A Falling Sun [Kenshi Quest]

Voting is open
I hope we didn't gave you too much to write. Though rough right now, it's still great.

Edit: The threadmark says Phase I, shouldn't this be Phase III?

See? By not betting on omakes, we have more points to use. Bask in my prescience (and pessimism).

No that's probably my own fault :V But anyways more updates means more characters and details. Also yep, need to update the threadmark
Character Creation Phase II "Childhood Years 7-12" Story Part 2
Town's Li'l Boss

The town of Starlight continued their day as usual. The weekend's market was in full swing as a dozen or more stall sellers did their best to try and get both travelers and residents to buy fresh fish, it was a slow day though since the Sun today was particularly harsh and the air around Kirakira was very hot. This was probably the reason that she and her friends were all playing under the shade of the town's wall.

"Hey that's not fair you are supposed to be the Skeleton this round!" Said one of the kids to another clearly in anger as the kids were playing a simple game of escape from the skeleton. A popular game where the kids simply ran away from the "skeleton" and did their best to hide and not be touched by him or her. In this heat though, there were really not that many places to hide unless you wanted to be churned by the Sun and the heat, as such, they mostly ran back and forth as such only the fastest were able to really compete.

"No need to fight, I will do it myself if you two don't stop bickering." Replied Kirakira with a smirk on her face, the rest of her friends certainly recoiled a little by her saying that as they knew that she was the hardest to catch from amongst them and she was easily able to catch up to them really quickly if she really tried.

"It's fine I will be the skeleton this time around." Replied the kid that had been at once complaining. Everyone went back to their respective spots and prepared for the game to begin anew but suddenly the loud noise of a metal plate against the ground made all the kids look at a new figure that had just arrived.

The rugged face of an old Ashlander man appeared near them. He looked at them with a serious face and everyone simply stood still for a moment before rushing to make a line with Kirakira at end of the line. All of them straightened their backs and immediately saluted with their small but firm hands before shouting in unison. "Sir!"

The old man smiled and said. "At ease soldiers." The man was indeed none other than the leader of the Militia of the fishing town. Osafi, a man with a mercenary background and a fond swordman. He had been elected by the townsfolk as the leader of the militia simply because he was the most suited for it and with good reason due to his experience fighting both Holy Nation and hunting down bandits in his glory days.

Even though Osafi was still clearly fit and his voice was certainly one that inspired leadership and loyalty. The man liked to patrol around the town, the dayers after a Cannibal party had been defeated. Perhaps, to remind himself that it wasn't fighting only for the money and the fish but rather to continue making a good deed in his old days.

Kirakira stepped forwards as the leader of the small group of makeshift militia. She was taller than most kids her age and about the same height as a kid two years older than her. "All ready for training sir!" Said Kirakira with her firm voice.

"Very well. Let's start then and get running there is no time to waste. You never know when a Cannibal is going to come around the corner!" Said Osafi to the group of children as they began to run in unison from one point of the wall to the other as if they were already used to it.

"Ten more!" Shouted Osafi as if he was training the children and indeed it was fun to do so and kept them out of trouble for a little while. Surprisingly when some of his men caught some of these kids causing mischief, Kirakira appeared out of nowhere and asked him not to punish them, after all, punishments could be quite painful and harsh. She convinced the militia commander to let them go and even managed to get him to agree to train her little band so that they would of course spend less time doing nothing and more time under the supervision of an adult.

The training was not easy but certainly not harsh enough to be compared to the training of Ninjas and Samurais. It was enough for Osafi to pass the time and for the kids to have some fun. Kirakira for her part enjoyed the fact that she could be the "leader" of the militia since she had been the one to convince Osafi in the first place.

She did fit well into the role surprisingly her height helped her garner natural authority over the group and she made quite good friends with most of the group. Many of them had also fishermen's parents and as such, they could understand each other better. Perhaps in that way, they the smallness of the town helped build a stronger bond over this small group.

The group itself was made up of eight kids in total, Kirakira being one of them and the second oldest. String, a girl just one year younger than Kirakira, Metaru the same age as Kirakira but a few months younger. Senshi, the oldest kid of the group was only a year older than Kirakira and the rest were just friends of friends who came to have a good time playing.

The training consisted mostly of physical training with a little practice with weighted wooden sticks that more often than not were picked up from wherever they could procure them. "And one! and two!" The kids continued to swing against invisible targets on the air doing their best to follow Osaf's instructions.

When the practice ends and Osafi has to return back to his post. It is clear that Kirakira and her friends are all sweating and tired, even in this heat they managed to get this done and it shows that they had at least some determination to continue their training no matter how small it was. Something which for Osafi was a clear sign that the town of Starlight may still have a generation or two of peaceful tranquility.

[Gain very basic combat training and improved physical condition]

A Holy Visit

Kirakira walked around the plaza of the small town looking around, she was aimless as she didn't have anything to do. All she could do was watch the sea and the small fishing boats that littered the coast in this lazy afternoon. Immersed in her thoughts, Kirakira remembered overhearing that someone important was going to arrive today and she had been waiting in the morning but nobody had arrived and as such, she had gone to play with her friends to pass the time.

She left her spot on top of an abandoned house to take a look around the gate. She looked around, as she passed the town's plaza and she saw that there were not that many people left and many were packing up to return to their homes. The air was getting colder and the bright sun from the morning had begun to wane and disappear on the peaks of the western mountain range that surrounded Starlight.

Just as she got to the gate, she was able to hear the arrival of another caravan that was probably just gonna pass by the night by and Kirakira wondered if the important person that she had overheard was going to come was among them. For her, the caravan was just like any other a simple caravan with some Flotsam guards and the typical cargo of trading goods that the people of Starlight needed to live.

She didn't find any of them particularly interesting looking though and as such, she decided to ask one of the gate guards about the supposedly important person that had to arrive today.

"Oh, she has already arrived. She was with that caravan." Replied the gate guard standing on his.

"Really? How come I didn't see her? I thought she would be wearing something fancy like those big merchants that come from time to time." Said Kirakira as she gestured her hand on her forehead as if she was trying to avoid the sun to have a clearer look.

"Not everybody needs to be dressed like a fancy noble to be important. It's just that it's been a while since a priest from Flotsam came here. I am surprised even."

"Why?" Asked the curious Kirakira as she leaned on the wall to get a short rest.

"Flotsams are probably sickened by all of the Holy Nation. Ain't gonna blame 'em though but some of them still believe in Okran and more often than not they do missionary work here in Starlight to make sure, we don't listen to the incorrect version of Okran and Narko." Replied the guard, after all, he had met many and seen many it was no wonder that he knew at least a bit about the people that came to visit so often.

"Oh! Does that mean she can teach me more about those things and how the skelies destroyed the world?" Kirakira said having overheard that last part on many other market conversations and probably the drunken talk of fishermen at night.

"She is going to stay for a while. I would ask around if you want to meet her." Answered the guard.

Kirakira thought about it for a second, for her it would be nice meeting someone new and she liked meeting new people at every chance that she got. Probably because of all the nice people that her parents introduced to her, so before the gate guard even finishing his sentence, she ran towards the new arrivals and began to ask around about the priestess. She was careful to only ask the ones that she thought were nice enough since she at this age was far more easily able to recognize the few that had some kindness and empathy from others that were more apathetic.

A couple of sweet smiles and questions later she managed to find the whereabouts of the priestess, who while she been asking around had already left the group to meet with her host. This meant that Kirakira had to run again but she didn't mind at all.

She made her way to the small house only a few houses away from her home and she knocked on the door. The one to answer was none else than the lady of the house, a retired flotsam ninja that now spent her days in village. She had been only of the few religious ones, the one to pray the hardest in the entire and town as such, but beyond that, she was nice to everyone but rather harsh when there was something that didn't align with her strict sense of morality and discipline.

"Good afternoon." Kirakira said as she did her best to contain her excitement.

"Oh hello, Kirakira have you been praying all nights as I told you?" The old woman said, as always reminding Kirakira to be religious. Something which she reminded everyone of.

"Yes, I have." Kirakira answered half-heartedly as she peeked into the house.

"Well if you have done so then you will want to meet with my new guest." Said the old woman, as she slowly turned back and made a gesture for someone to come. "Adi come here, here is another religious girl that you should speak to."

Kirakira was able to her as if someone was standing up from a squeaky chair. The anticipation of meeting the priestess was making Kirakira wait with excitement and when the figure finally appeared in her field of vision, she was able to see an adult woman that wore rather simple clothes, she was another scorchlander just like Kirakira. She had a unique feature though, a scar on her face that was pretty noticeable that and a patch on her eye.

Adi looked at Kirakira and maintained a serious but gentle attitude towards her. "I see, a young girl...I wonder how much she has been taught about our religion." She said glancing at the old woman and then back at Kirakira.

"Well I have tried teacher her and the rest, but well I am old and all the fishermen get too drunk to listen to what I have to say." Answered the old woman with some bitterness. "At least, Kira here takes her religious seriously unlike the rest of the town." To be honest, Kirakira was probably the only one that did hear what she had to say and while sometimes it bored her, she did her best to hear and learn even if she mostly repeated the same stuff over and over.

"That's why I came, to help the town's people remember the tenets of the religion." Adi the scorchlander priestess said. "How about you accompany us to talk so that I can learn more about the town and its people." Kirakira agreed almost immediately and she began talking with Adi for a long while, learning more about how everyone deserved to be treated with respect and kindness, the dangers of sin through drunkness, and other wants of the body that were not needed to live a fulfilling life. She took a book, called the Book of Grace and she recited some scriptures, Kirakira knew about some of the stuff that Adi was talking about but learning about it in a more structured and orderly way was something new for her.

Over time, the priestess Adi began to speak to other townpeople trying to do her best to get them to follow the true teachings of Chitrin. Kirakira for her part helped and studied the strange but interesting book in her spare time. She attended the religious rites something which surprised her parents and her friends too. All in all, she was becoming a little bit more religious and was certainly understanding more and more about one of Kenshis's religions.

New Characters:

Osafi, the militia commander: An old retired mercenary that now serves in the Starlight militia mostly training them and helping organize things so that the town can maintain its independence from the UC, Holy Nation and keep at bay the Cannibals. The man has no known family and seems to have taken a liking to Kirakira's gang teaching them some of the basics but also making sure they stay out of trouble even if that means making their muscles ache.

