Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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mh.. there's some potential here. Equestria can certainly be a dark setting. I wonder if we (as in the cult) are basically going to become a mlp villain.

[X] Plan Velvet Covers

shame there's no room for a "promoted" background too.
Vote tallying
Velvet Covers: chocolate12, necrosis, paloneia, zalkon, pittauro
Gold Feather: steelwriter77, mosshadows95, vekkie
Be a Dragon: hyperspacemage, gale

There were no specific mentions to the "pegasus" option after it was raised, even on those who voted for Velvet Covers after that post, so no subvote for "Wings! vs Horn!" will be oppened.

And quick question, i think i sometimes saw vote tallying having the users name in blue. Is that user tagging? And is that common?
And quick question, i think i sometimes saw vote tallying having the users name in blue. Is that user tagging? And is that common?
new to the forum? there's an automatic vote tally if you click on "thread tools" (upper right, above the first post of the page)

blue names are tagged, yes. A tagged person will get notified of it (unless it's the automatic tally).

Tagging a person is relatively normal when you're talking to/about them and are not quoting one of their post (or part of it).

Mass tagging is generally frowned upon though (tagging lots of people to get their attention)

by the way, here's an automated (slightly adjusted) tally.

Adhoc vote count started by Pittauro on Aug 24, 2020 at 7:31 PM, finished with 33 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Velvet Covers
    -[X] Physiology
    --[X] Name: Velvet Covers
    --[X] Gender: Female
    --[X] Cutie Mark: A spread open book, with purple covers and blank silver pages. A few white butterflies float around the edges.
    --[X] Species: Unicorn: You were borne with a gift. It came in the shape of a horn on your forehead, and the ability to manipulate the world with your thoughts. (+1 Magic, +1 Learning, magic capable)
    -[X] Traits
    --[X] Beautiful: You are used to heads turning to follow you when you walk around, and that means knowing how to get away with certain things. (+2 Intrigue, +5 when trying to seduce other creatures, or just be pleasant).
    --[X] Silver Tongued: Complicated words to impress the simple minded, complicated arguments to impress the wise. You know well how to weave them. (+3 Diplomacy).
    --[X] Gifted: There is a flame inside every creature. Yours appears to burn just a bit brighter. (+2 Magic, +5 when trying to cast your racial magic)
    --[X] Well Read: You are fond of the smell of libraries, and books reveal their secrets more easily to your touch. (+2 Learning, +5 when attempting to decipher or learn from scrolls and books)
    -[X] Background
    --[X] Minor Nobles: You might have been borne into the political web of nobility, and perhaps you are just a pawn on some larger game. But your blood is blue, and that is all that matters. (Starts with a well-paying, albeit non-prestigious job. Starts with good contacts, and ponyservants to perform one free action for you, if they're not suspicious.) COSTS 2 COINS
    --[X] You graduated!: Ponykind relies more on craftsmanship and knowing a particular trade, but you went out of your way to pursue higher education. (+1 Learning, +1 Magic, +1 Stewardship)
    -[X] Complications
    --[X] Married: You are married, and have a beautiful daughter. Your family demands your attention, and it sure would be a shame if something were to happen to them… (+1 coin)
    --[X] Frightened: Maybe it is the result of some trauma, maybe you were borne like that, but the end result is the same. You are weaker than most. (-10 Personal Combat, +1 coin)
    --[X] Scarred: You survived, but it is better if you do not try to do that again. (-1 Health, +1 coin)
    [X] Plan Gold Feather
    -[X]Name: Gold Feather
    -[X] Male
    -[X]Cutie Mark: A Gold Pen inside a Silver Coin
    -[X] Pegasus: Not being contained to the ground gives you a different view of the world. And while the etiquette of using doors instead of windows has been hammered into you from a young age, you at least will always have the option of choosing. (+1 Martial, +1 Intrigue, flight capable).
    [x] Be a Dragon
    -[x] Steelwing
    -[X] Male
    -[x] a Workhorse: Lean or robust, tall or well built. You stand a full head over other ponies. (+2 Martial, +5 on tests that require physical strength, and personal combat).
    -[X] Well Read: You are fond of the smell of libraries, and books reveal their secrets more easily to your touch. (+2 Learning, +5 when attempting to decipher or learn from scrolls and books)
    -[X] A (sick) dragon: You do not know why, but you will never grow any more than you already have, about a head taller than a normal pony. Maybe you joined a cult to find a purpose for your life, maybe you joined it to find a solution to this problem. (+4 martial, +2 magic, flight capable, +5 personal combat)
    -[X] Soldiers: Not members of the royal guard, but the sight of spears and armors was normal for you as you grew up. Not many ponies can count "polishing helmets" as a household chore. (+2 Martial, +5 personal combat, -1 Stewardship)
    -[X] You went out on an expedition: Timberwolves are a stark reminder of how hard wood can be, especially when its sharp, sentient and bearing down on your throat. (+1 Martial, starts with personal combat gear)
    -[X] Married: You are married, and have a beautiful daughter. Your family demands your attention, and it sure would be a shame if something were to happen to them… (+1 coin)
    -[x] Enemies: Its not all friendship and magic. Someone out there is trying to get you. (+1 coin)
    -[X] Silver Tongued: Complicated words to impress the simple minded, complicated arguments to impress the wise. You know well how to weave them. (+3 Diplomacy).
    -[X] Attentive to Details: You actually use your pocketbook, and your financial life is thankful for it. (+2 Stewardship, +5 when negotiating a commercial deal)
