A Magistrate on Halo rings (Starcraft and Halo crossover)

great good luck sans, I'm looking forward to the fight and subsequent first turn!

also does this planet have a moon or two? because if so I have plans for them!
Yes! Finally a Starcraft Halo piece of fiction that doesn't involve some boring dribble about one side getting replaced by the other and proceeding to curbstomp the canon fac....

Wait, I'm mistaking this for ME and Halo now, am I? Still, nice to see a quest like this. A bit of criticism though....

Really sorry to have to judge, but I think you need to fix your grammar, @san. I'm finding it hard to focus on some of the sentences. Thanks.

Still, if we are going high end, we'll kick the Convenant's teeth in for now, if mid or low, we'll be on the advantage but not too far ahead. We're probably low or mid by the looks of it.
But she got telepathy right. Please tell me she got telpathy.
I guarantee a rating of above 5 yes. I intend to do a few things with psionics that will be a bit... noncon... please don't hate me :(
Yes! Finally a Starcraft Halo piece of fiction that doesn't involve some boring dribble about one side getting replaced by the other and proceeding to curbstomp the canon fac....

Wait, I'm mistaking this for ME and Halo now, am I? Still, nice to see a quest like this. A bit of criticism though....

Really sorry to have to judge, but I think you need to fix your grammar, @san. I'm finding it hard to focus on some of the sentences. Thanks.

Still, if we are going high end, we'll kick the Convenant's teeth in for now, if mid or low, we'll be on the advantage but not too far ahead. We're probably low or mid by the looks of it.
ummmm High end? do you mean psionics? If so then not really, even Kerrigan at her best couldn't be everywhere and affect every battlefield. Though the ones she could were near guaranteed victories for the zerg. I can also confirm you are NOT going to be Kerrigan levels.

also ya I will try to fix up grammar... for some reason I find more inspiration when I am half asleep than any other time so that's when I write most of my work, but then I have to correct all the grammar and spelling later and while I get the spelling Grammar sometimes slips by.
great good luck sans, I'm looking forward to the fight and subsequent first turn!

also does this planet have a moon or two? because if so I have plans for them!
Plans? Consider my interest piqued.
OK, I'm not going full description but yes it will have at least 1 moon, along with an asteroid belt in the solar system, other than that I make 0 promises. Beyond this being a Harvest-esque planet, with plenty of farms and slated for food production. Which also makes it the highest possible pop planet among the UNSC colony world types.

Anyway, I'm about two thirds done the chapter, this is not only going to be big but multi-perspective and writing the Covenant was a BITCH! Don't expect it to be as good as the other two perspectives, especially since I needed an hour of research to figure out rank and how they talk a bit before I gave up after finding minimal info. I'm also including music that really sets the mood, I certainly like it better with the music at least so that too. :D

and a couple pictures while I was at it. So ya I think this is going to be one of my better chapters so far among my fics.
excellent! terran ship-yard will definitely be done! and maybe as a defense station as well.

cant wait to terranize the crap out of the system!
(no we are not making terra-tron...no matter how other players say we are not making that decepticon wannabe!)
excellent! terran ship-yard will definitely be done! and maybe as a defense station as well.

cant wait to terranize the crap out of the system!
(no we are not making terra-tron...no matter how other players say we are not making that decepticon wannabe!)
lol dude, I see you will enjoy the hell out of the civilization building turns then. ;)

anyway good news I managed to get up to about 80-85% completion on the update. I should hopefully have it out sometime tomorrow, but I think I am done with it tonight.

(It will most likely be up tomorrow night knowing me but meh.)
awesome, thanks for your time and effort, I've been looking forward to this, two of my favorite franchise games...before halo 4 and 5 came out -_-...

also I beat StarCraft games so far, so nothing really new there besides the occasional free-play or fun time. but still playing as terrans, its just right...not to mention I cant wait to establish the terran commonwealth! (with constitutional monarchy to boot!)

hopefully the colony allows this...but then again the UNSC pretty much screwed over the colonies ingame verse by pulling their ships BACK to the core worlds and earth, a tactical decision, but one that's ultimately doomed the unsc to fragmentation...if anything I would have made more destroyers/frigates for the M.A.C guns....when faced with a alien ship that can one-shot your cruisers or better with bullshit plasma weapons, take the idea of smaller and faster target could outrun the slow moving plasma torpedos...that and the M.A.C alpha strike capabilities.

still due to us taking a colony, (hopefully) I wonder how people will be receptive? it would be pretty interesting to actually get a head-start on our little corner of the galaxy with a very receptive people, as well as Anti-ONI as well as Anti-UNSC, heck we might even decide we don't like earth or the UNSC based on what the colonies tell us about it and our own intelligence gathering.

