A simple stone age civilization quest

[X]Avoid them for now (delay vote till next turn)
[X] Sunrise Develop something
[X] Develop something (this will be slow)
-[X]Better tools (8/60, Auto=16)
Three turns of auto progress will leave this at 56/60 so the odds a great that an action will speed this up by a turn.

[X] Concentrate on Gathering food wise
Volcanic ash is a great fertilizer so lets try and get some food from the resulting plants.

[X] Explore the valley in general to find places of interest
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[X] Explore the valley in general to find places of interest
[X] Project: Expand passages to heated caves (19/70) (auto-progress of 8)
[X] concentrate on hunting food wise

[X]Avoid them for now (delay vote till next turn)

[X] Mountain-Worship
the Passage way protected us from the rivers wrath, and even warmed the caves more...surely the mountain stands tall? As well as the fact that the mountain has given a test in the form of slow and steady progress within the heated caves as well as shown its power against the river.
[X] Explore the valley in general to find places of interest
[X] Build something.
-[X] barricaded cave entrance (1/15, auto=4)

[X] Make contact with them
-[X] Bring a gift of food, place it in the open near their village and build a fire to draw their attention
[X] concentrate on hunting food wise

[X] Policy: Maintain a store of excess foodstuff, enough to feed the People should the spirits be displeased again

Good time to meet when they're recently disrupted
[X] Explore the valley in general to find places of interest
[X] Build something.
-[X] barricaded cave entrance (1/15, auto=4)

[X] Make contact with them
-[X] Bring a gift of food, place it in the open near their village and build a fire to draw their attention
[X] concentrate on hunting food wise

[X] Policy: Maintain a store of excess foodstuff, enough to feed the People should the spirits be displeased again
[x] Explore and expand the map in general (East)
[x] Build something.
-[x] barricaded cave entrance (1/15, auto=4)
[x] concentrate on hunting food wise
[x]Avoid them for now (delay vote till next turn)
[x] Write-in a policy
-[x] The tribes will have a small celebration every time the exploring members came home from exploring.
[X] Explore the valley in general to find places of interest
[X] Build something.
-[X] barricaded cave entrance (1/15, auto=4)

[X] Make contact with them
-[X] Bring a gift of food, place it in the open near their village and build a fire to draw their attention
[X] concentrate on hunting food wise
[5] Explore the valley in general to find places of interest
[1] Explore and expand the map in general (East)

[1] Concentrate on Gathering food wise
[1] Project: Expand passages to heated caves (19/70) (auto-progress of 8)
[5] concentrate on hunting food wise
[] Build something.
-[4] barricaded cave entrance (1/15, auto=4)

[3]Avoid them for now (delay vote till next turn)
[3] Make contact with them
-[3] Bring a gift of food, place it in the open near their village and build a fire to draw their attention

[1] Mountain-Worship
the Passage way protected us from the rivers wrath, and even warmed the caves more...surely the mountain stands tall? As well as the fact that the mountain has given a test in the form of slow and steady progress within the heated caves as well as shown its power against the river.
[2] Policy: Maintain a store of excess foodstuff, enough to feed the People should the spirits be displeased again
[] Write-in a policy
-[1] The tribes will have a small celebration every time the exploring members came home from exploring.

[X] Sunrise Develop something
[X] Develop something (this will be slow)
-[X]Better tools (8/60, Auto=16)
Winning vote:
[5] Explore the valley in general to find places of interest (65 success)
[5] concentrate on hunting food wise (13, Crit fail)
[] Build something.
-[4] barricaded cave entrance (1/15, auto=4) (1... well that happened)

[X] Sunrise Develop something
[X] Develop something (this will be slow)
-[X]Better tools (8/60, Auto=16) (27, fail)

[2] Policy: Maintain a store of excess foodstuff, enough to feed the People should the spirits be displeased again (flavor roll: 4/100)

Make contact and avoid them is tied. anyone want to change a vote, or a new person place their vote to break the tie?

Also, offering a devils bargin here concerning the rolls. willing to re-roll the action rolls for the turn.. but the Nat 1 will be converted into dire event for the valley.
[] Take the bargin!
[] Stick by the rolls.
TerrisH threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 21
21 21
TerrisH threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: cave Total: 9
1 1 8 8
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taking the bargin....

