Blue Swarm (Mass Effect/Starcraft Swarm Control Quest)

[X] Overlord will continue to act like the fleshy balloon it is and barely even acknowledge whatever she does. If she tries to get a physical sample however it will "shy away".
[X] Overlord will continue to act like the fleshy balloon it is and barely even acknowledge whatever she does. If she tries to get a physical sample however it will "shy away".
[X] Overlord will continue to act like the fleshy balloon it is and barely even acknowledge whatever she does. If she tries to get a physical sample however it will "shy away".
[X] Overlord will continue to act like the fleshy balloon it is and barely even acknowledge whatever she does. If she tries to get a physical sample however it will "shy away".

I am hesistant to get directly violent until we are off world on our own terms to be quite honest. The Zerg are effectively impossible to stamp out once we get multiple colonies abroad, but while we are confined to a single world the swarm is too exposed.
[X] Overlord will act as a skittish if docile animal. When she gets within a certain distance like a few yards they will move away. Either by moving away to the side or higher up. At the same time it will let out a cry to which the others will repsond. Moving in the same way. Naturally don't let her get a physical sample.
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[X] Overlord will continue to act like the fleshy balloon it is and barely even acknowledge whatever she does. If she tries to get a physical sample however it will "shy away".

I would rather save our Killiness for Slavers.
[X] Overlord will continue to act like the fleshy balloon it is and barely even acknowledge whatever she does. If she tries to get a physical sample however it will "shy away".
Historically speaking the best way to deal with heavily armored solo units with a brood war era Zerg hive is to spawn broodlings in it.

Assuming the Maw is a heroic unit in the SC2 style we'll need to be a bit more clever, that said we do have the neural worm and the improved queens. Seems like these would be the obvious low risk counter. Use the neurals to paralyze the beast and buff them with the queens.
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Scheduled vote count started by Planetary Tennis on Feb 16, 2022 at 10:44 PM, finished with 36 posts and 14 votes.
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    [X] Overlord will continue to act like the fleshy balloon it is and barely even acknowledge whatever she does. If she tries to get a physical sample however it will "shy away".
    [X] Overlord will continue to act like the fleshy balloon it is and barely even acknowledge whatever she does. If she tries to get a physical sample go for broke and slay the entire team.
    [X] Response: Eliminate. By implication this is a HVT and thus prime fodder for a neural parasite.
    -[x] Overlord bumbles about, drawing the away team further from the camp. Spinelings begin carefully breaking into the prefab from below.
    -[x] I don't think they have a shuttle on hand, but if they do, get inside and trash it's systems while they aren't watching.
    -[x] With their base compromised from within and when the night cycle begins (ie most are asleep), puncture all walls via spines as melee zerglings boil up from beneath. Ideally take the HVT alive.
    --[x] With the voidcraft "elsewhere" our remaining military assets can be quickly shifted via Overlord. Do so to augment the final attack.
    [X] Overlord will act as a skittish if docile animal. When she gets within a certain distance like a few yards they will move away. Either by moving away to the side or higher up. At the same time it will let out a cry to which the others will repsond. Moving in the same way. Naturally don't let her get a physical sample.
  • 3

    [X] Planned Scenario: You've Been Warned.
    -[X] Overlord will continue to act like the fleshy balloon it is and barely even acknowledge whatever she does. If she tries to get a physical sample however it will "shy away".
    --[X] If followed retreat to a prearranged kill box location.
    -[X] Rumble in warning with flashing colors that grow deeper and angrier in color as she tries to touch or get close to the overlord, if she tries to get too close it moves its large claws in a angry manuever close to her.
    --[X] Other "Areomorph" Overlords group up around pursued Overlord to present united front to scare off with numbers.
    ---[X] Leave an escape route for them back the way they came.
    -[X] If scanned or touched, become distressed and swipe scanner\limb away.
    -[X] Final solution:
    --[X] If attacked or a sample is removed all out attack.
    --[X] If Mentally interacted with:
    ---[X] Try to keep up a scared\worried\unhappy mindset. Present oneself as a new sentient\sophont species unsure how we came to be.
    ---[X] Regardless of what was found out, observe reactions.
    ----[X] If scared\terrified\horror or otherwise negative and\or liable to draw a weapon, blab or attack? Fight!
    ----[X] If wonderous\happy\excited\trustful or otherwise positive or friendly manner? Hold position transmit desire to go unnoticed. Wait and see.

