and all of that because of the death of one good man.
If Rasputin can see this from Morr's realm, he must me horrified
Well the thing is that, again, the War of Bitter Ice is the absolute most gambit pile-ups ever.

Yellow Fang. Verenans. Ranaldians. Skaven. Lahmians. Skaven. Ungol Separatists. Ungol Royalists. Ungol Bohka Loyalists. Religious Traditionalists. Religious Orthodox Traditionalists. Religious Neo-Progressives. Religious Revisionists. Skaven. Necrarchs. Loyalists. Royalists. Beastmen. Roppsmen Revivalists. Roppsmen Loyalists. Greenskins. Cutt-Throat Mercenaries. Criminal Rings. Divergent Cultists. Traitorous Dolgan. Loyal Dolgan. Romanovs. Bohkas. Opportunists Of All Kinds. Anyone Looking To Settle A Grudge. Etc.

Some of the Bohka were secretly vampirically tricked. Others were not. It would be too easy if the entire Bohka family was duped, but they weren't. It's just that...enough of them were.

The Thunder Priest was, at least, part of a faction of Kislevites that genuinely wanted to save Kislev from a tyrant they felt was just too monstrous and had too many crimes to remain as Tzarina. The problem for Ivan is, that was just one faction amongst many.

Here? To paraphrase Johnny Silverhand -

"Wrong world, wrong people."

Ivan would have tried to go after Saburo properly, not blow up Arasaka Tower with all the obvious fallout from the explosion and debris.

Kattarin would have preferred to be Saburo, and she would never have allowed Yorinobu to even begin to try and strangle her before blowing his head off. Or would have just sent Smasher to squish him the moment he stole the Relic.
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Eitherways, at this point, he would be in so deep that he probably won't even care (If I'm being callous.) what happens next so long Kattarin is gone.

And in a way, he probably got what he wanted with Kattarin halfway being sent to Hell Pit (If it succeeds.) at the cost of his entire family.

Can't murder him as he's still the heir, so the other option is to label him incumbent and put another successor for Kislev instead.
[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.
Some of the Bohka were secretly vampirically tricked. Others were not. It would be too easy if the entire Bohka family was duped, but they weren't. It's just that...enough of them were.

Of course the wise totally telling the truth Romanovs will let everyone know how all the Bohka were sell outs serving their vampire masters.

It's a great PR opportunity afterall to crush any legitimately the Bohka have.

The Thunder Priest was, at least, part of a faction of Kislevites that genuinely wanted to save Kislev from a tyrant they felt was just too monstrous and had too many crimes to remain as Tzarina

Unfortunately for them the brave and true Romanovs will let the people of Kislev know that the foul traitorous Thunder Priests idea of saving Kislev is to burn down the food storage buildings in winter and team up with the Skaven feeding the people of Kislev to them.

Clearly the Thunder Priests knew full well the foreign factions they decided to serve. It's to the people of Kislev's great fortune that they are blessed with the great Romanovs who can fight back against the traitors and their foreign masters.
[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.
[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.
Okay I apparently missed something, what's going on with whoever the Heir is and why?

Can't murder him as he's still the heir, so the other option is to label him incumbent and put another successor for Kislev instead.

Oh my, no, Ivan is not the heir. He was never the heir. Mattrin was the heir. And then his branch was murdered.

The second branch after that is not Ivan. While the grandchildren level was not marked out with dates, the children were put down linearly in terms of birth.

So it goes Mattrin, Natasha Romanov (not Hohenzollern), Olga, Andre, Ivan, respectively.

Ivan wouldn't even necessarily be 'heir' if his faction potentially succeeded so thoroughly in corralling the rest of the Romanovs utterly that it went beyond his wildest dreams. He never intended any of them to die, simply to have Kattarin deposed. But, then, if the rest of his family supported her and her efforts, then, yes, he might have gotten installed as leader, he might not have, if he felt that the Romanov line could not be trusted to hold the throne any longer.
[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.
[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.