    -[X] Well Read: You are fond of the smell of libraries, and books reveal their secrets more easily to your touch. (+2 Learning, +5 when attempting to decipher or learn from scrolls and books)
    --[X] Merchants: You remember the last time you were asked to restock supplies and carry crates, and the first time you were given a quill and a ledger. You soon learned the second is far heavier. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Diplomacy, -1 Magic)
    -[X] You realized you are well liked: Ponies just gather around you, be it for advice or to resolve some quarrel of their own. You are something of a local, informal, leader. (+1 Diplomacy, starts with good standing with the local populace, easier to locate recruiting targets)
    [X] Complication
    -[X] Married: You are married, and have a beautiful daughter. Your family demands your attention, and it sure would be a shame if something were to happen to them… (+1 coin)
    [X] Plan Velvet Covers, the Pegasus
    -[X] Physiology
    --[X] Name: Velvet Covers
    --[X] Gender: Female
    --[X] Cutie Mark: A spread open book, with purple covers and blank silver pages. A few white butterflies float around the edges.
    --[X] Species: Pegasus: Not being contained to the ground gives you a different view of the world. And while the etiquette of using doors instead of windows has been hammered into you from a young age, you at least will always have the option of choosing. (+1 Martial, +1 Intrigue, flight capable).
    -[X] Traits
    --[X] Beautiful: You are used to heads turning to follow you when you walk around, and that means knowing how to get away with certain things. (+2 Intrigue, +5 when trying to seduce other creatures, or just be pleasant).
    --[X] Silver Tongued: Complicated words to impress the simple minded, complicated arguments to impress the wise. You know well how to weave them. (+3 Diplomacy).
    --[X] Gifted: There is a flame inside every creature. Yours appears to burn just a bit brighter. (+2 Magic, +5 when trying to cast your racial magic)
    --[X] Well Read: You are fond of the smell of libraries, and books reveal their secrets more easily to your touch. (+2 Learning, +5 when attempting to decipher or learn from scrolls and books)
    -[X] Background
    --[X] Minor Nobles: You might have been borne into the political web of nobility, and perhaps you are just a pawn on some larger game. But your blood is blue, and that is all that matters. (Starts with a well-paying, albeit non-prestigious job. Starts with good contacts, and ponyservants to perform one free action for you, if they're not suspicious.) COSTS 2 COINS
    --[X] You graduated!: Ponykind relies more on craftsmanship and knowing a particular trade, but you went out of your way to pursue higher education. (+1 Learning, +1 Magic, +1 Stewardship)
    -[X] Complications
    --[X] Married: You are married, and have a beautiful daughter. Your family demands your attention, and it sure would be a shame if something were to happen to them… (+1 coin)
    --[X] Frightened: Maybe it is the result of some trauma, maybe you were borne like that, but the end result is the same. You are weaker than most. (-10 Personal Combat, +1 coin)
    --[X] Scarred: You survived, but it is better if you do not try to do that again. (-1 Health, +1 coin)
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The Cult
[X] Plan Velvet Covers
-[X] Physiology
--[X] Name: Velvet Covers
--[X] Gender: Female
--[X] Cutie Mark: A spread open book, with purple covers and blank silver pages. A few white butterflies float around the edges.
--[X] Species: Unicorn: You were borne with a gift. It came in the shape of a horn on your forehead, and the ability to manipulate the world with your thoughts. (+1 Magic, +1 Learning, magic capable)
-[X] Traits
--[X] Beautiful: You are used to heads turning to follow you when you walk around, and that means knowing how to get away with certain things. (+2 Intrigue, +5 when trying to seduce other creatures, or just be pleasant).
--[X] Silver Tongued: Complicated words to impress the simple minded, complicated arguments to impress the wise. You know well how to weave them. (+3 Diplomacy).
--[X] Gifted: There is a flame inside every creature. Yours appears to burn just a bit brighter. (+2 Magic, +5 when trying to cast your racial magic)
--[X] Well Read: You are fond of the smell of libraries, and books reveal their secrets more easily to your touch. (+2 Learning, +5 when attempting to decipher or learn from scrolls and books)
-[X] Background
--[X] Minor Nobles: You might have been borne into the political web of nobility, and perhaps you are just a pawn on some larger game. But your blood is blue, and that is all that matters. (Starts with a well-paying, albeit non-prestigious job. Starts with good contacts, and ponyservants to perform one free action for you, if they're not suspicious.) COSTS 2 COINS
--[X] You graduated!: Ponykind relies more on craftsmanship and knowing a particular trade, but you went out of your way to pursue higher education. (+1 Learning, +1 Magic, +1 Stewardship)
-[X] Complications
--[X] Married: You are married, and have a beautiful daughter. Your family demands your attention, and it sure would be a shame if something were to happen to them… (+1 coin)
--[X] Frightened: Maybe it is the result of some trauma, maybe you were borne like that, but the end result is the same. You are weaker than most. (-10 Personal Combat, +1 coin)
--[X] Scarred: You survived, but it is better if you do not try to do that again. (-1 Health, +1 coin)

- - -

But in the end you nod to yourself. You are you. Velvet Covers, the tall (and some would say gorgeous) unicorn mare that is staring back at you in the mirror. Your slender body covered in light brown fur contrasting beautifully against your white mane that…

That actually needs some caring before you leave, you conclude, reaching for a comb with your magic.

