THRONE//FRINGE: Normal Human Mech-Girl Quest

[X] Exalted Among Refuse. Born to a world that saw you as trash, detritus, excrement of society, you cower from the light. The Emperor thinks differently, and as they reach out Their hand and offer you a dream of true potential, they whisper a single sharp command: Rise.
This line had me cackling. Because just how much did that packet that Don used have to wrestle with the physical laws make this into objective reality inside our currently occupied reality bubble for all practical purposes?
Potentially less than you might expect, if he did it smart. It could very well be that rather than making it work on pure mecha anime narrative, Hidalgo simply gave Arachne and Friends updated (or backdated I guess) combat drivers while leaving the enemy to flounder. Note what she says just before that line:
but the Catalogue is dumb, and half the time doesn't even seem to be sure what they're doing here, as if their drones never learned to truly fight in this environment.
The Catalogue just went from the high end of post-Imperial warfare with all its variant technology and superluminal combat to this completely and utterly different paradigm with no overlap, and being told by Hidalgo "alright have fun trying to figure out what the fuck you need to do to win fights now because I'm sure as shit not telling you." If they still had minds, they'd be screeching. The Suicide King is for sure contemplating suicide right now.
[X] Traitor to Her Class. Against abject monstrosity, against a society that places you in a position of power only if you will suppress the serfs that rise against it, the Emperor offers you a different path: Turn, and say together to the masters and the hand that holds the whip: No.

Turn against one master only to kneel before another. But maybe, the day will come, when she sees the truth.

I think this reading of the implications of this choice and what it means is a bit of a disservice because there's a lot going on here. It's not really about trading one master for another. It's about Arachne being promoted to her role as a result of taking the side of some sort of proletarian revolution and being rewarded for it (presumably after the revolution won, remember what Mappi said about slave revolts).

The implications here about the Empire should be considered, especially what it means about the Empire's structure and what it politically cared about.
[x] Traitor to Her Class. Against abject monstrosity, against a society that places you in a position of power only if you will suppress the serfs that rise against it, the Emperor offers you a different path: Turn, and say together to the masters and the hand that holds the whip: No.

Diana! Ix-Chel! Sisters! So good to see you! Ah, Diana, how I wanted to accompany you...
Orby:Mother has sisters!? Then why-
Orby please, now's not the time and I don't need mother asking temporally or maybe causality-difficult questions later!
Orby: Hrrrmf....Later then.
I'm a bit confused on whose name is whose with the paradigm shift, though Arachne's stayed the same. Is Diana Hidalgo? Who's Ix-Chel?
I'm a bit confused on whose name is whose with the paradigm shift, though Arachne's stayed the same. Is Diana Hidalgo? Who's Ix-Chel?
Diana and Ix-Chel are the two other personality fragments we could have chosen to have had with us in chargen instead of Ishtar, if you look back at the first post. What, if anything, them being present in this altered space means, we have yet to determine.
No names have been changed. If they were, it would be because the name doesn't make sense in the setting - so for example the Neural Pesticide/Lotophage would not appear under that name.

Things are meant to be very confusing right now. Consider that the Arachne you know appears to be a voice inside the actual POV Arachne. Something is obviously very wrong.
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[X] Built for Different Purpose. Crafted for a caste, made to fulfill a role, reduced to fit your task. But the Emperor sees your dreams, offers you the sensation of the new, asks what it is you want. Against the rules of your stifling clade, you break from tradition. And you answer: More.
[X] Built for Different Purpose. Crafted for a caste, made to fulfill a role, reduced to fit your task. But the Emperor sees your dreams, offers you the sensation of the new, asks what it is you want. Against the rules of your stifling clade, you break from tradition. And you answer: More.

Guess making everyone a player has odd consequences.
Just how many personalities were there, within Arachne? Was Ishtar's Chassis a repeat of Arachne's story- take someone's chassis and throw their software into deepest corners of the hardware?

A thought occurred to me:
Dragon, En Signature, Celestial Nail- three forces that could have marked Arachne's deepest soul.
One an entity with it's talons reaching and shaping every chassis it can get to, other preaching universal connection between all, final one a swarm that wishes to devour all.
All three of them willing and able to reach out and change others. Latter two explicitly connect others together (more or less benevolently, but still).

It suddenly doesn't feel so insightful, but I'll say this theory anyway:
Arachne before one we knew was converted by the Nail and used as a weapon to devour others. Ishtar was Arachne's last victim, but other souls rest within her software (not hardware, important distinction). Either those 3 we could have chosen from in our first vote were her only victims, or only intact (not-digested or simply not damaged) victims.
This backstory would stay fundamentally the same, regardless of our marking choice. The method and reason could change, but not the result.

