Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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[X] Earth ponies built Equestria. They invented the farming communities that colonized the land. And then they invented concrete when they decided they needed the proper soil in which they could plant buildings. Ponyville will always be an earth pony town, but it is time for it to embrace its future form. (Ponyville will begin to grow quickly, and many more ponies will benefit from it.)

You know what? In hindsight Ponyville is a ridiculous name. That's like Manville or something. Ponytown sounds just as bad.

But the one good thing about including the name of your species in the name off the settlement is that when it gets big enough it starts sounding cool.

So grow until the land is saturated with bodies and smog fills the streets! Let us break ground onto the Dominion of Pony!
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A look at what makes Ponyville different from some other places, and some quick + s, - s, and +/- s.

It is not long before you are greeted by a maid, who politely opens the gate for you, having come back to your small estate in…

[ ] Canterlot – Your estate is literally in the "noble" part of the capital, although still of the "minor" strata that your family is part of, so subtlety will be a must if you are planning on doing suspicious things in person. Here you administer part of your family's several ownings across Equestria, and several other noble families are literally at a stone's throw. Princess Luna, as well as Princess Celestia, are much easier to gain access to. (Low anonymity, great opportunity for interesting contacts, Luna and Celestia)

[ ] Ponyville – You have a rather isolated estate, being the only member of nobility in town, so you need not care much for subtlety when doing things in person. You administer large swathes of land, used for farming, that are owned by your family. The prodigious Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's protege, lives here, but apart from her the town is mostly populated by simple ponies. (High anonymity, low opportunity for interesting contacts, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are here)

[ ] The Crystal Empire – The recently rediscovered Crystal Empire has its own nobles and population, and you are not a part of it. The just-now-unfrozen population is warm to newcomers, though, and quite charming in their own way. Your estate is in a somewhat isolated place, from where you administer your family's trade efforts into the newfound empire, but you will always stick out like a sore hoof by sheer virtue of not being a crystal pony. It is governed by Princess Cadence and her husband, and is (or will be) the birthplace of Princess Flurry Heart. (Medium anonymity and opportunity for interesting contacts, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Flurry Heart, if she has already been borne, live here) UNAVAILABLE FOR THE PATH THROUGH NIGHTMARES

[ ] Manehattan – A bustling city, where all sorts of ponies gather and all manners of livelihoods collide. You administer you family's assets from your manor, in the higher well-to-do part of town. There are no princesses here, and all manners of interesting creatures and scoundrels are going about their businesses. But it's the place where you married and had a child, so it feels like home. (Everything is everywhere at once, wildcard option but no alicorns)

From a budding cult's point of view, Ponyville was the high anonymity, low opportunity for interesting contacts, Twilight and friends present option. We also know Ponyville was an Earth Pony farming settlement that grew into what it is now, and is located near the very-large Everfree Forest.

At this point, Ponyville is "quite large, but by no means the size of a town", and is still small enough that the head of the local government can keep up with issues as they happen, and still personally talk to most of her constituents and resolve their issues without getting her office involved.

Ponyville, like other large Equestrian cities, is connected by railway to other population centers like Manehattan and Canterlot. Even in a more remote place like Ponyville, non-functional railways are a cause for concern, as seen with the Luna disappearance incident.

There are obviously other methods in and out (Pegasi have wings, Royal carriage flying a few ponies in and out, just walking/running, Wendigos can also fly or something, Names/the Master can do their own funky things to get around when personally motivated) but the train is the most common way ponies move in and out of Ponyville.

The question is: should Mayor Mare put her efforts toward supporting and speeding up the inevitable population increase (with Velvet's stamp of approval), or let it happen and the "direction things go in will be left to chance"?


+ Potential increased influence as a public figure

+ If PC time is mostly spent in Ponyville, fewer ponies exposed to Evil and Paranoia

+ Larger Ponyville economy may mean more bits to go around
  1. Ponies may be able to lend more in a pinch
  2. Potentially increased purchasing opportunities for occult items


-More ponies will get caught in crossfire between feuding Lore practitioners

-Potentially more difficult to keep track of overall public opinion/living situation in Ponyville

-If Lunar Bureau business happens in a larger Ponyville, potentially harder to say "Don't send any help, I've got this on my own"

- Potentially more immediate powderkeg situation in close proximity to PC's home base, with enough absences and Evil+Paranoia

-Potential law and order/infrastructure issues if local gov is not equipped to handle crises

-Potential small to large problems to and from environment/Everfree Forest inhabitants (logging, rerouting rivers, mining hills, railway expansion)
  • Not sure how bad environmental problems can be? Low-end: Mayor Mare can successfully resolve it without further problems. High-end, giant bears/adult dragons/parasprites.