(remember our character lived through the Confederacy, Mengsk, UED, and Mengsk again...with bullshit aliens added into the mix, she will know when there's bullshit propaganda or not...and frankly some of oni's ideas? I just don't understand how they got away with HALF of what they did!!! I hope we can burn them like the weeds they are...)
[X] Picture 2

Anything about gameplay and story segregation?
??? not sure what you mean, do you mean are the stats of each unit based off the game or the story of each universe, or what? IF you do mean the stats, then they are based off the story/ fluff of the units not what they did in the games.
??? not sure what you mean, do you mean are the stats of each unit based off the game or the story of each universe, or what? IF you do mean the stats, then they are based off the story/ fluff of the units not what they did in the games.
More like production. So like in gameplay, do we churn out siege tanks and goliaths and battlecruisers? Do we train up marines from scratch, or do we have to recruit?
More like production. So like in gameplay, do we churn out siege tanks and goliaths and battlecruisers? Do we train up marines from scratch, or do we have to recruit?
ahhhh no you have to recruit to train marines. You need to have resources to build equipment and troops, and buildings. etc. etc.

on a lighter note, most resources are unneeded thanks to my interpretation of supply depots. With how they look, I don't consider them to actually hold supplies, but rather they PRODUCE them. In this the supply depot will be capable of making most materials from pure energy, though it can't create metal at any ratio that is actually worth a damn, and it can't create vespene or other fuels at all because of density and complexity.

Though it can take any kind of metal and turn it into neosteel, and it can also combine all the necessary components to create Vespene. (which is a mix of natural gases and minor amounts of psionic energy. Psionic energy can be created by converting electricity into it and is something Terrans are adept at given psi disruptors and other such inventions.
awesome...so many supply depots and some stations dedicated to it, though we have to make sure we hide those in the asteroid fields, and maybe some warning beacons/defense stations in the said field...as well as a comprehensive scan and research of the solar system.

maybe we can make a slip-space jammer to prevent in-system slip-space jumps? help prevent covenant and UNSC as well as ONI from screwing with us. as well as probes to detect any cloaked prowlers or other stealth ships.
(but then again as terrans were adept to that bullshit, so prowlers aren't going to be slipping past us easily)

were also going to have to insure our infrastructure is adequate for SV standards (which means holy shit this works to well and is exponentially growing!)

and also sans, is it possible for us to create Specters sometime? maybe as a upgrade to normal ghosts? (gets their psi readings of weak ghosts to at least 5 due to flat upgrades if starcraft 2 is to be believed after we do a good amount of research to it!)

edited: I'm looking forward to the civilization phase of it, were going to have to insure our base is covered though so we don't leave any cracks...
awesome...so many supply depots and some stations dedicated to it, though we have to make sure we hide those in the asteroid fields, and maybe some warning beacons/defense stations in the said field...as well as a comprehensive scan and research of the solar system.

maybe we can make a slip-space jammer to prevent in-system slip-space jumps? help prevent covenant and UNSC as well as ONI from screwing with us. as well as probes to detect any cloaked prowlers or other stealth ships.
(but then again as terrans were adept to that bullshit, so prowlers aren't going to be slipping past us easily)

were also going to have to insure our infrastructure is adequate for SV standards (which means holy shit this works to well and is exponentially growing!)

and also sans, is it possible for us to create Specters sometime? maybe as a upgrade to normal ghosts? (gets their psi readings of weak ghosts to at least 5 due to flat upgrades if starcraft 2 is to be believed after we do a good amount of research to it!)

edited: I'm looking forward to the civilization phase of it, were going to have to insure our base is covered though so we don't leave any cracks...
I can sadly confirm the impossibility of training specters. Terrazine and Jorium are needed for that and you have none of either, and none exists in this universe.
ok sorry to say update is not going to be out tonight but it will be up tomorrow. It is almost completed and just needs a few more minor things added before correcting Grammar and spelling and then I can post it. I would try and finish it tonight and then correct spelling tomorrow but just too tired.
Chapter 2: BATTLE IN SPACE!!! (Also vote on how to go about ground battle.)
"hmmm so we have nearly every advantage except for numbers then?" You question.

