Voting is open for the next 5 hours, 38 minutes
i'm just expecting Tyto to be the bigger problem since we've been told that Archon do'snt really care about anything outside it's borders. in short i don't see how the two are going to be separate at all.
Sure, but why do you think Tyto of all Houses are the threat? If anything, they seem like the ones we're least likely to come into conflict with. They're like the one Great House that aren't warmongers and they're the one Great House that are projected to vote for the same thing we will - the Imperial Audit.

Additionally, why are you still sending spies into Archon? If you want to conduct salvage you need to build up spies and cells in a single faction.
Additionally, why are you still sending spies into Archon? If you want to conduct salvage you need to build up spies and cells in a single faction.
imma be honest and say that i don't quite remember why, only that it was important. I think my broader plan was to see if there where any plans against us, from either the houses by using the "reveal orders", and while i don't think they're going to do anything I'd rather "trust but verify"
imma be honest and say that i don't quite remember why, only that it was important. I think my broader plan was to see if there where any plans against us, from either the houses by using the "reveal orders", and while i don't think they're going to do anything I'd rather "trust but verify"
Well, fair enough. Could I at least convince you to swap Kat or Violet to bringing in a new order of knights? That is still military research - it's unlocking our elite ground unit.
[X] Plan trading knowledge the second v2
-[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
--[X] [Intrigue] Infiltrate Spies.
Send in covert agents to infiltrate a faction's bureaucracy or hierarchy, either individual spies or teams of operatives working together to begin a plot. Increases Spy count in target faction by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.
---[X] Great House Tyto
-[X] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[X] [Learning] Consecrate Order.
Begin to gather Brilliance Knights under the formation of a new Order to add them to your active forces. Once supplied properly with a planned selection equipment and recruits, they will enthusiastically take on their sworn roles and fight in your name. Requires eight (8) progress.
-[X] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
--[X] [Intrigue] Infiltrate Spies.
Send in covert agents to infiltrate a faction's bureaucracy or hierarchy, either individual spies or teams of operatives working together to begin a plot. Increases Spy count in target faction by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.
---[X] minor house Archon
Well, fair enough. Could I at least convince you to swap Kat or Violet to bringing in a new order of knights? That is still military research - it's unlocking our elite ground unit.
there we go, remember folks to vote
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Aug 23, 2024 at 1:54 AM, finished with 11 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan P2P2 Solar-Powered Ship Machine
    -[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Queen
    --[X] [Learning] Consecrate Order. Begin to gather Brilliance Knights under the formation of a new Order to add them to your active forces. Once supplied properly with a planned selection equipment and recruits, they will enthusiastically take on their sworn roles and fight in your name. Requires eight (8) progress.
    -[X] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
    --[X] [Intrigue] Infiltrate Spies. Send in covert agents to infiltrate a faction's bureaucracy or hierarchy, either individual spies or teams of operatives working together to begin a plot. Increases Spy count in target faction by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.
    ---[X] Great House Orochi
    -[X] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
    --[X] [Stewardship] Upgrade Building. Commence extensive renovations and extensively remodel existing structures into augmented versions of themselves. Cost varies.
    ---[X] New Helm
    ----[X] Solar Drydock. Ornately decorated shrines made of solarium batteries now provide the energy necessary for zero-g construction, greatly reducing operation costs while adding a sense of ceremony to ship-building. Upgrade for Void Drydock. Increases Resources by half of Resources consumption. Decreases Influence by half of Resources consumption. Requires six (6) progress.
    [X] Plan trading knowledge the second
    -[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
    --[X] [Intrigue] Infiltrate Spies. Send in covert agents to infiltrate a faction's bureaucracy or hierarchy, either individual spies or teams of operatives working together to begin a plot. Increases Spy count in target faction by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.
    ---[X] Great House Tyto
    -[X] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
    --[X] [Learning] Visit the Academies. Send somebody to go to the Imperial Academies and peruse their records or listen in on lectures to gain insights on the general progress of technology around the United Empire. Then see if you can't perhaps bring some of that back and adopt it to your people. Research option. Cost varies.
    -[X] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
    ---[X] minor house Archon
    [X] Plan trading knowledge the second v2
    -[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
    --[X] [Intrigue] Infiltrate Spies. Send in covert agents to infiltrate a faction's bureaucracy or hierarchy, either individual spies or teams of operatives working together to begin a plot. Increases Spy count in target faction by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.
    ---[X] Great House Tyto
    -[X] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
    --[X] [Learning] Consecrate Order. Begin to gather Brilliance Knights under the formation of a new Order to add them to your active forces. Once supplied properly with a planned selection equipment and recruits, they will enthusiastically take on their sworn roles and fight in your name. Requires eight (8) progress.
    -[X] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
    ---[X] minor house Archon
Looks like it's time to start brainstorming a name for your first Knight Order. Hopefully there's some ideas floating around since they debuted in the civil war.
Cycle 20.1
[X] Plan P2P2 Solar-Powered Ship Machine
-[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Queen
--[X] [Learning] Consecrate Order. Begin to gather Brilliance Knights under the formation of a new Order to add them to your active forces. Once supplied properly with a planned selection equipment and recruits, they will enthusiastically take on their sworn roles and fight in your name. Requires eight (8) progress.
-[X] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
--[X] [Intrigue] Infiltrate Spies. Send in covert agents to infiltrate a faction's bureaucracy or hierarchy, either individual spies or teams of operatives working together to begin a plot. Increases Spy count in target faction by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.
---[X] Great House Orochi
-[X] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[X] [Stewardship] Upgrade Building. Commence extensive renovations and extensively remodel existing structures into augmented versions of themselves. Cost varies.
---[X] New Helm
----[X] Solar Drydock. Ornately decorated shrines made of solarium batteries now provide the energy necessary for zero-g construction, greatly reducing operation costs while adding a sense of ceremony to ship-building. Upgrade for Void Drydock. Increases Resources by half of Resources consumption. Decreases Influence by half of Resources consumption. Requires six (6) progress.