[X] Take the bargin!

because dammit it looks like nothing is ever getting done...
The action concening the other tribe is still tied, as is the Devils bargin vote. Next vote on both breaks the tie.
[X]Avoid them for now (delay vote till next turn)
[X] Stick by the rolls.

Hopefully, these choices won't kill the civ.
Turn 5, action list turn 6
[X] concentrate on hunting food wise (13, Crit fail, Trait vote Alert invoked)
[X]Avoid them for now (delay vote till next turn) (21.. ehh)

It was less then two years into the generation before the unexpected stuck. Without warning, the Northern tribe moved rapidly south. Our tribe almost missed them doing so, only a lucky break by a hunter managed to spot them moving along the lakes shore, their entire tribe, children and elders included, moving as rapidly as possible. Why they were moving south quickly became clear a moment later. Two great beast emerged from the forest, obviously perusing the Northern tribe. Two wolves the size of men. They quickly retreated back into the forest after the northern tribe swing some leather tool towards them from range. The hunter retreated to meet with the rest of his hunting group to share the news. A brief unsuccessful attempt was made to find the northern tribe again, but eventually the hunters called off the hunt and returned to the settlement.

Over the following years it was revealed that the northern tribe settled on the river, north of the heart of the mountain. While direct contact with them was avoided, passive observation of their settlements revealed some surprising facts. Their population was noticeable smaller then tribes. they were also adamant hunters, using the previous noticed leather straps to sling rocks at prey with great force. They seemed to confine their hunting activities to the northwestern portion of the valley and the area immediately around the settlement. Our hunters have conceded this area to them for now, keeping with the orders to avoid them. But there still was the occasional accidental contact with them near the edges of their hunting area, mostly with both groups quickly retreating from each other. There were also a few violent contacts involving them, though never between the tribes.

The giant wolves had claimed the lake shores, in addition to the area where the northern tribe previously was. regularly, they would roam south to hunt, with us among their prey. More then one hunting or exploration group found themselves ambushed by them, barely fending them off. Rarely were they able to inflict significant wounds on the beast, yet many time they returned with wound grievous enough to require Pulse to heal. A few did not manage to make it home, dying in these conflicts and being dragged away by the wolves. The few actual victories the tribe had with the wolves were when they were near the Northern tribes area. When one tribe came to assist the other in combat with the wolves. Our strength and resistant stone flesh allowing us to engage the wolves in close combat. their slung stones striking their eyes and ears, distracting and crippling their sense and preventing them from focusing on a single person at a time. More then one of the wolves died due to these joint conflict, though the frequency of then joint encounters quickly declined once the wolves learned to avoid the areas where they were likely to encounter both the tribes...

(-food stability, 3 deaths. northern tribe relations are not strained)

[x] Explore the valley in general to find places of interest (65+5=70 success)

General exploration efforts were delayed in the north due to the giant wolves. For the most part the tribe looked into the forest to the west, where little was discovered.
The few risky attempts to scout the northern area around the lake did manage to find several locations where the Giant wolves regularly laired.
Purple is the new location of the northern tribes settlement
Orange are suspected laiers of giant wolves

[x] Build something.
-[x] barricaded cave entrance (1/15, auto=4) (1... well that happened)

Barricading the entrance to the cave has continued to suffer mishap after mishap. Nothing seems to go right, The logs brought to the settlement for the construction had rotted over the years, The start of earthen walls melt under particularly heavy rain. But worst of all were attempts to make a wooden barricade inside the cave, one that could be moved quickly to close off entire sections of the should the worse happen. In the process of moving some logs into the cave for the barricade though, a tribesmen carrying a log with another tribesmen dropped their end accident, causing the other end to swing upward into the caves roof.
the crash echoing from the cave could be heard through out the settlement. the cealing had collapsed in cavern, along a passage to one of the larger side chambers. One that some of the children had been sleeping in. The tribe worked for months then years to clear the debris, with little success. Some of the rocks were simply to big to move, others wedged to firmly. It would take generations of effort by the tribe to clear the passage, if it indeed could be done. Worse, the side chamber contained the only access to the heated caves, while the caves were still warmer then the outside during the cold months, it was colder then in previous years.
(Part of the cave collapsed, killing 1 adult and 3 children. Access to the heated caves in blocked off, halting progress to access them until something is done. barricading the caves no longer seems possible to the tribe, -1 mood)