You move around your room with just the slightest bit of care. Stormchaser, your husband, is out of town taking care of family business, and you know that nothing short of you dropping a whole cabinet on the floor will wake up Silky Stream, especially since her room is a whole corridor away.

But still, there is no need for unnecessary noise.

Soon enough your mane is presentable, and you start putting on a discrete dress that had been patiently floating next to you for some time now. One final look at the mirror to double check that your right hindleg is completely covered by the long skirt, and out of your room you go.

You do not exactly have difficulty walking, and you can run if you absolutely have to, but as usual you go down the corridor from the room with the utmost care, even though the floor is covered in rich carpeting. No reason at all to wake up your daughter, after all, as unlikely as that could be.

You whisk past the main hall, which was still empty of servants at this time of the day, and out through the front door you went.

- - -

It is somewhat pleasant to go out alone, and although you do notice the appalling gazes that are directed towards you whenever you declared that you will leave unaccompanied, nopony so far has ever really objected to the idea. Not even Stormchaser. So you take your time while you walk to appreciate the morning sun on your fur, the rare silence of a waking city and the pleasant feeling of having only yourself for company.

No accompanying maid, no watchful bodyguard, only yourself.

Until you finally arrive.

Your hoofs take you to a side street in a rather pleasant part of town. The street itself eventually leads to a dead end after another curve and is almost totally empty, save for a few ponies who, just like you, seem to have woken up no more than an hour ago.

Well, it is a holiday after all. Granted that there will be as many ponies partaking in the festivities as there will be those who are working on them, but this is the sort of day that seems to move just a bit more slowly, where things can be taken just a little bit less seriously.

"Well, not for me," you think, as you take one last casual look around you, just to make sure nopony is really paying attention. No matter how discreetly you are clothed or the fact that you are hidden in plain sight, it always pays to be cautious.

You are in a pleasant part of town, mostly an urban area, that is dotted with the small businesses that make life convenient. Bakeries, grocery shops, cafés and other conveniences that thrive by the sheer fact that they are mostly the nearest and most pleasant options.

You walk up to one such shop, an ice cream parlor with a very large "CLOSED" sign hanging from its door, indistinguishable from the other two shops next to it, and go through the unlocked door without a second thought, hastily closing it behind you.

The inside is cold and dark, and although the brief illumination you were allowed had shown that there is nothing but piled up chairs and tables, ready to be carried out when the shop opens, the vague impressions of shadows and silhouettes that they form suggest anything but that. You navigate slowly, already knowing that the direction you should take is generally kept clear, but still not wanting to make a fool of yourself in case it isn't.

Windy Flakes, the unicorn who owns the shop, is known to have a mischievous sense of humor from time to time.

Eventually, you reach the side door that leads to the kitchen, this time completely dark, and once again successfully navigate to the metal portal on the floor, which reminds you of some sort of hatch, the stairs through which descends to the underground storage area.

Although, as you well know, it has been years since that storage had last seen even a single crate or supply of any sort. Well, at least one that carried supplies that could be of use to the shop above, you think while slowly heading downwards.

And as soon as your hoof touches the ground you felt it, like you always do.

A faint gust of wind passes through your mane, even though you know it is impossible for wind to circulate here. You hear a slight… buzzing in your head, though you are sure this place is almost totally silent.

You feel the sensation of dirt under your hoofs, as if you were in the middle of a dark forest, even though you know that if any lights were to be lit you would see that the ground is made of solid stone.

But of course, no light has been lit inside this room in years, not even the slight glow of a unicorn's horn.

A soft smile comes to your face, the unexplainable satisfaction of knowing that right now you are in a place that, even if only slightly, does not exist. A place that no science or magic can explain. A place where the real nature of Equestria is allowed to take form.

"Velvet? I'm so glad that you could make it," you hear a whisper from nearby, that you immediately recognized as Copper Secateur's, "most of the others have arrived during the night."

"Well, you know that I can't be seen going about town during those late hours," you whisper back, allowing your lips to form a light smirk, "has the Master already arrived?"

"Who knows…", you presume that Copper rolled her eyes as she spoke, "for all I know, he never even leaves this place."

Her whispers grow fainter as she talks, and you hear the low sound of hoofs against dirt drifting away in the darkness. Without further ado you follow her deeper into that place.

The buzzing sound inside your head grows louder as the two of you progress, almost imperceptibly.

You know the moment when you arrive at the gathering place, and that is always when you hear the sound of a leaf being crushed underhoof coming from somewhere near. But that only ever happens after you have given up on counting how many steps you have taken so far.

Both you and Copper know that secret, of course. Although you still realize, or at least feel, that you have walked just a bit more than would have been necessary to be on the other side of the street if you were aboveground. Much like how you know that the amount of steps required to leave this place will be far less.

But still, undeniably, you also start hearing the sound of whispering, and hushed conversation, and you know that those are very real. As a matter of fact, this much sound is a lot more than usual, perhaps even the full gathering of the cult is present.

"It makes sense," Copper whispers to you, "the summoning was urgent and specific on the importance of this meeting. It was so unusual that I almost thought it was just some random dream."

You hum in agreement and sit down next to her in that total darkness, talking in whispers almost in a chit-chat manner.


Until everyone present hears the sound of a twig breaking, followed by a breeze that is so quick that you wonder if it really felt it. The whispers immediately cease, and although you cannot even see your own snout you are sure that every single face in the gathering has turned to the far end opposite to where you came from.

