Shards of a Broken Sun [Megaten/Shugo Chara/Exalted]

No, no, you should definitely go get him.

In my opinion, the lack of fog on the streets implies there should be at least some time left; the thirty or so extra minutes we're talking about probably won't matter, and Ami is well behaved; she won't make trouble if told to go home.
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No, no, you should definitely go get him.

In my opinion, the lack of fog on the streets implies there should be at least some time left; the thirty or so extra minutes we're talking about probably won't matter, and Ami is well behaved; she won't make trouble if told to go home.
Is this Naoto speaking, the QM speaking, or the "Interesting Times Are Fun" QM speaking?
I'm not sure whether to take this at face value or invert it entirely, especially the last part of that sentence :rofl::lol::rofl:

(What I wanted to do was to find Hikaru and bring him over before searching for Yui to begin with - that also takes 30 minutes?)
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Is this Naoto speaking, the QM speaking, or the "Interesting Times Are Fun" QM speaking?
I'm not sure whether to take this at face value or invert it entirely, especially the last part of that sentence :rofl::lol::rofl:

(What I wanted to do was to find Hikaru and bring him over before searching for Yui to begin with - that also takes 30 minutes?)
Fifteen minutes to get out of the labyrinth, fifteen minutes to come back... yeah, that sounds about right.

In fairness, if you don't go grab him, you also won't be able to let Tsumugu know you're all okay; it's fairly unlikely there'll be another chance for that before his half-hour timer expires. So grabbing Hikaru isn't the worst of ideas. And I will say this: I never lie, unless by accident... but my opinions are, of course, my own.

(Yes, Midori is smart enough to tell him it'll probably take longer for the next checkin.)
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Now, that I can't tell.

Oh? Though the door isn't locked.
Huh, dunno why I thought it was locked. Oh well, guess there's no point in bothering to use the Dumpty Key on it, might not even be a hole to stick it in.

The way you phrased it about getting an unexpected result makes me believe there is a key piece of information about the situation we haven't been given any glimpse of yet (hence why the result will be "definitely" un-guessable) that we will run into if we try to 'coax' the domain into doing something.

My first instinct was something along the lines of what @quantum lurker suggested, which I think @Nero200 first brought up earlier, about the place being an amalgam of multiple Scavengers' dungeons. Meaning multiple "deepest" rooms and possibly conflicting psyches to try and appeal to. My next thought was the opposite - no boss room at all. If we got to the end the normal way, there might just be a black hole there or a gap leading to some other part of the wider cognitive world, because of how much the place has been falling apart.

I think I'd rather find this stuff out singing from the safety of the corridor outside the actual dungeon, than after wasting energy venturing in or tearing a hole, only to find there's just a pit at the end instead of a room. Or another set of doors to more sub-dungeons or something.

I did notice you suspiciously didn't guarantee Yui would be rescued even if we retreated and Naoto called in her whole crew of veteran Persona users, hinting that outcome might never have been in the cards from the start. This makes me suspect Yui may not even actually be in there either, just her Shadow. The actual one might have been kidnapped physically with the rest of the Scavengers and this whole thing is the result of a failed escape attempt or some Hail Mary cry for help sent using her psionics.

So I'm up for checking the wildcard result. Especially since being conducted from outside the Abandoned Laboratory should likely limit any potential downside to the party.