Adi, the Priestess: A flotsam ninja, she is part of the religious faction of the FN, the one that is disliked by Moll but that is tolerated by her. She has begun teaching the town about Chitrin and its teachings, she stays at the house of an old religious woman in the town and has had some reasonable success at making the town's people more religious. She is strict both religious and morally meaning that sometimes she has tension with the town's fishermen but she has learned to not be too confrontational with them. She teaches Kirakira more about religion and instills in her the values of Chitrin, which goes well with her desire to learn more.
Considering what's just been shown about the townfolk's general opinion on Skeletons, I now really look forward to their reaction to the Anti-Slaver visiting.
Character Creation Phase II "Childhood Years 7-12" Story Part 3

It is a simple morning, the small town becoming ever smaller as Kirakira grows up. For now, though, she is busy with her friends playing at militia soldiers, with her lessons with his mother, the market and its entertaining stories, and the lessons of religion that a certain religious old woman and priestess teach her. She is growing up to a be fine person, yet she still has a large number of things waiting to happen. The town of Starlight, however, is a nice cradle for her even if problems happen from time to time and tensions remain high with the prospect of Cannibal raids that so far have not penetrated this deep into the region.

The outside world though remains a busy one. Tales of adventurers, mercenaries, and of the anti-slavers have arrived at the town of Starlight. "Yes! I remember the time I saw them behead a dozen or so men. I, of course, managed to beat them back but they have some strong people within their ranks." Osafi answered Kirakira as he continued to clean his mouth from all the grog he had been drinking. Nonetheless, his answer while interesting didn't quite satisfy Kirakira's curious mind.

"Anti-Slavers? I do remember hearing something about them. Their association with the skeleton leader is a strange one, their actions, however, as heroic as they may seem are too unplanned and brash for them to be called saviors." Adi, the priestess answered her question although, she clearly didn't want to be reminded of it too much as she continued to teach Kirakira and the other kids more about the doctrine of Chitrin. As always, she kept a calm expression and one that helped Kirakira remained relaxed, however, this is only brought to ask more questions about the Anti-Slavers, which were cleverly avoided by Adi.

The one they called Tinfist also made her question a bit about the teachings of Adi. Kirakira knew that the skeletons weren't part of the natural world. They were artificial that much everyone told her and there were also many of them still wandering the land. Tinfist in particular had decided to become a sort of hero unlike the others, who could be very dangerous and preferred to be left alone.

When asked about it during lunch. Her mother answered the following. "Oh, yeah. I sort of remember them. They were the reason my father did not want to share caravans with slavers, not good for business when you become targeted by skeletons that can punch you harder than a beak thing... Tinfist? Uhm, I remember the tech hunters talking some about him...but only rumors. Anyhow when did you hear about him, I don't think the townsfolk talk that much about him."

Kirakira looked at her mother with honest eyes..."Well, sometimes I can hear the people from the bar from very far away." Kirakira replied just as her mother raised an eyebrow, however, she let it pass for now. "Well, be sure not to hear too much about what they say in the bar. More often than not they spew things that you don't need to hear." She told Kirakira.

All in all, the legend of Tinfist and the anti-slavers continued to permeate in the mind of Kirakira. Nonetheless, the main question she wanted to ask was as to why a skeleton would do all that...Kirakira had thought that skeletons were mostly cold metal with little feelings and thoughts beyond self-preservation and mysterious schemes. Then again, she had not met any to make a correct judgment on them something which was bound to be solved very soon.

A skeleton named Takik had traveled all the way to the town of the Starlight. He had no other reason to go there than learn more about the town really. It was going to be hard to convince the offspring of multiple generations of fishermen to give up their lives to fight against one of the most powerful nations in the entire land.

This was not the only reason that drew him all the way to such a faraway town though. The Anti-Slavers had decided to meet up with a member of the Farmers under their leader Simion to try and hash out plans to help each other out, although, previous talks had ended up in empty promises as Simion did not want to risk his men, whom he mostly saw as sort of his own children in any large raids against the UC samurais.

His arrival was immediately meet by the glances of about every single fisherman and town dweller. Housewives closed their windows and many attempted to pretend that he didn't exist. A tense atmosphere quickly engulfed the town plaza, the sounds of his mechanical limbs always attracting the attention of every new local as if the bells of a demon. Takik was used to this already, he had been used to this long ago and didn't mind at all, but he kept his guard high nonetheless.

Then suddenly he felt a touch on the back. The skeleton was about to sigh even if he couldn't think that things were about to get busy. Nonetheless, when he looked back he saw no man with a weapon but rather a small girl that didn't even reach his chest. The skeleton was curious, it unconsciously reminded of something in the past, something that a long time ago he had cleansed from his memories. This feeling was interrupted when he heard her voice.

"Mister Skeleton, what's your name?" Asked Kirakira. One could hear a few soft gasps in the distance as many saw Kirakira speaking to the skeleton. Something many didn't approve of and that Kirakira didn't mind that much either way. She had heard even worse things from them before when they talked about her father.

"Takik. Yours?" Answered, Takik. Who was glad to find a single friendly face in the town.

"Kirakira." She replied as she began to inspect the Skeleton's mechanism and arms. It all blended in so seamlessly that Kirakira began to believe that there was no way that someone could have made him, yet, she was told that was the case. "I don't think a human-made you or did they?" She asked before spotting Adi and the old woman in the distance. They were not very content about what she was doing and she could see already in their faces.

Takik was not given a chance to answer as Kirakira ran away at the sight of the unhappy faces of both of them knowing that she was about to get scolded. She ran to the docks where she could probably exchange helping her father for not being given an hour-long lecture. Suffice to say, for Takik the young girl proved to be interesting enough, but he carried on nonetheless. A new memory that would accompany him for an unknown amount of time.

Later that day, Kirakira and her parents had a discussion about it. This was done at the behest of Adi, who had not gotten the chance to talk Kirakira ever since she went to the docks. Her parents were not that concerned with her meeting the skeleton, her father spoke to her about some stories he heard just like many others, but Kumo explained that she had been working with skeletons in the tech hunters and so far even if it was hard to tell what was on their minds, they behaved quite well and way better than most humans.

Then again, Kumo reminded of her expeditions with the tech hunters and the fact that sometimes her team found some skeletons who didn't behave intelligently like the others and they could be extremely dangerous. Mostly due to the fact that they could not be injured as easily as a fleshy human, hiver or shek.

Regardless, Kirakira got off with a slap on the wrist by part of her parents, however, her friends questioned her all about it and asked her many questions as to which Kirakira wasn't really able to answer due to how short their meeting had been. Meanwhile, Takik had stayed inside of the bar for most of his stay especially after talking to Osafi, who told him that it was probably for the better to keep out of sight of the townspeople.

As always though, Kirakira decided to satisfy her curiosity in her own way. She sneaked in the evening towards the bar, she skillfully avoided the gazes of the adults and managed to get to a secluded spot outside of the bar itself but one that was covered by boxes and had next to it a small hole that led to the bar. The hole itself wasn't big enough for Kirakira to slip in though and if she had tried to sneak inside she would have probably been caught.

Once she was comfortable enough she sat to listen in to the talks of the patrons of the bar. Many of them talked and talked about many things, adventures, myths, rumors. Stuff that she couldn't so easily find in books. By pure chance, Takik had begun to talk with the Simion agent right next to that small hole where Kirakira could overhear their conversation.

"Yer boss told us that he would help us. Aint' so sure I can trust him." Said a man with a thick farmer accent. He was walking in circles and Kirakira was able to see only his sandals through the small hole in the wall.

"We understand your plight and are doing our best to help out whenever we can. But our leader has made it quite clear that we are not quite ready to reach the northern desert just yet." Replied Takik in a mechanical voice.

"Just what I thought'. A bunch of wannabe heroes, if you can't take out the outposts in the north. Then we have nothing to talk about anymore." Replied the man before leaving giving no chance for a reply from Takik.

Kirakira could have sworn to hear a sigh after that but once the man was gone. She grabbed her chance and trying to get the attention of the skeleton. She threw a small stone into the room where Takik was, the stone hitting the "feet" of the skeleton and making quite the clinky noise.

"Psst....Its' Kira from before." She told the skeleton. Takik for his part was surprised to hear once more the girl. He had expected for her to get reprimanded after her escape but it seems that she still wanted to talk to him and with nothing better to do than to let time pass. He decided to do just that. Before sitting up next to the wall with a small lamp to his side to spoke in that monotone voice of his. "I remember quite well. You were the girl that ran away."

"Oh, I am sorry for that but it seemed like some of the adults didn't want me talking to you but my parents said it's okay as long as you aren't crazy." Replied Kirakira.

"I don't blame you. Quite brave of you to do so anyways, braver than some I have met during my travels." Said Takik recalling a couple of "brave" mercenaries escaping and leaving their own to die simply because they didn't want to risk fighting bandits.

"So where are you from?" Asked Kirakira recalling the question that she had first made to him during their short meeting.

"I don't think I remember where exactly, but it was probably south of here. Where others like me were made, but well I don't really think of that as my home anymore. My home is somewhere very far south and very far east, on the top of the biggest mountain you have ever seen." Described Takik to the young girl, taking amusement in the way he described what was basically a hideout.

"Hey! I have seen plenty of big mountains, but I will take your word on it that you live on a bigger mountain." She told him. "But what do you do..No, wait have you met Tinfist?"

"Tinfist. I do know him, how did you hear about him?" Takik knew that the name of Tinfist was both famous and infamous, maybe it was more famous around these parts, after all, this was a land without the taint of slavery that the UC had been corrupted in.

"The people in the bar talk about him. Especially the ones that come from the great desert...but they talk bad things about him sometimes. Tinfist is a good guy or a bad guy?"

Takik stopped for a second thinking about his answer. Conflict within him stopped him from outright saying something to her. There was a slight cold taste at remembering the mistakes of the past and those of the present, however, he spared the young girl his questionings and decided to go ahead with the retelling of the legend. "A good guy. He frees the humans that were enslaved by others, isn't that only something a good person would do?"

"I guess that's correct...Anyways, tell me more about your travels." Takik would have asked for what part of his travels if not for the sudden interruption of someone calling Kira's names. Thinking that her secret spot may be found and not wanting to get in more trouble. Kirakira quickly retired saying her goodbyes in a quick manner and promising to return, however, Takik would not stay for that long given that his mission had failed and he left early the next day.