Brilliance Knights, the blessed elite of the Helmsmen.

They were the defenders of solarium, those who undertook the sacred task of wielding the very same material into battle. Circuits made of pure solarium coursed through their veins, providing energy upon which suits of solarium armor drew on to turn their user into blurs of lightning violence on the battlefield. They were your people's greatest asset, unique thanks to the genetic mutations developed from generations of exposure to solarium in society.

Yet that was not the only thing born from years of experience. An era of internal strife and scarcity had ingrained a higher duty for those who were blessed to wield it, codes of honor that would forbid the gross misuse of sacred knowledge. Unbreakable vows of duty and responsibility became part of their culture, holy tenants that Brilliance Knights swore themselves to never break in an effort to hone their devotion to the pursuit and defense of information. Little wonder why they have acquired a stereotype in the greater United Empire as blessed paladins, or at least they did in your sire's time and setting.

Now came your turn to determine how they in turn would be known as. You stared at your reflection in your office window for a suitable amount of time, then turned to sharply impress your subordinates. "It is time," You solemnly began, "for me to execute one of my greatest tasks as Solar Queen. To order and consecrate the creation for a new Order of Brilliance Knights."

Kat and Dorothea rapidly nodded, eyes wide in anticipation and eagerness at the declared momentous act. No doubt that they were beyond impressed by the dramatic flourish you added, likely imagining up some sort of grand considerations or musings which had been running through your mind. Something suitably ponderous and royal.

Only Radana looked composed as ever, the edges of her lips twitching in knowledge of your performance. You would have loved so dearly to have it just be you and her talking about this but given that this was the very first Order of Brilliance Knights beneath you, it was impossible to find a way to frame it in a way to keep the others out. So you had to invite them into the discussions so, and perform annoying upkeep demonstrations of grandeur to keep them thinking well of you.

