Risen to the Stars

Turn 20, The Trenches of Fafna
[X] Plan Expansion and Culture
-[X] [Starbase] Ossina will be a trade hub (add Trade Network - Increases trade power in the region by 3 (Overlap with home system trade hub, some loss), gain Market Exchange - +2 Energy/turn)
-[X] [Welfare] Hire Mereli You'Dal, 45
-[X] Colonize Hetor's Rest I (Seed population ~50,000, -4 Alloy)
-[X] Develop Ossina System (-1 Alloy, -2 Minerals, 1 Energy upkeep)
-[X] Spend 1 accumulated trade on culture
-[X] Trade into 5 Culture/turn (spend all new trade on culture)
-[X] 3d on Hyper-Sensitive Wave Detection
-[X] 1d on Crystal Study

Ossina trade hub completed... Hiring Welfare Director...

Initializing Colonization Efforts... Landing transports... Surviving in paradise...
0 Consequences: 19
-Colony starts up a little slow, people get lazy living in paradise
Progression: 2/10

Developing Ossina, 1-2 (Resources), 3-9 (Research), 0 (Strategic Sites): 4, subtyping... Field Interaction Site (+5 progress to oldest active Physics and Materials Science project per turn)

Kalvanox remembers tribute?: 95, WAIT, YOU EXIST?

Excess Amenities, bonus check: 71
Happy Enclave: 25
Happy Progress: +20 all accumulated

Free Explore trigger: 94, yes
Exploring: 1
Discovered The Gaping Maw
Subcheck - FLEE!: Science ship evasion 40%, Unknown Foe base accuracy 110%, 85 to hit of 41 needed!
Subcheck - Emergency Hyperdrive: 71, Science ship lost in deep space, Exploration BANNED for the next 2 turns while it finds it's way back to safe space.

Discovered The Nanite Toiler and a Mysterious Gateway - Time to Activation: ???

Chancellor Effect: 3d4% - 8%
Focus Check: 27/88
Chancellor developing experience... New Skill level reached!
Trait Check... no new traits. 2/54
Researcher Effect: +45 to Capacitors
Researcher developing experience...39/46
Attikoverious effect: 33/91
Psion developing experience... New skill level reached!
Trait Check... no new traits. 1/54
Diplomat developing experience... 17/46

Party Politics... turning political wheels...

Cultural Dice:
1d100+2d10+21: 92+3+6+21=122
1d100+2d10+21 * 6/7: 77+9+4+21 *6/7 = 95
-Progress and Discovery: 217 *1.05, 313/550

Accumulating 25 Materials Science progress...
Accumulating 35 Sapiens Science progress...
Accumulating 20 Physics Progress...

Tech Dice - 1d100: 4dTech, 1dSapiens(1d5)
-Crystal: 13, 303/1000 (Spin-off check: 4, ouch)
-Sensors: 8+95(explodes, +12)+68=192*1.05 , 296/300 aaaand tip it over the edge with physics progress
-Tactical Nuclear Weapons: 25*1.05, 84/250
-Destroyer-Class Ships Construction: 0/450
-Wave Capacitors: 45+16=61*1.05, 65/400
-Spatial Matrix Targeting: 0/450

Hyper-Sensitive Wave Detection Complete: Whenever you explore, explore a second time for free 50% of the time

Pops committed to the front have been cycled out as casualties. There is pressure to commit more anything to aid the war effort
-Returning 1 mil pops... lost 400k from extreme fighting
Gaining 200 experience towards a Military Oriented Order project. Reserving...

Resource generation:
Minerals: 54 + 3.5 + 3d2 (7) = 64.5
Energy: 37 - 1 + 4d2 (7) = 43
Food: 46 + 4.5 = 50.5
Alloys: 7 + 4 - 5 = 6

Exploration Officer Tollan

As the ship exits the jump, sensors are nominal, with the obvious exception of the exotic readings coming off the supermassive singularity in the center of the system gravity well. Things remain ordinary until we close on the singularity to begin examination of it. "Sir, we're picking up faint, organized signals from the opposite side of the singularity. It might just be artifact from the spatial distortion around the event horizon, but..."

