THRONE//FRINGE: Normal Human Mech-Girl Quest

HYDRA//WEAPONS does nothing to immediately reinforce our current position.
Even if DH doesn't make another strike this period, it is possible that something else will.
If we are going to construct Nanonectar Clouds then it does not matter if no Industry is assigned to Project Hydra this period. We will have sufficient Industry capacity in later periods to catch up.

Akshara is interesting.
If we are going to construct Nanonectar Clouds then it does not matter if no Industry is assigned to Project Hydra this period. We will have sufficient Industry capacity in later periods to catch up.
This is not actually true. If we get Nanonectar Clouds up and assign Industry this turn, then we can finish up our Industrial commitment the very next turn and finish out the Project, well, the very next turn. This is not the case if we don't do both. We are physically unable to make up for lost time unless we come upon a windfall of bonus industry that we can immediately apply during next turn's exploration, which feels unlikely.
HYDRA//WEAPONS does nothing to immediately reinforce our current position.
Even if DH doesn't make another strike this period, it is possible that something else will.
If we are going to construct Nanonectar Clouds then it does not matter if no Industry is assigned to Project Hydra this period. We will have sufficient Industry capacity in later periods to catch up.

Akshara is interesting.

If you assign 4 industry now and 6 next turn you can fulfill the industry condition next turn.

Our immediate position is quite stable given that we are not going on the offensive with Arachne and she is hardly a poor defensive asset.

Finishing the Hydra chassis is almost certainly the largest augmentation of Arachne's military force that can actually be done right now, so the faster we do it the better.

As much as I'd like to settle Akshara this turn, I'm willing to compromise and do the Concierge favor this turn instead.

I'm a risk-averse person. Going without backups for one turn more is going to make me break out in hives.

I'm a risk-averse person. Going without backups for one turn more is going to make me break out in hives.

The biggest potential loss for Arachne is her own chassis. The faster she gets her combat upgrades the less likely she is to lose that, and the less likely she is to lose her chassis the more stuff she can spend babying her children.

There is still salvage to be found - or ripped out of the cooling corpses of your enemies as Arachne sups on the primordial ylem that is their blood.

But we can only do that if we have the power to take.

And only Hydra will give us that power.
Our immediate position is quite stable given that we are not going on the offensive with Arachne and she is hardly a poor defensive asset.

Finishing the Hydra chassis is almost certainly the largest augmentation of Arachne's military force that can actually be done right now, so the faster we do it the better.
The Spaniard will likely be back with stronger forces before Project Hydra is complete. We may be able to complete the Industry and Cycles requirements of the Project in a couple of periods, but we do not yet know how long the favour for the Concierge will take.
Mother Dearest may feel compelled to eat us if this gamble doesn't pay off.
The Spaniard will likely be back with stronger forces before Project Hydra is complete. We may be able to complete the Industry and Cycles requirements of the Project in a couple of periods, but we do not yet know how long the favour for the Concierge will take.
Mother Dearest may feel compelled to eat us if this gamble doesn't pay off.

Seems like people should have actually decided to buckle down and start working on the project instead of chasing the shiny. And the argument you're making for backups is basically the sunk cost fallacy - since people have already wasted time and capacity building up ancillary effects rather than taking on the massive military threat, people should continue avoiding spending on the one project which might significantly change the balance of power.

If Hidalgo is rushing his attack in response to us pushing for Hydra completion that means he'll have to cut corners. If he's not rushing his attack, he'll be expecting us to have more or less what we fought him with the last two times, and be aiming for a crippling or killing blow against that level of ability, which means that getting Hydra faster to beat his ability to find an advantage against us is paramount.