What an annoying bother that came with being your people's leader. At least now, you didn't have to give a matching speech to impress and could talk somewhat frankly with your retainers. Maybe even shove some of the need to plump it up so onto them. "Dorothea. Kat. Radana. Tell me, what do you all look for in the Brilliance Knights?" You asked, smirking beneath your mask at being able to let them fill the conversation for you.

Dorothea almost practically leapt to do so. "Loyalty to one's comrades, above all else! I'd even daresay loyalty to House Iris solely as well," She declared before scowling. "But that would exempt those who leave our borders in pursuit of their oaths elsewhere. For all that one could take offense to such independence, there have been tales of others doing good across the galaxy, so it would be unfair and hypocritical so."

"T-they often vow to...protect. W-without thought for separation," Kat stuttered with a meek shake of the head. "S-so long as they...keep and...safeguard their g-gift, it is, um, allowed! Like, er, all of them. That, I t-think, is most important."

"Indeed. For those Brilliance Knights who have completed their training and undertaken their vows, seeing them through is but a natural step to begin their long journey to enlightenment," Radana mentioned with a measured nod. "They can hardly sit around idly after making such grand declarations of duty. They must act on them some way, some how, even if it means going on a little jaunt across the stars. Such responsibility, I think, is to be admired so."

You nodded and sucked in a breath. "All good traits that also happen to touch on the reason why we need to make a new Order for these Brilliance Knights to prove themselves, be they freshly inducted or veterans at that point. I will say I do not begrudge those who chose a life of adventure, especially if it happens to be their ultimate calling." Because I absolutely would rather be one than deal with all this! "Yet it is also beholden to us to offer the opportunities for our protectors to carry out their duties here too, in more ways than just civil service."

"Yes, not everybody takes well to sitting at a desk for long periods at times." Dorothea sighed longingly, likely reflecting on her own experiences. "But every single Brilliance Knights is a trained warrior at heart. Military service has universal appeal to them all."

"Which means it should be our priority now to establish." You turned your gaze to Kat. "Are the Prisms prepared for the incoming workload to equip this new Order?"

Judging by the way her head frantically bobbed up and down, that would be a wordless yes. You returned with a calm nod, then locked eyes with your best friend. "For those who perhaps are already tired of their trip across the galaxy, this is an opportunity too."

"Indeed it is. An opportunity to return home and undertake a nice stable position, while perhaps even passing acquired wisdom to the younger members." Radana gave a perfect curtsy. "I will ensure that word gets out that there are openings. I'm sure that more than a few will take up the offer."

You nodded and made a mental note to subtly check up on those who decided to indeed come back. Just to make sure they didn't become a spy for other powers. You doubted any were though, given the devotion Brilliance Knights had to possess to make it that far. Though perhaps making sure your new Order had a welcoming sort of atmosphere would also help ease the transition back.

Suspicion and acceptance in equal measure. That sounded good to you.

Brilliance Knight Base Stats
Strength: 40
Armor: 0
Movement: 6
Special: This unit counts as Infantry when moving through tiles. If this unit has moved this turn, it gains a +10 Evasion modifier to mitigating damage.

Create an Outfit Kit!
[ ] Order of ____
-[ ] Main Weapon
-[ ] Specialist Weapon
-[ ] Utility

Choose a Main Weapon
-[ ] [Main Weapon] Terra Assault Rifle Mk1 A rugged assault rifle model that has ancient roots in Terran history, with incredible ruggedness and durability in majority of field conditions across the galaxy.
Range: 2
Attack: +20
Damage: 4

-[ ] [Main Weapon] Mars Battle Rifle Mk1 A model first developed for the harsher Martian climate, but since finding popularity as a long range infantry rifle.
Range: 3
Attack: +15
Damage: 3


Choose a Specialist Weapon
[ ] [Specialist Weapon] Circuit Blades Mk1 Tis only natural that knights carry swords on them, though any sufficiently sharp solarium edge will suffice.
Range: 1
Attack: +5
Damage: 4
Special: Gain an additional special attack in the CQC phase with +15 Attack. If it has attacked this way, it does not gain another additional attack this turn. Cannot be used against Armored units.