You hear something clear its throat, and the unmistakable voice of your cult's Master echoes through the room.

"My followers, thank you for gathering in such a short notice. The matter I must discuss with you all is urgent."

Her… his? Their voice is confounding, as always. You cannot pin a specific race or gender to it, and you swear that it changes every meeting, if only slightly, but somehow you always recognize that it belongs to the Master.

Another mystery you do not yet understand, another truth that the world can't explain.

"As you all well know, until now there was little we could do, apart from studying our knowledge and spreading our beliefs. We are powerless to act against the many forces that can suddenly rise against our world. The doors to Equestria are wide open, and any being or Outsider may just barge into it as it sees fit, attracted by the fires of Harmony and magic that the alicorns so zealously stoke."

You hear the sound of pacing, the Master's voice slowly circling around the gathered audience as it speaks.

"Ancient threats like the rampaging Tirek and the deceiving Scorpan, who nearly sucked the life out of the world. Cruel shadows that creep through the hinges of reality. Those, and many others, dating all the way back to Discord, the chaotic god, the first Outsider to enter this world and wreak havoc… But we are powerless to hide, Equestria cannot be hidden as long as it continues to blaze with energy as it does, and we are powerless to do anything about it as long as the abominable alicorns reign and care for the flames."

You hear the hoofsteps nearing you, and you almost think that the Master is looking directly at you when they finally speak.

"We were powerless, that is… a new opportunity has just presented itself. After all, as you all know, not many days ago…"

[ ] The Path Through Nightmares: Princess Luna has just been released from her thousand years banishment. We know that she was the sovereign of dreams as well as guardian of the night, but we also know the path through dreams and other secret places. She is weak and confused from her magical isolation, scars formed from millennia with the beast that possessed her that will not easily heal, and because of that she is the ideal target.

Main objective: Convert Princess Luna to your cause. Bringing a demigoddess to your side will be the final piece for whatever plans you hatch.

Secondary objective: Drive Princess Luna mad, or kill her. Having another alicorn maintaining the current status quo is unacceptable.

[ ] To Hunt the Ascended: The mare named Twilight Sparkle has just reached alicornhood, being crowned Princess of Friendship. But unlike Princess Cadance, who was immediately brought under Celestia's wing, she remains isolated in the town called Ponyville. Despite having a disturbing record of being able to deal with problems, she is also knowledge-hungry and innocent. We will feed her the correct knowledge, and quickly so, for she will not remain the weakest link on the chain for long.

Main objective: Convert Princess Twilight Sparkle to your cause. Her unsurpassed intelligence will be instrumental for enhancing our own understanding about the true nature of this world.

Secondary objective: Completely sever Princess Twilight Sparkle's bond with her friends, or kill her. Having another alicorn maintaining the current status quo is unacceptable.

[ ] To Steal the Seed: The first two alicorns came from another world, which marks them as detestable Outsiders and interferers of this world's true nature. The following two alicorns were ascended, the overpowering flames of the world seeping into them and crowning their very souls. But a final act of abomination has just recently been fulfilled. Princess Flurry Heart, an alicorn, has been naturally borne into this world. But she will remain a filly for many years, and that is also an opportunity…

Main objective: Capture and successfully raise Princess Flurry Heart as one of your own. The alicorns have actively twisted this world since their arrival, but what sorts of wonders might one achieve if it is instead raised under our knowledge?

Secondary objective: Kill Princess Flurry Heart. She is an unacceptable fact that is trying to be wedged into the true nature of this world. And just like an idea, will soon be another nail in the coffin of what this world was supposed to be.

- - -

"You will all be summoned, in due time, to perform your tasks," the Master's voice starts to fade, although no hoofsteps can be heard that would mark his leave, "may you all be lost, and found, in the Woods."

And with that, utter silence falls. You suddenly feel as if you were inside a somewhat cramped place, and you have the slightest feeling that you would find a small crowd and bare stone walls should you make your horn glow. But you know better than that, and the feeling of dirt beneath your hoofs reminds you that you are still in a holy place.

Some ponies will probably stay, perhaps waiting until the store opens so as to not attract too much attention when they leave the place. Others perhaps will remain here until night falls again. But you know you have to leave immediately.

After all, you don't just have a life and appearances to keep, you also have much to think about. Especially because, within the cult, you also have the task of…

[ ] Martial – making sure the cult's dealings can run smoothly, by any means necessary. There are a few burly ponies that you may call upon, but you know that by far the most reliable ones are those adept in EDGE.

[ ] Diplomacy – keeping up appearances. Yours might be a tight circle of faithful ponies, but an iron circle is far stronger when linked in a chainmail.

[ ] Stewardship – running the cult's finances. The cult has its resources, and sometimes it is far easier to buy something than to break into a museum and steal it.

[ ] Intrigue – you aren't the only "institution" that mostly operates at night. Avoiding the eternal war between law and crime, while keeping an eye out for potential recruits, is a subtle dance.

[ ] Magic – ensuring your knowledge is properly applied. Somepony has to make sure the circles are properly written, and that the ceremonial knife hits the proper place.

[ ] Learning - keeping the lore. There is so much you do not yet understand, and so many fragments of truth spread around the Equestria, but that makes putting the jigsaw together all the more exciting.

