A Magistrate on Halo rings (Starcraft and Halo crossover)

ah, that would be because of the background context here.

the first bit is because it is pretty obvious the UNSC is losing, they are completely outmatched in technology as Natalia saw from the space and land battles, and were trying to evac rather than fight. She knows they are losing, the governor knows she knows, This was just the governor admitting to their savior that they are losing.

as for his quick agreement.... well don't forget Natalia can in fact just roll over the entire UNSC military presence on this world without a care.... and the Governor knows this. He also heard her whole tirade against the general and from that knows she at least says she fights for freedom and good things and he does believe she was being honest there. So he made the choice that didn't get his people wiped out and looked to possibly improve their lives.

I don't think you actually get quite what I was objecting to here... It's not the outcome, it's how we got there. I totally understand that yes, they are losing, and yes, they would accept this in the end, I'm just saying that your character of the governor doesn't really talk like a governor would in this scenario, at least, not to my view of it.

It's really not a problem, just a minor nitpick.
I don't think you actually get quite what I was objecting to here... It's not the outcome, it's how we got there. I totally understand that yes, they are losing, and yes, they would accept this in the end, I'm just saying that your character of the governor doesn't really talk like a governor would in this scenario, at least, not to my view of it.

It's really not a problem, just a minor nitpick.
ehhhh I was trying to explain how it happened but eh, also if he was a core world leader then ya it would have taken longer, but he was a colonial governor plus there is other stuff I have yet to reveal.... let's just say he has lots in common with Natalia.
Hmmm trip I don't think democracy will work here...a commonwealth maybe if we can make a republic/metrocracy hybrid...democracies are actually majority against minority and republics are minority against majority...

Not a single government is going to be fullproof but I strongly. Suggest any sort of election period should be either 10-15 years for the "Prime Minister", second minister (who can take over the roll of anything happens to the prime minister) same thing.

As for a council, a war council and a civilian council could work, with 20% power to each of them.

The civilian council has 1 representative per planet, in time this could be remade into 1 representative per sub-sector and then so on to keep the bodies in the one day senate down to a minimum.

Mostly to also prevent worlds with more people from holding power over those that don't have the population.

Other then that it's fine tri2.

We should get some scv's and minning both vespene gas and minerals going soon, as well as getting our tech to work with both sides.

I could make a potential future plan when I get home, later!
Hmmm trip I don't think democracy will work here...a commonwealth maybe if we can make a republic/metrocracy hybrid...democracies are actually majority against minority and republics are minority against majority...

Not a single government is going to be fullproof but I strongly. Suggest any sort of election period should be either 10-15 years for the "Prime Minister", second minister (who can take over the roll of anything happens to the prime minister) same thing.

As for a council, a war council and a civilian council could work, with 20% power to each of them.

The civilian council has 1 representative per planet, in time this could be remade into 1 representative per sub-sector and then so on to keep the bodies in the one day senate down to a minimum.

Mostly to also prevent worlds with more people from holding power over those that don't have the population.

Other then that it's fine tri2.

We should get some scv's and minning both vespene gas and minerals going soon, as well as getting our tech to work with both sides.

I could make a potential future plan when I get home, later!

Whatever happened to Queen Natalia? :p
Whatever happened to Queen Natalia? :p
Hmmm...true that...maybe we can do that a limited form of monarch? But with more oversight?

Kind of like a Star Wars but the imperial senate has more teeth and is again having its own oversight...

mmm, you can rule as a monarch on this world if you wish and then create a star wars style republic even with the joint military and all that. It would also leave you likely the most powerful planet in the republic too, with a large amount of control over the military.

On the other hand you could also place yourself in control of the military only en-place your own government on your current world, and then let the worlds govern themselves joining in a military alliance where they all have to fund you and all that. It would make it easier for you to take control over new planets.
Yeah no NPC's really can't be trusted if we do t have oversight on them, so a monarchy mixed with a republic setting...hmmm

Maybe we're onto somthing here, a more fair version of mengsk's reign...

Somthing that's a lot less then the UED, nor the other two forgettable Starcraft Terran states besides the confederatcy.

Yeah I suggest like the Star Wars senate, but we keep things as simple as possible in time.
Yeah no NPC's really can't be trusted if we do t have oversight on them, so a monarchy mixed with a republic setting...hmmm

Maybe we're onto somthing here, a more fair version of mengsk's reign...

Somthing that's a lot less then the UED, nor the other two forgettable Starcraft Terran states besides the confederatcy.