[X] Sunrise Develop something
[X] Develop something (this will be slow)
-[X]Better tools (8/60, Auto=16) (27, fail)

To much of the tribes time this years has been taken up by other matters to make much progress on the tools.
(better tools 24/60, auto=4)

[x] Policy: Maintain a store of excess foodstuff, enough to feed the People should the spirits be displeased again (flavor roll: 4/10)

There would be no more starvation. The tribe endured many months with little to no food after the flood, where the land itself was not enough to sustain them. It was a hardship they do not want to endure again. They started to look for methods to keep food longer, to preserve it beyond it just a few weeks to months. They vowed to always try and keep some food around to insure that the tribe did not suffer from hunger again.
(+ 1 Food supply, Development Food storage 1/100 (auto=2))

New policy:
No starvation: the tribe will always work towards insuring they have a positive food supply. If food supply is 0 or less, tribe has a 25% chance to improve it by 1 each turn.

Exploration (Pick 1)
[] Explore A location in the valley more thoroughly.
-[] Where? (write in)
[] Explore the valley in general to find places of interest
[] Explore and expand the map in general (pick a direction)
[] Something else (Write in, must be related to exploration)
General (Pick 2):
[] Build something.
-[-] barricaded cave entrance (1/Impossible?)
-[] what? (write in)
[] concentrate on hunting food wise
[] Concentrate on Gathering food wise
[] Develop something (this will be slow)
-[]Better tools (24/60, Auto=16)
-[]Food storage (1/100, auto=8)
[] Investigate a Trick
-[]Lit (6/20, auto-progress of 12)
[] One of the Exploration actions
[] Something Else (write in)

Event: The wolves have driven the northern tribe into the valley itself. While both sides are avoiding each other when they can, we still encounter them several times each year, and even assist each other in fighting the wolves when we can. Formal contact needs to be established with them soon.
[] Make contact with them
-[] How? (write-in)
[] Do something else (write-in)

We should also likely come up with a name for our tribe before we do so.
[] Name for the tribe (write in)

Personal action
archived Personal actions (players have not used them in 4+ turns)
[] Void Stalker Pick an action
[] gutza1 Pick an action


OC notes:
Outcome of the devils bargain should it have been taken: The giant wolves would have come from the south and hit the settlement first, instead of the northern tribe. Forced abandonment of the settlement and possibly higher casualties, much worse overall then everything else the tribe suffered this turn. good call and not taking it!
[X] Explore the valley in general to find places of interest
[X] Make contact with them
-[X] Bring a gift of food, place it in the open near their village and build a fire to draw their attention
[X] concentrate on hunting food wise
[X] Develop something (this will be slow)
-[X]Better tools (24/60, Auto=16)
[X] Name for the tribe (Stonekin)
[X] Explore the valley in general to find places of interest
[X] Make contact with them
-[X] Bring a gift of food, place it in the open near their village and build a fire to draw their attention
We have a common enemy so lets try to make friends.

[X] concentrate on hunting food wise

[X] Develop something (this will be slow)
-[X]Better tools (24/60, Auto=16)

How large is our tribe at the moment?
Should lit not be higher from auto completion?
Progress is slow but we might learn things from the northern tribe(do we have slings?)
[X] Explore the valley in general to find places of interest
[X] Make contact with them
-[X] Bring a gift of food, place it in the open near their village and build a fire to draw their attention
[X] concentrate on hunting food wise
[X] Develop something (this will be slow)
-[X]Better tools (24/60, Auto=16)
How large is our tribe at the moment?
Should lit not be higher from auto completion?
Progress is slow but we might learn things from the northern tribe(do we have slings?)
60 members, with roughly half under the age of 16.
members that know lit are ageing, and dying before the trick is fully passed on. but it is spreading. also the numbers were wrong. it's at 15/30, auto=9 right now. It should fully spread by the end of the next turn, or the turn after at the latest, barring large scale casualties.
no, you don't have slings.
TerrisH threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: action rolls Total: 280
81 81 48 48 11 11 77 77 63 63
[x] Explore the valley in general to find places of interest (81+5=86, crit)
[X] concentrate on hunting food wise (41 neutral)
[X] Develop something (this will be slow)
-[X]Better tools (24/60, Auto=16) (11, crit fail)
[X] Name for the tribe (Stonekin)[x] Make contact with them
-[x] Bring a gift of food, place it in the open near their village and build a fire to draw their attention (77, thats nice!)
???: 63
TerrisH threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: food Total: 1
1 1
Turn 6, action list 7
[x] Explore the valley in general to find places of interest (81+5=86, crit)

