A Falling Sun [Kenshi Quest]

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Well, I'm going to need to start referring to Kirakira by her full name, since the name Gira is so close to Kira.

Judging by the picture, Kirakira and Gira are Kenshi beauties, and that may or may not attract attention.

I've got some ideas, but am conflicted on the job. Going Machinist is safer and can build more connections, but Tech Hunters offer travel and more chance for finding tech and valuables. Plus, Kirakira didn't leave home for safety. Anyone with reasoning to share?

@Murtox Can we get a list of what stuff we even have right now? Food, first aid, whatnot. We may need to take that free action to buy stuff with our limited funds if we aren't provided cheap stuff by our job choice.

Maybe, subconscious name choice? :p

I will add a simplified list but many of the effects will be freeform atm.
[X] Plan Rehabilitation
-[X] A talk with Gira: Gira went all the way to World's End with Kirakira. Hoping for a freer life and maybe to win herself some cats. She has abandoned her home and her family. The latter survived the fall of Megacity and went to stay in Starlight and that's the reason she left that place too. Talking with her may increase her loyalty to Kirakira and her drive to go forwards.
-[X] Mentorship: Try to teach a skill or train someone in one particular ability. Specify who is doing the training and what are they training towards. Attempt to raise one of your companion's stats or skills. [Roll Xd6 Equal to the mentor's stat and must get at least 3/5 of the apprentice number to raise that stat by one. This may overflow.]
--[X] Bull: Prowess
-[X] Work for the Machinists: The Machinists value people with intelligence and with abilities to help them spread their knowledge. Kirakira is quite smart and could easily join them as a Scribe or Scientist. She may have to impress them first though but with her knowledge, it should be easy enough. [Gain a job in the Machinist Organization. ??? Pay]

Reposting this as a plan vote.
Okay, so with Plan Rehabilitation, the goal seems to be prepping the party. I can't say I'm against it, but I'd like to point out that joining the Machinists might lead to dilly-dallying too long at World's End, meaning we miss out on exploration and expanding horizons, and it's close enough that Kirakira's family can try to drag her back home to Starlight.

It's also worth noting that Gira probably doesn't have the chops to be a Machinist. Note that Gira's skills only lie in Farming (though, in-game, dismissed squad members automatically join the Tech Hunters). Maybe she ends up working at the Hydroponic farms? How the party split could be handled is unknown to us for now.

Of course, it's also possible for Kirakira to be roped into being a Machinist attaché to a Tech Hunter party or a merchant/Tech Hunter outpost supplier caravan, especially since her proven worth in battle means she won't be a deadweight bureaucrat in battle. This situation becomes more likely if Gira somehow becomes a Tech Hunter, letting the two still work together for missions. I guess adventuring may still be on the table if it comes to it.

Saying that out loud, I kinda do like that scenario. Especially if it comes with some macho mercenary or Leviathan Hunter hopeful who thinks he needs to protect the pretty girls who don't get out often, only for one of them to out-fight him. So I can live with Plan Rehabilitation.

Still, I'd like to propose an alternative plan, with the goal of jumping straight into the thick of things. Giving questers here options isn't really a bad thing.

In any case, I'd hope Kirakira writes back home before she goes on a mission, particularly writing to her sister. I don't want them thinking she abandoned them.

[X] Plan Into the Fire
-[X] A talk with Gira: Gira went all the way to World's End with Kirakira. Hoping for a freer life and maybe to win herself some cats. She has abandoned her home and her family. The latter survived the fall of Megacity and went to stay in Starlight and that's the reason she left that place too. Talking with her may increase her loyalty to Kirakira and her drive to go forwards.
-[X] Buy or Sell Equipment (Free Action): "Come to our shop! Every day a sale and every sale is a win!" Shouts the shop's owner. You are able to purchase any sort of equipment that you may want. Equipment has different tiers. Tier 3 Armor or Weapons, costs 5000 Cats, Tier 2 costs 2000 Cats, and Tier 1 Costs 1000. Tier 0 = Trash Tier only costs 500.
--[X] Buy a cheap Toothpick, Junkbow, or some such crossbow.
-[X] Mentorship: Try to teach a skill or train someone in one particular ability. Specify who is doing the training and what are they training towards. Attempt to raise one of your companion's stats or skills. [Roll Xd6 Equal to the mentor's stat and must get at least 3/5 of the apprentice number to raise that stat by one. This may overflow.]
--[X] Kirakira training Gira in Crossbow Skills/Prowess
-[X] Seek admittance into the tech hunters: "Looking for a job? I may have a few spots open in my group after our last expedition." A patron in the tavern says. The truth is that the tech hunters are a loose association and to join them fully, you need to join a group or show that you are able to join them. This can be done in two ways, you can either use your brains to impress the tech hunter official or join a group and try to build up a reputation, but the latter is far more dangerous. [Pick Smarts Test or Join the Expedition]
--[X] Join the Expedition

Edit: Please note that buying/selling equipment is listed as a free action, and thus should not count toward the limit of three choices.
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[X] Plan Into the Fire

I like getting started with crossbows, standing aside from conflict is usually helpful.
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