-[ ] [Specialist Weapon] Sol Pistol Mk1 A highly advanced sidearm with integrated targeting systems that immediately activate upon touch for smooth and accurate quick draws.
Range: 2
Attack: +10
Damage: 3
Special: Adds a +5 bonus modifier to the Main Weapon in CQC phase. Unit must have moved this turn to make an additional attack.


Choose a Utility
-[ ] [Utility] Vow of Roses Mk1 Beware the barbed thorn.
Special: When rolling to calculate damage, this unit rerolls each die that is below three (3) once. It must accept the new result whatever it is.

-[ ] [Utility] Vow of Lycoris Mk1 In darkness blooms the spider lily.
Special: This unit's attacks negate the Cover modifier their target uses for damage mitigation.


Finish it with a Name!
--[ ] Description of Duty (Optional)

- I decided to cap the Circuit Blades to one additional attack a turn, so either you get it in CQC Phase or just on a nearby target. That should stop units from getting just shredded by it twice in a single turn on top of the CQC/Main Weapon, that felt a bit unfair. It should still be quite good though given the sizable bonus in CQC.
- Yet at the same time, that pistol is awfully tempting if you like having your elites strafe the battlefield. Up to you to decide which one you like.
- Vow of Lycoris is totally not me being a bit pandering.

14 hour moratorium to come up with an Order plan.
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Special: When rolling to calculate damage, this unit rerolls each die that lands on three (3) once. It must accept the new result whatever it is.
Utility: Vow of Roses. When rolling to dealing damage, this unit rerolls each die below three (3) once. It must accept the new result whatever it is.
Just checking since it wasn't mentioned, but the Vow of Roses appears to also have been nerfed since the Mercenary Knights. By a lot. If this isn't a typo, I afraid I kinda fail to see why we would ever take it over the Vow of Lycoris.

In regards to the build itself, I'm very partial to building them as high-speed point-takers. Circuit blades and Vow of Lycoris for mincing enemies in CQC inside forts or Urban tiles. Oh and a Terran Assault Rifle to give them that extra bonus in close-range combat.

Currently their only "downside" is their relatively low Strength (40 vs the 100 that Infantry get), and that they don't have access to utilities that can mitigate them taking damage. But they have that +10 evasion special, so thats kinda a moot point. They should also -usually- be fighting in areas of heavy cover, which also negates that point somewhat.

I think our next ground unit will have to be something anti-armour, to cover our weaknesses. Particularly if we take the circuit blades over the pistol. I do think the circuit blades is better for taking objectives, which is what we'd want them for, but we should be aware of what we're doing.

The name and flavour I'm still thinking on. It would feel kinda wrong to make a Knightly Order that was just about killing. Maybe we could make them the Royal Guards and have them be Violet's unit?
[ ] Order of The Iron Truth
-[ ] [Main Weapon] Terra Assault Rifle Mk1
A rugged assault rifle model that has ancient roots in Terran history, with incredible ruggedness and durability in majority of field conditions across the galaxy.
[ ] [Specialist Weapon] Circuit Blades Mk1
Tis only natural that knights carry swords on them, though any sufficiently sharp solarium edge will suffice.
-[ ] [Utility] Vow of Lycoris Mk1
In darkness blooms the spider lily.
--[ ] "when these men and women first saw the world around them, it disgusted them, filled with wrongness and illogical, myths and legends, monsters in shadows, a world of whispered half-truths. They saw this and despaired for it was wrong, and the despair turned to horror, for it filled them with fear, and then one just the one screamed in their despair. NO MORE!! with that one more voices would join NO MORE, they shouted and as more joined, it turned from a roar into a choir. today we know the choir as the prisms, and yet while the choir is no more, the roar still persist. know their name and hear their roar. WE ARE THE LIGHT OF REASON, THE HAMMER OF LOGIC, WITH OUR SWORDS WE SHALL CLEAVE THE LIES IN TWAIN, WITH OUR WORDS WE SHALL BANISH THE SHADOWS, WITH OUR MINDS WE SHALL SORT FACT FROM FICTION, AND IN TURN ENLIGHTEN, WE ARE NOT KNIGHTS OF BRILLIANCE, WE DO NOT GLIMMER AND SPACKLE, OURS IS NOT THE REFLECTION OF LIGHT, WE ARE THE ORDER OF IRON" - introduction speech of the Order of The Iron Truth as per tradition.
[ ] Order of the Undying Chorus
-[ ] [Main Weapon] Terra Assault Rifle Mk1
--[ ] AR-LL1
-[ ] [Specialist Weapon] Circuit Blades Mk1
-[ ] [Utility] Vow of Lycoris Mk1