You sigh, internally debating the merits of completely ignoring the signal. You were present for most of the other very enlightening and terrifying first contact situations aboard this ship, and you are fully aware it leads a cursed existence. "... Very well. Helm, steer us around to the far side, let's see what's causing this."

About halfway around, the distortion lets you catch a glimpse of a massive construction, at least as large as Dallon herself, with what appears to be a brilliant sun in the center. So awed are yourself and the crew that you do not notice the comparatively microscopic object detach from it until it fires it's main guns at you.

When the impact hit you were flung from the command chair, as were most of the other helm officers. Alarms lit up and sirens blared like a demented festival, and you all but leapt for the communication chair. "Engineering! Get us out of here, now! I don't care if we don't have a goddamn vector on a well, GET US OUT!"

The sudden and extremely turbulent jump saw your head hit a console, and it was several hours before you woke up in medical, with your ship nearly a year from a usable gravity lane.


Commodore Shaltan

As the fleet wraps around the back of the Swarm and makes their first combat jump, you feel the twinge of psychic attention Admiral Solon reported in the core. With no small amount of pride, you welcome the ire of your foe, relaxing your mind just enough to hear his frenzied shouts. Like a child playing at Shol, he cannot help but overcommit his finest pieces, thinking them unstoppable for their more obvious strengths over the pawns that make up every army.

The shift in the enemy forces is very nearly invisible, if you do not know what to look for. But, you have become versed in this game, against this child, and it's recent shift towards protecting the nodeships instead of trying to 'personally' eliminate you does not make them any more hidden from your view. "Comms, connect me to the task force command in the system, and send our target data to the fleet commander. We've found our prey. Weapons, on my mark..."

Fleet commitment: 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 1 Frigate, 4 Corvettes

Overall commitment size: Small (Fleet attached to a main task force... Task Force Delphi, Far Rim Raiding)
Subordinate to... Mercenary Commander Ka'sak'sho

Iterating Meat Grinder in the Core...
Despite the fact that the task force had been expected to take the brunt of the fighting, and prepared with the most reserves, Operation Bloodied Fist is suffering enormous casualties, and has almost been pushed out of the region entirely. They are fighting valiantly, but if the counter-push can bottle them up at the chokepoints at the cross-arm bridges, that will free up a very large fraction of the Swarm's fleets to go elsewhere...
69, 51, 50 v 81, 88, 77

Skirmishing in the Inner Reach...
The planned forward push into the Inner Reach is finished entirely, bar a few difficult pockets of ground-based resistance, and a toe hold established. Thousands of military engineers and workships are pouring into the region to quickly set up the new forward defense bases. Once the first bases come up, a few ships may be able to help with the Outer Reach offensive.
-Admiral Solon has personally stepped in to handle the temporary defensive line in the region.
-Your ground forces, exhausted and scarred, are being pulled out of the Inner Reach, occupation left to the other races. They have gained exceptional experience, and will greatly benefit research into military operations and demands.
72, 99, 56 v 38, 71, 71

Major fighting in the Outer Reach...
The Outer Reach front had all but collapsed without the timely intervention of the the Far Rim task force. Exhausted of reserves and resources, they could do nothing but lose ground to the swarm's counter offensive, until a major pincer attack cut off easy resupply and limited the swarm's mobility. Fighting is harsh, and still not ideal for the task force.
-Your own captains report the presence of the voice in their nightmares here, now. The Swarm's efforts are focused in the Outer Reach, and tacticians and generals are already considering how valuable knowing where the swarm's directed attention is. Your attachment is often in the heaviest, most brutal engagements, and has produced a fine Commodore.
26, 58, 92 v 80, 28, 95

Far Rim Reinforcements...
Having utterly swept aside the rear-line forces across vast parts of the Outer Reach, the Far Rim fleets have been committed to reinforcing the flagging offensive with a pincer attack.
92, 72, 99 v Uncontested fuckups, dumping dice elsewhere