+/- Wherever population density increases, social instability does as well.
+/- Potential to make Velvet Hill more bits
+/- Those liable to go unnoticed, may find it even easier to blend in (Jade Whistle, enemies, ordinary criminals)
+/- Potential for increased attention from the Crown

^By no means a complete list, but somewhere to start at least.

Mayor Mare obviously has mixed feelings about Velvet's prominence to the public in Ponyville, and what that means for her as the mayor. Casually hosting a Princess doesn't really help with that.

Socials with her in the future are worth considering more closely, even if it might mean sending Rarity or another contact to keep in touch with her.
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we're MORONS
We sent Fluttershy to clean out a near-suicide scene!

I remember being somewhat against this, but NOT for this reason. I COMPLETELY forgot that.

Are you sure that Fluttershy wouldn't understand?

She is a Winter name AFFINITY. And she... well we know she was bullied a lot as a child...

The kind of disconnect she has from her own species doesn't happen because of nice things.


Five Hundred Little Murders

Flitter thinks Fluttershy is the weakest pony in the world. Flitter has never confronted what Fluttershy's job really means. Nopony ever wants to or should. Now Flitter has to. And 'weak' will turn out to be exactly the wrong word.

[X] Earth ponies built Equestria. They invented the farming communities that colonized the land. And then they invented concrete when they decided they needed the proper soil in which they could plant buildings. Ponyville will always be an earth pony town, but it is time for it to embrace its future form. (Ponyville will begin to grow quickly, and many more ponies will benefit from it.)
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I don't think anything in particular was meant by Comet delivering the noose. He just wanted to get the artifact to us (away from fluttershy) and has all the nuance of a razor-sharp sword.
[] Earth ponies do not rush things. They do not make plants grow faster, but instead they care for it until it decides to flourish on its own. Ponyville is cared for, and it is flourishing at its own pace. There is no need to change anything or hasten it. (Ponyville will begin to grow, but it will do so slowly. Mayor Mare and the local community will not take any steps to accelerate it.)

[] Earth ponies built Equestria. They invented the farming communities that colonized the land. And then they invented concrete when they decided they needed the proper soil in which they could plant buildings. Ponyville will always be an earth pony town, but it is time for it to embrace its future form. (Ponyville will begin to grow quickly, and many more ponies will benefit from it.)

Having more ponies move in makes it easier for other cults to send people here covertly, because new faces will stand out less. It might also dilute our influence over the population, since the new residents won't have had the same experience of us. OTOH it would make influence over Ponyville more valuable. I'm inclined to go for it, I don't think Ponyville's smallness was really protecting us in practice.

[x] Earth ponies built Equestria. They invented the farming communities that colonized the land. And then they invented concrete when they decided they needed the proper soil in which they could plant buildings. Ponyville will always be an earth pony town, but it is time for it to embrace its future form. (Ponyville will begin to grow quickly, and many more ponies will benefit from it.)
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...wait a second... TWICE-used?
  1. First contact with Master.
  2. The forest connected room in the old cult hideout.
...Did Jade try to kill herself with the same rope her own parents used to kill themselves?
If it was the rope she and her parents used to hang themselves, it would either be a thrice used rope, or there would be a morbid puzzle how two ponies hang themselves in one use.
(possible, like rope being thrown over a girder and each hanging on one end, but I'd guess unlikely)
...this feels ironic. it's kind of a small reward for doing the wrong thing.

Yeah, this is Comet basically telling us we fucked up, so we have to fix it, because he DEFINITELY has no idea how.