It is not long before you are greeted by a maid, who politely opens the gate for you, having come back to your small estate in…

[ ] Canterlot – Your estate is literally in the "noble" part of the capital, although still of the "minor" strata that your family is part of, so subtlety will be a must if you are planning on doing suspicious things in person. Here you administer part of your family's several ownings across Equestria, and several other noble families are literally at a stone's throw. Princess Luna, as well as Princess Celestia, are much easier to gain access to. (Low anonymity, great opportunity for interesting contacts, Luna and Celestia)

[ ] Ponyville – You have a rather isolated estate, being the only member of nobility in town, so you need not care much for subtlety when doing things in person. You administer large swathes of land, used for farming, that are owned by your family. The prodigious Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's protege, lives here, but apart from her the town is mostly populated by simple ponies. (High anonymity, low opportunity for interesting contacts, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are here)

[ ] The Crystal Empire – The recently rediscovered Crystal Empire has its own nobles and population, and you are not a part of it. The just-now-unfrozen population is warm to newcomers, though, and quite charming in their own way. Your estate is in a somewhat isolated place, from where you administer your family's trade efforts into the newfound empire, but you will always stick out like a sore hoof by sheer virtue of not being a crystal pony. It is governed by Princess Cadence and her husband, and is (or will be) the birthplace of Princess Flurry Heart. (Medium anonymity and opportunity for interesting contacts, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Flurry Heart, if she has already been borne, live here) UNAVAILABLE FOR THE PATH THROUGH NIGHTMARES

[ ] Manehattan – A bustling city, where all sorts of ponies gather and all manners of livelihoods collide. You administer you family's assets from your manor, in the higher well-to-do part of town. There are no princesses here, and all manners of interesting creatures and scoundrels are going about their businesses. But it's the place where you married and had a child, so it feels like home. (Everything is everywhere at once, wildcard option but no alicorns)

- - -

You might have noticed that a lot of things are being said (with the subtlety of a rampaging yak) that your character does not understand, or appears to have some sort of "faith" in it. Well, that's part of being in a cult, but that is, more importantly, the result of the current knowledge you have.

But as you discover more things, these statements will start to make… perhaps a little bit more of sense. And that new knowledge, those new ideas, will not pass through you without causing some sort of change.

Character Sheet has been updated!

All Lore is now Level 0.

Due to your Cult's characteristics, and your initial interest, your Moth Lore is now Level 1!

All voting will be made in plan format.

There will be at least 20 hours before voting is closed.

Despite this being the vote of what your final objective is, keep in mind that this will be the light at the end of the tunnel. You will receive several orders from your cult Master, and will suggest many more to him (her?) in return. And striking against an alicorn is something not to be done lightly or without great preparations.
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new to the forum? there's an automatic vote tally if you click on "thread tools" (upper right, above the first post of the page)

blue names are tagged, yes. A tagged person will get notified of it (unless it's the automatic tally).

Tagging a person is relatively normal when you're talking to/about them and are not quoting one of their post (or part of it).

Mass tagging is generally frowned upon though (tagging lots of people to get their attention)

by the way, here's an automated (slightly adjusted) tally.

