empire builder

  1. Spktr Alpha

    Revolution in the Old World (Warhammer Fantasy CK2)
    Threadmarks: OP

    Revolution in the Old World Congratulations Comrade! By unanimous vote of the Communist Association you have been selected to become our Chairman! Together with Dear Leader you both will lead us and the Proletariat to victory! GLORY TO THE REVOLUTION! Where is the (Glorious) Communist...
  2. BlackThief12

    Hyperdimension Rising 1.6: The Next Generation (Crossover) [Empire Builder]
    Threadmarks: Intro

    Disclaimer: I do not own Hyperdimension Neptunia series, nor any other franchise that would appeared; they're own by their respective owner. ===== [Coastal Sea, ???, June 6th, ????] "Status report, what am I looking at?" Asked a man who would pass up as somewhere in his twenties, his long black...
  3. Killerflood

    A Galaxy Long Divided (SW AU; CK2)
    Threadmarks: Start Up: Location

    This is a star wars empire building game heavily relying on turn based CK2-style action mechanics and a home-style jury-rigged battle and production system. It takes place a little less than 1000 years after a Battle of Ruusan where even Bane and the Coruscanti Jedi die. The Republic has fallen...
  4. inverted_helix

    The Wild Edge (Fantasy Border Outpost)
    Threadmarks: Starting Out

    Original Fantasy 
    As fifth child you were vanishingly unlikely to ever inherit your father’s duchy, and truthfully you’d never been interested in the political efforts needed to even try. Leave the backstabbing to your elder siblings, you’d focus on making your own life. Fortunately, or unfortunately as it may...
  5. S

    Humanity rising(Fantasy civ quest)
    Threadmarks: First post

    The tribe has been hunting and gathering in these woods for generations and trying to survive. We have learned to control fire and create stone tools but only now with the weather improving there is enough food to do more. We have time to meet with the other tribes walking these lands and for...
  6. GruntLordRyan

    Grunt Lords Stories
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Original Crossover 
    Here is where I'll post chapters from a number of my stories ranging from mainly crossovers and fanfiction to an original work or two. I've written stories off and on for years usually stopping due to hate and flame posts or messages that didn't point out errors to fix but how they hated it or...
  7. BlackThief12

    X-COM Rising: Birth of the Goddess (A Hyperdimension X-COM Rising 1.5)
    Threadmarks: Opening Post

    In the years 2015, Earth had been invaded by an aliens invaders from another planet, lead by the Ethereals, who - in reality - wish to find a species who are strong in both mind and body. In response to this, the Council of Nations created a multinational paramilitary organization X-COM...
  8. Unhacker

    High Queen Quest (CK2 Fantasy Quest)
    Threadmarks: The First Post

    Original Fantasy 
    "In the Sister Kingdoms, it was a time of great excitement, for the previous High Queen, High Queen Sophia the Peacemaker, had died in her sleep recently" An old figure, clearly weathered by the years said as if reading from a book, you weren't entirely sure where you were. It seemed to be a...
  9. Lunaryon

    One Small Step
    Threadmarks: Op

    Space...Oh, who am I kidding. You've all heard this speech before. All of them. How space is the final frontier, how it is taken hold of the minds and dreams of mankind for generations. Of the ways that ancient civilizations took their storied heroes and the legendary gods and wrote them into...
  10. fallintolife

    False Pretenses [Fantasy, Empire]
    Threadmarks: Prologue 1 (Continent Vote)

    "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown." You've heard the statement dozens of times, in one phrasing or another. You could recite any number of the common variations - along with a few others about responsibility, duty, honor, etc - but this one strikes you now, harder than you ever...
  11. ComradeDoge

    Vigil Quest (Mass Effect/CK2)
    Threadmarks: The OP. Welcome to Vigil Quest.

    Sci-Fi Alt. History 
    Pain. Agony. Despair. "We have been betrayed. Indoctrinated units have revealed the Redoubt to the Reapers. Our final fleets have fallen, and the micro-array has revealed our position. It simply took up too much power and lit us up like a supernova. We must move the Artificial Intelligence to...
  12. Terran Imperium

    Humanity's Manifest Destiny [An Aurora Quest/LP][Empire Quest]
    Threadmarks: Game Start

    Humanity's Manifest Destiny In the late 1970's, both the United States and the Soviets relied on computer systems to detect possible nuclear attacks. But while the new technology was more sophisticated, it also came with a fresh set of risks in the form of false alarms and glitches.one of these...
  13. M3lk0r

    Isekai Empire: Rise of the Lucii (FF XV)
    Threadmarks: Who are you

    Fantasy Crossover 
    Hey guys sorry this is a result of bingeing Total War( Shogun, Shogun II, Medieval, Warhammer), Crusader Kings, ROTK, Nobunaga's Ambition, Pokemon (conquest) and most importantly Warcraft III (started 2003 and never stopped) Anyway I wanted to try my hand at an actual empire or nation...
  14. Swordomatic