Explorations efforts are going quite well, with everything east of the river and almost half the valley explored. For the most part, it's more of the same, springs of hot water, geysers, and other wonders of the valley that have become common place in the tribes lives.
There was one exceptional discovery, where an explorer stumbles upon a fist sized black rock. Located just south of the lake on the east coast of the river, it was initially ignored until one of them accidently dropped another rock onto it, chipping it's surface and revealing that it was the same type of rock as found in the heart of the valley. It's normally black shiny surface has been dulled by the river to conceal it's nature.
It was quickly taken back to the settlement, where it could join the smaller rock recovered from the heart of the valley and be studied.
(large black rock recovered. development: black rock 1/30 auto=0)

[X] concentrate on hunting food wise (41 neutral)

Hunting goes well this year, at least in the southern half of the valley. The larger game is starting to return to their pre-flood levels here in the valley. Even in the north there seems to be more of them, though the Wolves heavy hunting is keeping the numbers down there. What few hunting expeditions near the lake have bene fraught with peril, and two hunters have even fallen to ambushes to the wolves. (+ Food stability, 2 deaths)
[X] Develop something (this will be slow)

-[X]Better tools (24/60, Auto=16) (11, crit fail)
[-]trick: lit (completed)

Work on improving the tools slows down a lot this generation, mostly due to the mischievous antics of the children, how have started to learn the trick Lit at a young age.
A projections of the fire of ones spirit, Lit allows one to create a small flame in ones palm with only a few seconds of concentration. It's not a very hot flame, and will not ignite anything that won't burn easily, but it can be easily and constantly produced by everyone but the youngest children.
While extremely helpful to the tribe, the antics the children get up to with the trick have proved troublesome. Nearly every shelter has experienced a major fire, occupying the tribes time with the need to rebuild them and to lecture the children in fire safely. It wasn't until learning lit was limited to a right of passage from child to adult were these outbreaks reduced to a more reasonable levels.
Because of this, little time was left to devlop these tools, and little progress was made.
(Lit is know by entire tribe, Better tools: 32/60, auto=2)

[X] Name for the tribe (Stonekin)
[x] Make contact with them
-[x] Bring a gift of food, place it in the open near their village and build a fire to draw their attention (77, thats nice!)

Shortly after the end of the cold months of the second year of this generation, half the adults in the tribe along with two elders made camp just across the river from the Northern tribes settlement and in sight of it, while well away from the nearby ford. A large bonfire is started, with several fresh kills placed over it, and decent amount of gatherable placed nearby. The majority of the tribe then retreats back into the forest, leaving the two elders and two tribesmen to attend them and the roasting meat.
All these actions were quite visible to the northern tribe's settlement, and a small party of them soon cautiously ventured forth to meet those that had stayed at the camp. The following conversation was brief, but encouraging, the northern tribe taking the food to their settlement, and their elders emerging to meet with out tribes at the camp. For two days the elders talk to one another, with the rest of the tribe emerging from forest on the second day to join in the feast.
By the time the tribe leaves, A lot more is known about the northern tribe, and their near term goals. They call themselves the singers, and do not like the heavily forested nature of the valley. They prefer the more open plains of the north, and would return there is not for the wolves preventing them from doing so. Nor have they ever blamed us for the suppressing encounter of their first meeting with us, generations ago. the stories of it clearly indicate surprise on both side.
Several more peaceful meetings conclude with the Singers over the following years, including one in which they returned the gift of food we gave them, bringing a feast to our settlement to share.

All these contacts culminate is a joint raid on the Wolf den near the southern shore of the lake. Our hunters engaging in melee with the wolves and pinning them down, while they stuck with their slings keeping the wolves from hitting our flanks or drive them back to give us a breather. A dozen giant wolves and an Alpha a third larger on the other side, constantly seeking weakness to exploit or a single tribesmen to gang up on. For over an hour the battle rages as the wolves desperately fight to defend their den and their pups, but eventual they fall one by one, until only the alpha is left at the cave entrance. She held for another 15 minutes, using the confined space of the entrance to limit the number of tribesmen attacking her at one time, but she fell eventually. With her down, it was trivial to deal with the pups themselves, destroying this pack in it's entirely. The southern shore of the lake is now safer, almost entirely free of these giant wolves. The tribes have begun to push them back to the north.