Adhoc vote count started by Pittauro on Aug 24, 2020 at 7:31 PM, finished with 33 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Velvet Covers
    -[X] Physiology
    --[X] Name: Velvet Covers
    --[X] Gender: Female
    --[X] Cutie Mark: A spread open book, with purple covers and blank silver pages. A few white butterflies float around the edges.
    --[X] Species: Unicorn: You were borne with a gift. It came in the shape of a horn on your forehead, and the ability to manipulate the world with your thoughts. (+1 Magic, +1 Learning, magic capable)
    -[X] Traits
    --[X] Beautiful: You are used to heads turning to follow you when you walk around, and that means knowing how to get away with certain things. (+2 Intrigue, +5 when trying to seduce other creatures, or just be pleasant).
    --[X] Silver Tongued: Complicated words to impress the simple minded, complicated arguments to impress the wise. You know well how to weave them. (+3 Diplomacy).
    --[X] Gifted: There is a flame inside every creature. Yours appears to burn just a bit brighter. (+2 Magic, +5 when trying to cast your racial magic)
    --[X] Well Read: You are fond of the smell of libraries, and books reveal their secrets more easily to your touch. (+2 Learning, +5 when attempting to decipher or learn from scrolls and books)
    -[X] Background
    --[X] Minor Nobles: You might have been borne into the political web of nobility, and perhaps you are just a pawn on some larger game. But your blood is blue, and that is all that matters. (Starts with a well-paying, albeit non-prestigious job. Starts with good contacts, and ponyservants to perform one free action for you, if they're not suspicious.) COSTS 2 COINS
    --[X] You graduated!: Ponykind relies more on craftsmanship and knowing a particular trade, but you went out of your way to pursue higher education. (+1 Learning, +1 Magic, +1 Stewardship)
    -[X] Complications
    --[X] Married: You are married, and have a beautiful daughter. Your family demands your attention, and it sure would be a shame if something were to happen to them… (+1 coin)
    --[X] Frightened: Maybe it is the result of some trauma, maybe you were borne like that, but the end result is the same. You are weaker than most. (-10 Personal Combat, +1 coin)
    --[X] Scarred: You survived, but it is better if you do not try to do that again. (-1 Health, +1 coin)
    [X] Plan Gold Feather
    -[X]Name: Gold Feather
    -[X] Male
    -[X]Cutie Mark: A Gold Pen inside a Silver Coin
    -[X] Pegasus: Not being contained to the ground gives you a different view of the world. And while the etiquette of using doors instead of windows has been hammered into you from a young age, you at least will always have the option of choosing. (+1 Martial, +1 Intrigue, flight capable).
    [x] Be a Dragon
    -[x] Steelwing
    -[X] Male
    -[x] a Workhorse: Lean or robust, tall or well built. You stand a full head over other ponies. (+2 Martial, +5 on tests that require physical strength, and personal combat).
    -[X] Well Read: You are fond of the smell of libraries, and books reveal their secrets more easily to your touch. (+2 Learning, +5 when attempting to decipher or learn from scrolls and books)
    -[X] A (sick) dragon: You do not know why, but you will never grow any more than you already have, about a head taller than a normal pony. Maybe you joined a cult to find a purpose for your life, maybe you joined it to find a solution to this problem. (+4 martial, +2 magic, flight capable, +5 personal combat)
    -[X] Soldiers: Not members of the royal guard, but the sight of spears and armors was normal for you as you grew up. Not many ponies can count "polishing helmets" as a household chore. (+2 Martial, +5 personal combat, -1 Stewardship)
    -[X] You went out on an expedition: Timberwolves are a stark reminder of how hard wood can be, especially when its sharp, sentient and bearing down on your throat. (+1 Martial, starts with personal combat gear)
    -[X] Married: You are married, and have a beautiful daughter. Your family demands your attention, and it sure would be a shame if something were to happen to them… (+1 coin)
    -[x] Enemies: Its not all friendship and magic. Someone out there is trying to get you. (+1 coin)
    -[X] Silver Tongued: Complicated words to impress the simple minded, complicated arguments to impress the wise. You know well how to weave them. (+3 Diplomacy).
    -[X] Attentive to Details: You actually use your pocketbook, and your financial life is thankful for it. (+2 Stewardship, +5 when negotiating a commercial deal)
    -[X] Well Read: You are fond of the smell of libraries, and books reveal their secrets more easily to your touch. (+2 Learning, +5 when attempting to decipher or learn from scrolls and books)
    --[X] Merchants: You remember the last time you were asked to restock supplies and carry crates, and the first time you were given a quill and a ledger. You soon learned the second is far heavier. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Diplomacy, -1 Magic)
    -[X] You realized you are well liked: Ponies just gather around you, be it for advice or to resolve some quarrel of their own. You are something of a local, informal, leader. (+1 Diplomacy, starts with good standing with the local populace, easier to locate recruiting targets)
    [X] Complication
    -[X] Married: You are married, and have a beautiful daughter. Your family demands your attention, and it sure would be a shame if something were to happen to them… (+1 coin)
    [X] Plan Velvet Covers, the Pegasus
    -[X] Physiology
    --[X] Name: Velvet Covers
    --[X] Gender: Female
    --[X] Cutie Mark: A spread open book, with purple covers and blank silver pages. A few white butterflies float around the edges.
    --[X] Species: Pegasus: Not being contained to the ground gives you a different view of the world. And while the etiquette of using doors instead of windows has been hammered into you from a young age, you at least will always have the option of choosing. (+1 Martial, +1 Intrigue, flight capable).
    -[X] Traits
    --[X] Beautiful: You are used to heads turning to follow you when you walk around, and that means knowing how to get away with certain things. (+2 Intrigue, +5 when trying to seduce other creatures, or just be pleasant).
    --[X] Silver Tongued: Complicated words to impress the simple minded, complicated arguments to impress the wise. You know well how to weave them. (+3 Diplomacy).
    --[X] Gifted: There is a flame inside every creature. Yours appears to burn just a bit brighter. (+2 Magic, +5 when trying to cast your racial magic)
    --[X] Well Read: You are fond of the smell of libraries, and books reveal their secrets more easily to your touch. (+2 Learning, +5 when attempting to decipher or learn from scrolls and books)
    -[X] Background
    --[X] Minor Nobles: You might have been borne into the political web of nobility, and perhaps you are just a pawn on some larger game. But your blood is blue, and that is all that matters. (Starts with a well-paying, albeit non-prestigious job. Starts with good contacts, and ponyservants to perform one free action for you, if they're not suspicious.) COSTS 2 COINS
    --[X] You graduated!: Ponykind relies more on craftsmanship and knowing a particular trade, but you went out of your way to pursue higher education. (+1 Learning, +1 Magic, +1 Stewardship)
    -[X] Complications
    --[X] Married: You are married, and have a beautiful daughter. Your family demands your attention, and it sure would be a shame if something were to happen to them… (+1 coin)
    --[X] Frightened: Maybe it is the result of some trauma, maybe you were borne like that, but the end result is the same. You are weaker than most. (-10 Personal Combat, +1 coin)
    --[X] Scarred: You survived, but it is better if you do not try to do that again. (-1 Health, +1 coin)
I see what you did there, and i reeeeeally should try it out and get used to it. Thanks!
[X] Plan Rigged From The Start, Magic Version
-[X] The Path Through Nightmares: Princes Luna has just been released from her thousand years banishment. We know that she was the sovereign of dreams as well as guardian of the night, but we also know the path through dreams and other secret places. She is weak and confused from her magical isolation, scars formed from millennia with the beast that possessed her that will not easily heal, and because of that she is the ideal target.
-[X] Magic – ensuring your knowledge is properly applied. Somepony has to make sure the circles are properly written, and that the ceremonial knife hits the proper place.
-[X] Ponyville – You have a rather isolated estate, being the only member of nobility in town, so you need not care much for subtlety when doing things in person. You administer large swathes of land, used for farming, that are owned by your family. The prodigious Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's protege, lives here, but apart from her the town is mostly populated by simple ponies. (High anonymity, low opportunity for interesting contacts, Twilight Sparkle and her friends)