Oh, and this Arachne is only a voice in POV Arachne because our Arachne is literally a last-resort/oldest version backup. The pilot we POV right now is probably a later Arachne (one who killed Ishtar), who is reintegrating herself.
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[x] Heir Aberrant. Cruel responsibilities, dull stock reports, moronic decisions, all weighing down on the princess' crown. Wouldn't it be nice, you ruminate, to just run away? The Emperor turns fantasies of escape real, whispers in your ear as you stand at the corporate castle's edge: Fly.
[X] Built for Different Purpose. Crafted for a caste, made to fulfill a role, reduced to fit your task. But the Emperor sees your dreams, offers you the sensation of the new, asks what it is you want. Against the rules of your stifling clade, you break from tradition. And you answer: More.

These are all so good... but I like the "fish out of water" (and into mech suit) vibe of this one.
[X] Maverick Climbing High. Hero, legend, monster, riding on a confidence that takes you to the top, utterly relentless, superiors split on whether you should be elevated or executed. The Emperor asks: Who among my subjects can truly face the dark? Without hesitation, you respond: I.
[X] Heir Aberrant. Cruel responsibilities, dull stock reports, moronic decisions, all weighing down on the princess' crown. Wouldn't it be nice, you ruminate, to just run away? The Emperor turns fantasies of escape real, whispers in your ear as you stand at the corporate castle's edge: Fly.

This one feels interesting.
[X] Traitor to Her Class. Against abject monstrosity, against a society that places you in a position of power only if you will suppress the serfs that rise against it, the Emperor offers you a different path: Turn, and say together to the masters and the hand that holds the whip: No.
Arachne before one we knew was converted by the Nail and used as a weapon to devour others. Ishtar was Arachne's last victim, but other souls rest within her software (not hardware, important distinction). Either those 3 we could have chosen from in our first vote were her only victims, or only intact (not-digested or simply not damaged) victims.
This backstory would stay fundamentally the same, regardless of our marking choice. The method and reason could change, but not the result.

It's quite possible! Also remember that the level of technology involved in intelligence creation in the Empire means that they don't necessarily have to be literally the absorbed, digested people, but also simulacra memories, where you have such a convincing imprint of someone constructed from your memories of them that they behave like a superficially real person. Like, for example, Son Hidalgo.

Until this point Ix-Chel and Diana have only really appeared in that very first vote so a lot of different possibilities are available. Their presence is as much a ??? to Our Arachne as it is to you. Arachne has a lot of very strange programs and simulations which suggest a longer timeline of prior consciousness than she thinks.
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I'll tactical vote for Hero or Heir as necessary, in that order.
[X] Built for Different Purpose. Crafted for a caste, made to fulfill a role, reduced to fit your task. But the Emperor sees your dreams, offers you the sensation of the new, asks what it is you want. Against the rules of your stifling clade, you break from tradition. And you answer: More.
[X] Maverick Climbing High. Hero, legend, monster, riding on a confidence that takes you to the top, utterly relentless, superiors split on whether you should be elevated or executed. The Emperor asks: Who among my subjects can truly face the dark? Without hesitation, you respond: I.

[X] Traitor to Her Class. Against abject monstrosity, against a society that places you in a position of power only if you will suppress the serfs that rise against it, the Emperor offers you a different path: Turn, and say together to the masters and the hand that holds the whip: No.
[X] Heir Aberrant. Cruel responsibilities, dull stock reports, moronic decisions, all weighing down on the princess' crown. Wouldn't it be nice, you ruminate, to just run away? The Emperor turns fantasies of escape real, whispers in your ear as you stand at the corporate castle's edge: Fly.
[X] Traitor to Her Class. Against abject monstrosity, against a society that places you in a position of power only if you will suppress the serfs that rise against it, the Emperor offers you a different path: Turn, and say together to the masters and the hand that holds the whip: No.
[X] Traitor to Her Class. Against abject monstrosity, against a society that places you in a position of power only if you will suppress the serfs that rise against it, the Emperor offers you a different path: Turn, and say together to the masters and the hand that holds the whip: No.
[X] Heir Aberrant. Cruel responsibilities, dull stock reports, moronic decisions, all weighing down on the princess' crown. Wouldn't it be nice, you ruminate, to just run away? The Emperor turns fantasies of escape real, whispers in your ear as you stand at the corporate castle's edge: Fly.
Can I just say that this quest is so weird and so delightful. I read all of it very fast in a fugue state that I could not put down.
The letter that Arachne sent to Don made me laugh so hard I cried.
Very exited to see what happens next!
The Catalogue just went from the high end of post-Imperial warfare with all its variant technology and superluminal combat to this completely and utterly different paradigm with no overlap, and being told by Hidalgo "alright have fun trying to figure out what the fuck you need to do to win fights now because I'm sure as shit not telling you." If they still had minds, they'd be screeching. The Suicide King is for sure contemplating suicide right now.
It's like I said. He's an idiot, but he's the idiot who is the patron saint of dragging you down to his level and beating you on experience.
So I suppose I should offer some observations and point out some things about the choices and what they say about Arachne and the Empire both. Some of this might not have been more than hinted at in the thread, but I'm going to try to keep worldbuilding spoilers to a minimum and barring that avoid anything which wouldn't be common knowledge to citizens. The interesting thing about all these choices, first off, is how they're all obviously Empire-loyal to a pretty significant degree. None of these are heterodox or heretical viewpoints or backgrounds.