Stockpile: 64.5 Mineral, 43 Energy, 50.5 Food, 6 Alloy
Dice: 4dTech, 1dCulture
Trade: 10/turn (Culture dice)

As the Most Beneficent Chancellor of the Dalfea people, it falls to you to direct the course of the ship of state. Your powers are far-reaching and with few caveats, but there is much to do. The complexities of government, and the slow cogs of state, limit you to TWO actions, or Focuses, this turn. You may also freely assign any unassigned tech or social dice to open projects, or reassign assigned dice.

Current Federal Agenda: Threat Alert
Gellar proposal completed - Next proposal on docket
Threat Containment Initiative (Federal Chairperson Proposing)
-The Psoq'a hives have become increasingly aggressive across the hyperspace lanes leading to Fafna. Xeno analysts are predicting a major offensive by the swarm within the decade, and military experts suggest a preemptive attack. We have no choice. In order to protect the Aldiron Arm and the lives of our sapient races, we must engage in a scorched-earth offensive against the swarm.
-Commit fleets, industry, and manpower to the joint offensive command.

Active Threat special effects:
Worlds will not be upset if their World Amenities needs are not met.
Militarism is becoming more popular.
Xenophilia is becoming less popular.

Use this format to produce your plan:

[] Plan Name
-[] Action 1
-[] Action 2
-[] Project - number of dice
-[] Project - number of dice
-[] 5 Trade/turn - X resources
repeat similar abilities as needed

I feel it needs special note that you can also commit the 10 accumulated trade you have directly.

[] Trade into X Energy/turn
-Divert trade into Energy at 1 to 1.

[] Trade into X Minerals/turn
-Divert trade into Minerals at 1.5 to 1.

[] Trade into X Alloys/turn
-Divert trade into Alloys at 3 to 1.

[] Trade into X Strategic Resources/turn [Exotic Gas, Rare Crystal, Reactive Compound]
-Divert trade into a select resource at 5 to 1.

[] Trade into X Culture/turn
-Divert trade into culture and tourism at 7 to 1dCulture.

[] Trade into X Tech/turn
-Divert trade into scientific cooperation at 7 to 1dTech.

*Incomplete transfers provide fractional returns per turn

[] Colonize Ossina I (Seed population ~50,000, -4 Alloy)
-Colonize the tundra world of Ossina I. It will take several years for the colony to become fully established, and other costs in food, energy, or minerals may arise in that time. This planet is Mineral Poor (-50% final mineral output), and produces: 1*(Pops)+2d2 / 2 Mineral, 0.5*(Pops)+2d2 Energy, 2+0.5*(Pops) Food

[] Develop Favalan System (-1 Alloy, -2 Minerals, 1 Energy upkeep)
-Fill the system with orbital stations that provide a variety of resources and other bonuses (current stage 2 of 4) (stages here can give energy, minerals, flat sapiens trickle, or exotic gasses)

[] Develop Ossina System (-1 Alloy, -2 Minerals, 1 Energy upkeep)
-Fill the system with orbital stations that provide a variety of resources and other bonuses (current stage 1 of 2) (stages here will most likely give large research trickles, with a smaller chance of energy or minerals, or strategic resources)

[] Develop Hetor's Rest System (-1 Alloy, -2 Minerals, 1 Energy upkeep)
-Fill the system with orbital stations that provide a variety of resources and other bonuses (current stage 0 of 2) (One stage is guaranteed to give alloys or strategic resources)

[] Begin raising a Starbase over... (-5 Alloy, -3 Minerals, 4 Energy) - No valid systems at this time

[] Dedicate shipyard space [Select order]
-Begin construction of the ordered ships at a rate of 4 size/turn, and 1 Alloy/size.

[] Sortie [Fleet] to [Notable System OR Exercises] (Cost depends on the fleet)
-Sends the fleet out to reinforce a region, attack a threat, or just perform some fleet exercises and wargames in local space. Exercises can generate experience for officers, Order project progress, and rarely other things.