[X] Plan Rigged From The Start, Learning Version
-[X] The Path Through Nightmares: Princes Luna has just been released from her thousand years banishment. We know that she was the sovereign of dreams as well as guardian of the night, but we also know the path through dreams and other secret places. She is weak and confused from her magical isolation, scars formed from millennia with the beast that possessed her that will not easily heal, and because of that she is the ideal target.
-[X] Learning - keeping the lore. There is so much you do not yet understand, and so many fragments of truth spread around the Equestria, but that makes putting the jigsaw together all the more exciting.
-[X] Ponyville – You have a rather isolated estate, being the only member of nobility in town, so you need not care much for subtlety when doing things in person. You administer large swathes of land, used for farming, that are owned by your family. The prodigious Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's protege, lives here, but apart from her the town is mostly populated by simple ponies. (High anonymity, low opportunity for interesting contacts, Twilight Sparkle and her friends)

Raw power and the knowledge to wield it both interest me, so I'll vote for both.

I want to go after Princess Luna because that sets us in the part of the setting I'm most familiar with, and because I like her best as a character.
but we also know the path through dreams and other secret places
This implies that Moth places us at loggerheads in terms of the deeper magics anyways, so whether we're a friend or a foe we'd be coming up against her regardless.

I chose Ponyville because the anonymity is better than the more frequent contact with the princesses (as much a downside as it would be a boon, with the increased Royal scrutiny from Celestia), and because I think we'd be a bit more effective trying to interact with her in privacy than we would be at court; if she's at our house for a sleepover, nobody'd be peeking in through the windows. Having to pen-pal it through the first few social links might take a bit more time, but the increased density of defined areas and characters will make both character interaction and world building easier.

I really don't intend to go after any of the secondary objectives. They're awful dark, and I can't imagine enjoying it that much; even as a cultist, I'd prefer to be an Equestrian cultist, and all. Maybe Luna can take over the cult after she joins?
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It's also at the bottom left of the post box, these days. A little weird, but more convenient, I suppose.
uh, somehow I didn't see it even if I KNEW it was down there somewhere :p

ah, a few more tidbits

1) I'm mostly certain that the reason tags in the vote tally don't result in the tagged one being notified is because it's in a spoiler box.

2) The tally automatically counts the votes of the most recent post of each user. If they voted in two different posts, it only considers the last post. If they voted for more things in one post, it counts them all (this means it's easy, and usually allowed, to vote for multiple plans at once if someone wants to. A few qm decide to not allow it though)
I see what you did there, and i reeeeeally should try it out and get used to it. Thanks!
you're welcome. It's mostly a matter of getting used to it.

You can walk just fine, of course, as long as absolutely no running is involved, but as usual you elect to gently fly a hoof-pace over the floor. No reason at all to wake up your daughter, after all, as unlikely as that could be.

uh, so we can self-levitate? That's pretty rare. The only one shown to do it in canon was Starlight Glimmer.

And as soon as your hoof touches the ground you fell it, like you always did.

but the manner I must discuss with you all is urgent.
"Ancient threats like the rampaging Tirek and the deceiving Scorpan, who nearly sucked the life out of the world. Cruel shadows that creep through the hinges of reality. Those, and many others, dating all the way back to Discord, the chaotic god, the first Outsider to enter this world and wreak havoc… But we are powerless to hide, Equestria cannot be hidden as long as it continues to blaze with energy as it does, and we are powerless to do anything about it as long as the abominable alicorns reign and care for the flames." the party line is that Equestria's prosperity and harmony attracts dangerous entities, and that Celestia is wrong for doing this?

...It's an interesting statement, and not a senseless one. Tirek came to steal the magic of the ponies. Discord wanted to have fun, and for some reason liked to toy with ponies more than with other races. And Equestria is, in many ways, underdefended.

...What exactly IS our cause, by the way? Secondary objectives are REALLY dark, but the primary... well, it depends on the cause.

Also, I understand the game you refer to is cultist simulator (played it a little, I don't remember that much about it thogh, I might go back to it at some point...), but what would the show be?
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Also, I understand the game you refer to is cultist simulator (played it a little, I don't remember that much about it thogh, I might go back to it at some point...), but what would the show be?
MLP, maybe? An indefinite pronoun, but it could just be referring to My Little Pony twice. I can see how it might be read weirdly, though.
Ack! The "no horns, yay wings!" party got to me when i was typing that. You most definitely do not float, i'll edit that out.

About your cult's cause, it has not been elaborated yet. Next post will be your first "reunion" with the cult Master, so i'll have more time to go into that then.

Also, I understand the game you refer to is cultist simulator (played it a little, I don't remember that much about it thogh, I might go back to it at some point...), but what would the show be?

