Shards of a Broken Sun [Deprecated; see link in final post for remake]

[X] Visit Saya and Yuu . (But not Strength, because…)

We were attempting to visit them earlier.
Sadly, even if you were to have Amu meet Yui, I think the former has quite outgrown the latter already.
Maybe. But later, when Yui has grown some, it might be a nice meet. Also, Amu ripping the Bureaucracy a new asshole about forcibly recruiting child soldiers. Possibly literally.
Well, shit, I can't remember any plans for what we want Mato to do. Would experimenting with her power help or hinder her recovery?
[X] Follow Yui home.
[X] Experiment with her powers. Find somewhere quiet and play around.

Well, Yui's phone is locked up.

I'm half expecting her to be attacked right around when she can't USE her powers thanks to helpful adults.
"- An anonymous tip from the JSDF has informed us that Dubhe's defeat is largely thanks to a newly acquired special asset, whose actions ensured victory at a far smaller cost than expected, but did not provide further details. We nevertheless urge parents to send their children out of the room, as the scenes we are about to show are extremely violent."
I missed this the first time through! They're talking about Ami, right?
Also, Amu ripping the Bureaucracy a new asshole about forcibly recruiting child soldiers. Possibly literally.
That's a concern, isn't it. The whole thing is a complete mess of people working at cross purposes, with Mato and Yui at the sharp end of the stick. They don't have any clue -- Mato's a normal twelve-year-old in most respects, remember -- but you can guess most of this anyway. People aren't all desperate, or antyhing, but they're... stressed. So, a few of the factions involved...

- The mayor of their city wants to be seen as Getting Something Done. This is Something. Originally he just wanted to arrest Yui, which is also Something, and she'd have been quietly moved to house arrest at home once things calmed down a little.

- The police chief wants to uphold the law, which right now is completely impossible. Well, he'd have no trouble seeing the summoning app as a weapon and what Yui did as accidental discharge (by a child!), but Mato can't be disarmed, as she so inconveniently demonstrated. Seriously, she's the perfect assassin.

...Mato can also kill parts of your personality from inside your dreams, BRS-style... and shades of Persona 5 there, huh?

That she'd never do either of those things is besides the point. The only way for Mato to legally exist is for her to have a job where she's allowed to carry firearms, and those are in short supply. Do that, and her having such a job is itself illegal, but no longer her fault. He'll be going gray in a hurry if this keeps up.

They're both an accidental sort of roadkill, and both Yui and Mato are likely to get sidelined once they have better options and/or a legal framework for this. Is what I would say, but there'll likely be a JPs interrupt in the middle. Yui has a much better chance of getting out than Mato does, assuming Mato doesn't start ignoring what people tell her.

- Yagami, the elder. He's just a normal detective, as is his 'assistant'. Really, would I lie to you?

K-syndrome could be either Kagutsuchi syndrome or Krantzberg syndrome. Or, actually, both. Either way it's an occupational hazard.

The teacher and the one who decided to switch places with her Otherself because living in the eternal fighting ring of otherworld was less painful than the real world. Also basically the two best experts that exist in concerns to the Otherworld.
Of a sorts. Really, that'd be Saya and Strength, but they're the two best living experts certainly.
Well, shit, I can't remember any plans for what we want Mato to do.
There weren't any. :p

Black Impulse's protagonist(s) deliberately do not have quite as much agency as Amu. In Mato's case, that's mainly because she's still largely acting like a child.
[X] Follow Yui home.
[X] Experiment with her powers. Find somewhere quiet and play around.

Well, Yui's phone is locked up.

I'm half expecting her to be attacked right around when she can't USE her powers thanks to helpful adults.
That would suck... but won't happen.

The vortex world, thanks to Amu's actions, is nowhere near as dangerous as DeSu2 canon would have been. That doesn't make it "safe", but it's more "Bad neighbourhood of Detroit" than "warzone". Most people don't feel unsafe enough to risk using the summoning app -- even without working news services, rumors spread quickly about that -- which, in turn, makes the place safer.

Things can go upwards or downwards from here. That's up to Amu and Hotsuin, mainly.

Note that, even in DeSu2, you weren't likely to get attacked on the streets on Tuesday.
I missed this the first time through! They're talking about Ami, right?
Careful, you'll give the kid a swelled head like this. :p

may want to re-order the threadmarks there m8e
Nah, I've got them exactly how I want 'em. :)

So long as there isn't interaction, it makes more sense to keep the stories in order. (And I'll probably get back to Tammy's story in a while, even if I'll need to rewrite parts of it.)

You're still yourself, I see. Is this a good time to point out that Mato could be construed as Yui's assistant as well, and her last name... is Yagami?

-looks at possible parallels-

'Perfect assassin. Demon summoner. First introduced the later to paranormal fuckery. '

God damn it, you combined Raito and his sister to make Yui and Mato is her Ryuk. Unless that's a red herring and Yagami Detective has two kids and one of them is currently protecting his sister and mom from demons with the help of his own demon, who he pays with apples.
Unless that's a red herring and Yagami Detective has two kids and one of them is currently protecting his sister and mom from demons with the help of his own demon, who he pays with apples.
No, it's probably cousin Iori doing said protecting from the shadows after finishing dealing with family curse.

Not that they need protecting with their ovepowered digital abominations on call.

Yagami "luck" is just... Yagami "luck".
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And now I want PRE-DN Raito trying to survive, and protect his family, while his father still has no idea that the other Yagami's are in danger. I always did sympathize with his apathy slash depression. And he's not bad when he has all the memories cut away. Rip that cinnamon roll version.
No, it's probably cousin Iori doing said protecting from the shadows after finishing dealing with family curse.

Not that they need protecting with their ovepowered digital abominations on call.

Yagami "luck" is just... Yagami "luck".
Is everyone with the last name Yagami cursed?
And now I want PRE-DN Raito trying to survive, and protect his family, while his father still has no idea that the other Yagami's are in danger. I always did sympathize with his apathy slash depression. And he's not bad when he has all the memories cut away. Rip that cinnamon roll version.

Is everyone with the last name Yagami cursed?
Hayate got a pretty good life after the whole thing with the Book of Darkness, but she also had to go through a lot of shit.

So yeah, kinda sorta cursed.
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