A Magistrate on Halo rings (Starcraft and Halo crossover)

yep, and with that final vote I am closing it in 1 hour (sorry was busy yesterday with LoL worlds and some important stuff! Stayed up till 6:30am to watch it though and only slept until 10ish so I was too tired to properly write an update.)

also it annoys me I just realized this but @RandomDwarf you forgot to add the Hyphon thingy before each of your subvotes lol!


like that!

Atm not the end of the world but plz remember next time!
Adhoc vote count started by san on Oct 29, 2018 at 8:57 AM, finished with 33 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan: The New Commonwealth
    [X] Consitutional monarchy
    [X] Diplomacy first, then if needed military action.
    [X] Allow protests and other non-violent forms of rebellion and allow freedom of media so long as what they say is true.
    [X] Attack remaining Covenant bases - Launch an attack against one or all of the handful of Covenant bases left on your world.
    [X] Build Supply Depots - build Fifty supply depots across the planet from which you will create ammunition and neosteel among other products for your military to use.
    [X] Repair all war damage across the planet - Many farm fields, city buildings and towns bear the scars of the recent war. Repairing the damage they all took will increase the peoples trust in you all while bringing production and food levels back up to full.
    [X] Integrate supply depot technology with factories - Update and alter all the factories on your world to employ supply depots. This will cut down heavily on the manpower needed in each factory while also increasing their output and letting people build more factories to employ the people who were laid off.
    [X] *Required action* Found your own government - establish your own government on this new planet with all that implies.
    [X] Scout out remaining Covenant presence on the world.
    [X] Gather intact samples of Jackal energy shields
    [X] Build Capital building - Build a place for your future government to hold sessions in and for its members offices where they will be bogged down by the endless paperwork that comes with running a planet.
    [X] Spend your time getting work done instead - Instead of being lazy be productive! spend your personal time on getting something done that needs doing!
    -[X] Build Supply Depots
    -[X] Integrate supply depot technology with factories
    [X] Be lazy - Spend some time just relaxing, and being all around lazy! Take some me time, read a book, watch a movie, go get drunk, just sleep in bed! But you are tired of work and its time to have some playtime. You doubt you will ever need this though.
    [X] Plan tri2

[X] Plan: The New Commonwealth WINS!

worked on the update a bit this morning will work on it some more later today! I will try and have it done by the weekend!
Turn 1: FINALLY!!! Results.
"I must say commander, or queen now rather." The former governor, now Senator, Dachman stated. "I never expected you're government to go over so well with the people. Though that likely has everything to do with how you saved us and all the improvements you have made so far."

"Well I do my best." Replied the newly crowned Queen Natalia. "I can honestly say I never expected to see myself in this position after how much I despised seeing Mengsk in the same, however given everything I intend I can honestly say what I am doing is far from the same thing as what he did."

"Indeed.... In any case to get on with the reports my queen, while your initial announcements were barely able to keep the people from revolting they did not inspire much faith. However your actions since then in cleaning up most of the Covenant presence on the planet along with building your new palace have greatly assuaged their concerns that you intend to rule over us all with an iron fist. After all few who appreciates art and architecture that much could be a full on tyrant."

"You would be surprised..." Natalia mumbled

"Furthermore your generous use of your SCV's and orders to repair all the damage to our infrastructure has also garnered much love from the people. Enough in fact to lighten the future blow that putting so many out of work from your improvements to our factories has done. However if you do not employ these people soon it will begin to cause major problems for your rule."

"You need not worry about that, I fully intend to have them employed before they feel like rebelling."

"Good then. next we have your supply depots that you're people have created so far. half of the number you wanted are up and have increased the number of of troops you can support by Ten thousand infantry or an equivalent number of other aspects of your military. Finally it is only thanks to your scout that we managed to avoid the worst of the tragedy of the northern Covenant base but causality reports are still flooding in and while not as bad as it could be, your losses are still substantial. Also given the base still stands the Covenant may grow bolder with their success... I recommend adding some armies to defend that region. That concludes the reports for these last few months."


[X] Plan: The New Commonwealth

[X] Consitutional monarchy
(the crown has more power then RL situation of great Britain)

[X] Diplomacy first, then if needed military action.
-(as in send diplomats to the planet to see about the situation, if under attack send military aid), if they are with the UNSC we do the long con of slowly taking the planet into succeeding the UNSC into our fold, if they are insurrectionist planet be honest with our intentions (as well as insuring they have a proper seat within the senate for their concerns to be said and done. If covenant are attacking try to save the planet while calling for reinforcements of nearby terran patrols)
[X] Allow protests and other non-violent forms of rebellion and allow freedom of media so long as what they say is true.

-[X] Attack remaining Covenant bases - Launch an attack against one or all of the handful of Covenant bases left on your world.
Roll: (attack on northern Covenant base) 2+11=13, (Attack on Eastern Covenant base) 15+11=26, (Attack on Southern Covenant Base) 9+11=20, (attack on Western Covenant Base) 13+11=24.
Results: Will show results in an upcoming miniturn.