If people care a lot about preserving the lives of said drones, they can just get sent to explore the lowest risk things for the next few turns or even stay idle. There's no need to use them simply because they're there.
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-[X] Orby Assignment [1 cycle].
--[X] A7.
-[X] Peeper II Research [1 cycle].
-[X] Conversion: Hex A1. Total progress is 0/10 cycles. [2 cycles].
-[X] Project HYDRA: Software. Total Progress is 5/8 cycles. [3 cycles].
-[X] Project HYDRA: Hardware. Total progress is 0/10 industry [4 industry].
-[X] Break the truth to Akshara. [1 influence] (Mutually exclusive to Play Along).
-[X] Concierge's Dossier. [3 influence].
-[X] Augmented Reality Generators.
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If people care so much about the lives of said drones, they can just go exploring the lowest risk things next turn or even stay idle. There's no need to use them simply because they're there.
On that note, I double-checked and reassigned Orby to A7 in my plan, because A4 is bad juju and I was only going there because I'd taken another plan and altered it.

I suspect A4 is connected to the Garden/ex-Primordial Factory. Whatever's going on there, it's giving me the heebie-jeebies and should be avoided for the time being.
-[X] Orby Assignment [1 cycle].
--[X] A7.
-[X] Peeper II Research [1 cycle].
-[X] Conversion: Hex A1. Total progress is 0/10 cycles. [2 cycles].
-[X] Project HYDRA: Software. Total progress is 0/10 industry [4 industry].
-[X] Break the truth to Akshara. [1 influence] (Mutually exclusive to Play Along).
-[X] Concierge's Dossier. [3 influence].
-[X] Augmented Reality Generators.

Upgrading Arachne's Reality Engines is only useful if you plan to go on the offensive - in her own milieu, she doesn't need reality engines because the underlying Architecture is optimized and allocated to her use.

I don't think it's a bad idea to upgrade her reality engines, but I think it's better to do that if and when she's coming for Don Hidalgo's ass rather than when she's waiting to pokevolve and learn her best moves.
Yeah, just a note of plan etiquette that you do edit your plan let the thread know. I know you did @EternalStruggle so this isn't directed at you but in general if you are changing a plan you made announce as much in-thread, and if it's a major change then you might want to rename the plan or tag people. Especially as people will copy-paste the full plan and then it's going to be back-edited which can be confusing.
Seems like people should have actually decided to buckle down and start working on the project instead of chasing the shiny. And the argument you're making for backups is basically the sunk cost fallacy - since people have already wasted time and capacity building up ancillary effects rather than taking on the massive military threat, people should continue avoiding spending on the one project which might significantly change the balance of power.
I'm not arguing for backups...

We lost a drone swarm in the last fight, which could have gone much worse if it hadn't been an embarrassment all round.
And now we are not going to fortify our position, even though it is weaker than it was before that fight?
That's why I wrote up HYDRA//SENSUS having us making some more military drones and fortifications while we ramp up the industry production and get the HYDRA chassis' finished up. We'll have defended off Hidalgo if he attacks, and by next turn, can really get things running.
Just handing out insightfuls like Arachne hands out warnings that she'll eat her children so that no one thinks I am endorsing any particular side of the arguments :coolbeans:
I'm not arguing for backups...

We lost a drone swarm in the last fight, which could have gone much worse if it hadn't been an embarrassment all round.
And now we are not going to fortify our position, even though it is weaker than it was before that fight?

That's why I wrote up HYDRA//SENSUS having us making some more military drones and fortifications while we ramp up the industry production and get the HYDRA chassis' finished up. We'll have defended off Hidalgo if he attacks, and by next turn, can really get things running.

Hidalgo is a superheavy voidcruiser with a paracausal shroud, this we have confirmed. That means that he is an absurdly good raider but has severe endurance and durability problems if caught in a prolonged fight.

He can fuck us up very easily, despite fortification, because his advantages lie in devastating first strikes and rapid retreats.

But the flip side is that he can't seal the deal without more. He took a risk against a heavily damaged Arachne before Ishtar integration then and it fucked him up pretty hard. He knows it, and he knows we know, so he's probably going to be looking for something to seal that deal because Arachne's position is essentially entirely dependent on Arachne.

The faster we get Hydra online the less likely Hidalgo will be able to find a tool that give him that capacity, and the more *we* can force him to fight defensively, which is the sort of fighting he is not good at.

Trying to play defense against him is a game where he has the advantage. If the enemy is a champion Go master and you're merely an amateur, the best move you can play is the Nuclear Tesuji.