empire builder

  1. Inkbones

    High Hopes (Supervillain Quest)
    Threadmarks: Cycle 1: Becoming the Emperor

    Original Crossover Alt. History Superhero 
    I learned a long time ago that people don’t want to save themselves. I sit in a darkened office, gazing out onto the city over my steepled fingers. The rain pelts against the floor-to-ceiling window, casting shadows over my face as I contemplate. Oh, of course, they’ll say that they want to...
  2. Spktr Alpha

    It Just Works: A Fallout Empire Builder (CK2)
    Threadmarks: OP

    Sci-Fi Alt. History 
    It Just Works: A Fallout Empire Builder War, War never changes. When the bombs fell the old world was swept away by fire, poison, and plague. In the aftermath its survivors struggled to carve out a safe place amidst the dangers of a new and wild wasteland. But that was not to last. Time heals...
  3. Jax

    A Moff's Advisor - Star Wars Advisor Quest
    Threadmarks: Character Creation

    The Lambda Shuttle lands on the planet with almost no vibration or other signs that it just landed. A testament to the skills of the pilot you have to appreciate. You haven’t had this kind of luxury before, like a whole shuttle for yourself or a pilot who was skilled like this. Oh no, it isn't...
  4. Nostradamus

    Fallout: An Enclave Splinter faction quest
    Threadmarks: Character Creation

    Sci-Fi Action 
    After the destruction of the Poseidon oil rig and the evacuation of Navarro. The Enclave split up into several powerful splinter factions. The factions split based on their underlying beliefs of how the Enclave should be ruled. led by their remaining leaders. They scattered some headed north...
  5. Chronicles of the Dragon's Domain

    Warcraft: Dynasty of the Dragon's Domain
    Threadmarks: Overview

    Overview It all began when the Plague of Undeath struck the Kingdom of Lordaeron unaware. You, Prince Arthas, Crown Prince of Lordaeron, had just quelled the unrest and chaos stirred by the Blackrock Clan when they invaded and plundered the village of Strathbrad, taking many captives to use as...
  6. z.no

    Friendship, Magic and Unity
    Threadmarks: Intro

    Friendship and harmony are the sustenances of the Equestrian civilization, but what about outside? What do we hold dear to us? What makes us keep going? Unity. Unity keeps your race alive. Without each other, your kind is better off dead. And you know what they say about unity... United we...
  7. Always Towards Better Things: Semper Ad Meliora

    Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)
    Threadmarks: Character Generation

    Semper Ad Meliora: Always Towards Better Things The Holy Empire of Britannia – Pendragon, West Angle County, Royal Palace District "Posture!" You stiffen, grimacing against the swat from your minder that strikes between your shoulder blades. Your instructor clears his throat, redirecting...
  8. RoundestFrog

    The Rebuilding Of Stromgarde: A Post-BFA Warcraft Quest
    Threadmarks: Turn 1

    Nobody expected such a quiet end. After several years of global conflict, the Blood Wars abruptly ended with the sudden neutralization of all Azerite, as well as the fading of leylines all across Azeroth. Although the cause is still widely unknown, the effects were devastating. The weapons the...
  9. BeRzErKeR

    The Devil's Toys - A Fantasy Civilization Quest

    Council Original Fantasy 
    A number of years ago, I ran two quests; the first, on Spacebattles, was entitled The Savage Seas, while the second, here on SV, was called Die By The Sword. Both were fairly successful; both died off, victims of my own time pressures and lack of organization. I think I've gotten somewhat better...
  10. Jax

    Star Trek: Colony in the Unkown
    Threadmarks: Starting Post

    Welcome to Star Trek: Colony in the Unkown were you take control over a group of Federation Colonists who are lost in space. Their ship is to badly damaged to get home, and the way would be too long anyway so they decided to build a new colony far from the Federation. Will, they survive? Will...
  11. Magna Graecia: Titanomachia

    Magna Graecia: Titanomachia (A City State Quest)
    Threadmarks: Intro

    Original Alt. History 
    Magna Graecia: Titanomachia (A City State Quest) The year is 431 BCE, 345 years since the first Olympic Games. Sparta, once hegemon of all Hellas, now faces the rising polis of Athenai. With its silver mines at Laurion, its unbeatable fleet, and its vast Aegean empire, the city has...
  12. Mechanis

    Against the Night (Mass Effect post-cycle AU)
    Threadmarks: Character Creation, P 1

    So I’ve commented on several occasions that the Asari seem tailor-made to survive Reaper purges as a species, and a while ago I started bouncing the idea around. The re-emergence of From The Ashes has prompted me to go ahead and make this a good old-fashioned CKII/empire-builder quest, so here...
  13. Tithed_Verse