"As far as our scans can tell, yes we do. Though that is only a rough comparison, and some of the advantages we have are still very close odds."

"I see, well Captain, my orders are to lead with diplomacy, we don't know if there is something else going on here and these aliens might be like the protoss and the humans may be like the infested. Though launch some scouting probes to the planet now just to be safe." You state with a small frown.

"That is a very good point commander. I certainly would never have thought of that." Captain Bulren states. "What do we do if the aliens are hostile however?"

"Well David, then we get a chance to see how well our Yamato cannons stack up against another realities energy shielding don't we?" You say with a tight grin. "Alongside that we will be sending our Hercules dropships down under the cover of half of our vikings and our gunships so we can prevent too many civilians dying. The rest of our vikings will hold around our battlecruisers to defend them against enemy fighters, while our wraiths with cloak and strike out against the enemy capital ships."

"Sounds like a plan ma'am. Hmmm looks like the aliens are sending half their capital ships in our direction, alongside a third of their fighters too."

"Well then let's be good guests here and go and greet them shall we?" You say with a false smile before sending a message to your fleet giving them their orders. "...And those are your orders, now all battlecruisers form up on me let's go meet our alien 'friends'."

At your orders the fleet moves forward and all your fighter move into their positions. Then you hail the Alien fleet.

"This commander Leblanc of the fleet you see before you. Why exactly are you attacking that world?" "......................"

"They seem to not wish to reply commander."

"Obviously, that or they don't understand our language. Oh wait never mind they are firing on us, I assume that's their reply." You state with a deadpan as the enemy fires various plasma weapons at you once they get into range to do so. Though your point defence weapons intercept almost every single attack and the few that do get through are just barely enough to do light damage to your shielding.

"Welp, there goes diplomacy. Fire the Yamato cannons we will show them Terran Alternative diplomacy. AKA We have superior firepower which means you either listen to us or die."

"YES MA'AM! *now your talking my language.*" The captain mutters under his breath.

"Charging up Yamato cannons... Yamato cannons FULLY CHARGED!" "Fire." "Firing Yamato cannons!"

At that the giant red balls of death shoot out from your ships towards your foes before hitting their ships and outright disintigrating every single one of them. The Yamato cannon shot goes straight through their ships, front to rear energy shields and all, leaving nothing but some tiny fragments of the outer hull left over.

After that your Vikings engage the enemy fighters and are swiftly slaughtering several of them at a time with their ripwave missiles. Even as your wraiths move towards the other half of the enemy fleet (which just finished killing 2 more Human ships.) under cloak.

After dealing with the Aliens that went after you, your Battlecruisers start moving towards the rest of the alien fleet, picking off the remaining fighters with your point defence weapons. As they do that the vikings split up with half following your Hercules dropships towards the surface as they move to aid the Humans on the surface, and the other half moving into a defensive formation around your Battlecruisers.


"Dammit these Covenant just don't let up." Captain Jim Henson of the UNSC Frigate Rising Dawn, stated as the fight to give the civilians time to evacuate continued. "damnit the twilight just went down! At this rate we won't be able to hold long enough to evacuate the planet!"

"No sir they don't... wait we're picking something up on our sensor... it's some kind of slipspace jump... without it being slipspace! It must be some new kind of hyperdrive!" The AI of the rising dawn, Andrew, exclaimed.

"What! a new kind of hyperdrive what the hell are those covvie bastards bringing against us now? Get me a visual!"

Moments later a holographic visual pops up showing a new fleet that just arrived.

"Ummm those designs are certainly not Covenant... Captain, this might be another first contact scenario."

"Oh just great, now I get to be the captain who gets to see a 2nd Harvest situation, Lovely."

"Captain, they might be non-hostile."

"With the luck Humanity has had this past decade? *snort* Not bloody likely."

"Hmmm it looks like the Covenant is moving half its fleet towards them."

"Well great it looks like they will deal with each other then."

"The new fleet hailed them and... the Covenant are firing upon them! They intercepted every shot, and... Captain the energy readings coming from their
central cannons are Rivaling those of an energy projector sir!"

"On ships of that size! Just our bloody luck.... And Holy Mary, Mother of God... they just disintegrated HALF the covenant fleet in less than a minute! I hope you're right for once Andrew... Because if not the UNSC is probably done for."