(wolf den on southern lake shore destroyed, -1 food supply for gift of food. Singer tribes relation now Neutral. Food supply at zero, No starvation policy triggers. 1 rolled on a 1d4, Success, +1 food supply)

Singer tribe
Traits: Scavengers, Hunters, Inattentive
Goals: Defeat the giant wolves, return to original settlements location

???: 63
Near the end of the generation, a third tribe appeared in the area coming from the south-east, the direction the tribe once arrived from. Slightly smaller then the Singer tribe, they were fairly friendly, if cautious. Making a temporary camp to spend the cold month just south of our settlement, before sending a small party to greet us. While friendly, The Runner tribe are very cautious and slightly afraid of us, even more so once they learned of our ongoing fight with the giant wolves to the north. Upon hearing about that, the quickly affirmed that they plan to keep moving to the north east once the cold months end, well away from the valley.
They also have offered a trade, wishing to re-enforce their food supply before they continue on, and have offer to teach us how to weave some fairly strong baskets in exchange. They do seem quite handy for carrying small loose goods like gatherables around.

trade offer: -1 Food supply for Basket weaving

No matter what we decided, they will be moving on, and both tribes have used the period to intermingle new blood between the tribes. perhaps we will hear from them again later on.

Runner tribe:
Traits: Quick, Unified, Cowardly
Goals: head north east and get well away from this valley of monster wolves.

Exploration (Pick 1)
[] Explore A location in the valley more thoroughly.
-[] Where? (write in)
[] Explore the valley in general to find places of interest
[] Find and scout more of the giant wolf dens.
[] Explore and expand the map in general (pick a direction)
[] Something else (Write in, must be related to exploration)
General (Pick 2):
[] Build something.
-[-] barricaded cave entrance (1/Impossible?)
-[] what? (write in)
[] concentrate on hunting food wise
[] Concentrate on Gathering food wise
[] Attack a wolf den alongside the Singer tribe
[] Develop something (this will be slow)
-[]Better tools (32/60, Auto=8)
-[]Food storage (9/100, auto=8)
-[]black rock (1/30 auto=0)
[] Investigate a Trick
[] One of the Exploration actions
[] Something Else (write in)

Take the trade with (southern tribe name)?
[] Yes (-1 food supply, + basket weaving)

Personal action
archived personal actions (players have not used them in 4+ turns)
[] Void Stalker Pick an action
[] gutza1 Pick an action

TerrisH threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: Turn 7 rolls Total: 259
66 66 66 66 70 70 44 44 13 13
TerrisH threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: food Total: 4
4 4
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[X] Explore A location in the valley more thoroughly.
[X] the riverbank
We hunt and gather but there are a lot of sources of food to be found along a river starting with fish, crabs and other animals that live in or near a river.

[X] Yes (-1 food supply, + basket weaving)
A single action can give us one food supply but tech takes several(see the stone tools we are working on now)

[X] Develop something (this will be slow)
-[X]black rock (1/30 auto=0)
[X]sunrise Develop something - black rock
With the help of a personal action developing something might go better then before and the black rock is the only develop project with no auto progress.
It also only needs 29 more so might complete with a good roll.

[X] Concentrate on Gathering food wise
if we give away some food for the basket weaving we better try to get some to replace it.

Next turn ill probably go fight the wolves once again as fighting them together is a good way to become closer to the Singer tribe.
[X] Explore A location in the valley more thoroughly.
-[X] the black rock source
[X] Develop something (this will be slow)
-[X]black rock (1/30 auto=0)
[X] Concentrate on Gathering food wise
[X] Yes (-1 food supply, + basket weaving)
[X] Explore A location in the valley more thoroughly.
-[X] the black rock source
[X] Develop something (this will be slow)
-[X]Better tools (32/60 auto=8)
better tools should help pretty much everything else so focusing it seems good
[X] Concentrate on Gathering food wise
[X] Yes (-1 food supply, + basket weaving