[X]Just Watch
--[X]Forces: 104 zerglings (pulling half from cluster 1-3, +48 new spawn zerglings), 18 spinelings from cluster 1-2, adding in 44 new spawned spinelings, 11 overlords (8 from spawning, take extra 3 from places where supply will not be strained, if not then pick least likely to put stain on said cluster)
Your overlords that have been spotted shift and hover grazing in the thick clouds as to reduce the amount of attention that you are getting The zerglings and spinelings on the base and in their bellies wait. For now, you can not strike the small ship in the atmosphere could do great damage before it's taken out and you know little of their numbers through the prisoner's mind indicates it would be small locally you can see flashes of a greater force both from these Batarians and the Council that this force is apparently apart of.
The time they search drags on their language unknown to the prisoner and so remains such to your mind. They seem angry though as they find much of the facility empty the two guards around the Terran-appearing woman speak in hushes but rapid tones. What you left is taken several small weapons and armors as well as a few broken vehicles brought up to the ship in the sky. As they load on the ship the small group around the woman argue, she has been watching the skies tracking the aimless movements of your overlords for the whole duration.
The argument there is quick and less heated than those between the metal-skinned ones, Turians the prisoner's mind provides. In the end some kind of structure is set up and the two guards and woman are left. They could be easy prey but you stay your hand for now, through your forces are left scattered on the area and unable to move you have been able to empty your overlords of the rest of your army for now.
Research Dice: 2 (+10)
-[X]Defense (53/100+) 2 dice
Spore Colony, Spore Cannon, Sunken Colony
The complexity of the defensive structures keeps coming back to the minds they must have to accurately target and identify at a distance and know when and how to attack often without the direction of an overlord, queen, or cerebrate. The issue has been solved by using some of the overlords and a smattering of other creatures' genetics the holes have been patched. For the simpler structures, this is all that you need. Genetics are in such a state that you need no focus to work on them.
Between that and the success of other simpler structures, you feel the need to observe their growth lessen. Now it will only be more complicated structures that will distract from other goals.
Growth Dice 3 (+5)
-[X]Creep Colony (0/0) [75] 1 die, cluster 3
-[X]Creep Colony (0/0) [75] 1 die, cluster 3
-[X]Gas Refinery (0/0) [50] 1 die, cluster 2
The colonies grow the depths of the caves are slowly covered in creep as the colonies are born the new Refinery will add to the gas production of the colony. The growth is pleasant it means you have more, more resources, more supplies, more preparation for when you are attacked.
-[X]Metomorph Creature |36L|
Grow a member of the swarm.
--[X]Drone [50] x 9 (fill the refinery with the drones, the rest goes into the rich mines)
--[X]Overlord [100] x4 (8 go to the ambush point)
--[X]Zerglings 2x [50] x12 (48 zerglings if this is correct, then that means the reinforcements go to the ambush point)
--[X]Spineling 2x [50] x11 (44 if the math is correct, they go to the ambush point as well)
exploration dice 1 +5
Much of your forces have been diverted to the failed ambush, though the drones are quick to work supporting your industry.
-[X]Worm Watch (63/150) 1 die
You need to know more if you are to eventually take out the beast need to know its habits and its weaknesses.
The worm is uneventful and you see little variation from its pattern before in the recent time. The overlord watching it has noticed that it does respond to sunlight when it rarely gets past the clouds even when it is burrowed it is quick to surface and take in the light. Perhaps this can be of use perhaps not.