We if time the explosion to look like Divine action against the leader, it may very well set the cults against her and each other.
I think…Either protect ourselves with concentration of power or see if the cults are going to swing and where so we can move accordingly.
Annoyingly enough we might want that, if only to ensure we don't accidentally set ourselves to smash through several cults instead of just the one our enemy is courting…
But I think we're better off preserving forces-this feels like a free for all scenario, and most important in such scenarios is preserving your strength to make incoming attackers think twice.
[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.
Gah, surprised it took me so long to make the comparisons. The war of Bitter Ice is the Russian Civil War.

The Ranaldian faction would be the closest you get to a Socialist faction. Everyone else are nationalist movements and different Whites fighting each other.

Skaven and vampires are the many outside powers that through espionage or outright expeditionary forces, sought to tilt the war their way.

Main divergence: Its missing the 3 year long losing war that dragged Russia to the point of collapse and beyond.

Hmm, this scenario would be a decent one following the Great War of Chaos. A potential quest idea for someone.
[X] Retinue - The more effort and time Hultressa puts into this act, the more assets she can actually bring with her to the Auction as her presumed efforts 'work out' in terms of recruitment. Some effort will already be made, enough to bring Frederick, but any other assets will require some time put towards this. Doing so will allow Hultressa to much more strongly justify bringing in others, arming them even as her guards, and so on. Therefore, once you are at the Temple of Khaine, you will have that many more weapons and bodies at hand to aid you.
Gah, surprised it took me so long to make the comparisons. The war of Bitter Ice is the Russian Civil War.

The Ranaldian faction would be the closest you get to a Socialist faction. Everyone else are nationalist movements and different Whites fighting each other.

Skaven and vampires are the many outside powers that through espionage or outright expeditionary forces, sought to tilt the war their way.

Main divergence: Its missing the 3 year long losing war that dragged Russia to the point of collapse and beyond.

Hmm, this scenario would be a decent one following the Great War of Chaos. A potential quest idea for someone.
and none of the factions get along
Oh my, no, Ivan is not the heir. He was never the heir. Mattrin was the heir. And then his branch was murdered.

The second branch after that is not Ivan. While the grandchildren level was not marked out with dates, the children were put down linearly in terms of birth.

So it goes Mattrin, Natasha Romanov (not Hohenzollern), Olga, Andre, Ivan, respectively.

Ivan wouldn't even necessarily be 'heir' if his faction potentially succeeded so thoroughly in corralling the rest of the Romanovs utterly that it went beyond his wildest dreams. He never intended any of them to die, simply to have Kattarin deposed. But, then, if the rest of his family supported her and her efforts, then, yes, he might have gotten installed as leader, he might not have, if he felt that the Romanov line could not be trusted to hold the throne any longer.
So what was Ivan plan for Alex if things went as he wanted?
[X] Retinue - The more effort and time Hultressa puts into this act, the more assets she can actually bring with her to the Auction as her presumed efforts 'work out' in terms of recruitment. Some effort will already be made, enough to bring Frederick, but any other assets will require some time put towards this. Doing so will allow Hultressa to much more strongly justify bringing in others, arming them even as her guards, and so on. Therefore, once you are at the Temple of Khaine, you will have that many more weapons and bodies at hand to aid you.
Appear to have partially blown out my right forearm moving a heavy metal ladder around trying to get at some smoke alarms, kinda hurts to move or squeeze or flex or anything. Typing seems to be okay, but there is not so much pain but a new 'awareness' of the problem area. Just a head's up in case it gets worse or something.


So what was Ivan plan for Alex if things went as he wanted?

He was going to try very hard not to kill her. But there are things that she has been party to, that she has outright ordered, that are quite grievous. The Nadzirateli were trained by a mixture of the absolute most ruthless of the 'Renegade' Category of Witch Hunters of the Empire, those who were not Mercenaries, Chartered, or Devout, as well as taking inspiration from other 'internal policing' Sects of other Old World Cults.

Alexandra has tortured, stolen, manufactured evidence, caused collateral damage as forms of pressure and threats to targets, and persecuted many, many people in that course.

That kind of treatment of Kislevites was unacceptable to Ivan. Let the Empire have that kind of thing, Kislev didn't and doesn't need it. At least, in his opinion.
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