empire builder

  1. Witchbourne

    Fuck Your Toxic Masculinity, I'm Starting My Own Empire! With Blackjack! And Unionized Hookers! (SI Multicross)
    Apocrypha: Codex

    One thing I've noticed in a lot of Isekai/OP/SI stories is a bit of a small undercurrent of, how do I put this...toxic masculinity. And not just in the fanservice but the whole toxic "gain power at all costs damn what bridges I burn and who gets hurt in the process" type. As a woman who enjoys...
  2. Evil_Nazgul0616

    Space is a Scary Place (PMMM Empire Builder Multicross. CKII-esque)
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Crossover Sci-Fi 
    //This was the ultimate result of a plot bunny, a recent Stellaris binge, and my creative gears finally starting up again. ------------------------------------------- It is the year 21XX. After centuries of gazing at the stars and wondering about the secrets of the universe, Humanity is now on...
  3. The Mallus Compliance (Space Marines in Warhammer Fantasy - Chapter Master/Empire Building)

    The Mallus Compliance (Space Marines in Warhammer Fantasy - Chapter Master/Empire Building)
    Threadmarks: Introduction 1

    A robed figure stands atop a tower in Altdorf. The College of Astromancy boasts the tallest and grandest structure in the whole city, and from its summit the Patriarch of the Celestial Order seeks wisdom from the stars. Vobist the Faint, the sign of Darkness and Uncertainty, seems to rise in the...
  4. The Empire of the Hand - A Star Wars Legends Quest (DEAD)

    The Empire of the Hand - A Star Wars Legends Quest
    Threadmarks: The Starting Pathway

    GM Note: Yep, a second quest while the first one is still ongoing. But I had this idea some time back and it wouldn't leave me, so here we go. The galaxy burns in the fires of war. Standing in an impeccably designed room, with reports all around you, only one other man stands within it. Voss...
  5. Jalinth

    Star Wars: Galaxy in Flames
    Threadmarks: Character Gen

    [EDIT - READ THE FAQ BEFORE ASKING A QUESTION. MANY THINGS ARE ANSWERED THERE] [EDIT 2 - There is a Discord server. Feel free to join] The second Death Star has been destroyed, the Emperor is dead, and the Galaxy is aflame. Long simmering tensions have exploded into a storm of violence. All...
  6. Silence

    Mastery of the Stars
    Threadmarks: Setup Vote 1

    Long ago your forefathers left Lost Earth escaping Nemesis that would see the ruin of the brilliant blue gem in mighty arks. Some Arks were built by lost tribes of nation, churches and faiths, men and women of industry, or stolen by the desperate. Yours was:. Staring Arks [] UNS Olympia - one...
  7. Queen Snake

    The Rise...(Empire Builder Quest)
    Threadmarks: Beginning

    Original Sci-Fi Modern 
    Compared to the universe, Earth is just one small speck. An important speck, but a speck nonetheless. Sometimes I lean back and think about how insignificant humans are to the wide universe. This philosophy has made me think that humans won’t amount to anything; especially to those bigger than...
  8. Zedalb

    Borderlands Gun Company [Council Game] [Interest check]

    Every Interplanetary mega-corporation/empire has to start somewhere. You are a couple of friends on a small planet with a few workshops trying to compete with the greats, like Atlas or Dahl. First you need to upscale production, find your niche, take over your home planet then start trying to...
  9. KarvokaQueen

    In the Name of the Duke! (WH40k CK2 Quest)
    Threadmarks: Welcome to the Spinward Front

    Sci-Fi Horror 
    It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries The Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with...
  10. Cyberphilosipher

    By the Light of Darkened Stars: A Star Wars Villains Victorious Idea Expansion

    By the Light of Darkened Stars: A Star Wars Villains Victorious Idea Expansion The Galaxy Lies Broken...scattered and ruined. The Light of the Universe lies broken...consumed and destroyed at long last by the Forces of Darkness and the Sith. From Galladran to Tatooine...From Korriban to...
  11. Collinw105

    The Right Man In the Wrong Place [A TNO x Fallout New Vegas Crossover quest]
    Threadmarks: Prologue part 1

    Crossover Alt. History 
    I need to say something before we start. I have never done a quest before let alone made one so if their are any errors let me know and also i don't know how to use the dice system so this quest will mostly be a story but it will have quest elements. If you don't like it then let me know. With...
  12. Powerofmind

    Elven Empire Quest (CK2)
    Threadmarks: OP - Character Selection

    Four hundred and seventy three years ago, Beren, the first and last Emperor of Elvenkind, drew the ire of the gods. A just and compassionate man, it is not known how, nor why such could have come to pass, but the result, the Reckoning, is a stain that has remained upon the Earth ever since...
  13. MrocnyZbik

    Chaos Consume Us [Warhammer 40k Chaos Quest CK2]
    Threadmarks: Introuction

    Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    In the end you die or you walk your own path. Sooner or later it happens to everyone. It happened even to the mighty Horus, it happened to you. But the data aren’t complete, so let us start at the beginning little mortal. No, no, that won’t do, please do not shake. The Zero-point Tesseract Cage...
  14. Z488411

    Not so sleepy skeletons (A 40k Necron Dynasty quest)
    Threadmarks: Choosing A World.