And i partly do not follow your last question, "what would the show be" refers to what exactly?
[X] Plan Crystal Lore
-[X] To Steal the Seed
-[X] Learning
-[X] Manehattan

As I said earlier I think Manehattan sounds like the most interesting base location so I want to start there. The crystal empire is an interesting place I think it could be fun to poke at, and with it being gone for so many years it might have ancient lore that's otherwise hard to find. And Flurry Heart is cute. Meanwhile, if we're doing a quest about secret lore we might as well take the position that's directly about secret lore, right?
[X] Plan True Dark Mirror
-[X] To Hunt the Ascended:
-[X] Learning
-[X] Manehattan

Why not lean into the fact we are another "Evil" Unicorn with some decent magic, and try to do what others have failed to do, plus Manehatten seems to be a good choice to truly get the Cult a good number of members.

...What exactly IS our cause, by the way?

Well as the flavor text for the Moth stated " Moth is the principle of unreason, secrecy and change. It understands chaos by understanding nothing at all and can only be learned by following your own whims. But inevitably, it leads you to where you truly desire to be "

One can assume we follow a system of Orderly Chaos, things that make sense but don't, Madness to put bluntly. if there is a Cause this cult follows, then it's one that's not known to a clear mind or one that is transparently obvious to them, confusing and nonsensical like the Principal of The Moth.

At least that's what i think anyway.
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And i partly do not follow your last question, "what would the show be" refers to what exactly?
Hello everyone, and welcome to my humble attempt at a Quest. I'm a long time lurker, but never really started a thread before, so i'd appreciate your patience and understanding as i learn how things work.

As you may have noticed, this will be based on a show that is terribly famous, but also on a certain game that is not quite as widely known.

somehow I didn't even consider you meant MLP, but that you were referring to some other show for the "cultist" elements.
At least that's what i think anyway.
good interpretation, if one that leaves me a bit unsatisfied.

I wonder what DIscord will think of us
good interpretation, if one that leaves me a bit unsatisfied.

This is mostly just from what the text shows and what i think, who knows we might have an actually decent cause to follow and i'm just full of hot air

I wonder what DIscord will think of us

As for this question, probably not well if my interpretation is partially right, The Moth kind of breaks the whole Harmony and Chaos thing, and not in a way that he would find funny, he breaks it for fun, the Moth breaks it and repairs in a wrong way and acts like it was always that way, so yeah, i feel like our group would not be seen well by him.
I really don't intend to go after any of the secondary objectives. They're awful dark, and I can't imagine enjoying it that much; even as a cultist, I'd prefer to be an Equestrian cultist, and all. Maybe Luna can take over the cult after she joins?

Secondary objectives are more on the "you wont win, but you wont LOSE if you manage this", but truly not the victory i think anyone wants to aim for.

I wonder what DIscord will think of us

And this is a subject i really will need to address. With all the "canonically as strong as a god that can snap any problems away and only ever got screwed because of his own stupidity" going on.
Not very... game-y applicable.
And this is a subject i really will need to address. With all the "canonically as strong as a god that can snap any problems away and only ever got screwed because of his own stupidity" going on.
Not very... game-y applicable.
He can't snap if he doesn't know, was my first thought, and Moth seems pretty good at the not-knowing. Alternatively, something something Cultist rules, something something a line we have to cross? The world being greater than one knows doesn't have to be only in ways that make outsiders stronger; maybe there's a rule or two he does have to follow, just ones outside of Equestria.

... Maybe we don't know those rules, and finding them out before he makes with the snappenings could be a quest goal.
And this is a subject i really will need to address. With all the "canonically as strong as a god that can snap any problems away and only ever got screwed because of his own stupidity" going on.
Not very... game-y applicable.
he HAS shown a few weaknesses.

if you only keep to the show:

1)Elements of Harmony. Presumably other sources of "harmonious" power (the element and the tree were technically created by the Pillars of Equestria, it's not impossible for other similarly powefull artifacts to be created either voluntarily or by accident).

2)Chrysalis throne was capable of suppressing his magic. There might be more of the material it was made of around if we look for it (though it might be something only known to the changelings.

3) acting "too orderly" nearly caused him to disappear.

the comics have a few more weaknesses for him. I didn't read those specific chapters, but I can remember 2

1) The passing of a comet caused him to change from a spirit of chaos to a spirit of order one time.

2) He apparently had an "evil" girlfriend, Cosmos. Her chaos is more malevolent, and she's explicitely much more powerful than him. I read that in the comics she was defeated by the combined powers of the elements, the alicorns, Discord and maybe even the Crystal Heart.

by the way he can apparently "sense" magic imbalances, whatever that means. It's not out of the question that he might sense whatever our cult is doing at some point. He's not omniscient though.

You could make him vaguely interested in us, and willing to not interfere with what we do as long as we avoid actively harming his friends or doing things he deem too evil/dark. Which means, yes to converting Twilight, No to actually killing her, for example.

And obviously NOBODY touches Fluttershy.
somehow I didn't even consider you meant MLP, but that you were referring to some other show for the "cultist" elements.

good interpretation, if one that leaves me a bit unsatisfied.

I wonder what DIscord will think of us
It depends on whether we've made changes before he gets free or not. The latter two options occur in time periods I know... nothing about, in MLP, so we could try for Luna, or just assume there's a friendly (to our enemies) god running around. He might not be an instant loss condition, but it still sounds... hairy.

I don't suppose I could convince you to choose something from the first time period, could I? I'm not too attached to the location or anything, so if you want a different plan I'd be okay approval voting it, but it's kind of hard to plot around a baby when it's your first time hearing that they exist.
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