-[X] Build Supply Depots - build Fifty supply depots across the planet from which you will create ammunition and neosteel among other products for your military to use.
Roll: 15+11=26 Success!
Time: 1 turn remaining
Reward: 25 Supply depots built! Allows you to arm and equip 10,000 more infantry, 5,000 small land or air vehicles, 2,500 siege tanks or liberators, or 250 Thors. Work started on the remaining 25. -9 production, -14 minerals, -4 vespene, 10 SCV's locked up for 1 more turn.

-[X] Repair all war damage across the planet - Many farm fields, city buildings and towns bear the scars of the recent war. Repairing the damage they all took will increase the peoples trust in you all while bringing production and food levels back up to full.
Roll: 14+8=22 Success!
Time: 1 turn remaining
Reward: all damage to population centers, factories and farms are partially repaired. Loyalty and trust of the general populace in your governance increased slightly. Food levels and production brought halfway back up to non-damaged levels. 10 SCV's locked up for 1 more turn, 10 production spent

-[X] Integrate supply depot technology with factories
Roll: 12+8=20 FULL SUCCESS!
This action, Natalie realizes, was her most controversial one possible. While yes, she succeeded in maximizing the output of factories on this world to the highest standard of Terran technology and know how. It also cost hundreds of thousands of people their jobs. While their severance pay is enough to keep them going for nearly a year alongside the generous bonus you gave them for the suddenness of their unemployment, You will have to ensure they get new jobs soon. The question is however, do you build new factories to employ them or just add them into the ranks of your military?
Results: People able to work per factory decreased by 60%, Finished products Produced per every 100 people working increased by 15,000 to 20,000. 852,000 people left unemployed in the wake of these improvements! Unrest will increase by 4 levels in 3 turns inciting full planet-wide Rebellion!!! -12 production, -10 minerals, -2 Vespene.

-[X] *Required action* Found your own government - establish your own government on this new planet with all that implies.
Roll: 14+5=19 Greater Success!
Despite the worry of the people during when you initially founded your government, the improvements you have implemented and actions you have committed to has left the people far more assured that you will rule them with their well being in mind rather than just your own.
Results: You now have a formal government that the people of your nation can look to for leadership. People view this government with mild trepidation and worry, however they are giving you the benefit of the doubt for now to see if you do improve their lives. -3 production.

-[X] Scout Covenant base defences in the North.
Roll: 8+7=15 Success!
Time: 1 Turn remaining
Results: Knowledge on the defenses of the remaining Covenant base in the north are coming next turn.

-[X] Gather intact samples of Jackal energy shields
Roll: 4+4=8 Bare success.
The energy shields you have gathered, while few, represent vital research tools for the implementation of Energy shielding among your troops. You will need more before you can have any level of certainty of your ability to make such shields however.
Results: -5 production, gained intact Jackal energy shields for your researchers to examine how they work. Can now undertake the action to Research Covenant energy shields.

-[X] Build Capital building
Roll: 6+5=11 Full success!
The Palace for not only you to live in, but also to serve as the seat of your government is not only fairly immense, but also a work of art rarely seen among Terran or UNSC structures in modern building styles. Not even Mengsk's pyramid holds a candle to your new palace. Even while it looks breathtaking however, it has no lack of defenses being build to resist orbital bombardment, and with plenty of Auto-defenses and choke points throughout the building. That is without including the Siege tank turrets on the outside.
Results: Greatly Increased legitimacy of and loyalty to your government. -5 production, -5 minerals.

-[X] Spend your time getting work done instead - Instead of being lazy be productive! spend your personal time on getting something done that needs doing!
--[X] Build Supply Depots
--[X] Integrate supply depot technology with factories
Time: Variable
Cost: nothing
Result: 1 personal action taken up for next turn, +2 stress levels.

-[X] Be lazy - Spend some time just relaxing, and being all around lazy! Take some me time, read a book, watch a movie, go get drunk, just sleep in bed! But you are tired of work and its time to have some playtime. You doubt you will ever need this though.
Time: 1 turn
Cost: nothing
Result: -1 stress level


Here is vote for the name of the planet! take your pick guys! (just remember this is not Harvest.)
[] Write in planet name

Turn ends here

So there you all go! the results of turn 1! progressing much faster than before right? I actually had this pretty much done earlier but I needed to fill in the actions that needed filling in. ( I mean the little descriptions between the roll and result sections)

Also I switched what you were doing for intrigue because with the rolls you had the previous action would have been of little to no worth.

Will update the exact resources spent and what was saved later, too busy atm.
[X] Planet Name: Haven

(Planet name here): Provides (225- 54- 10% for damages) 148 units of food, Provides (71- 25% for damages=) 53 units of production, provides 47 units of minerals, provides 0 units of Vespene.