[] Design new ships (Assign tech dice)
-Focus some research efforts on new ship designs. The quality of the sum total check may enhance some components. Specific design in a subturn.

[] Exploration Program (-4 energy) Ships in the dark
-Explore the Aldiron Arm further, searching for systems of note not yet claimed by the other members of the federation.

[] Promote Growth (-5 food)
-Institute broad price reductions for foodstuffs across the empire, reducing the cost of living significantly, and hopefully raising the birthrate to match

[] Build [Building goes here] on [World]
[] Replace [Building] with [New Building]
[] Upgrade [Building]
-Research complex - Immediate cost: 5 Minerals, upkeep: 2 energy. Grants +1dTech, +1 character cap.
-Industrial Sector - Immediate cost: 5 Minerals, upkeep: 3 minerals. Grants +2 World Amenities, +2 Alloy
-(P)(U)Planetary Government - Immediate cost: 10 Minerals, no upkeep. Grants +1 Character Cap, +1dCulture
-(P)Gene Repair Complex - Immediate cost: 4 Minerals, upkeep: 1 World Amenities. Grants +0.5% base population growth (base 1.5%).
--(P)(U)Rejuvenation Center - Immediate cost: 4 Minerals, +upkeep: 1 Exotic Gas. Grants +1% additional population growth (to 3.0%)

[] Fill [Position goes here]
-Fill an open government position from a random selection of notable figures in the nation.

[] Aid the Offensive (Fleet commitment, Industrial Sector commitment, Population commitment)
-Our best predictions indicate the all-consuming Psoq'a are gearing up for a fresh offensive across the Aldiron-Fafna border region. The federation is requesting significant aid in forming and arming a massive invasion force to slash and burn Psoq'a hiveworlds and disrupt their preparations. Do your part in protecting the galaxy.
All additional commitments are added to current commitments until the war is over.

[] Cultural Subsidies (-3 energy)
-Gain +1dCulture * 0.5 this turn, directed towards the current social project.

[] Research Subsidies (-3 energy)
-Gain +1dTech * 0.5 this turn, directed at a random project from among the current projects and two randomly selected projects you do not possess.

[] Pursue New Avenues [Tech or Culture, choose one]
-Generate a new set of projects of the chosen type, and gain one as an active project. This occurs automatically if there are no active projects.

[] Begin large-scale gene modifications on [Species]
-Focus research effort on a retrovirus that will improve the genetic makeup of a species. Specific design in a subturn.

[] Request Federal Aid with KALVANOX??? - We have more pressing dangers to deal with
-This has become more difficult now that it seems relatively obvious that Kalvanox... doesn't particularly care that you exist. If anything, bringing the dragon up in federal chambers is more likely to end with Dallon being requested to negotiate on behalf of the federation for similar 'deals' with other worlds.

[] Study the Crystal Entity
-Focuses can be spent to add dice to the project.

Current Technological projects:
Crystal Study: 303/1000
Tactical Nuclear Weapons: 84/250
Destroyer-Class Ships Construction: 0/450
Wave Capacitors: 65/400
Spatial Matrix Targeting: 0/450

Current Cultural Projects:
First and favored is the discovery of new sights, new samples, and new places. The galaxy is a massive place, and there is impossible variety if we could only find all of it. -COMPLETE-
We live in a galaxy filled with secrets. Teasing them out is one of the highest scientific pursuits we can commit to.
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@Powerofmind trade should be on culture currently, also is it possible to have the current research topics broken up by category (phyisc, sapiens, etc) so that we can see where our passive bonuses flow to, also is the new starbase on line? If so our trade power should be 7 or 10 depending on if 1 or both modules are online and we should have 0 stockpiled trade at this point

edit- no focus for additional colonization of Hetor's Rest? or for developing the solar system which is shown as 2 tiers

