Shards of a Broken Sun [Deprecated; see link in final post for remake]

[X] Narrative recap

I think this is probably for the best. Clip shows be clip shows, necessary, but not something you try to make plot relevant.
[X] In-story recap


Starting things off with a chance to accumulate Usefulness Flags!

But yes, Storyboarding is almost hilariously overpowered. It's like writing an essay, but interesting.
But yes, Storyboarding is almost hilariously overpowered. It's like writing an essay, but interesting.
It feels like this:

But I'm not sure that what I'm doing really counts as 'storyboarding'. I'm describing the past/current state of the world, rather than trying to guess what will happen in the future (mostly).
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[x] In-story recap

They'll have this conversation sooner or later. This just means it happens on-screen instead of getting glossed over.
[X] Narrative recap

I'm not sure if telling Hotsuin everything Amu has been doing is the best idea, even if it gets us more Usefulness Flags with him.
So the question is basically if we want to be totally honest with Hotsuin? I think we do, since he's mostly on our side.

[X] In-story recap
I'm not sure if telling Hotsuin everything Amu has been doing is the best idea, even if it gets us more Usefulness Flags with him.
I agree, but I think we're still slated to get a bunch of training time from the kami we're... kinda freeing from the seal. I don't exactly remember the specifics.

I'm fairly sure we were kind of set on buying up a bunch of dots in Socializing and Bureaucracy as well as a few Charms in each so we could play on an even field or shit-stomp him if he made an issue of it.

I still want to get some of those archery charms, especially since I remember it being implied we could power up nukes with them. I think. Or at the very least we could... "attune" I guess, the nukes so that they weren't reliant on what's left of Reality in order to damage the demons.
I still want to get some of those archery charms, especially since I remember it being implied we could power up nukes with them. I think. Or at the very least we could... "attune" I guess, the nukes so that they weren't reliant on what's left of Reality in order to damage the demons.
The nukes per se have zero use in that manner. They wouldn't be useful to make artifact weapons, since they're entirely mundane... But there are a few uses. To name the most obvious ones:
  • Amu could totes use them for modified archery charms. The mote cost would go up and the aiming-based charms would be inapplicable to what's already a guided weapon, but the explosion would make a nice base for the other charms.
  • There are plenty of ways to temporarily strengthen Kagutsuchi's influence. Technically you're not then using the output of the bomb for anything but a signal, but it's a rather convincing signal.
  • They're nukes. They have significance to the collective subconscious far out of proportion to their nominal value.
That's what Amu or Fumi would come up with in the first ten seconds. Well, Fumi would only think of the second one...
  • They're nukes. They have significance to the collective subconscious far out of proportion to their nominal value.
Aka they hurt demonic lifeforms without harmonizer because of sheer narrative weight in collective subconscious said lifeforms are often keyed to.

This is not Nasuverse, so collective Legend works nearly as well as personal one.
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And to top it off this is Japan we're in. The socio- and psychological significance of a Nuke can't be understated here. I don't think there's anywhere in the world a Nuke would have more significance in the collective subconscious.
On finishing re-reading: I want more Miki. Well, more of everything, but more of Miki first and foremost.
[OMK] Classified.

"So tell me, Amu-chan, please. What's going on?"

Silence fell, but so did her face. How could she possibly tell them? So much of it was classified, it'd take her all day just to figure out what to say. She'd need some kind of burst of insight, and she hadn't had one. What to do, what to do... she couldn't tell them everything, could she? It'd be difficult even to guess what was classified and what wasn't.

I believe I have a solution, Exa interjected.

She almost sagged in relief. Do tell.

I can prevent you from saying anything classified, leaving you otherwise able to speak freely. I wouldn't normally be able to do this, but special conditions apply at the moment.

That worked. All right, then.

Kukai had patiently waited through her usual near-breakdown, so every eye was fixed on her when she started speaking.

"It all started last morning, when classified information in the park with mom. There was a classified information, which tried to classified information, and I classified information to classified information with classified information... Then, later on, classified information. Classified information."

Her mouth snapped shut. She might need to rethink this.
NEED THREADMARK. Also I just unliked it because I wanted to like it again.
*continues laughing*

PS. Also I lied about finishing re-reading, but I'm pretty close.
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On finishing re-reading: I want more Miki. Well, more of everything, but more of Miki first and foremost.
I'll admit, she's one of my favorite characters as well, but what do you in particular like about her?

Actually... this seems like a good time to ask, while I'm organising my notes. What do you guys like about the story? What do you dislike?
I remember liking the desperate, but not hopeless, struggle. As well as the slice-of-life moments that let us and Amu decompress and remember why life's worth fighting for. And, of course, I dislike how difficult the plot became to follow eventually.
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