    Ashes to Glory: Post-Apocalyptic Civilisation Rebuilder Quest
    Threadmarks: Thread OP

    Ashes To Glory A Post-Apocalyptic Empire Quest - With A Twist An alien invasion has ended the world. And things aren’t great. The war ended after ten years of gruelling, desperate fighting, and the aliens were powerful. Humanity had numbers and the home field advantage, sure. But the...
  15. Old Guard

    Destiny of Dynasty (Rogue Trader/Dynasty/Civilization Quest)
    Threadmarks: Character Creation

    Building a Dynasty Of all the nobility of the vast Imperium, that of a Rogue Trader dynasty is some of the most far reaching and powerful. Explorers, Merchants, and Conquerors, they constantly push the boarders of the Imperium of Man to distant stars. Holding more authority and freedom than...
  16. undead frog

    Xeno Species Quest (Warhammer 40k)

    The Galaxy is a hostile an unforgiving place, filled with little more than madness, hatred, and countless abominations both from that twisted realm known as the Warp and from reality itself. The dominant power, the Imperium is a rotting empire built on the sheer momentum of long dead gods and...
  17. S

    Vows of vengeance: a fantasy civ quest
    Threadmarks: first post

    Some say all endings are also beginnings, the tale of our tribe is one and it starts on the docks of londinium on the day the last human city fell to the orcish hordes. We fled there to shelter behind the mighty walls of the city but after a goblin tunnel caused a section of the walls to...
  18. Evenstar

    Their Light Will Be Ours [Stellaris]

    Original Sci-Fi 
    It is a time of new birth in the galaxy. By some quirk of fate or luck, scores of independent planets have near-simultaneously discovered the trick of physics that gives birth to the Warp Drive. You are the head of one such polity. It is up to you to guide your world into this new age. Who do...
  19. ProdigiousThunder

    Imperial Mandate Quest – [Stargate\Warhammer 40K]
    Threadmarks: Introduction & Explanation

    Imperial Mandate Quest – [Stargate\Warhammer 40K] [Image from the Wiki Page for Imperium of Man] This is a Warhammer 40K and Stargate crossover. The design goal of this quest is to capture the intended scale of Stargate and combine it with the violence and in many cases hope/hopelessness of...
  20. shepsquared

    Alien Faction Redux: A CKII Mass Effect Quest
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    ALIEN FACTION The Milky Way Galaxy. Home to all known civilisation and full of Prothean ruins to lead us forwards. Full of alien races that are achingly familiar. If you had perished on your home world as Destiny decreed a familiar pattern and story would have emerged. A story of hardship and...
  21. inquisition

    Shattered Empire: A Noble Warlord Quest (CKII)
    Threadmarks: Prologue: Lying in Bed

    Original Sci-Fi 
    SHATTERED EMPIRE Year 36 Forsythe: Jane Forsythe, later (and better) known as Empress Justinia Primus I, founder of the Second Galactic Empire, during the climactic Battle of Mars. It is nearly one hundred years since the Regency War and, for all intents and purposes, the de facto collapse of...
  22. Tithed_Verse

    Empire of the Fading suns
    Threadmarks: Start

    (OOC: Based on the videogame, not the RPG setting, with my own canon thrown in because I don't like some of the official canon) Humanity left earth only to discover the Jump Gates, massive structures built by an unknown hand that allow for transportation between stars. Thus began a mad dash...
  23. shepsquared

    The Earthling's Search; a Stellaris Quest
    Threadmarks: Nation Selection

    It is the year 2200. Over two centuries ago mankind first took to the stars. One century ago man attempted to colonise the stars, with disastrous results. Today we shall truly escape our terrestrial existence and claim our place among the stars. We know not if we are alone in the universe or if...
  24. I

    A New Dawn (XCOM/Mass Effect)
    Threadmarks: Country Selection

    A New Dawn (XCOM/Mass Effect) "That was not a singularity...the Volunteer didn't move the Temple Ship." - Dr. Shen After three years of desperate struggle against a seemingly unstoppable enemy, Earth knows peace once more. Life slowly returns to the skeletal remains of Sydney as the final...
  25. Cetashwayo

    Magna Graecia: Victory's Children (A City State Quest)
    Threadmarks: Introduction and Mechanics

    Original Alt. History 
    Magna Graecia: Victory's Children (A City State Quest) The year is 470 BCE. It has been 306 years since the first Olympic Games, remembered throughout all Hellas. Twenty years ago you were the fleeing citizens of Eretria, desperate refugees huddled into cramped boats. You watched as your...