Current stockpiled resources: 0 units of food, 0 units of production, 50 units of minerals, 30 units of Vespene.

income: +148 food, +53 production, +47 minerals, +0 vespene
stockpile: 0 food, 0 production, 50 minerals, 30 vespene
spent this turn: -0 food, -44 production, -29 minerals, -6 vespene
next turn we have 148 food, 9 production, 68 minerals, 24 vespene in stock to spend
20 SCV's free to work
i think?
Last edited:
Hmmm next turn definetly hit the last covenant base as well as get more jobs going, which means more civilian factories up and running...this will be intresting...

But still it would definetly help to have the people on our side, better morale and getting shit done.

Sure we're a monarch but a king/queen is nothing without their people. So it's best to both be tough love and care for them.
Hmmm next turn definetly hit the last covenant base as well as get more jobs going, which means more civilian factories up and running...this will be intresting...

But still it would definetly help to have the people on our side, better morale and getting shit done.

Sure we're a monarch but a king/queen is nothing without their people. So it's best to both be tough love and care for them.
we need to recruit from the populace which will reduce the amount of jobs we need to make, remind people that the covenant are still out there and we need to enter war time economy.
Hmmm next turn definetly hit the last covenant base as well as get more jobs going, which means more civilian factories up and running...this will be intresting...

But still it would definetly help to have the people on our side, better morale and getting shit done.

Sure we're a monarch but a king/queen is nothing without their people. So it's best to both be tough love and care for them.
ok... CAN YOU NOT!!! I am trying to AVOID doing more miniturns atm.... stop shoving them down my throat goddamnit!!! :mad:

I swear to god I will stop updating for a couple months and focus on Hyrulequest instead!!! I'll do it! :(

(Seriously though, just please, they CAN'T do anything but cower behind their defenses otherwise you annihilate them. The only thing they can become a threat is later if the Covenant re-invade. That won't be for at least 3-4 more turns though.)
we need to recruit from the populace which will reduce the amount of jobs we need to make, remind people that the covenant are still out there and we need to enter war time economy.
EXACTLY! and to recruit from aid populace you need to build more Barracks and Factories.... instead of using military actions on attacking everyone and everything lol. :D
ok... CAN YOU NOT!!! I am trying to AVOID doing more miniturns atm.... stop shoving them down my throat goddamnit!!! :mad:

I swear to god I will stop updating for a couple months and focus on Hyrulequest instead!!! I'll do it! :(

(Seriously though, just please, they CAN'T do anything but cower behind their defenses otherwise you annihilate them. The only thing they can become a threat is later if the Covenant re-invade. That won't be for at least 3-4 more turns though.)

EXACTLY! and to recruit from aid populace you need to build more Barracks and Factories.... instead of using military actions on attacking everyone and everything lol. :D
btw did you see my post with the resource calcs?
San I get it, but they can call for back up though and frankly I wouldn't doubt they would sally out when the covenant re-invade...

But still I hate leaving a potential hole for an enemy to exploit through...

Anyway i guess we're getting more people into the military untill we can finish the defense project.
San I get it, but they can call for back up though and frankly I wouldn't doubt they would dally out when the covenant re-invade...

But still I hate leaving a potential hole for an enemy to exploit through...

Anyway i guess we're getting more people into the military untill we can finish the defense project.

Any thoughts on names, Dwarf?
San I get it, but they can call for back up though and frankly I wouldn't doubt they would sally out when the covenant re-invade...

But still I hate leaving a potential hole for an enemy to exploit through...

Anyway i guess we're getting more people into the military untill we can finish the defense project.
they can't lol, you have signal blocking tech far better than the Covenants.
Ehh I let you guys have this one, my point was to make things for viable for the future.

The name of the planet and capital city? Yeah...we really should name them both...but still better to get a military and get the remaining civic factories up and running so we can get some good growth.

... The only available decision is the name, though?
they can't lol, you have signal blocking tech far better than the Covenants.

Ah I see you thanks for explaining...

Hmmm we need a name to symbolize new birth...


How about Phoenix? And capital city being built Ash Birne? There have been weirder names but the idea of humanity having the reborn strength to fight back against extinction?

Heck that alone would be popular, especially if we prove we can hold off the covenant long enough to get our name out.

Especially if we make a house for planatary goveners to have a say in things, aka equal representation of the colonies.

Also with Terran based tech we could pretty much bring the gap between the outer colonies and the mid-inner colonies closer to being on the same level if possible.

But still going to need to get allot of defenses up and running.
Ah I see you thanks for explaining...

Hmmm we need a name to symbolize new birth...


How about Phoenix? And capital city being built Ash Birne? There have been weirder names but the idea of humanity having the reborn strength to fight back against extinction?

Heck that alone would be popular, especially if we prove we can hold off the covenant long enough to get our name out.

Especially if we make a house for planatary goveners to have a say in things, aka equal representation of the colonies.

Also with Terran based tech we could pretty much bring the gap between the outer colonies and the mid-inner colonies closer to being on the same level if possible.

But still going to need to get allot of defenses up and running.
how about planet name Halloween and city name Octobergrad? :V