[X] Plan - Meikyuu Butterfly: Convince the 'shadow castle' to shift the room with the physical Yui right in front of the door. Joint action between Utau and Amu.
-[X] Main Actor - Utau:
The same skill, once used for the nefarious deed of blackening the hearts of children, perhaps now may serve a more noble purpose. Empowered by the Dumpty Key, hand-in-hand with Amu, reach out and connect to the 'mind' within the fog. Like a butterfly wandering a labyrinth, you feel your way towards the darkened depths of Yui's suffering and beckon to it, singing out your earnest desire to step across and share in her pain: "Open your shiny eyes in the silent night..."
--[X] Use Lightsmithing to seek out the mind behind the fog and guide your beckoning.
-[X] Sub Actor - Amu:
Utau has not met Yui or felt the 'mind' of the 'shadow castle'. You have. Share your experiences with Utau to describe how you did it and what it felt like, in order to help her do the same. When Utau beckons, add your own emotional voice to the choir of Utau's melody, sending out the whispers of the respite you promise to bring: "I continue writing out the pages of my story, even while I'm blinded by the fog of destiny, I'll be breaking through the clouded skies toward tomorrow's distant light, high up in flight..."
--[X] Provide free pre-concert refreshments for everyone with Su's Happy Fun Cooking Time.
-[X] Send Ami and Midori back to rendezvous with Hikaru and update Tsumugu. Tell them to try and make sure Hikaru doesn't panic and do anything rash.
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Fifteen minutes to get out of the labyrinth, fifteen minutes to come back...
it's fairly unlikely there'll be another chance for that before his half-hour timer expires.
That's a lot longer than I was expecting: Seems like we are basically locked-in to grabbing Hikaru (and leaving Ami here, because we still need her help so), unless we want to get a "suddenly JPs" interrupt when we are still navigating through things?

I did notice you suspiciously didn't guarantee Yui would be rescued even if we retreated and Naoto called in her whole crew of veteran Persona users, hinting that outcome might never have been in the cards from the start.
Counterpoint: "Whoops, took too long, too much Mental Abrasion due to whatever happened to this place to recover easily"?
Also. @PistachioCookies don't forget to add in Lightsmithing for the extra dice - if you are correct the active radar won't matter, and if you are not there is always face punching time
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That's a lot longer than I was expecting: Seems like we are basically locked-in to grabbing Hikaru (and leaving Ami here, because we still need her help so), unless we want to get a "suddenly JPs" interrupt when we are still navigating through things?
Ten minutes to get out, if you mean just raw walking time. A bit more to get to somewhere you can walk out, some time to talk to Hikaru, more time to talk to Tsumugu, and yet more time to get back to where you can use a plan other than "deal with the dungeon as a regular Persona dungeon", although that last option remains on the table.

You could try to signal by other means, but that won't conveniently place you next to Hikaru.
but that won't conveniently place you next to Hikaru.
He also stood in Kana's downstairs halfway, a bewildered look on his ghostly, see-through face as he stared at the stairwell in confusion.
I was under the impression that this location had to be passed through on the way out of the house for reception to continue working?

If we got to the end the normal way, there might just be a black hole there or a gap leading to some other part of the wider cognitive world, because of how much the place has been falling apart.
If that is the case, what's stopping us from Dreamwalking through the hole straight into the center?

So I'm up for checking the wildcard result.
Convince me that this will not have negative results beyond Botch or WP expenditure on failure and I don't mind voting for it - certainly has the best Stunt of everything mentioned so far.
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I was under the impression that this location had to be passed through on the way out of the house for reception to continue working?
There are other ways to leave and/or enter the CU than going through Kana's house, and other ways to contact Hikaru than by walking, is what I'm saying. That's all the help you're getting, however. :rofl:

= = =

Midnight thoughts:

Japan is a high-trust society. In particular, it's a high enough trust society that children—even children Ami's age—are frequently left to wander on their own, and Ami makes her own way to school and back, so she's trusted to handle mass transit systems and/or ask for help. Which is easy, as well; for a child Ami's age to find assistance is never really hard.

This is completely in line with my own childhood, and apparently very out of line with a lot of other countries, in particular America. Amu's parents give their children a lot more freedom than is usual, for that society.

