka stays behind

I'd advise Revan does, Ashoka might not be strong enough to handle any beasts or whatever else is lurking around the Tython Temple. He could also solo the Jed'aii Temple for you and take whatever loot you get for you.

I'm gonna do Revan's stats, he'll show up under the Order Of Assassins tab soon.
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I've put in Revan's stats under the Notable Allies tab. As you can see, he is very powerful. He's slightly more powerful than Vader is right now, and somewhat more powerful than Obi-Wan. Only Yoda and Palpatine are more powerful, and you don't even know if Yoda exists or not. I can tell you for a fact he is NOT on Dagobah, nor will he ever be.

This is the power levels you're going to be dealing with, but you have plenty of time to build your forces, assist in the formation of the Rebel Alliance should you choose to, and find ways to mitigate the Martial might of the Galactic Empire through your own investments, Assassination Missions, Bounty Boards, pretty much everything you can think of. You WILL have to fight Vader at least a few times throughout the course of this quest, but he won't appear for at least a few years. What you will have to deal with potentially, starting next mission, is Jerec and the Inquisition.

I'm not quite done with Revan, I need to figure out what Lightsaber Form he's an expert at. So I'll let you party people do a write in for his two forms besides Shii-Cho, because he's obviously going to know that.

[x] Write in for Lightsaber Forms (Choose 2)
[X] Plan Dark Knight Stab Prep
-[x] Tatooine (Meeting Obi-Wan, making deal(s) with Jabba the Hutt (potential stewardship advisor)
-[x] Training with Traya: She is utterly opposed to Sidious and his plans for The Apple Of Eden, and her knowledge of the Force is vast. Use her knowledge to advance your own. +2 to learning, +4 to Lore.
-[x] Training the Younglings: When you teach, you learn. Offer Ashoka assistance training her Younglings to help them reach the level of Jedi Padawans, Revan will oversee you both. +4 to Learning, +2 to Lore.
-[x] Lightsaber training: Improve your overall skill with Lightsaber(s). Kal is most proficient in Form 6, Niman/Jar'kai, using dual single-blade sabers which are good for both offense and defense. He is also proficient in Form 1, Shii-Cho, the basic form taught to all who have lightsabers. Choose a form and then go all out. Revan has a basic dueling droid with staffs, so Kal can train without really screwing anything up. +6 to Martial.
-[x] Revan stays behind
-[X] Revan First Form: Form III, Soresu
-[X] Revan Second Form: Form V, Djem So
Interlude, Imperial Center, Emperor's Throne Room
Imperial Center, 15 BBY (Before Battle Of Yavin)

Darth Sidious, for the most part, was pleased with the turn of events of the past few years. He got himself a younger and more..easier to influence pupil for a Sith Apprentice, if not necessarily stronger than Tyrannis, the Jedi were decimated across the galaxy, the Confederacy could not keep up resistance after Vader's killing spree on Mustafar..

He had nearly complete control of the Galaxy at this point. Keyword, nearly. There were still two powerful and troublesome council members at large, Masters Kenobi and Yoda, who respectively maimed his apprentice and escaped his grasp. He felt a huge disturbance in the Force a few years ago, just as he was establishing his rule. The Force has sent help to the light, in order to restore balance.

'I will have none of it'. He thought to himself before his Apprentice, Darth Vader, kneeled before him.

"What is your will, Master?"

"Rise, my friend. I didn't summon you for punishment. I wanted you here so I could personally congratulate you. You have done an outstanding job hunting down the remaining Jedi. I can't sense many servants left of that trash, dogmatic order left, can you?"

"No, Master. I can feel that my old Master is alive, which he won't be for long once I find him, rest assured, but besides him? No Jedi of note."

"Exactly. To that end, we're going to give you some..upgrades. It's going to be painful, but we're going to give you cloned limbs and lungs. You deserve at least that. My contacts tell me it'll take around a year, after which you will be granted a year vacation after that. I need your head cleared of all distractions and doubt. After that, you will resume hunting Jedi with your associate, Thrawn. He will teach you philosophy on Naval Command while you teach him ways to defeat Force Users. I plan to phase Tarkin out as soon as he develops the Superlasers. We are cancelling the Death Star Project."

"..Yes, Master. Thank you, these past few years have been hectic. I could use the break, but might I ask who will be leading the hunt? Jerec isn't completely there, mentally."

"He still has his uses, Lord Vader. I will unleash him and the Inquisition to the full extent while you are resting. Now, go. You won't be allowed to know where you're going because of security concerns."

"As you will, Master."

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Note how I said the Empire is going to be smarter. Also note how Vader and Thrawn are going to be working together, and how the Death Star isn't going to be a thing.

That's the main reason this quest is Hard Mode.
Notable Opponents
(GM Note: This is for a gauge of how powerful your potential opponents are. For now, I'm going to show you stats and traits of opponents you WILL have to defeat or assassinate, perhaps on your own through Desmond/Kal, or along with your party members/allies. Keep in mind that these characters could get stronger as time goes on, making assassination missions paramount to your overall campaign.)

Jerec, Sith/Dark Jedi Grand Inqusitor
Martial: 45+5=50
Diplomacy: 50+8=8
Intrigue: 55+5+5=65
Stewardship: 30
Lore: 45+5=50
Learning: 40

Grand Inqusitor: Jerec leads over a hundred Sith Acolytes and has been charged with hunting Jedi Survivors of Order 66. He has, in a short few years, become.. exceedingly efficient at this task. +7 to Martial, Intrigue, and Lore.

Imperial Intimidation:
The Empire has vast manpower and firepower at it's disposal, and Sidious has granted him leave to use it as he sees fit to root out enemies of the Imperial Order. +8 to Diplomacy.

'Enhanced Interrogation':
Jerec isn't above torture (it will never actually be shown, this is meant as a Safe For Work quest) and has a appetite for delivering pain. You can connect the dots from there. +5 intrigue.
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I'm extending the vote to Saturday because family is in town and I have a few things to take care of in my personal life.

I'll be updating around noon on that day.