Assassins in the GFFA (Star Wars/Assassin's Creed, CK2)

I'm inclined to think Blackguard, actually. Sith that trade in Puppy Kicking (because it's not viable for proper assassins) for Cheating Off Your Neighbors (thus, new powers at the plot demands).
We have a tie for a name. I can always come back to it later, but I'll give it two hours before we start the campaign.
Adhoc vote count started by ComradeDoge on Jan 18, 2020 at 3:36 PM, finished with 11 posts and 5 votes.

  • [x] Mustafar
    [x] Young Adult. Your character is close to the level of a Jedi Knight or Sith Acolyte. You don't have much to do to complete those trials, should you happen to stumble across a master. No Holocron is available, which might stunt your development.
    [x] Originial Character.
    [x] Teenager. Fairly low starting stats, but can develop faster throughout the overlapping arc of the campaign, or quest. You will be given a Holocron to start training.
    [X] Original character: Altaire Asassinson
    [x] Tattooine.
    [x] Named Character cal kestis
    [x] -Players choice bogano
    [x] Teenager. Fairly low starting stats, but can develop faster throughout the overlapping arc of the campaign, or quest. You will be given a Holocron to start training.
    [X] Original character
    [x] Teenager.
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Try to find a way to break the tie, please, in the meantime. We have

[x] Altaire Assassinson
[x] Kal Kestis
[x] Bogano

2 hours, party people. Get at it.
Try to find a way to break the tie, please, in the meantime. We have

[x] Altaire Assassinson
[x] Kal Kestis
[x] Bogano

2 hours, party people. Get at it.
Bogano is a planet from Fallen Order. Kal Kestis sends the player there.

You want a name vote?

[X] Terrence Oolus.
[x] Teenager. Fairly low starting stats, but can develop faster throughout the overlapping arc of the campaign, or quest. You will be given a Holocron to start training.

[X] Original character: Altaire Asassinson

[x] Tattooine.
[X] Teenager. Fairly low starting stats, but can develop faster throughout the overlapping arc of the campaign, or quest. You will be given a Holocron to start training.

[X] Original character: Kal Kestis

[X] Mustafar
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[X] Teenager. Fairly low starting stats, but can develop faster throughout the overlapping arc of the campaign, or quest. You will be given a Holocron to start training.

[X] Original character

[X] Mustafar

[X] Kal Kestis

I guess I wasn't clear enough. If you select Originial character, specify exactly what name you want.
[x] Teenager. Fairly low starting stats, but can develop faster throughout the overlapping arc of the campaign, or quest. You will be given a Holocron to start training.

[X] Original character: Kal Kestis

[x] Bogano
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by ComradeDoge on Jan 18, 2020 at 8:42 PM, finished with 6 posts and 3 votes.

  • [x] Teenager. Fairly low starting stats, but can develop faster throughout the overlapping arc of the campaign, or quest. You will be given a Holocron to start training.
    [X] Original character: Kal Kestis
    [X] Original character: Altaire Asassinson
    [x] Tattooine.
    [X] Mustafar
    [x] Bogano
Also, bonus opportunity. This quest needs a better name. Whoever comes up with the best name IMO will be able to add a +1 bonus to any stat of their choice.
Well, the title of a story very much depends on that story's nature and narrative.

Just Stab Palpatine: An Assassin's Creed / Star Wars mashup has a different feel from
Jedi Knight Templar. Just to give an example.
A Galaxy Many (Desmond) Miles Away gives it a more personal sort of touch.
Nothing is True but the Force would be more of a Lorekeeper sort of angle.
I mean, really, what kind of story do you want it to be? I came up with Shadows of Oblis for my quest because it suggests that the ultimate problems are hidden in shadows, that Oblis casts a shadow over the people in the quest, and because Shadows of the Empire was a fun game.
Starting on Mustafar with a holocron to learn from, I assume we are a member of the Blackguard. So lets keep things simple:-

[TITLE] Blackguard: A Star Wars Quest.
For Desmond or our starting character?

Desmond and your starting character, for all intents and purposes, share the same stats in this quest. There are no Templar to harass you on Earth, as they are completely ignorant of your current location. That gives Desmond time to train outside the Animus, and in turn, strengthens your character in the quest. I should've mentioned that earlier, sorry.
I am curious. Didn't the Animus have the capability to look into the memories of people who aren't your ancestors? Like in the later games or am I just making that up?
Mission 1: Mustafar, part 1

Desmond enters the Animus, just like he has done multiple times before. He has gotten used to this over the course of the past few months..but he knows this time, it's entirely different. The Apple Of Eden has been, by an act of God, or some cosmic fluke, been transported to a different time in an entirely different galaxy. He recites the Creed in his own head..

'The wisdom of our creed is revealed through these words. We work in the dark to serve the light. We are assassins. Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.'

During the animation process, you have memories fed into your brain, your mind..

Desmond sees, apparently, the end of a long fight between two Human men. Both look like they are in great turmoil in their minds, and it shows. He cannot hear them, but he can tell they care for each other at one point greatly..but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. He also sees a black-robed, deformed figure backed up by obvious soldiers hover over one Human that has been burned by magma/lava.

..And then, Desmond wakes up, and has a tall, menacing being, all dressed in black, yelling at you while you are in your twin-size bed, over what seems to be a stone-like-bedframe.

"You're half-an-hour late to your morning training session, pathetic weakling. You have ten minutes to get dressed, make your bed, and get your Lightsaber from the Armory before I cut you down myself!"

What do you do?

[x] Rush your butt off so you don't get cut into shreds
[x] Ask this..dark, menacing babysitter what exactly is going on
[x] Write-in
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Also, I need at least 3 1d100 rolls. I'll tell you exactly what for after, but it's attached to your Lore stat. I'll cut out the bottom roll and average the top 2-3-4-whatever out for your score.