--[ ]
The order of the Undying Chorus embrace their role as warriors of the Helmsmen, yet they do so with a song on their lips. Outside of combat, they are poets, philosophers, musicians, and artists. For in a new universe, bereft of our mother sun, peace can be found in beauty.
Their martial duty is as frontliners. Echoing the style used by the Knights of the Last Bloom in the battle for Bastion, they are equipped and trained to seize critical objectives and assault well-fortified positions.
Their civil duty is as guardians against the malaise that exists in all societies. They are the sworn enemies of the dreary and the soul-crushing. They are sworn champions of novelty, passion, and beauty. Even if they might miss out on some of the everyday joy of a simple life lived well, they do not seem to mind.
Despite their diversity of thought and free-spirited nature, they share a deep interest in the martial arts and a passionate commitment to their ideals that makes them more than a match for other, more internally cohesive units.
Named in honour of the flowers first discovered in New Helm, 20 cycles before their founding, the Order of the Flaming Blossom are the sworn defenders of Andernia, and the Helmsmen overall.

Whilst the Andernia system has been of vital importance since it was settled, it was after the revelation that the Helmsmen had been transported to a new universe that it's spiritual significance was truly magnified. To the Order, Andernia is the New Mother - a sacred sister to the Mother Star - and her system is as important as Helm itself.

There are many reasons for a knight to join the Order.
  • For those of a warlike bent, It's knights are some of the most militarized of those that are sworn to the service of House Iris.
  • For many Helmsmen, Andernia contains their entire world. Their parents, their children, their siblings, their friends and their lovers. To protect it is to protect all that matters to them in this world or the next.
  • The spiritual significance of the New Mother herself draws many of the pious both to protect her, and to understand her mysteries such as whether she was the one who drew the Helmsmen into this universe, and why?
  • Last but not least, many are drawn to the mysteries surrounding the system. They seek to protect the Helmsmen's control of the system so that it's secrets can be understood. Chief among them being "Why are we here?", and - most importantly of all - "How can we get back?" It should come as no surprise that most who join the order for this reason are those with many people in the other universe who mattered deeply to them. Unfortunately for these bereaved warriors, they also tend to lack people they care for in this universe, so scarred are they by their loss.
Martially, the Order hold the position of Vanguards. They consistently engage their foes in CQC in order to seize objectives and fortifications.

All members of the order share the civic duty to analyse and improve all of the defenses of the Andernia system. There is a subset of the Order that spends much of their time investigating and debating Helmsmen theology. There is another subset who spend much of their time researching the mysteries surrounding the system and the incident that caused the Helmsmen to shift universes.
Last edited:
[X] Order of the Fireflower
-[X] [Main Weapon] Terra Assault Rifle Mk1
--[X] LL-SG (Lily&Lily Sunguard.)
-[X] [Specialist Weapon] Circuit Blades Mk1
-[X] [Utility] Vow of Lycoris Mk1
Aside from their vow of service to House Iris, their Martial duty is to protect the Andernia system, House Iris' control of it, and the Helmsmen overall. On the battlefield they function as vanguards, seizing objectives and storming heavily fortified positions in close-quarters combat. Their civic duties vary but they all share an interest in the maintenance and improvement of the defensive systems of Andernia. There is a subset of the Order that spends much of their time investigating and debating Helmsmen theology. There is another subset who spend much of their time researching the mysteries surrounding the system and the incident that caused the Helmsmen to shift universes.
Named in honour of the flowers first discovered in New Helm, 20 cycles before their founding, the Order of the Fireflower are the sworn defenders of Andernia, and the Helmsmen overall.