So simply from there, you can conclude that OG Arachne believed pretty strongly in the Empire.

[] Exalted Among Refuse. Born to a world that saw you as trash, detritus, excrement of society, you cower from the light. The Emperor thinks differently, and as they reach out Their hand and offer you a dream of true potential, they whisper a single sharp command: Rise.

A pretty basic protagonist background - overcoming humble origins via talent and determination and no small amount of luck. This is the generic space opera protagonist background for Weaver, but for Arachne it implies that she built herself up to fairly high heights - getting assigned to embody a Weaver/Builder chassis as an individual intellect is no mean feat.

[] Traitor to Her Class. Against abject monstrosity, against a society that places you in a position of power only if you will suppress the serfs that rise against it, the Emperor offers you a different path: Turn, and say together to the masters and the hand that holds the whip: No.

Remember what Mappi said about how the Empire tended to handle successful slave revolts by going "you won, you can keep what you fought for" if they won big enough? This is an illustration of that principle in action. So the story here is probably that Arachne defected to the side of the proletariat revolution when one of those happened in a megacorp, either for idealistic or for cynical reasons, then got rewarded with more power and privilege because she helped them win against those odds. This might make Arachne more idealistic, but it also might mean that she just got out while the getting was good, or even that she took a gamble on an underdog for the sake of personal power.

[] Maverick Climbing High. Hero, legend, monster, riding on a confidence that takes you to the top, utterly relentless, superiors split on whether you should be elevated or executed. The Emperor asks: Who among my subjects can truly face the dark? Without hesitation, you respond: I.

ISHTAR: "Weaver, your ass is writing checks your body can't cash. You've been busted. You lost your qualifications as flight commander three times, got suspended from active duty twice, and you have a history of danger close passes on five carriers and one marshal-superior!"

Pretty straightforward. You're extremely good. Very nearly as good as you think you are. In some ways, fairly straightforward - the Empire rewarded those with ambition and the talent to achieve that ambition. Lots of toes who got stepped on, lots of people who might or might not hold grudges - sure, holding a grudge is immoral in the Empire but that's not to say people never do it - but also, probably lots of admirers. That's for Weaver and Arachne both. Although the circumstances might not align, the core this suggests - arrogant, but at least almost as good as her ego - wouldn't change.

Built for Different Purpose. Crafted for a caste, made to fulfill a role, reduced to fit your task. But the Emperor sees your dreams, offers you the sensation of the new, asks what it is you want. Against the rules of your stifling clade, you break from tradition. And you answer: More.

So in this case, Arachne (and Weaver) were purpose-built entities for some purpose but found that purpose unsatisfying enough that they switched career tracks to something else entirely. What does it take, for, say, a FORCE/COMBINED fire support voidcruiser's tactical AI or a megacity administration superintendent to decide that they want to switch careers, spending possibly centuries grinding back to a position of similar standing? I suspect an Arachne from this background would be more passionate about her new career choice, because she's doing something she wants to do rather than something she was made to do.

[] Heir Aberrant. Cruel responsibilities, dull stock reports, moronic decisions, all weighing down on the princess' crown. Wouldn't it be nice, you ruminate, to just run away? The Emperor turns fantasies of escape real, whispers in your ear as you stand at the corporate castle's edge: Fly.

So this choice seems to make Weaver (and Arachne) some sort of corporate scion, except instead of going into the family business, she decided to take her stuff and change careers. Corporate failchild, Arachne was not. It suggests some level of corporate/social connectivity and a rebellious streak (within Empire norms). What corporation Arachne hails from and what this legacy means for her in the post-Collapse Fringe sector is an open question. Maybe she's Big, Jr. (does that make her actual name Moderate-Size? :V) Maybe she's from Axiom. Maybe she's some minor daughter of the Duchess of Zanj Arms Concern. Maybe she's one of the progeny of the fourth bloom of the CEO of Kaajkalbh Femtoscale Development.
There is only one Mr. Big. The only correct title for his descendents is Mr/Ms/Mx Small.

Mrs. Big divorced him and is no longer legally allowed to use the title.