"I hope so too sir..."


"Fleetmaster! We just detected a large rift in Subspace! There are several ships of unknown design coming out of it."

"What? Prophets be damned, this might be a new race. Send half the fleet over there to deal with them as needed, under the command of shipmaster Sase'thuree."

"Understood Fleetmaster."

"The shipmaster states that the unknown ships have Humans on them! He is attacking them as we speak."

"Good, I don't know why these ones chose a different design but they will die like the rest of these heretics."

"Fleetmaster! The entire fleet sent out to deal with the unknown humans was just wiped out!"

"What! How?"

"We detected a short build of of energy rivaling that of an Energy Projector before they fired a giant red ball of plasma at our ships which just went right
through the ships before dissipating shortly afterwards!"

"By the prophets... How did the humans of all beings create such a weapon? ...It doesn't matter, have the remaining ships in the fleet set course for the new human ships, FULL RAMMING SPEED! TODAY WE GO ON OUR GREAT JOURNEY! FOR THE COVENANT!"


Explosions from all around swiftly rock the Covenant ships shielding before it flickers out and more explosions start hitting the hull.

"What the hell is going on!"

"I don't know fleetmaster... wait... Fleetmaster the enemy has some kind of cloaked fighters armed with enemy capital ships, active scans can just barely pick them up!"

"Then shoot them down! all point defence, TAKE OUT THOSE ENEMY FIGHTERS!"

Perspective switch!!!

"Commander, the wraiths are wrecking havoc on the Alien fleet. Though it appears all but one native Human ship has been destroyed while we dealt with the half of the alien fleet that went after us." Captain Bulren said.

"I see. While I feel for the human ships there is little we can do for them besides wipe out these aliens as soon as possible. As soon as we get into range fire all Laser batteries. Have our battlecruisers pair up to take down their targets as swiftly as possible. Hopefully that will be enough to save the last native ship. Finally have the battlecruisers focus the missiles on any clusters of Alien fighters they notice to reduce casualties among our own fighters." You state, handing out orders to your fleet.

"Ah commander they have started to track our wraiths, they have already shot down one and others are starting to take damage."

"Order the wraiths to withdraw then, the damage they have done in taking out their shields and weakening their outer hulls should be more than enough of an advantage for our battlecruisers to finish them off. Send them out to help escort the Hercules dropships and take out enemy fighters instead."

"Yes ma'am, The Valiant and Neosteel are now in range and are now firing their laser batteries and missiles! one of the smaller Alien ships has taken of enough damage that their outer hull is starting to show signs of breaching! We will be in range of the enemy Flagship momentarily."

Moments later the Retribution entered firing range and started unloading all 6 of its laser batteries on the Alien flagship swiftly breaching its outer hull in a short exchange of firepower that goes almost entirely in your favor. However before you could finish off the Alien flagship it launched one final wave of plasma torpedoes... but not at your ship.

"Commander, the target of those torpedoes is the final native human ship in the area! I don't think they can take the hit."

"Dammit! Have our point defence weapons fire in the general direction, hopefully we can take out one of them and lessen the damage enough so there are still survivors at least."

With that the point defence lasers shoot out from the retribution and strike down exactly one of the two torpedos despite the massive range they were firing from the massed fire from nearly 100 point defence lasers proved sufficient to do half the job at least.

The other torpedo continues on its journey to slam into the human ship. Though while it takes heavy damage to its sublight engines and warp drive. The extra armor around the reactor manages to hold the explosion from destroying it and blowing up the entire ship.

"And there we go, that's the last of the alien ships blown up and we even managed to save one of the human ships crews." You state with a smile.

"Perfect timing too, commander. The Hercules are soon to enter atmosphere and our scouting probes are just now feeding us their signals." Captain Bulren reports with a sigh of relief. 'Currently it seems the the humans left on the planet number just under 10 million people including the military units defending the planet. about 8 million of them seem to be focused around the 4 major cities of the world like for an attempt at evac. The rest are spread out across the planet but in groups of 10-20,000 people in smaller towns and villages."

"Good that makes saving and defending them much easier for us. What about the Aliens that are planetside? How many are there and how are they distributed?"

"Currently there seem to be over 80,000 aliens on the planet of various species. They also have many fighters and bombers still. They have 30,000 attacking one of the four cities and are swiftly overwhelming the defense the people there are putting up. Any troops we send there will not be able to dig in a proper defensive position and will be dealing with massive numbers."