    Illegitimate Heir quest
    Threadmarks: Heir

    The Sharidise Empire has stood for several thousand years, through multiple dynasties of emperor. It straddles the Arum, reaching all the way to the mighty headwaters in the east. It controls the most fertile farmlands, the most stable water supply, and even the largest supply of coal and steel...
  14. Libandlearn

    Rise of a Republic | A CK2 World of Warcraft Fel World Quest
    Threadmarks: Intro

    A/N This is my first quest and there are likely to be some errors. I hope I can make a good quest for all of you You are…. [] Write in your name In front of you is a world of Green and Black. Hostile to anything not steeped in Fel, this forgotten planet is now your only home. Most of the...
  15. Hykal94

    The Mouse Snaps His Fingers: Disney Acquires 21st Century Fox and All Assets

    Disney Moves From Behemoth to Colossus With Closing of Fox Deal Disney now owns most of Rupert Murdoch’s former empire, including the 20th Century Fox movie and television studio, which includes the “X-Men,” “Avatar” and “Simpsons” franchises; Blue Sky, the “Ice Age” animation studio that is...
  16. Murtox

    A Much Farther West Front [Youjo Senki - Nation Quest]

    June - Unified Year 1923 A world of war and magic, much like the thousands that could exist and have existed in the imagination of many. It was a world, where the strong made the rules, they enslaved, conquered and plundered, for their biggest enemies weren’t the natives of Africania or the...
  17. KarvokaQueen

    A tale of blood, betrayal, and Marienburgers - A Warhammer Fantasy Quest
    Threadmarks: The Election of 1979

    A tale of blood, betrayal, and Marienburgers - A Warhammer Fantasy Quest The three Emperors who had started it all. From left to right they are Lukas Anderssen, the Nuln Emperor, Ottilia I Untermensch, the Talabecland Emperess, and Ulricht Todbringer, the Wolf Emperor In the year 1978, the...
  18. rdc30

    Dreams of Imperial Glory (Avatar: TLA Quest)
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    AN: *Checks date of last quest* Jesus, it’s been over 2 years since my last one. I blame Kosm and her quest Deep Red for getting me back into Avatar and questing in general. This quest will be heavily narrative-driven, so nothing like raw stats or rolls, but it will have skill trees that can be...
  19. Who Needs Harmony?: An MLP Empire Quest

    Who Needs Harmony?: An MLP Empire Quest
    Threadmarks: OP

    Equestria. Land of magic, friendship and ponies. A paradise of colorful landscapes, friendly inhabitants and benevolent rulers. At least, that’s what you’ve heard some say. For you have never been to Equestria. You have never seen the glittering spires of Canterlot, nor the wonders of...
  20. swarmling

    Or how I learned to stop dithering and hate the Xenos
    Threadmarks: Intro

    Hi guys, this is a civ quest where you control a chosen human nation and try to build it up to galactic dominance despite the near constant invasions you face. Species from a range of films, shows and books all exist in this universe so be ready. The game starts during first contact, and...
  21. Unhacker

    Begin Again (Working Title) - An Empire Quest
    Threadmarks: Begin Again

    Original Fantasy 
    There was once a Red King, a king whose ambition and anger would consume the continent. He would be opposed on the other side of the field by a Warrior-Princess. They would meet in single combat, with the fate of the Continent of Ustraosma hanging in the balance. Swords scythed, parries and...
  22. Warlord D Thoran

    Out of a Context Solution (Westeros ISOT into Warhammer Fantasy/CKII)
    Threadmarks: The Event

    Hi everyone this is my first story as well as that I am dyslexic so go easy on me, also I am always on the look out to improve my story in this story we explore the idea of what if a few years before the dance of the dragons, westeros is transported (ISOT) to warhammer fantasy and takes the...
  23. serra2

    Disney+, the new streaming service cluttering up the internet

    So Disney unveiled their streaming service today, called Disney+. All Disney related media and movies, including Nat Geo, MCU, and Star wars content will be eventually shifted over to this platform. The Walt Disney Company’s new direct-to-consumer streaming service will be called Disney+...
  24. Spktr Alpha

    The Shard-Touched (Worm/Warhammer Fantasy CK2)
    Threadmarks: OP

    Fantasy Superhero 
    The Shard-Touched Scion appeared over the skies of the world one day. And that was the day that the North fell silent. Mostly. Although the Golden Titan wars with the Dark Gods he was not man's friend either. In his wake humanity received a gift and curse: The Shards. Fragments of the Outsider...