When Kirakira returned to her spot she was disappointed that instead of hearing the mechanical movements of his new friend, she instead found the noises of old drunkards and when she asked around the town, many simply said that he was gone and that it was better if he left so early.

This small encounter made Kirakira a little more sceptical of the teachings of Adi regarding skeletons and also helped her learn a little more about the Anti-Slavers. Nonetheless, it would be a while until she met another Anti-Slaver since they often didn't operate in the far off region of the northern coast. But even so, Kirakira felt a little safer knowing that the slavers of the East would probably never get here thanks to others like Takik.

OOC: I am thinking that this will be the last detailed backstory post and we will continue chargen after this one. Because its taking a bit too much of a while :p
Character Creation Phase III "Teenage Years 13-18" and World Event Choice
Character Stats:
Name: Kirakira
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Martial: 5 (Base) +++ = 11 Average
+5 From Genius Trait​
+1 From "Town's Lil Boss" and "Child Militia"​
Prowess: 5 (Base) +++ = 11 Average
+4 From Robust Trait​
+1 From Healthy Trait​
+2 From "Child Militia" and "Getting Places"​
-1 From "Random Event"​
Diplomacy: 5 +++ = 15 Excellent
+2 From Pretty Trait​
+5 From Genius Trait​
+3 From "Town's Lil Boss" , "Friends in the Neighbourhood", "Town's Sweetheart" and "Treasure Hunter Stories "​
Stewardship: 5 +++ = 13 Good
+2 From Tech Hunter Parent (Improved because of Sound Foundations)​
+5 From Genius Trait​
+1 From "Errands in the Marketplace"​
Intrigue: 5 +++ = 14 Good
+2 From Escaped Slave Parent (Improved because of Sound Foundations)​
+5 From Genius Trait​
+1 From Scorchlander Race​
+1 From "Sleight of Hand"​
Learning: 5 +++ = 15 Good
+2 From Tech Hunter Parent (Improved because of Sound Foundations)​
+5 From Genius Trait​
+1 From Scorchlander Trait​
+2 From "Numbers and Letters with Mom", From "A Holy Visit" and "A Visit to an Old Friend"​
Childhood Years Summary: Your childhood years were relatively tranquil, there was not much to complain about and in a sense, it was way better than most childhoods all over the continent. You meet many different and strange people throughout your childhood most of them saw in you a child with potential and some of them even tried to teach you stuff that would use in later life. However, as you grew up you began to notice that the world was far more complicated than you had originally thought.

There was also the lingering threat of the Cannibals, a threat that you were told to fear but never actually saw. A fear that was rational and that would later on surely have an impact on you. You grew up a healthy child and made good relationships with your parents and your sister Lim. Time will tell if these familial ties will have a strong effect on you in later years once you are an adult.

The town of Starlight didn't change much during this time. The people of Megacity did certainly help with the economic well-being of the town as trade could finally be done without the need for large caravans but even then the refugees from Bast and Deadcat showed that times outside of your small region of the world were always in change. You began to hear about the Holy Nation and the UC, the Anti-Slavers and most importantly you began to know more about religion.

You were taught that there was something far above you and that that something wanted you to behave in a certain way. It was portrayed in ways in which you could do good, but then again you sometimes questioned how much truth lay in those words were stories of bandits and cruel things always arrived at your small town from the outside.

Now that you are growing up it's time to make some decisions that will have an impact on your adult life and yes, it seems that unlike many others you will make it to adulthood. All of this means new responsibilities and new dangers to you but also a chance to get to know more of the world that surrounds you as harsh and unforgiving as it may seem.

Faction Relationships:
Starlight - +75 Liked
Tech Hunters +10 Indifferent
Cannibal Hunters +0
Cannibals -100

Kirakira: You! You are 12 and have white hair, glowy eyes that help you see at night and darkened skin that's perfect to avoid sunburns. You are quite tall and strong too.

Kumo: Your mother, she is 36. She used to be an associated tech hunter. Born in a trading caravan father, she was supposed to take over the business, she liked the exploring but not so much the incessant walking and problematic trading practices. Nonetheless, he accepted her role as an heiress to his father's caravan, however, trouble soon brew up as debts began to accumulate on top of each other. His father was made into a slave and Kumo only saved herself by a pure merciful act of the town's noble as his father begged for her to be spared. Kumo wanted to get her father out of the slave camps as soon as possible but without a caravan, there was not much she could do. Drowning her sorrows in a bar, she overheard a tech hunter story about them uncovering strange artifacts that the nobles paid for quite handsomely. Realizing that would likely be her only chance at saving her father, she joined up with a tech hunter team. They managed to get some money, but certainly not enough to pay for her father's debt. It was then that she proposed to go to the Leviathan Coast and what a mistake it was, once they arrived at an ancient ruin and opened the door, they were attacked by mechanical spiders that made short work of their team. Only she managed to escape and once again luck helped her avoid a cannibal patrol as she reached the fishing village of Starlight. She was helped by the locals and returned to World's End once she healed up.

Even without a team and without much in terms of savings, she didn't give up but her luck ran out. A notice of her father's death reached her with the next trading caravan that arrived in town. Since then, she joined up the machinists helping in the hydroponic farms and later on moving to Starlight (northern fishing village) where the machinists had helped set up a hydroponic farm to help with the refugee crisis that the fall of Deadcat had provoked.

She meet again with Foto over in the village and after enough courting, she and Foto got married. The two of them leaving behind their past to start anew.

Foto: Your father, he is 39. An escaped slave from the UC. His father was a cook for a noble but after a slip in the amount of salt. He and his family were sent to the stone camp. Only he was able to make it out alive. He wandered around tried to make a living as a bandit but it didn't got work out as he was ousted from the group soon after he joined. He was then captured again by holy nation paladins and sent to rebirth. Once more, he was able to get out and escaped north arriving at the world's end by pure chance. This is where he met Kumo at the tech hunter bar. A couple of bets and drinks later, they became friends and he joined the machinist caravan to the fishing village where he was taken under the wing of an old fisherman whose sons had all died before. With the help of the fisherman, Foto was able to learn the trade of the village of Starlight and when the fisherman died, he left Foto his boat, fishing instruments, and a small house. Enough to start a new life.

Realizing that what he had had was good enough, he decided to settle down. No longer escaping as a slave or trying to become a bandit, he had a place to call home after so many years. When he saw Kumo enter the village, he took it as a sign of the universe to really settle down and courted her. Whether his looks helped him or his wits, he was able to charm her enough to give birth to you. He now continues working as a fisherman.

Set: Your mother's techno hunter friend. You don't know much about him. You know him as the rice man.

Lim: Your sister, she has grown up just like you. She looks just like you but smaller. She is 8 years old. She likes you since you took well care of her when she was sick.

Vashu: "Uncle" a fisherman and your father's best friend in the town. He is nice to you and your family but isn't really liked by your mother. Vashu is a native to Starlight and has helped your family integrate with the rest of the town's population.

Osafi, the militia commander: An old retired mercenary that now serves in the Starlight militia mostly training them and helping organize things so that the town can maintain its independence from the UC, Holy Nation and keep at bay the Cannibals. The man has no known family and seems to have taken a liking to Kirakira's gang teaching them some of the basics but also making sure they stay out of trouble even if that means making their muscles ache.

Adi, the Priestess: A flotsam ninja, she is part of the religious faction of the FN, the one that is disliked by Moll but that is tolerated by her. She has begun teaching the town about Chitrin and its teachings, she stays at the house of an old religious woman in the town and has had some reasonable success at making the town's people more religious. She is strict both religious and morally meaning that sometimes she has tension with the town's fishermen but she has learned to not be too confrontational with them. She teaches Kirakira more about religion and instills in her the values of Chitrin, which goes well with her desire to learn more.


Child Militia: You part of a child militia it is not much by any means but you are getting there.

Fear of Gurglers: You have a trauma regarding Gurglers that may just get fixed in the far future. [-1 Prowess when figthing Gurglers]

Mixed Leanings: You have begun to be taught about the teachings of Chitrin but at the same time, you have had contact with one of the robots and they are not as bad as some make them out to be.

Town's Sweetheart: You are very well-liked by most in the town meaning that you can get away scot-free from deeds that they would otherwise consider punishable.

Bonedog: You have a small bonedog that follows you everywhere. His name is Bull. He is still a youth though but will probably grow up to be a big and healthy adult bonedog in a couple more years.

Global Events:

The Cannibal Wizard Appears (Historical): The fears of the people of Starlight and the colonists from Megacity have turned true. Reports from the latest scouts from the Flotsam Ninjas reveal that the cannibals that took down the city of deadcat have begun to organize and roam in higher numbers than before. They set up ambushes against caravans, adventurers, and treasure hunters that pass through the region. Overwhelming them with numbers and then eating them alive in the worst of ways. Raids against the village of Megacity have become more frequent and with them kidnappings in the farms in the nearby areas. Rumors of a single unified leader are labeled as false but with the cannibals can anything be truly be labeled as such.

Megacity has begun to organize a militia and even hire mercenaries to supplement the garrison of Cannibal Hunters. But even with these efforts, it is believed that a war of attrition has begun to take place and it's one that the Cannibals are poised to win. The leaders of Starlight's and Megacity's militia are beginning to collaborate to help each other.

The Seventh Great Peasant Rebellion (Historical): The defiance of the Holy Nation against the UC at Bast was perhaps one of the major signs that the nobility of the UC once more didn't care about the lives of their citizens and left all to their fate. Those who turned to banditry have begun to harass the even more impoverished and weak farmers of the UC. When asked for help, the nobles only offer loans to hire mercenaries that will surely bankrupt the peasants and in the future turn them into slaves.

As such, it is no surprise that another great rebellion in the UC has begun. One that once more has been brutally crushed at the gates of every major city and that has meant yet another massive bloodshed that has disrupted food supplies in some regions. But hey, at least they're poor in the Empire right?

The Holy Nation War against the UC (Historical): The destruction of Bast wasn't enough for the Holy nation when it began to fight against the Empire of the United Cities. Continuous clashes between the two great powers of the continent continue in the hills and plains of Bast. Sometimes it is the Holy Nation that is defeated just as the same happens with the same occurrence. It is said that the Holy Phoenix continues to send his men as a way to show his determination to win to his people. A test that has costed the lives of hundreds of Holy nation citizens.