Hence, Midori's probable clamping-down on the pair is likely to come off as 'nothing', for a lot of you.
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Counterpoint: "Whoops, took too long, too much Mental Abrasion due to whatever happened to this place to recover easily"?
Also. @PistachioCookies don't forget to add in Lightsmithing for the extra dice - if you are correct the active radar won't matter, and if you are not there is always face punching time
Lightsmithing only does that if Utau is the assistant.

Utau's the main actor for this action, Amu's the assistant. It has to be Utau doing the main action, because "pulling out trauma" is her ability, not Amu's.
There are other ways to leave and/or enter the CU than going through Kana's house, and other ways to contact Hikaru than by walking, is what I'm saying. That's all the help you're getting, however. :rofl:
Hikaru has huge Mental Range. So anyone who can use psionics in a pattern he can recognize nearby will probably get that picked up, allowing for crude one-way communication.

Ami might have a system worked out with him to do such a thing. Utau might or might not, depending on how much time she's spent with him.
Convince me that this will not have negative results beyond Botch or WP expenditure on failure and I don't mind voting for it - certainly has the best Stunt of everything mentioned so far.
I asked Baughn to indicate the difficulty, but he neglected to mention one.

I took that to mean that it doesn't need a dice roll. It will have some guaranteed effect. That effect will not shift a room with the real Yui in it in front of the door.
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Lightsmithing only does that if Utau is the assistant.
Nope (emphasis mine):
Concretely, this skill can add to any information-seeking psionic roll for anyone Utau seeks to help, including herself

There are other ways to leave and/or enter the CU than going through Kana's house
Aside from Ami Astral Projection to Hikaru's last known location, Ami can literally make holes to the CU from baseline reality, I wonder what doing that in reverse would do?
I asked Baughn to indicate the difficulty, but he neglected to mention one.

I took that to mean that it doesn't need a dice roll. It will have some guaranteed effect. That effect will not shift a room with the real Yui in it in front of the door.
I missed the question, actually... but the first half of that is correct. No comment on the latter part.
Aside from Ami Astral Projection to Hikaru's last known location, Ami can literally make holes to the CU from baseline reality, I wonder what doing that in reverse would do?
Worth an experiment, though I want to note it'd take half an hour or so.
[X] Plan - Meikyuu Butterfly
Plus: It'll do something, guranteed; and won't exhaust anyone here. Also, if Midori accepts leaving, we reduce the chance of "suddenly JPs" to 0.
Minus: It'll do something, guaranteed; is said something what we actually want?
Unknown: Lightsmithing means whoever or whatever is reacting to that will know we exist, but is that a bad thing?

@PistachioCookies, since Ami is doing nothing in this plan, perhaps ask her to Astral Proj to Hikaru's location too (also to serve as a guide to bring Midori and Hikaru back if necessary), and/or start building a escape route by doing the reverse of baseline reality to CU hole? Unless Botch is too risky, anyway.
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@PistachioCookies, since Ami is doing nothing in this plan, perhaps ask her to Astral Proj to Hikaru's location too (also to serve as a guide to bring Midori and Hikaru back if necessary), and/or start building a escape route by doing the reverse of baseline reality to CU hole? Unless Botch is too risky, anyway.
She can't astral project—there, or in general—but she can totally just walk there.
@PistachioCookies, since Ami is doing nothing in this plan, perhaps ask her to Astral Proj to Hikaru's location too (also to serve as a guide to bring Midori and Hikaru back if necessary), and/or start building a escape route by doing the reverse of baseline reality to CU hole? Unless Botch is too risky, anyway.
I actually dunno what Ami would do by default if we left her alone. Maybe try and start singing along with Utau, she used to do that when she was littler.

Sending her along with Midori to rendezvous with Hikaru was my first thought, though all the talk about Midori trying to drag her home made me pause for a bit. I guess maybe we can send her with Midori and have her try and signal to Hikaru to stay put or something through whatever means she has of doing so?