I need 2d100
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hope the 75 is us...if it's the people then it's time to spring the ambush. cause fuck the citadel getting info on us early.

edited: whelp, time to spring the ambush now...looks like combat is inevitable.
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Turn 12b
The shuttle craft takes off from the landing. Flying to the nearest overlord. With your compulsion it calms as the craft draws near it. Claws are pulled tight and the rest of your forces watch. Perhaps you could spawn some scourge or a Hydraliks but Vespine was valuable and you had alternatives. So as the ship orbits the creature you wait listening to the communications inside.

Then the door opens and the overlord starts to drift off. You lack mobile anti air and for now showing your base is worse then any kind of sampling. The overlord is by no means slow, but it is unable to outpace the shuttle.

Then to much screaming by the other two individuals the female jumps from the open door of the shuttle and onto the side of your overlord holding onto the arm above the claw.

You are surprised by the action far from anything you would call rational.

Mother saw me as a precious glass figurine. A little bauble to be watched but given no room no place to grow.
I have no mother.
Adventure to do something that changed history to be more than a piece of eye candy my mother kept around to be seen. To be free.
Freedom is unnecessary
Alien life alien worlds, maybe one day I could have first contact with an alien species. New friends and adventure in the cosmos.
Friends are unnecessary.

Service, that is my nature, a mind bound to another eternally. I was born to serve, given purpose from birth. Unquestioning for what meaning does questions have when one knows all that they need.
Doesn't it chafe?
My broodmares speak with me, of the weather, of the clouds. We question what storms will come, what will happen. It passes the time as we direct the swarm.
Don't you want more?
The hive, my home, minds uncountable. Spirea of flesh and bone, directed by the Cerebrate. We carry the will of the Overmind.
A city of Flesh?
We are unnumbered unending. We are the swarm.
Oh oh no...

A psionic bond, for a moment she joins the swarm. This Asari hungry for adventure and discovery. The bond is unlike any others you have experienced, not like the surface inexperienced scans of ghosts probing the Hivemind, or the searing cutting gaze of the Protoss. Rather it is an open channel between her mind and the overlord and through it you.

Unprotected, undefended. She surely sees all the overlord knows, and through the overlord you are gaining a wealth of knowledge of the council and the Asari. The Terrains are here too, calling themselves Humanity. They are from earth, the Systems Alliance. Must be a decent state of the UED, humans are rife for nations and order to collapse.

You can see through other eyes as the shuttle tries to draw near. It would be easy to knock her off with the overlord's claws the others likely would see it as her own stupid actions leading to death. She could live though if the Shuttle is deft enough.
The mind is fragile a push of your own will could crush her. Leave her mindless even if saved she could not reveal anything to her allies.
Please no
An open channel you could try to twist her mind into an agent of your will. A spy though without the structures needed to reliably pass information to you.
I'm sorry
Leave her alone stands as an option though she represents a weakness.

Her allies are around as a threat too. Right now you could pass them over expecially if she dies in a way they would never link back, or you could ruin their camp and slaughter them on their return. Decisions.

What to do with the Asari?
[]Drop her
[]Kill her
[]Corrupt her
[]Take her
[]Leave her
Why take the risk?

Her companions?
[]Leave Alone
[x] Drop her
-[x] {Leave this world, tell NO ONE wretch, and NEVER RETURN.}

[x]Leave Alone

literal saying "FUCK OFF"...this is as merciful as i will be, if they dont get this message the first time...there will be no other.