However, it seems that the mercenaries of the UC are quite content with the situation being a Samurai is now considered one of the best jobs in the whole UC with the increased demand of able-bodied guards and soldiers.

The Berseker Problem (Random): The Shek Kingdom even though formally united under Esata, the Stone Golem, has seen constant fractures with radical factions within its kingdom. The Berserkers are one of them, their message of following the code of Kral to the letter. They have undermined the authority of Esata and have managed to recruit a considerable amount of Shek warriors to their cause. Their goal is to one day take the Shek nation to its rightful destiny by battling against the Holy Nation and all worthy enemies. [Strenghten the Bersekers]

The Fall of Port North (Random): Foolishly enough the people of Port North believed themselves to be mostly safe from the attacks of the rebels. They believed themselves to be safe behind the walls that had been built by the hands of slaves but this could not be farther from the truth. Simion a shining new leader of the Rebels and an inspiring symbol of resistance as per some sources had planned to cement his leadership by the taking of Port North.

Agents from within set fire to the structures drawing the attention of the Samurai garrison and then went to open the doors to a horde of rebels who quickly flooded the city and overwhelmed it with sheer numbers. It is said that each samurai downed ten men each but this was not enough to stop the rebels and soon the entire town was taken over by the rebels, however, soon the other nobles dispatched a large force to deal with them. The rebels escaped victorious and when the samurai arrived they found not a single soul in the town.

The fall of Port North has caused some food concerns in the region but the Trader's Guild says it's doing its best to increase the productivity of its slaves to cover the fall of supply.

A Major Raid against Rebirth (Random): The Flotsam Ninjas bid their time many times but when an opportunity presents itself they take it. The military commitments of the Holy Nation in the foglands and in the region of Bast have left Rebirth under guarded by the Holy Nation. The Flotsam ninjas thus planned a major raid against Rebirth with the objective of liberating most of the prisoners and causing damage to the mining infrastructure in the place.

The raid was led by Moll herself and it was fairly successful. Dozens of prisoners were freed from Rebirth at the cost of a few of the Flotsam Ninjas. Some of the prisoners left the care of the Flotsam but many others decided to join their ranks strengthening their forces in the long term as it is believed that it will take a while for the Flotsam to train these prisoners into proper ninjas.

Personal Events:

A bad record: During a minor expedition to the docks on the coast, you fell on a rock and suffered an injury to your right leg. It wasn't permanent but it did cause some damage to your leg for quite a bit and it stuck long enough to make you lose some strength on it. (-1 Prowess)

Lim's Intelligence: It seems that Lim has been blessed as you with being able to learn to speak quickly and memorize stuff quite well. This has helped in your two relationships as it is easier for the two of you to understand each other.

A Change of Fates: Your sister seems to have gotten over most of her sickly times and is as healthy as she can be. She will undoubtedly survive childhood and grow to be a healthy woman.

Table for Events:
1-25 Small Event
26-75 Medium Event
76-95 Big Event
96-100 Very Big Event

Beneficial or Negative Events:
1-50 Good
51-100 Negative

Target Global:
1-20 UC
21-40 Holy Nation
41-60 Shek Kingdom
61-70 Flotsam Ninjas
71-80 Cannibals
81-90 Tech Hunters
91-100 Starlight

Target Personal:
1-30 You
31-50 Your Sister
51-70 Your Father
71-100 Your Mother

Three Global Rolls:
First Roll: 21,86,54. A Small Negative event happens to Shek Kingdom.
Second Roll: 79,87,7 . A Big Negative Event happens to the UC.
Third Roll: 20, 34, 69. A Medium Good event happens to the Flotsam Ninjas.

Three Personal Rolls:
First Roll: 63,79,25 . A Medium Bad Thing happens to you.
Second Roll: 94,49,31. A Very Big Good Thing happens to your sister.
Third Roll: 30, 34, 33. A Medium Good Thing happens to your sister.

Character Customization Phase II: Teenage Years. It's time to begin deciding what will you do for life and what sort of opportunities may occur to you. This is an important phase and the last phase before adulthood. So Pick Well

Character Points: 26 - 16 = 10+5 Omake = 15

Family Events:

[X] Sibling Teachings: It is always the case that older siblings give certain traits to their younger siblings either through imitation or through teaching. Kikira decided to be a good older sister and teach her what she knew. [1 Point][Improves relationships with Lim][Gain the "Mentor" Skill which makes it easier for you to teach others.]

[X] Foto's Debt: Your father was an ex-slave and sometimes manhunters venture far enough into these lands to try and kidnap innocent people. One day when you were looking for wood in the forest with your father. A couple of these manhunters appeared and tried to kidnap you both. However, your father wouldn't let them take you. He managed to distract them long enough for you to escape and tell the militia, who quickly went to save him thanks to your pleas. Your father nimble and fast managed to evade the manhunters for long enough to come out unscratched. This was considered to be extremely lucky but it showed you that agility is also important in battle. [1 Point][+1 Prowess]

[X] Kumo's Hidden Treasure: Your mother has kept a hidden treasure somewhere underneath the floor of your house. You know about it because your mom told you that you would only get it when you were of age. When you turned 17, it turned out that her hidden treasure was her gear from her tech hunter times and it seems that everything fits perfectly.[1 Point][Gain Basic Armor and a Polearm]

Acquaintances events:

[X] Adi's Assistant Tutor: You gave off a good impression to the parents of children in the town of Starlight and as you grew up. You were beginning to be seen as more dependable. Adi decided to enlist your help with her lectures to the younger children of the town and she also made it worth your time. [+1 Learning and gain 500 Cats][1 Point]

[X] Osafi War Studies: Osafi was a mercenary and in some sense still is. He used to be a Samurai captain and sometimes, he goes off as to how you can't save everyone in battle and how sometimes it is better to flee than to fight against overwhelming odds. This was all pretty weird to hear but nonetheless, you heard him quite attentively. [1 Point][+1 Martial]

[X] Another visit to World's End: It was clear from the beginning that you wanted to return to World's End and see that beautiful sight on top of the mountain. Thankfully, your mother's contact in the city recalled her back to the city and as such you were able to visit it once more. Taking some extra time to learn and even buy a couple of books to read back at home. [1 Point][+1 Learning]

[X] Vashu's Business Deal: Vashu is as much a friend as he is a drunkard. But sometimes a drunkard can have pretty good ideas and one day, he proposed to try and speculate with the price of fish in Megacity. Something which could be done because there were seasons in which there were few fish in the sea and the recent arrival of mercenaries to Megacity meant that there were more mouths to feed. Suffice to say that you did profit quite a bit from such a proposal. [+1 Stewardship and gain 1500 Cats][2 Points]

Lifestyle Events:

[X] Warbonedog: Your bone dog Bull grows to be a quite big adult bonedog. It is half your size and keeps you company a lot. It does a lot more than before though but he is fast and protects you. [2 Points]

[X] Helping a Farmer Girl: One of your long-time friends has an abusive father and a brother wants her to stay in the town to the farm. She wants neither of those things and has tried to get away from the town for a long time. She asks you to help her get a way and you do so. [Gain an acquitance or a follower if you decided to pick a career choice other than militia][1 Point]

Stewardship Events:

[X] Farming Accounting: You had reached the age necessary to begin working and what better way to work than with dealing with the various ledgers and accounts of the tech hunter outpost in your town. [+1 Stewardship][1 Point]

[X] Succesful Entrepreneurship: The market plaza was full of people trying to sell their stuff, once you were confident enough you decided to take a loan to start a small enterprise within your town. It worked and has made you quite a bit of money. [Roll d300s equal to your Stewardship and gain that amount of cats, +1 Stewardship, gain barter skill.][3 Points][Can be taken more than once]

Military Skills:

[X] Crossbow Training: A gift from one of your mother's friends. A small crossbow which you can use to mostly entertain yourself with. [Gain Crossbow Skill][1 Point]

[X] Medical Training: Starlight is a small town and visitors are few and in between, so people have to make do with what they have. People can get injured and there will always only be a few that can actually treat wounds. You decided to try and learn some basic first aid to help whenever you could. [Gain Basic medical training skill.][1 Point]

[X] The Militia Training Regime: You convinced Osafi to teach how to wield a basic polearm, which is the favorite weapon of the militia. Often underestimated by some, a polearm in the right hands can be quite deadly and in enough numbers, it can be quite a formidable weapon against another group. [Prowess +1. Gain Skill in Polearms and Crossbows][3 Points]

[X] The Battle of Megacity: It wasn't enough for your parents to tell you that you shouldn't go risk your life for the people of megacity or that everyone else literally told you it would be madness. But in the end, you did and went anyway, you took a small weapon from the empty militia barracks and went to help the others against the Cannibals. [This takes place when you are 17][Chance of Death, Injury, Maiming. Prowess +3 and gain "Tested in combat" Skill][2 Points]

Career Choice:

[X] Join the Starlight Militia: It was time to join the real militia and especially in times like these when every able-bodied person was needed to defend against the cannibal threat. This was when you decided it was time to do your part for the town in which you grew up. [Militia Path]

[X] Prepare to join the Tech Hunters: It was quite clear to you that there was something more than was your calling in this world and this meant learning more about it. There was no better option for you than to join the tech hunters and to begin a life of exploration and learning and probably also lots of fighting. [Tech Hunter Start Opens a path to Machinist]

[X] Wanderlust: It wasn't in you to join any of the factions, you knew that staying in Starlight was simply not for you. There was something that you wanted to seek in the world at large, something that you could not find at home. A desire to walk the earth. [Wanderer Start]

[X] Merchant Dealings: Your work in the marketplace meant that sooner or later you would meet with a passing merchant. He or she offered you a job in her caravan in which you would be able to use your abilities quite well. They also promised pay but not so much safety, they did want you to learn how to fight too. [Merchant Path]

World Events: You can pick one for free.