Yeah I suggest like the Star Wars senate, but we keep things as simple as possible in time.

Constitutional monarchy, perhaps? A monarch who has power shared with a democratically-elected body?

But with more power than UK monarchs have because WE WILL NOT BE A FIGUREHEAD, DAMMIT!
Constitutional monarchy, perhaps? A monarch who has power shared with a democratically-elected body?

But with more power than UK monarchs have because WE WILL NOT BE A FIGUREHEAD, DAMMIT!

Acceptable and our democratically body can be planetary goveners, each world gets 1 representative to the senate, with a service time of 10 years. No more no less.

By the time they have served 5-8 years it would be expected that they would start grooming a sort of heir to the position out of the candidates, (aka a small groupie that would watch and not interact with the body so they can start getting used to the senate and not flounder like idiots).

Also hard cap their power so they can't duck the monarchy over...seriously!

But still make sure both sides are okay with the deal even if they don't like it.
[X] Plan: The New Commonwealth

[X] Consitutional monarchy
(the crown has more power then RL situation of great Britain)

[X] Diplomacy first, then if needed military action.
-(as in send diplomats to the planet to see about the situation, if under attack send military aid), if they are with the UNSC we do the long con of slowly taking the planet into succeeding the UNSC into our fold, if they are insurrectionist planet be honest with our intentions (as well as insuring they have a proper seat within the senate for their concerns to be said and done. If covenant are attacking try to save the planet while calling for reinforcements of nearby terran patrols)
[X] Allow protests and other non-violent forms of rebellion and allow freedom of media so long as what they say is true.
-(this is to prevent shit from going out of control, as long as they stay non-violent and the police use non-violent forms of arrest of the protestors if they get to uppity)

[X] Attack remaining Covenant bases - Launch an attack against one or all of the handful of Covenant bases left on your world.
Cost: NA
Time: 1 turn
DC: ???
Reward: quick few rolls to see how you deal with the covenant along with a short battle scene. Success equals Covenant presence on the planet being eradicated.

[X] Build Supply Depots - build Fifty supply depots across the planet from which you will create ammunition and neosteel among other products for your military to use.
Cost: 18 production, 14 minerals, 4 vespene.
Time: 2 turns
DC: 10
Reward: Allows you to arm and equip 20,000 more infantry, 10,000 small land or air vehicles, 5,000 siege tanks or liberators, or 500 Thors.

[X] Repair all war damage across the planet - Many farm fields, city buildings and towns bear the scars of the recent war. Repairing the damage they all took will increase the peoples trust in you all while bringing production and food levels back up to full.
Cost: 20 production
Time: 2 turns
DC: 13
Reward: all damage to population centers, factories and farms are repaired. Increases loyalty and trust of the general populace in your governance. Brings food levels and production back up to non-damaged levels.

[X] Integrate supply depot technology with factories - Update and alter all the factories on your world to employ supply depots. This will cut down heavily on the manpower needed in each factory while also increasing their output and letting people build more factories to employ the people who were laid off.
Cost: 25 production, 10 minerals, 2 vespene.
Time: 1 turn
DC: 10/14/18
Reward: Decrease the number of people able to work per factory by 30%/50%/60% and increase finished products produced per every 100 people working by 5,000/10,000/15,000 per turn from the current 5,000 per person based on an Administration roll. Also increases unrest by a level per every 200,000 people left unemployed for 3 turns.

[X] *Required action* Found your own government - establish your own government on this new planet with all that implies.
Cost: 3 production
Time: 1 turn
DC: 5/10/15
Reward: You now have a formal government that the people of your nation can look to for leadership.

[X] Scout out remaining Covenant presence on the world.
Cost: the use of one ghost for the duration.
Time: 2 turns
DC: 8
Reward: Knowledge on remaining Covenant troops and troop composition.

[X] Gather intact samples of Jackal energy shields
Cost: 9 production
Time: 1 turn
DC: 8
Reward: Intact Jackal energy shields for your researchers to examine how they work.

[X] Build Capital building - Build a place for your future government to hold sessions in and for its members offices where they will be bogged down by the endless paperwork that comes with running a planet.
Cost: 10 production, 5 minerals.
Time: 1 turn
DC: 6/10
Reward: Increased legitimacy of and loyalty to your government.