Possibly with an implied threat in there too, because, well, It's Comet.
Or its flutters going
speculative Fluttersjy said:
Comet dear, I'm done with the cleanup, found one thing others would find suspicous.
Could you take it to Velvet and tell her the house is cleaned and I hope her friend feels better.
And Comet had his usual sympathy for Velvet+Social skills.
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And Comet had his usual sympathy for Velvet+Social skills
Fluttershy: Comet, I found something I think is a Winter artifact.
Comet: It is.
Fluttershy: Could you ask Velvet what she wants to do with it?
Comet: Kay.

I feel conflicted about this vote. I want as many ponies as possible to live away from Paranoia but these ponies are looking for a safer and calmer place to live. Now, I haven't really watched much of the series but as the place where the main characters live I expect it to be the opposite of that.
On the Twice-Used Rope thing, only Jade's mother killed herself. From what I remember, her father just ditched them. Thus, if it isn't Jade using it twice, it would have been used by her mother before her.
I feel conflicted about this vote. I want as many ponies as possible to live away from Paranoia but these ponies are looking for a safer and calmer place to live.
I just thought of something: people felt safer from Paranoia because we live in Ponyville, but now we spend five days per week in Canterlot, meaning now the "protection" only works on weekends.
  1. The forest connected room in the old cult hideout.
I didn't realize it was used there too.

Or its flutters going
And Comet had his usual sympathy for Velvet+Social skills.

Fluttershy: Comet, I found something I think is a Winter artifact.
Comet: It is.
Fluttershy: Could you ask Velvet what she wants to do with it?
Comet: Kay.

I feel conflicted about this vote. I want as many ponies as possible to live away from Paranoia but these ponies are looking for a safer and calmer place to live. Now, I haven't really watched much of the series but as the place where the main characters live I expect it to be the opposite of that.
technically possible, but I think it's more likely Fluttershy got disturbed and this is Comet telling Velvet it's her job to fix it.

We'll find out next turn I imagine.

In regards to Ponyville being dangerous... well, it is. It doesn't help it's really close to the Everfree.

That said, most of the show dangers were not lethal, and the truly dangerous ones... often affected all of Equestria. Like Tirek getting free, for example.

Some of the problems were also caused by the main 6 (Twilight magical experiments, Fluttershy bringing back a parasprite from the Everfree, Twilight going INTO the Everfree and getting petrified, people being racist to the local zebra shaman from the forest and ignoring her (admittedly very vague) warning to avoid a certain plant...

I think the current Main 6 are less likely to cause problems... though they're also less likely to help solve them.

But don't worry! I'm sure Velvet can take care of that! We even recruited the two most reasonable of the group!

...and are somewhat responsible for the third one having a broken horn but that's beside the point!

...and we STILL have to meet Pinkie Pie. I'm getting worried she REALLY is an eldritch being at this point.
Ah, this is back! Excellent!

One thing though: Ponyville feels safer cause Velvet's keeping her wolf-kid from fucking with it. But now Velvet's off doing spy shit in Canterlot five days a week.

Does this mean Ponyville will feel less safe, and Canterlot will feel safer? Will this have an impact on the Ponyville growth if we go for it? Will people write off the less-safeness as an impact of the growing town, and feel resentful of it?

Conversely, will the lessened paranoia help us out at spy shit, cause people feel better? Will it help Celestia out, because her little ponies aren't at each others throats in the court as much?
To be fair, even two days out of seven without Paranoia is still better than the rest of Equestria. Also IIRC as Velvet settles into a pattern Paranoia will basically decide they're both her den—the cities are, after all, right next to each other—and stay out of both. It's just that the first time Paranoia didn't really know if she would be back.
I don't think us not being in Ponyvile is going to effect things much on the Paranoia front seeing as it is our home. After all what kind of loyal, loving and filial son brings such a grand mess and loathsome noise to their loving mother's home or workplace? The most we have to worry about is him visiting his sister.
…When did we recruit Applejack though? I don't remember that. :V
since when was applejack reasonable? She caused food poisoning to the whole town on episode 4!
It was the second slice of life episode!
To be fair, even two days out of seven without Paranoia is still better than the rest of Equestria. Also IIRC as Velvet settles into a pattern Paranoia will basically decide they're both her den—the cities are, after all, right next to each other—and stay out of both. It's just that the first time Paranoia didn't really know if she would be back.
this is just a guess. possible, but hardly a sure thing