[X] A Successful Rebellion: Simion proves to be a more competent leader and unify the peasant rebels under a simple banner. Creating a proper force that can stand toe to toe with the Samurais of the UC. This creates further tension in the UC with higher mercenary jobs but also a more concerned noble class that represses its subjects even more. [1 Point]

[X] The Fog Invasions: The Fog was believed to be the only place where the fogmen could live and exist. They were wrong and it seems that the fogmen are expanding drawing even more resources from the Holy Nation to protect its frontier against these hiver beasts. [1 Point]

[X] The Shek Recovery: The Shek Recover faster than originally thought by Esata. Making them a formidable opponent once more to the Holy Nation and one that could prove to challenge its control over the border zone. [2 Points]

[X] Bugmaster Expands: The Bugmaster is but a legend to many but his spider army is not. This spider army is beginning to creep outwards making more Shek throw themselves against them to fight off the Bugmaster threat. [1 Point]

[X] Clan Wars: Shinobi Thieves once thought to be a single united faction have split and a ferocious clan war has begun to take place within their ranks. This may provide opportunities to those who wish to swell the ranks of one of their factions. [1 Point]

[X] The Machinist Take Over: The Machinists are considered as a separate faction from the Tech Hunters and the tech hunters themselves are but a loosely organized organization. However, the Machinists have managed to exercise a greater influence over various Tech Hunter groups in recent years and coordinate better their expeditions into the old ruins. Reducing casualties and in some cases increasing the loot acquired through these expeditions. This has helped to increase their power and further their goal of spreading the knowledge of the world. [2 Points]

[X] The Holy Schism: The seed of dissent that the Flotsam Ninjas have planted in the disfranchised population of the Holy Nation has bloomed although not in the way that the Flotsam's originally thought. It seems that the latest orders from the Holy Phoenix have created a schism and made several of the paladins questions just how harsh the punishments they are asked to deliver actually are. It seems that this is mostly a man's affair so far though and as such the Flotsam don't see any reason to intervene just yet. But dissent is certainly growing in the Valleys. [2 Points]

[X] UC Reformism: Some enlightened nobles as some may call them have begun to see the cycle of rebellions as something they would rather not have to deal with so often as it threatens their well-being. However, their ideals are fairly moderate and mostly consist of reducing taxation on citizens but also pushing for more slaves to make up for the loss in income. They promote "colonization" of more fertile areas by those who cannot properly farm in the region. [2 Points]

[X] A Victor in Bast: It is believed that neither side has an edge over the other when it comes to Bast. But this proved to be false when one of the factions managed to finally push the other out of the region after inflicting a sufficiently large defeat on their enemy. For the UC this could mean rebuilding Bast while for the Holy Nation this could mean the construction of a new fortress in the region and the cementing of their authority over their citizens through might. [2 Points]

[X] Starlight Growth: Commerce and Crafts grow within Starlight. It seems that some of the refugees from Deadcat and Bast did have some sort of skills that they could put to use and once they had saved enough money they began to establish small businesses that helped the overall economy of the town. [1 Point: You can now purchase low-quality weapons and armor in Starlight]

[X] Deadcat Legion: It seems that not only all soldiers of Deadcat died during their unexpected fall. A senior captain of the city guard of Deadcat, an old man by now, has decided to create a deadcat legion which is a mix of mercenaries and able-bodied refugees that with the help of the Flotsam and the Cannibal hunters hope to one day reclaim their homes. They have set up base in Starlight for the time being. [1 Point]

OOC: Gotta apologize for the long wait but here it is. The next phase of the customization phase. People are welcomed to suggest new events to create more variety. As such, there will be a moratorium of 72 hours before any voting begins.
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OOC: Gotta apologize for the long wait but here it is. The next phase of the customization phase. People are welcomed to suggest new events to create more variety. As such, there will be a moratorium of 72 hours before any voting begins.
Hooray, it's back. I was worried you'd stopped this one and switched to your other quests (I don't know enough about YS and haven't really gotten into your original one).

Now, in keeping with the voting moratorium, I'll just say a bit about the last bit you've posted. I do have a question, too.
Martial: 5 (Base) +++ = 11 Average

Prowess: 5 (Base) +++ = 11 Average
What's the essential difference between "Martial" and "Prowess"?
The Fall of Port North (Random)
Wow, this really is a big thing. It's ripples would have quite the effect on what the starting environment of a Kenshi game would have been.
Character Points: 26 - 16 = 10
If you're still including some points from omakes, I think this still needs to add the ones from Darik's stormy omake.
A sudden intrusion: Your sister seems to have gotten over most of her sickly times and is as healthy as she can be. She will undoubtedly survive childhood and grow to be a healthy woman.
Lim's childhood sickness just made her stronger, eh?
Hooray, it's back. I was worried you'd stopped this one and switched to your other quests (I don't know enough about YS and haven't really gotten into your original one).

Now, in keeping with the voting moratorium, I'll just say a bit about the last bit you've posted. I do have a question, too.

What's the essential difference between "Martial" and "Prowess"?

Wow, this really is a big thing. It's ripples would have quite the effect on what the starting environment of a Kenshi game would have been.

If you're still including some points from omakes, I think this still needs to add the ones from Darik's stormy omake.

Lim's childhood sickness just made her stronger, eh?

1.- Basically what Sir Travelsalot said.

2.- Yeah, I forgot to add them they are in now.

3.- RNG jesus wanted it so.
[X] Plan Good Militia
-[X] Sibling Teachings [1 Point][Improves relationships with Lim][Gain the "Mentor" Skill which makes it easier for you to teach others.]
-[X] Foto's Debt [1 Point][+1 Prowess]
-[X] Kumo's Hidden Treasure [1 Point][Gain Basic Armor and a Polearm]
-[X] Osafi War Studies [1 Point][+1 Martial]
-[X] Warbonedog [2 Points]
-[X] Medical Training [1 Point]
-[X] The Militia Training Regime [Prowess +1. Gain Skill in Polearms and Crossbows][3 Points]
-[X] The Battle of Megacity [This takes place when you are 17][Chance of Death, Injury, Maiming. Prowess +3 and gain "Tested in combat" Skill][2 Points]
-[X] Join the Starlight Militia [Militia Path]
-[X] A Successful Rebellion [1 Point]
-[X] Starlight Growth [1 Point: You can now purchase low-quality weapons and armor in Starlight]
-[X] Deadcat Legion [1 Point]
-[X] The Shek Recovery [Free]

A preliminary plan, I am open to criticism.
You might notice that this is going prowess and Militia and overall military fighting. This is because I want power, I want Starlight to expand, grow and become a nation in its own right. Also because the cannibals are right next to us and they're growing more powerful. For the events, I picked, I want to break up the UC slavers and create an anti-slavery faction we can empower, this is also why I picked Starlight Growth, it allows us to make weapons. Deadcat legion is because that's an anti-cannibal group in our town which will be extremely useful. Shek Recovery because I want a strong faction to oppose the Holy Nation.
A questionable choice would The Battle of Megacity, It increases our prowess by quite a bit but chance of death, injury, maiming. I say this is worth it, we're not completely unprepared for it and if we get maimed, we will become a cyborg. Now death is a risk of course but I think it's just worth it.
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I think we should take all the options that give money. The more money we start with the easier it will be to get things we want.
I thought voting was on hold for 3 days, until everyone could read and consider their positions. But if discussion is allowed...
[] Plan Good Militia
-[] Sibling Teachings [1 Point][Improves relationships with Lim][Gain the "Mentor" Skill which makes it easier for you to teach others.]
-[] Foto's Debt [1 Point][+1 Prowess]
-[] Kumo's Hidden Treasure [1 Point][Gain Basic Armor and a Polearm]
-[] Osafi War Studies [1 Point][+1 Martial]
-[] Warbonedog [2 Points]
-[] Medical Training [1 Point]
-[] The Militia Training Regime [Prowess +1. Gain Skill in Polearms and Crossbows][3 Points]
-[] The Battle of Megacity [This takes place when you are 17][Chance of Death, Injury, Maiming. Prowess +3 and gain "Tested in combat" Skill][2 Points]
-[] Join the Starlight Militia [Militia Path]
-[] A Successful Rebellion [1 Point]
-[] Starlight Growth [1 Point: You can now purchase low-quality weapons and armor in Starlight]
-[] Deadcat Legion [1 Point]

A preliminary plan, I am open to criticism.
You might notice that this is going prowess and Militia and overall military fighting. This is because I want power, I want Starlight to expand, grow and become a nation in its own right. Also because the cannibals are right next to us and they're growing more powerful. For the events, I picked, I want to break up the UC slavers and create an anti-slavery faction we can empower, this is also why I picked Starlight Growth, it allows us to make weapons. Deadcat legion is because that's an anti-cannibal group in our town which will be extremely useful.
A questionable choice would The Battle of Megacity, It increases our prowess by quite a bit but chance of death, injury, maiming. I say this is worth it, we're not completely unprepared for it and if we get maimed, we will become a cyborg. Now death is a risk of course but I think it's just worth it.
I disagree with a pure militia path. While we do want to revive Deadcat as a nation, straight fighting without resources and allies won't cut it in the long run. Previous choices were made with the goal of maximizing diplomacy and intelligence, after all.

I value trying to keep choices in-character first. This means spending time with Lim, yes. But Kira would also very much want to visit to World's End again, which you didn't include. These are the ones I say must be included for character reasons.

Also, we 1000% need to keep the dog alive. Training Bull is needed.

After that, I'd say we'd choose other events based on intended careers and future plans. Now, the way Kirakira grew up, I'd say she's not inclined to be a merchant, nor so unsure of herself as to just wander around leaving Starlight behind. So the choice of career is between the militia and Tech Hunters.

If we're going to expand our relationships and use that intelligence and charisma, we should go with the Tech Hunters. And story-wise, it expands the setting to the entire world of Kenshi, which to me will be far more interesting.

Granted, we'd be personally leaving the town behind for now, but we should have ways to keep in contact and send back resources. And imagine, when Kira is strong and connect enough, she can do a "return in their hour of need" thing.

So the other choices should be with the following goals in mind:
  • Starlight survives while Kira's away.
  • Kira survives exploring away from the Northern Coast.
  • Kira forges connections with people and factions outside of the Deadcat people.
We don't have the points to go full martial without missing out on using the characteristics and opportunities we've built into Kira's life. I've got my own plan in mind, but I'll keep it off the thread and mull over it more until the moratorium is over.

Also, note that it says one of the world events will be given for free. So your plan actually still has one point left to spend.