Whilst the Andernia system has been of vital importance since it was settled, it was after the revelation that the Helmsmen had been transported to a new universe that it's spiritual and material significance was truly magnified. To many in the Order, Andernia is the New Mother - a sacred sister to the Mother Star - and her system is as important as Helm itself.

There are many reasons for a knight to join the Order.
  • For those of a warlike bent, It's knights are some of the most militarized of those that are sworn to the service of House Iris.
  • For many Helmsmen, Andernia contains their entire world. Their parents, their children, their siblings, their friends and their lovers. To protect it is to protect all that matters to them in this world or the next.
  • The spiritual significance of the New Mother herself draws many of the pious both to protect her, and to understand her mysteries such as whether she was the one who drew the Helmsmen into this universe, and why?
  • Last but not least, many are drawn to the mysteries surrounding the system. They seek to protect the Helmsmen's control of the system so that it's secrets can be understood. Chief among them being "Why are we here?", and - most importantly of all - "How can we get back?" It should come as no surprise that most who join the order for this reason are those with many people in the other universe who mattered deeply to them. Unfortunately for these bereaved warriors, they also tend to lack people they care for in this universe, so scarred are they by their loss.
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[ ] Order of the bloody crown
-[ ] [Main Weapon] Mars Battle Rifle Mk1
A model first developed for the harsher Martian climate, but since finding popularity as a long range infantry rifle.
-[ ] [Specialist Weapon] Sol Pistol Mk1 A highly advanced sidearm with integrated targeting systems that immediately activate upon touch for smooth and accurate quick draws.
-[ ] [Utility] Vow of Roses Mk1 Beware the barbed thorn.
--these men and women rarely look their enemy in the eye, instead preferring to peer though their "regicide" anti-materiel riffles, thus they bemoan their current resource situation, and being forced to use the much inferior mars battle rifle . though their "colored" history makes them disliked by other orders, none can deny their effectiveness on the battle field.
"the fuck do you mean 'have to use the MBR', do i look like a little girl still playing with dolls!!"-
sir Ag'non of Civric (editors note: rest has been omitted for crass language

wanted to some snipers
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Going back to Lily and Lily for the gun? Hm, here's a curious question: would it be an entirely new model, or a variant of the LL-A4 you reckon?
The Battle Rifle and the Assault Rifle focus on two different roles and two different conventional patterns. To me, that means they're different models. I think it would be fun either way though.

EDIT: I could see different units using variants though. For instance if we had some drop-infantry or some mechanized troops that also used the Terra-pattern, I could see that being a new variant. Maybe less durable, or more easily folded up and packed away in the case of drop-troopers.
AR-LL-1P might be the Assault Rifle used by drop troops. The P signifying "portable".

EDIT 2: I remembered why the LL-A4 was named as such and have given the new Assault Rifle in my plan a similar name. The LL-MQ-1. The Lily and Lily Marquise number 1.
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Anthems of Humanity
United Forwards (Anthem of the United Empire)
"I take a step forwards,
Soul marching resolute,
My banner high above,
A call I do salute.

"Through despair and sorrow,
Through thick sweat on brows,
A brighter morrow waits for us,
So do we hold our vows.

"From ancient Mother Terra,
To royal and noble Mars,
Humanity doth marched on,
United to the stars."

Freedom's Call
(Anthem of the Free States)
"Oh heed the call my brothers,
Hear now the cries my sisters,
Do these horns sound out,
Calling for listeners.

"Our struggles and efforts,
Our sacrifice and labors,
We proudly bear it all,
Our sweat our prayers.