....Should we ask her to ask Hikaru who he was calling at the same time?
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She can't astral project—there, or in general—but she can totally just walk there.
Astral proj.●○○○○
- Astral projection is a new trick for him, and he only has 1 dot in it. This primarily limits how carefully he can control any psionics used that way, and how reliably he can maintain the projection against any form of resistance.
Strange, I was keying this off Hikaru's feat of coming here with the same number of dots in Astral projection?
Regardless, good to know.

....Should we ask her to ask Hikaru who he was calling at the same time?
We can have Midori do that I guess, it probably can't hurt, unless it really is JPs that he was calling.

all the talk about Midori trying to drag her home made me pause for a bit
We already have our backup, so I guess it doesn't matter (in this plan), as long as we get Ami to make us some basic equipment using Illusion 2 first?
Or spend 1WP from her to Key and jump to Illusion 3 if necessary??
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Strange, I was keying this off Hikaru's feat of coming here with the same number of dots in Astral projection?
Well, in a certain sense she's doing it right now. I guess I should rephrase this: She can't create two simultaneous astral projections.

And getting from her current location to Hikaru's is just kind of a hard problem.
There are other ways to leave and/or enter the CU than going through Kana's house, and other ways to contact Hikaru than by walking, is what I'm saying. That's all the help you're getting, however. :rofl:
1) Ami Astral Projection is out, she's technically already using Astral Projection here and can't maintain another simultaneous projection.
2) Getting Naoto to do comms for us by leaving through however she got here makes no sense whatsoever in this context
3) Key-based comms would eat another WP, and is "dunno where Utau is" the actual reason why Hikaru hasn't arrived yet?
4) Trying to make a hole from CU to reality might not work, and eats up the same amount of time just walking would anyway

Anything else?
5) Ask Ami to wake up from sleep and check-in with Tsumugu herself (since she is physically next to him), before going to find Hikaru (physical travel, not Dreamwalking) and bring him back in??
6) Why is Eru with Hikaru anyway, and can we contact Eru instead more easily, then pass the message?
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Ami's Navigation specialty might be able to let her directly broadcast her voice to Hikaru - other navigators in Persona had a similar ability. Dunno whether Ami's could, would have to ask her.

Utau could probably send some morse-code message with Lightsmithing or psionic empathic pulses, but that would require her to be doing it instead of anything else (like trekking through the dungeon, tearing a hole in it or ghost-whispering to try and make it shift). Amu might be able to do it with empathic pulses too - same downside as getting Utau to do it.

If Eru is all the way back at Hikaru's house, she's probably way, way too far out of Utau's range for her to remotely contact.
5) Ask Amu to wake up from sleep and check-in with Tsumugu herself (since she is physically next to him), before going to find Hikaru and bring him back in??
This is an option.... except there's no guarantee Ami might be able to get back afterwards. She got lost and had to burn WP to reach us to begin with, unless she's established a concrete, memorized path from here to the house, trying to come back again might not work.

Could end up being a one way trip if she decided to wake up.
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I have zero idea of what is coming next.

Literally no clue.

All I know it, we're not getting a room with Yui and her Shadow in it.

Maybe it's a room with all 5 Scavengers and one frankenstein-conglomerate Shadow, but that seems too guessable to be unexpected. Maybe just Yui's Shadow with no Yui, delivering an SOS message on where to find her in the real world. But again, if I can theorize it, it's probably not it.

Maybe the whole place just collapses on itself and it turns out singing was the way Kana usually wakes up/stabilizes Yui.

Could be anything.
So, Baughn, at the cost of temporarily having Ami unavailable, and assuming Tsumugu will let her go over, would this be faster than having Midori fetch Hikaru and update Tsumugu?
By a lot. But it does mean Ami wouldn't get to take the bus home, which makes me sad.

She would just phone Hikaru when she gets home, and they'd probably go together.
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[X] Plan - Meikyuu Butterfly: Convince the 'shadow castle' to shift the room with the physical Yui right in front of the door. Joint action between Utau and Amu.