Dang, just one more point and I would've had a plan without really feeling I compromised or sacrificed too much. We'll see how it goes.
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[X] Plan: All the Plot Threads!
-[X] Sibling Teachings: [1 Point][Improves relationships with Lim][Gain the "Mentor" Skill which makes it easier for you to teach others.]
-[X] Foto's Debt: [1 Point][+1 Prowess]
-[X] Kumo's Hidden Treasure: [1 Point][Gain Basic Armor and a Polearm]
-[X] Adi's Assistant Tutor: [+1 Learning and gain 500 Cats][1 Point]
-[X] Vashu's Business Deal: [+1 Stewardship and gain 1500 Cats][2 Points]
-[X] Warbonedog: [2 Points]
-[X] Helping a Farmer Girl: [Gain an acquitance or a follower if you decided to pick a career choice other than militia][1 Point]
-[X] Farming Accounting: [+1 Stewardship][1 Point]
-[X] Medical Training: [Gain Basic medical training skill.][1 Point]
-[X] Merchant Dealings: [Merchant Path]
-[X] A Successful Rebellion: [1 Point]
-[X] The Holy Schism: [2 Points]
-[X] Starlight Growth: [1 Point: You can now purchase low-quality weapons and armor in Starlight]
-[X] Deadcat Legion: [1 Point]
[X]Plan Start of the Hero's Journey
-[X] Sibling Teachings: [Improves relationships with Lim][Gain the "Mentor" Skill which makes it easier for you to teach others.] - [1 Point]
-[X] Kumo's Hidden Treasure: [Gain Basic Armor and a Polearm] - [1 Point]
-[X] Another visit to World's End: [+1 Learning] - [1 Point]
-[X] Vashu's Business Deal: [+1 Stewardship and gain 1500 Cats] - [2 Points]
-[X] Warbonedog: [2 Points]
-[X] Helping a Farmer Girl: [Gain an acquitance or a follower if you decided to pick a career choice other than militia] - [1 Point]
-[X] Medical Training: [Gain Basic medical training skill.] - [1 Point]
-[X] The Militia Training Regime: [Prowess +1. Gain Skill in Polearms and Crossbows] - [3 Points]
-[X] The Battle of Megacity: [Chance of Death, Injury, Maiming. Prowess +3 and gain "Tested in combat" Skill] - [2 Points]
-[X] Prepare to join the Tech Hunters: [Tech Hunter Start Opens a path to Machinist]
-[X] Starlight Growth: [1 Point: You can now purchase low-quality weapons and armor in Starlight] <-- one free world event
-[X] Deadcat Legion: [1 Point]

Okay, so, as I said, I try to keep choices in character first. This is followed by choices that could make for interesting story, followed by maximizing our chances at achieving our goals. So keep that in mind when you look at my plan.

I feel this should be the best way to follow-up on our previous choices and the opportunities they opened, as well as opening up the world of Kenshi for @Murtox to write about and for us to read. At least, within the amount of points we have.

How I envision the start of the story with this is that Kira takes part in the attempted retaking of the Megacity, which will be our inciting event for Kira's Hero's Journey. No matter the outcome, it shows her that her hopes of a happy and prosperous renewed Deadcat can't be achieved with just the people in Starlight. So she goes out with her dog and friend (good starter party, and allows for better dialogue than with just a dog) to hopefully get experience, connections, and resources to send back home and help out. To start out, she has an "in" with the Tech Hunters at World's End (where Kira can meet new quirky characters to round out our cast and party, and get prosthetics is she lost limbs in the big battle).

I'd like to point out that I limited extra the world events to keeping Starlight safe. Not only do we not have the points, but I also think that the starting world state is different enough from canon Kenshi already (all 3 main powers are weaker). We certainly don't need to further upset the balance of power right away. I'd prefer to see how we, through Kira, make the waves.

If anyone has reasonings for or against this plan, I sure would like to discuss.
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[X]Plan Start of the Hero's Journey

I'll throw my vote behind Lurker. His ideas are sound, and i have to admit my new job has consumed far more of my time than i thought. Sorry for losing track of this quest everybody. But i am back, for however long i can be!
I do like Start of the Hero's Journey, but I think that A Successful Rebellion would be good to have, as it introduces more potential allies.
I do like Start of the Hero's Journey, but I think that A Successful Rebellion would be good to have, as it introduces more potential allies.
Not enough points for that, unfortunately. We can help them later with our own actions.

Besides, Simion and the Rebels are doing pretty well for now, better than they were doing in canon Kenshi. And paradoxically, if they do too well, it might be harder to ingratiate ourselves to them, since they would have less need for our help and generally don't trust outsiders (In the game, you have to already be enemies of the UC, already be allies of the Anti-Slavers, or just be plain starving to death, to even attempt to ally with them. Otherwise, they're just as likely to attack you.).
Turn 1 - A Free World
[X]Plan Start of the Hero's Journey
-[X] Sibling Teachings: [Improves relationships with Lim][Gain the "Mentor" Skill which makes it easier for you to teach others.] - [1 Point]
-[X] Kumo's Hidden Treasure: [Gain Basic Armor and a Polearm] - [1 Point]
-[X] Another visit to World's End: [+1 Learning] - [1 Point]
-[X] Vashu's Business Deal: [+1 Stewardship and gain 1500 Cats] - [2 Points]
-[X] Warbonedog: [2 Points]
-[X] Helping a Farmer Girl: [Gain an acquaintance or a follower if you decided to pick a career choice other than militia] - [1 Point]
-[X] Medical Training: [Gain Basic medical training skill.] - [1 Point]
-[X] The Militia Training Regime: [Prowess +1. Gain Skill in Polearms and Crossbows] - [3 Points]
-[X] The Battle of Megacity: [Chance of Death, Injury, Maiming. Prowess +3 and gain "Tested in combat" Skill] - [2 Points]
-[X] Prepare to join the Tech Hunters: [Tech Hunter Start Opens a path to Machinist]
-[X] Starlight Growth: [1 Point: You can now purchase low-quality weapons and armor in Starlight] <-- one free world event
-[X] Deadcat Legion: [1 Point]

Sibling Mentorship:

Teaching Lim was an easy task or at least, easier than what Kirakira originally thought. After her illness, it seemed that Lim wanted to learn more and more about life. Kirakira would see in her gleamy eyes and her radiant smile, a young spirit that reminds her of herself when she was younger and in some way made her relive all of those childhood memories.

But reviving memories was not all that Kirakira did with Lim. He taught her subjects that she was proficient in, history (or what little there was of it), Geography, even a little bit of math a topic that she had only recently learned in a bit more detail after getting a new book on her last visit to World's End. As Kirakira took a small rest from teaching, she managed to take a glance at the small wooden shelve that had been the resting place of her first books, it was twice the size now and it would probably even bigger in the future thanks to Lim's curiosity.

"Legendary warrior Tungs...managed to win victory after victory under the employ of United cities noble, until his capture by a rival noble faction. He refused to work for the noble that had captured him due to "You can't afford my services." His last words before his beheading that same moment. " Lim's face expressed a little confusion at what the book said. "I don't think is what really happened...it doesn't sound real." Lim told Kirakira.

Kirakira for her part knew that many books often made up some of the stuff that they wrote especially since there were no editors or general academia to complain about it. She chuckled and replied. "What? You think a mercenary from the UC wouldn't value money more than his life?"

Lim was even more confused at her words. "Huh? Why wouldn't someone value their lives over money?" Asked Lim

"Ah, it's nothing. You are probably right, he may have just joined him under another name or something. Life may not be that precious for the phoenix or the nobles, but it is precious for all of us. I doubt that mercenary was an exception." Kirakira tells Lim. Lim nods with a smile, satisfied with her answer.

Just like this, many conversations about the books and what they said repeated as Lim grew older. Indeed, while she's quite younger than Kirakira, she was sensing that in some ways she was maturing. She was becoming more helpful around the house and while she may have some rebel streaks here and there just like Kirakira did too, she always came back to set things straight.

[Strenghtened relationship with Lim]

Kum's Hidden Treasure:

Surely, we don't often take notice of the small changes throughout our life. These small changes about the people we know are so small, but compound little by little. These changes can range from weight, appearance, mood, hair, height, and in all other sorts of things that we can perceive from another person but that we don't until someone outside of our circle reminds us of it.

It is no different from Kirakira's mother. She may have had her child young just like many others in the town, but age is beginning to catch to her. It is said that the Scorchlanders age slower than Greenlanders, but Kirakira slowly began to notice the small wrinkles forming in her mother's face. A reminder that the passage of time would sooner or later catch us.

Her mother noticed it too. Kumo saw her grown child turning more and more into an adult. A child that had been blessed with beauty, intellect, and strength. She believed herself extremely lucky to see her child grow this old and grow strong. Yet, there was a fear in Kumo's mind. One that was slowly propagating from house to house in Starlight. The fear of the cannibals.

The stories that came from the western hinterlands were extremely worrying. Flotsam outposts overran, caravans of tech hunters and adventurers that traveled to the Leviathan Coast didn't return as they often had done before. Spears planted in the top of the hills with humans skulls on their tips. The sightings were a common occurrence now and Kumo knew that it was a matter of time until the people of Starlight would be called to defend their lands.

Even when Bast had fallen, even when Deadcat had fallen, she knew that all those towns had not gone down without a fight. Kumo was thankful to Osafi for teaching his daughter the basics of martial training. Something which she had wanted to do herself but couldn't due to her lack of time.

However, she still recognized that Kirakira was now at the very least capable of defending herself. As such, she prepared a gift for her.

She sighed as she saw Kirakira enter the house. "Finally, you are here. What took you so long?" Asks Kumo like a mother would always do to her child even if she was an adult.

"I was just helping around in the market. I even managed to buy a few meat sticks for later." Kirakira replied showing her purchase with quite the pride.

"Fair enough," Kumo replied to her daughter. "Put them in the table and take a look at this."

Kirakira complied. Putting the food on top of a plate on the kitchen table before going to look at whatever her mother wanted to look at. She was surprised to find on her own bed a set of armor and a spear covered in cloth. The light armor was made out of leather, a cheap material but it had been customized a little to add a few iron plates on the forearms. It did look rough but she was sure it gave enough protection to whoever wore it.

"What's this?" Kirakira asked her mother as she ran her hand through the armor. The leather and the metal cold at the touch.