"From distant fallen Earth,
An echoing song of plea,
Call us forwards to,
The banner of the free."

I was particularly inspired by FF14 Stormblood's anthems. In particular, the Measure of Our/His Reach. Two different versions of the same song in a national anthem for their respective powers. That's all, have a spoiler free comparison.


"Are we the baddies?"
Each side claims the other is unjust, and even the origins for the tunes are muddled, appearing roughly at the same time. It's led to each of them accusing the other of co-opting the song to suit their needs (unlike the inspiration I used for them). Maybe both sides just want to claim the credit or royalties for it.
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Each side claims the other is unjust, and even the origins for the tunes are muddled, appearing roughly at the same time. It's led to each of them accusing the other of co-opting the song to suit their needs (unlike the inspiration I used for them). Maybe both sides just want to claim the credit or royalties for it.
Oh I know both sides have their reasons. It was just a little bit of fun. We are playing as part of the giant space-conquering Empire after all, even if the Helsmmen have shown no inclination towards such activities (yet). I do hope we can make peace with the Free states though. They seem cool.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Aug 27, 2024 at 2:03 AM, finished with 8 posts and 1 votes.

  • [X] Order of the Fireflower
    -[X] [Main Weapon] Terra Assault Rifle Mk1
    --[X] LL-SG (Lily&Lily Sunguard.)
    -[X] [Specialist Weapon] Circuit Blades Mk1
    -[X] [Utility] Vow of Lycoris Mk1
    --[X] Aside from their vow of service to House Iris, their Martial duty is to protect the Andernia system, House Iris' control of it, and the Helmsmen overall. On the battlefield they function as vanguards, seizing objectives and storming heavily fortified positions in close-quarters combat. Their civic duties vary but they all share an interest in the maintenance and improvement of the defensive systems of Andernia. There is a subset of the Order that spends much of their time investigating and debating Helmsmen theology. There is another subset who spend much of their time researching the mysteries surrounding the system and the incident that caused the Helmsmen to shift universes.
Huh? I thought there was another plan at least. Did it not get counted?

Edit: I see, it wasn't marked in. Don't know if that was on purpose or if a mistake.
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Don't know if that was on purpose or if a mistake.
that was very much a mistake
if you want my vote it is
[ ] Order of The Iron Truth
-[ ] [Main Weapon] Terra Assault Rifle Mk1
A rugged assault rifle model that has ancient roots in Terran history, with incredible ruggedness and durability in majority of field conditions across the galaxy.
[ ] [Specialist Weapon] Circuit Blades Mk1
Tis only natural that knights carry swords on them, though any sufficiently sharp solarium edge will suffice.
-[ ] [Utility] Vow of Lycoris Mk1
In darkness blooms the spider lily.
--[ ] "when these men and women first saw the world around them, it disgusted them, filled with wrongness and illogical, myths and legends, monsters in shadows, a world of whispered half-truths. They saw this and despaired for it was wrong, and the despair turned to horror, for it filled them with fear, and then one just the one screamed in their despair. NO MORE!! with that one more voices would join NO MORE, they shouted and as more joined, it turned from a roar into a choir. today we know the choir as the prisms, and yet while the choir is no more, the roar still persist. know their name and hear their roar. WE ARE THE LIGHT OF REASON, THE HAMMER OF LOGIC, WITH OUR SWORDS WE SHALL CLEAVE THE LIES IN TWAIN, WITH OUR WORDS WE SHALL BANISH THE SHADOWS, WITH OUR MINDS WE SHALL SORT FACT FROM FICTION, AND IN TURN ENLIGHTEN, WE ARE NOT KNIGHTS OF BRILLIANCE, WE DO NOT GLIMMER AND SPACKLE, OURS IS NOT THE REFLECTION OF LIGHT, WE ARE THE ORDER OF IRON" - introduction speech of the Order of The Iron Truth as per tradition.
Voting is open for the next 5 hours, 38 minutes