    NOT SO SLEEPY SKELETONS So… I just lost all of my notes for my other quest and spent way too much time reading CKII style quests, The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest and The road not taken (building a rebel empire in 40k ) in particular. That and my...
  15. A Shadow Resides: A Raven's Operator Quest

    A Shadow Resides: A Raven's Operator Quest (Armored Core/Original)
    Threadmarks: Prologue: Their Hearts Are Black (A Moonlight Prayer)

    Mature Sci-Fi Romance 
    The City, controlled for decades by the man known to its citizens as ‘Father’, has become a battlefield for Ravens, as rising powers fight for supremacy using these mercenaries and their powerful humanoid weapons, ‘Armored Cores’, as proxies in a never-ending economic war. You are an operator...
  16. Tierenleo

    Planetary Governor in the Helican Sub-sector (Warhammer 40K Planetary Governor quest)
    Threadmarks: Character creation

    It is 010. M39 it has been 10 years since the 10th Black Crusade ravaged the Medusa system and the Iron Hands that called Medusa home. You have been appointed as the Governor of [ ] Hubris ( Ice World) (Civilised World) [ ] Mariam ( Hive World) [ ] Respa III ( Agri World) At the request of the...
  17. Tithed_Verse

    Underrail Station Builder
    Threadmarks: Start

    Take my life, take my land, take me where I cannot stand. I don't care, I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me. ~~ source unknown. But they could, and they did.There's something wrong with the surface. No one knows what, nor why, but what is known is that it's uninhabitable. Humanity...
  18. Alivaril

    Revised Reintegration (Empire Quest)
    Threadmarks: Prologue: Regret

    QM’s Note: Yes, I know I have a ton of quests already, but I have 0 empire-builders. I wanted to try one and I was able to redirect my muse from an even less productive project in the process. I also made a separate poll (link at the end of this first post) for what POV to write this in. It’s...
  19. S

    Imperial Reformer, a warhammer system governor quest
    Threadmarks: Intial post

    You are Emma Jackson, born on the hive world of Elysia and the daughter of one of the Highborn living high in one of the spires of the hive. Your family has served for generations as senior officers in the navy and they form most of the senior officers of the system defense fleet(SDF). With...
  20. S

    A hostile Shore
    Threadmarks: story 1

    Among the elves it is a tradition to spend a few years roaming across the elvish lands before settling down and spending decades perfecting their chosen craft. Adlegron a skilled woodsmen and archer lead a small group that decided to sail south to the elfish capitol to attend the spring...
  21. K

    Dread Empress Insidia I - A CK2 Praesi Quest
    Threadmarks: Opening

    Mature Fantasy 
    You could almost feel the Tower shake as you see the flashes of light from below as mages battled many floors below, smoke rising into the sky. The last claimant besides yourself, Voss, stands before you. Gods Below, he was huge. He raised his warhammer and crushed the skull of your wounded...
  22. ComradeDoge

    Assassins in the GFFA (Star Wars/Assassin's Creed, CK2)
    Sidestory: Chargin and backstory

    Crossover Sci-Fi Modern 
    You, the playerbase as a collective, control Desmond Miles. The Apple Of Eden, through a rift in time and space.. has been transported to somewhere in the Star Wars Galaxy..and Palpatine himself has noticed the Force Presence it has created surrounding itself. He doesn't know where it is..yet...
  23. Addemup

    To Conquer the Multiverse [Prophesy of Pendor/CK2/Multicross]
    Threadmarks: Part I: Recruited by the Blood God

    Crossover Fantasy 
    One moment, you were going about your day-to-day activities as usual; the next moment, you were greeted by an almost blinding light. A booming voice echoes out to you and only you, seemingly coming from both everywhere and nowhere at the same time: "DO NOT BE AFRAID, MY CHILD. I AM ARMOK, GOD...
  24. Ebanu8

    A Song of Dragons and Duty (Dragon Age Quest - 3rd Thread)
    Threadmarks: Overview

    A Song of Dragons and Duty Two years has it been since the start of Aedan's tenure as Bann of Salthaven. There were difficulties and challenges to overcome, and a fair share of happy memories to enjoy and relish, however brief they were. Many times others have tried to smother the flame of...
  25. Tyrell

    [SG-1] False Hope [OC, Stargate Universe]
    Threadmarks: As two minds collide : Prologue

    The world was ending and James wasn’t afraid. Watching the crowds scramble away, the surf rolling in, it was a hopeless struggle. To think that the world would end and that he would only be in his twenties when it happened. A Tsunami, 100 meters tall and gaining speed. There would be little...