"It's something I want you to have. You grew older and stronger, and I heard how much time you are spending in the militia and the tech hunter outpost. So I thought you may want something like this." Kumo touches Kirakira's shoulder. "Anyhow, it's yours to have. I do not need it here in town. So you can use it when you practice." Kumo said to her.

Kirakira couldn't help but feel a little tingle of excitement as she hugs her mother. "Thanks!"

A few minutes later, she puts on the armor, and with the help of her mother, she manages to make it fit perfectly. Kumo took Kirakira outside of the town to try the spear and after a few thrusts, Kirakira noticed just how different staff was completely different from an actual spear but her previous training allowed her to use it with proficiency.

Another visit to World's End: [+1 Learning] - [1 Point]

This visit to the world's end was rather quick and easy. Kumo's job consisting of dissembling a rather large piece of machinery that she had experience working with. The travel against all prognostic was rather safe and without much trouble this time around, probably due to the increased amount of patrols put in place by the Flotsam Ninjas. During this visit, Kirakira was better able to look around the city and even help Kumo with her job, which earned her enough money to buy a few more books about engineering and science.

Vashu's Business Deal: [+1 Stewardship and gain 1500 Cats] - [2 Points]

It was pleasant to see that Kirakira was beginning to set out to do things on her own and with the help of Vashu. Kirakira was easily able to make a lot of cats simply by means of trading. Kirakira learned basic things such as renting your own Garu and preparing the necessary amount of backpacks and packages to send to the neighboring town. You were also able to make a few commercial connections in Megacity meaning that Kirakira would find an easier time finding accommodations and even discounts around.

Warbonedog: [2 Points]

Little Bull grew quite strong during your time. It is known that bonedogs grow older faster than humans and when they mature, they can grow to quite the size. Bull became the biggest bonedog on this side of Kenshi, it even grew a silver stripe on its fur. There were many merchants who tried to buy it from it you but you always refused. Now you have a strong companion to keep you safe in combat. [Bull is considered a martial 10 character with basic armor]

Helping a Farmer Girl: [Gain an acquaintance or a follower if you decided to pick a career choice other than militia] - [1 Point]

Gira is a farmer's daughter, who came to Starlight seeking to avoid the fate of her friends and to be forced to work in the fields near Megacity. She was all alone, she was barely making a living when she came to the town. Kirakira helped her find a better job even if it was just sorting fish in the stall. Gira is grateful for that help and has sworn to help Kirakira in anything she needs.

Medical Training: [Gain Basic medical training skill.] - [1 Point]

A basic skill in the wastelands on Kenshi. If you cannot do first aid then it is pretty likely that you will bleed to death even when you had a chance of surviving. Kirakira learned this skill from Adi. Adi helping fishermen that got hurt during work or militias who were wounded in their fights against wandering bandits. It will surely come in useful later on.

The Militia Training Regime: [Prowess +1. Gain Skill in Polearms and Crossbows] - [3 Points]

Osafi was quite troubled by the increasing demands of the people of Starlight to enhance their defenses and to guard the fishermen against any possible cannibal raids. He did what he could with what resources he had. This consisted of setting up outposts and sending more patrols. When the cannibal's raids began, they were focused on Megacity but slowly the cannibals grew bolder and even managed to snatch fishermen during a raid.

Osafi thus swamped asked Kirakira and friends to help during patrols. Giving them actual combat training helped build up her physique even more. But more important than that were the crossbow and spear lessons. Both the spear and crossbow were the favorite weapons of the militia due to their ease of use and relatively low cost. Kirakira's friends would stay in Starlight but their contributions to the militia would certainly be noted.

The Battle of Megacity: [Chance of Death, Injury, Maiming. Prowess +3 and gain "Tested in combat" Skill] - [2 Points]

The night sky was filled with bright stars. Just above the sea was the brightest moon that Kirakira had ever seen. She had never before seen a moon as bright as this one, not once even when she left the town to get a look at it at night.

"Hey, Kira?" A flick on her shoulder was enough for Kirakira to remember that she was on patrol with Ric. He was yet another fisherman's son who had joined the militia after the Cannibals raided the pier for the first time.

"Sorry, I got spaced out for a second." Kirakira replied to Ric as she began to walk through the sand once more. They stay silent for a few minutes before Kirakira speaks up. "One more patrol and we are done with our shift." Kirakira told Ric as she stopped for a second to drink from her canteen and even share some with Bull.

"Honestly, I would rather do a few more rounds around the place. I wouldn't want any cannibal slipping by." Ric said to Kirakira as he stopped too.

"I wouldn't mind, besides I doubt I can get much sleep before the sun is up." Kirakira told him.

"Then that's settled." Ric said as he checked the map once more. He looked for Outpost B, the one nearest to Megacity. Manned by both town's militias it was the last warning against a cannibal attack. Ric, Kirakira and Bull made their way there after half an hour of walking from the beach.

Just when they began to see the outpost, the two of them immediately noticed that the turrets at the top were unmanned. No sentries, no nothing. Then Bull began to whiff around and began to growl. "Don't make a sound." Kirakira whispered. She grabbed her spear and began to silently walk towards the outpost.

Slowly she was able to see the outpost lights all gone and the gate open. Ric followed right behind her, Kirakira didn't know whether to go inside and she had a dreadful feeling about all this. For a second, she felt her will falter her. But then she remembered her family and her friends, she was doing this for them and with that, she pressed forwards.

She used her hand to tell Ric that she was going to take a look inside. But before she could even peek in from the door, she heard Ric shouting as she looked back, a cannibal sprung on her. The bloodied face of her cannibal was all that Kirakira was able to see, as it tried to tackle her.

Kirakira: 8 Successes 12d6
Bull: 7 Successes 10d6
Ric: 4 Successes 8d6
Cannibal: 4 Successes 10d6
Cannibal: 5 Successes 10d6

Kirakira managed to overpower the cannibal and thrust her spear into its guts. It was all done in simple adrenaline-based instinct. The face of the whimpering cannibal didn't draw any sort of sympathy from Kirakira. She stabbed the cannibal three more times until it stopped moving. The lifeless face of the Cannibal staring at her. Kirakira didn't know what to think or say, only that she needed to help her friend.

Ric struggled against the Cannibal that had caught him from behind. He could feel the Cannibal sway wildly its weapon against him. With each swing of the Cannibal's weapon, Ric felt that his life was leaving him. Before the Cannibal could hit him though, Bull jumped onto the Cannibal's face and ripped it apart with his teeth.

The two cannibals dead...Ric and Kirakira looked at each other. Trying to find some sort of comfort in the fact that they were not alone but then they heard a strange noise nearby and prepared themselves for yet another ambush. "Help..." A man muttered just a few meters away from them.

"It's Cabo!" Said Kirakira to Ric as the two of them rushed towards the sound. Only to find him hidden near some bushes alongside the mangled bodies of many more militias. Cabo himself missing a leg. "By Okran...Let's help him." Ric managed to say before grabbing his first aid kit to try and help Cabo.

Ric was stopped by Kirakira. "He is already dead." She told him as he saw the man's lifeless eyes..."Shit! What do we do?" Ric asked Kirakira..."Everyone in the outpost is dead...when..how?"

Kirakira didn't listen. She froze in place thinking that if this outpost was gone then it was likely that the other outposts were gone too. The rest of her friends were probably dead or captured by cannibals. She snapped herself out of it, she had to think of now and what she had to do now was warn the town about this Cannibal incursion that had somehow slipped by.

"We have to go. Let's run towards the town and warn everybody...that's what we must do." Kirakira told Ric. He nodded in resolute agreement...even if they had passed through the outposts then...at least, the towns were safe or so they thought.

Only a few minutes did they realize just how wrong they were. The moonlight was enough to illuminate the hundreds of cannibals bashing the gates of Megacity. There was no way in or out.

"What do we do now?!" Ric asked Kirakira.

"I don't know...Wait, Osafi...yes, he must be preparing the militia inside of Starlight." Kirakira reasoned that Osafi would try and help Megacity and that he probably needed all the help he could get. There was only one issue...there were far too many cannibals to count. Kirakira and Ric had to sneak by.

They mustered up the courage and ran from the outpost to Megacity. It was the longest run that they had ever done and it was nothing compared to even the harshest of Osafi's training regimes. They managed to avoid the cannibals, but once they had arrived at the gates of Starlight they felt as if their legs were about to give out. The two of them knocked on the gates and they opened immediately.

Behind the gates stood the entirety of the town's militia. Osafi at the front of the column of militias. Kirakira looks at him and he glances back. "The cannibals are attacking Megacity." Kirakira shouts, her breath sporadic and fast due to her lack of breath.

"We know." Osafi tells her. "You two take her to the barracks..." He orders but Kirakira stops him.

"Wait...I can fight." Kirakira takes a few deep breathes and stands up straight. She thinks that they are not going to take her and that she won't be able to avenge Cabo or the others.

"No, we are not fighting Kirakira." Osafi was serious.

Kirakira wasn't able to understand what Osafi had said. "Wait..why?!" Kirakira shouted. From there, she was able to see the mutters of the militia soldiers from behind Osafi.

"There are way too many Cannibals for us to fight them. We will let the Cannibal Hunters and the Flotsam help, but that's as far as we can go." Osafi told her.

Kirakira then realized it. The militia had no obligation to help Megacity, they were not really soldiers either and had just enough training to protect their own town. A most, there were a hundred men and women with fighting strength...but not many more than that. Yet, she couldn't believe that they would not help their neighbors...would they just let all of Megacity's inhabitants die? They knew what that meant for them right?

Kirakira stared at Osafi in disbelief and for a second almost stepped forward. She would be safe inside and wouldn't have to fight any cannibals...but she stopped herself. "I will fight..." Kirakira muttered as she looked behind her. She saw the cannibal hunter group marching towards Megacity and ran towards them. She asked to join them and they agreed. She was on the back and saw as the Cannibals began to swarm on them.

Kirakira herself doesn't remember much of what happened after...she woke up in the afternoon inside of the militia barracks in Starlight.

"She is awake Boss." Kirakira hears a voice but can't make out who is it. All she can do is hold her head with both her hands as a way to alleviate the terrible headache she is feeling right now.

"Well, that's one less thing to trouble myself about." Kirakira immediately recognizes Osafi's voice. A few steps later and she feels him right beside her bed.