"The rest of the aliens are spread out in groups of no less than 1,000 and no more than 5,000 across the planet attacking the various villages and towns. Most of those aliens seem to be outfitted with man fast attack vehicles. Any troops sent to deal with them will need to either have the firepower to take care of them before they get away, or fast attack vehicles of their own.'

"Our forces available are currently limited to the troops in the dropships and the vikings and liberators with them. Though they will mostly focused on dealing with the enemy fighters. At least until the wraiths catch up. This means we are limited to these forces as outlined." Bulren states as he brings up a holographic list.

Forces available:
Hercules 1:
-1 thor.
-2,000 Marines
-5 siege tanks

Hercules 2:
-1 Thor
-1,000 marauders.
-1,000 Firebats
-500 marines

Hercules 3:
-200 hellions
-120 Cyclones
-180 Goliaths

Hercules 4:
-2,500 marines
-25 siege tanks

Hercules 5:
-2,000 Marauders
-3,000 marines

Deployment zones:
South City: Major battle ground millions of civilians will die if not saved. Under siege by 33,000 aliens. The aliens here most of their tanks and heavier weapons.

North towns and villages: over 350,000 people split up into smaller groups. Under attack by over 18,000 aliens split up into smaller groups of 2-3,000. Least amount of fast attack vehicles.

South towns and villages: a bit under 200,000 people under threat. primairily in one major town but also in several smaller towns. Under attack by 6,000 aliens. almost the entirety of the aliens here are on fast attack vehicles in groups no larger than 1,000.

East towns and villages: Slightly more than 300,000 people are in this area. 12,000 aliens are attacking this area. They are relatively bunched up with groups no smaller than 3,000. They have some heavier weapons and a few tanks to back them up.

West towns and villages: 100,000 people are trapped in this area. Just under 11,000 aliens are slaughtering the civilians of this area. They are made mostly up of infantry and split into two groups of 5,000 and 6,000.

"Hmmm alright then. The plan is to..."

Vote time:

[] Write in a plan to the aliens on the planet. Remember to be specific about which Hercules dropship goes where. Also don't forget to add in a rough idea of what each group should do.

Chapter ends here.

ok so... this was a BITCH and a half to write. Especially with the amount of research I needed to write the Covenant perspective properly(ish).

Anyway here it is, thanks for the patience and let me know what you guys think :D
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South City:
Hercules 2:
-1 Thor
-1,000 marauders.
-1,000 Firebats
-500 marines

North towns and villages:
Hercules 5:
-2,000 Marauders
-3,000 marines

South towns and villages
Hercules 3:
-200 hellions
-120 Cyclones
-180 Goliaths

East towns and villages:
Hercules 1:
-1 thor.
-2,000 Marines
-5 siege tanks

West towns and villages:
Hercules 4:
-2,500 marines
-25 siege tanks

the idea is to get our forces to provide air-cover as we fight, get two BC's near the south city and lay down some fire-support but watch our aim as well as our ships...we don't know if they have established anti-orbitals yet. NO YAMATO STRIKES unless super-heavies are confirmed. all ground forces have orders if they are victorious in their area they are to head to the south city to aid in its defense from other vectors or to reinforce the lines if needed.

have 2 BC's also provide orbital support against aircraft and to block any transmissions form the covenant to their allies (we don't know if they can do this, terrans are surprisingly good at sending distress signals!) the gorgon is to begin diplomacy with the resident human ship, hopefully securing some aid in the south city...or to offer some SCV and repair support for spot checks to prevent reactor detonation...that hit looked UGLY.
I'll Plan it.

[X] Plan Best for Their Role
-[X] Hercules 4 to the West Villages and Towns
-[X] Hercules 1 to the East Villages and Towns
-[X] Hercules 3 to the South Villages and Towns
-[X] Hercules 5 to the North Villages and Towns
-[X] Hercules 2 to the South City
--[X] When possible, two Battlecruisers provide in-atmosphere fire support above the South city. They should watch their aim, and not use Yamato cannons unless superheavy units are detected in the enemy's ranks.
--[X] Two Battlecruisers will provide orbital support and attempt to block transmissions between the aliens.
--[X] The Retribution will make contact with the new humans, offering aid and attempting diplomacy.

Anyone want to start coming up with pretentious names for our faction's capitol and such? Because of my recent DoW kick, I vote Victory Bay... :p
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