[X] Spend your time getting work done instead - Instead of being lazy be productive! spend your personal time on getting something done that needs doing!
-[X] Build Supply Depots
-[X] Integrate supply depot technology with factories
Time: Variable
Cost: nothing
Reward: Pick a task in any category to do and do it in place of 1 personal action.

[X] Be lazy - Spend some time just relaxing, and being all around lazy! Take some me time, read a book, watch a movie, go get drunk, just sleep in bed! But you are tired of work and its time to have some playtime. You doubt you will ever need this though.
Time: 1 turn
Cost: nothing
Reward: -1 stress level

This plan is basically to get rid of the remaining covenant forces on the planet, as well as deal with them with full orbital support and rolling them down to insure the covenant don't send a signal out to have more fleets decimate this place.

after we get a basic build-up going we should get planetary defenses going as soon as possible and insuring that the planet is well guarded and that we don't go to war with the UNSC, let them send the first bullet at us, whether or not its from a Black-Ops attack or a flat out invasion fleet.
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alright problem @RandomDwarf you are using too much production. Thankfully that is an easy fix. You have 150 SCV's total, 110 of those must stay on your ships at all times. (though using more than 10 will be weakening your capital ships if attacked, not by much though.)

So you have 40 SCV's you can use to cut production costs of your projects by 5% per SCV deployed to a project up to a maximum of 50%.

sorry I forgot to include them in the turn, they are in there now. but ya you only have 53 production you can use until repairs are done and you increase it.
Oopes, crap didnt notice the scv's were needed...still would be useful to have our current resource level shown.
ehhh its cool I rushed a bit to get this all up last night. probably should have taken a bit longer to make sure it was all perfect and set up. Everything will be set up in the next turn though.
The plan's still good.

And I still vote that our capitol city be named Victory Bay. Because why the hell not.

Also, @san, do we know a name for the planet yet?
....... ya so that was another thing I was going to have a vote on..... I didn't want to come up with a name for it lol. ummm I will include the vote in the results update.

Also the vote will stay up until tomorrow I think, I am pretty busy today.
[] planet name: Victory Bay

Why not? Because this is the start of our one day stellaris like campaign!

But for now let's not force unsc to fight unsc...we need morale to be high enough for that shit!

Also next turn I'm setting up minning and vespene gas outfits and getting our industry up and running...not to mention planetary defense...

So guys and gals, time to build tall and play as the slow creeping turtle of mass takeover now!
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[X] planet name: Victory Bay

Why not? Because this is the start of our one day stellaris like campaign!

But for now let's not force unsc to fight unsc...we need morale to be high enough for that shit!

Also next turn I'm setting up minning and vespene gas outfits and getting our industry up and running...not to mention planetary defense...

So guys and gals, time to build tall and play as the slow creeping turtle of mass takeover now!

A planet named "Victory Bay?"

Well, I've seen weirder, so eh.
[X] planet name: Victory Bay

Why not? Because this is the start of our one day stellaris like campaign!

But for now let's not force unsc to fight unsc...we need morale to be high enough for that shit!

Also next turn I'm setting up minning and vespene gas outfits and getting our industry up and running...not to mention planetary defense...

So guys and gals, time to build tall and play as the slow creeping turtle of mass takeover now!
OI remove the x there lol, you can vote on the next update not while the other vote is ongoing lol (or at least include your plan) XD

Sounded like a good idea, plus it would be somthing for the commonwealth to decide on.

But still even if we're setting up a monarchy, we are going to very much needed representation for the colony worlds we eventually take.

Heck most of the reason why the rebels were a thing was because of core worlds taking advantage of the outer rim worlds...so pretty much curroption all round.

Hopefully we don't have that, but we really should look into making sure we build tall enough to be a good and credible threat to any fleet that wants to screw with us, also no doomsday weapons unless we have it Stowed away with its own budget, admittedly small one too.

Sounded like a good idea, plus it would be somthing for the commonwealth to decide on.

But still even if we're setting up a monarchy, we are going to very much needed representation for the colony worlds we eventually take.

Heck most of the reason why the rebels were a thing was because of core worlds taking advantage of the outer rim worlds...so pretty much curroption all round.

Hopefully we don't have that, but we really should look into making sure we build tall enough to be a good and credible threat to any fleet that wants to screw with us, also no doomsday weapons unless we have it Stowed away with its own budget, admittedly small one too.

A monarch with doomsday weapons never survives the month. Haven't you learned the lessons of Star Wars and Akame ga Kill (the anime, because I'm a masochist with a guilty pleasure complex)?