"You did fight. I would say that was pretty stupid of you. Your mother almost kicked me in the nuts when she found out I let you go." Osafi says. "Truth is, there were other volunteers that came with you...they didn't have your luck though." Osafi sighs.

"Eh..what?" Kirakira says it is clear that with how much her head hurts she isn't in her top condition. "What happened?"

"Megacity is gone...everyone thinks we are next, but...the Cannibal Hunter's charge against the cannibal inspired the militia of Megacity to sally out and try to open a path for the citizens to escape. They succeeded at that but they didn't succeed at keeping their lives." Osafi answered her question with the harsh truth.

"You were lucky though...I don't know how Bull managed to drag you back to the town's gate...but he did and here you are." Osafi adds.

Kirakira feels glad that this is the case and almost manages to smile before she feels the pain on her head again. "Where is Bull?" She asks Osafi.

"He was also wounded...his left leg was almost sawed off. Almost bleed to death, but he is a tough one just like his owner. You should let him rest though." Osafi tells her.

[Bull suffers a crippling injury while trying to protect Kirakira: -1 to Martial Permanently]

Kirakira feels bad knowing that Bull could have died too but didn't. She even feels guilty that she didn't about his safety...what would have happened if he had died...but even then he was loyal and brought her back to safety. Kirakira felt a tear fall from her eyes and then another...images of the battle suddenly began to flow back into her. The fighting was brutal and no side showed each other mercy...she herself killed and was almost killed multiple times.

She felt so afraid back then...so close to dying and yet everyone continued fighting...until someone hit her the head and she fell on the ground. Kirakira cries and Osafi tries to comfort her but it is then that Kirakira's family enters the barracks and begins to console her. The embrace of her parents is warm just like how she remembered them when she was a child.

A few more days pass before Kirakira and Bull fully recover from their wounds. It's a time to think and even when her parents tell her that she shouldn't have gone off fighting and they are glad that she is back. Kirakira cannot help but think about the future...a grim future where the town will be attacked just like Megacity was attacked.

She realizes that to stop the cannibals, she must grow stronger and wiser. She could stay...but then, she thinks that she won't be able to resist the arguments of her parents to keep her on a more safe path. She spends one last day with her parents, buying food and telling them many times that she loves them. The next day, she is gone.

Prepare to join the Tech Hunters: [Tech Hunter Start Opens a path to Machinist]

Kirakira arrival at World's End was without trouble this time. The only difference from before was that she was coming here only with Bull and Gira (Who caught Kirakira trying to leave the town and asked to go with her) instead of her mother. The city of the World's end is sizable but small when compared to the capitals of the Holy Nation and the United Cities. Kirakira spends some of her cats on a bed in the tavern, but once she is fully rested. She prepares for the beginning of her own life.

So far Kirakira and Gira have a few options as to what to do to survive, because even if Kirakira has enough cats to last a while. They are nowhere near enough to guarantee even basic living conditions beyond the first weeks of her stay in the city.

Sandbox Screen:
Current Location: World's End
Cats: 1400 (-100 Stay in World's End)

Gender: Female
Age: 18
Armor: Basic Armor
Weapon: Spear
Martial: 11 Average = 11
Prowess: 11 Average (+3 Battle of Megacity +1 Militia Training) = 15
Diplomacy: 15 Excellent
Stewardship: 13 Good (+1 Vashu's Business Deal) = 14
Intrigue: 14 Good
Learning: 15 Good (+1 Another Visit to World's End) = 16


First Aid: You can actually use bandages correctly. +10 to First Aid Rolls
Polearm Training: No penalties to using polearms (Spears, Naginatas, etc.)
Crossbow Training: No penalties for using crossbows.
Tested in Combat: No penalties due to first combat.
Mentor Skill: Mentor action has +1 Success.

*Made with Waifu Labs. May not look Kenshi Enough.

Name: Gira
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Armor: N/A
Weapon: N/A
Martial: 7
Prowess: 9
Diplomacy: 7
Stewardship: 10
Intrigue: 7
Learning: 6

Farming (+10 to Rolls that have to do with farming)

Bull Stats:
Age: 10
Prowess: 10 (-1 Cripping Injury) = 9
Armor: Basic Armor

Common Item Pool:
10x Food Pack - Assortment of Food Supplies. Enough to last a week each. Hungry Bandits will smell the food.
2x Basic First Aid Kits (Can be consumed after being wounded.)
1x Backpack (Utility)

You can take up to three actions this turn.

Social Actions:

[X] A talk with Gira: Gira went all the way to World's End with Kirakira. Hoping for a freer life and maybe to win herself some cats. She has abandoned her home and her family. The latter survived the fall of Megacity and went to stay in Starlight and that's the reason she left that place too. Talking with her may increase her loyalty to Kirakira and her drive to go forwards.

[X] Bar Events: A bar is a place where all sorts of people meet and gather, either to share stories, drink themselves to oblivion, or just plain waste time. It is also a place where you can recruit drifters that have no other option other than joining a random Scorchlander's party. [You can use this action to recruit for 1000 Cats a randomly generated character or may even have the chance of meeting a unique character....then again they are all unique now that I think about it but you get the idea.]

Economic Actions:

[X] Labor in the Hydrophonic Farm: Kirakira has some experience with hydrophobic farms and fishing, as such, she offers her services to help in the World's End farm. She is not going to get paid as much since she will just help for a bit until the crops grow but it is a stable way to get enough cats to eat something at least. [500 Cats]

[X] Buy or Sell Equipment (Free Action): "Come to our shop! Every day a sale and every sale is a win!" Shouts the shop's owner. You are able to purchase any sort of equipment that you may want. Equipment has different tiers. Tier 3 Armor or Weapons, costs 5000 Cats, Tier 2 costs 2000 Cats, and Tier 1 Costs 1000. Tier 0 = Trash Tier only costs 500.

Job Actions:

[X] Work for the Machinists: The Machinists value people with intelligence and with abilities to help them spread their knowledge. Kirakira is quite smart and could easily join them as a Scribe or Scientist. She may have to impress them first though but with her knowledge, it should be easy enough. [Gain a job in the Machinist Organization. ??? Pay]

[X] Seek admittance into the tech hunters: "Looking for a job? I may have a few spots open in my group after our last expedition." A patron in the tavern says. The truth is that the tech hunters are a loose association and to join them fully, you need to join a group or show that you are able to join them. This can be done in two ways, you can either use your brains to impress the tech hunter official or join a group and try to build up a reputation, but the latter is far more dangerous. [Pick Smarts Test or Join the Expedition]

[X] Bodyguard for a Caravan: "You don't look like much, but I guess you will do. I will pay you 2000 cats plus food and stay as long as we make it to our destination in Stoat." A fat and grumpy merchant says. Kirakira immediately recognizes that he just wants you to increase his numbers so that bandits will think twice before attacking. [2000 Cats + Travel to Stoat]

Battle Actions:

[X] Fight against Bone dogs or Bandits near World's End: "Let me tell you something. Bandits are a pest everywhere, but at least, you can sell their weapons to scrappers if you kill them." A normal bar conversation. [Dangerous, Chance of Loot]

Training Actions:

[X] Mentorship: Try to teach a skill or train someone in one particular ability. Specify who is doing the training and what are they training towards. Attempt to raise one of your companion's stats or skills. [Roll Xd6 Equal to the mentor's stat and must get at least 3/5 of the apprentice number to raise that stat by one. This may overflow.]

[X] Self-Training: Attempt to raise one of your stats all by yourself. [You roll Xd6 Equal to that stat's numbers and you must get at least get 3/5 as successes to improve one stat by one.]

OOC: I need to refine work on combat mechanics which will be fairly straightforward and also how equipment modifies that. But until then, I will just run on opposed dice rolls. Anyhow, discussion is welcome for this first turn of a Falling Sun, which is quite overdue.
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[X] A talk with Gira: Gira went all the way to World's End with Kirakira. Hoping for a freer life and maybe to win herself some cats. She has abandoned her home and her family. The latter survived the fall of Megacity and went to stay in Starlight and that's the reason she left that place too. Talking with her may increase her loyalty to Kirakira and her drive to go forwards.
[X] Mentorship: Try to teach a skill or train someone in one particular ability. Specify who is doing the training and what are they training towards. Attempt to raise one of your companion's stats or skills. [Roll Xd6 Equal to the mentor's stat and must get at least 3/5 of the apprentice number to raise that stat by one. This may overflow.]
-[X] Bull: Prowess
[X] Work for the Machinists: The Machinists value people with intelligence and with abilities to help them spread their knowledge. Kirakira is quite smart and could easily join them as a Scribe or Scientist. She may have to impress them first though but with her knowledge, it should be easy enough. [Gain a job in the Machinist Organization. ??? Pay]
[X] Plan Rehabilitation
-[X] A talk with Gira: Gira went all the way to World's End with Kirakira. Hoping for a freer life and maybe to win herself some cats. She has abandoned her home and her family. The latter survived the fall of Megacity and went to stay in Starlight and that's the reason she left that place too. Talking with her may increase her loyalty to Kirakira and her drive to go forwards.
-[X] Mentorship: Try to teach a skill or train someone in one particular ability. Specify who is doing the training and what are they training towards. Attempt to raise one of your companion's stats or skills. [Roll Xd6 Equal to the mentor's stat and must get at least 3/5 of the apprentice number to raise that stat by one. This may overflow.]
--[X] Bull: Prowess
-[X] Work for the Machinists: The Machinists value people with intelligence and with abilities to help them spread their knowledge. Kirakira is quite smart and could easily join them as a Scribe or Scientist. She may have to impress them first though but with her knowledge, it should be easy enough. [Gain a job in the Machinist Organization. ??? Pay]
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Well, I'm going to need to start referring to Kirakira by her full name, since the name Gira is so close to Kira.

Judging by the picture, Kirakira and Gira are Kenshi beauties, and that may or may not attract attention.

I've got some ideas, but am conflicted on the job. Going Machinist is safer and can build more connections, but Tech Hunters offer travel and more chance for finding tech and valuables. Plus, Kirakira didn't leave home for safety. Anyone with reasoning to share?

@Murtox Can we get a list of what stuff we even have right now? Food, first aid, whatnot. We may need to take that free action to buy stuff with our limited funds if we aren't provided cheap stuff by our job choice.
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