Edit 2
Current thoughts:
[] Aid the Offensive (Fleet commitment, Industrial Sector commitment, Population commitment)
-[ ] Deploy the 4 New Corvettes and 100 Million Soldiers from the Capital (growth rate is 87 mil so we can afford it)

This deploys 100x the number of soldiers we originally sent and sends the 4 corvettes we have built, keeping 2 frigates for local defense.
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Would the military xp count towards developing counter measures for hostile psionics?
Psionic tech is it's own tree.
@Powerofmind trade should be on culture currently, also is it possible to have the current research topics broken up by category (phyisc, sapiens, etc) so that we can see where our passive bonuses flow to, also is the new starbase on line? If so our trade power should be 7 or 10 depending on if 1 or both modules are online and we should have 0 stockpiled trade at this point

edit- no focus for additional colonization of Hetor's Rest? or for developing the solar system which is shown as 2 tiers
Fixed. Will do that in the future (currently, tac nuke/destroyer are materials, capacitors/targeting are physics, and you have no sapien research, the special crystal research can't passive trickle from those three categories). Also fixed a mistake where I didn't give enough materials trickle.

The new starbase is up. Forgot to fix stats of trade.

No focus for Hetor's rest, it doesn't need assistance. Fixed the orbital though.
Psionic tech is it's own tree.

Fixed. Will do that in the future (currently, tac nuke/destroyer are materials, capacitors/targeting are physics, and you have no sapien research, the special crystal research can't passive trickle from those three categories). Also fixed a mistake where I didn't give enough materials trickle.

The new starbase is up. Forgot to fix stats of trade.

No focus for Hetor's rest, it doesn't need assistance. Fixed the orbital though.
Okay, well just have to hope we roll better in future turns to get it up and running. Of note the stockpile is incorrect on the turn but is correct on the info sheet and spoiler for all 4 resources. That Hetor Rest space with a chance for alloy!

[X] Plan Offensive and Hoping for Alloy
-[X] Aid the Offensive (Fleet commitment, Industrial Sector commitment, Population commitment)
--[X] Deploy the 4 New Corvettes and 50 Million Soldiers from the Capital (growth rate is 87 mil so we can afford it)
-[X] Develop Hetor's Rest System (-1 Alloy, -2 Minerals, 1 Energy upkeep)
-[X] 2d Tactical Nuclear Weapons
-[X] 2d Wave Capacitors

Culture Dice: 1 Base, 1 3/7 trade, 2/5 leader -> 2 29/35 dice (2.83)

Reasoning: Avg research dice is 53.025 (50.5*1.05)
Passive: 20 Physics, 25 Material (Sapiens has no valid current research project) and we have a random 45 applied by our genius researcher (all of this multiplied by 1.05)

If passive goes to the tech in the category with the most research done then then we get 26.25 to nuclear which is currently at 84/250->+26.25+106->216 so depending on where that random research goes or if we roll above average (and thanks to our expanded explode range our actual average is higher) we can finish that project this turn, wave capacitors has more research to go but trying to finish off the projects we have progress on. Culture we are adding .98d compared to last turn so that will be a big gain and a good chance to finish the current project.

Hetor's Rest- One stage is guaranteed to give alloys or strategic resources
Either of those seem like good things more alloy income or strat resources is useful.

For the offensive- This deploys 100x the number of soldiers we originally sent and sends the 4 corvettes we have built, keeping 2 frigates for local defense.


edit 2- turned into a vote

edit 3- dropping to 50 mil, i do plan on starting more ships next turn and the turn after sending more soldiers 50 to 75 mil and the fresh ships along with 1 of the frigates still here.
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Okay, well just have to hope we roll better in future turns to get it up and running. Of note the stockpile is incorrect on the turn but is correct on the info sheet and spoiler for all 4 resources. That Hetor Rest space with a chance for alloy!

[X] Plan Offensive and Hoping for Alloy
-[X] Aid the Offensive (Fleet commitment, Industrial Sector commitment, Population commitment)
--[X] Deploy the 4 New Corvettes and 100 Million Soldiers from the Capital (growth rate is 87 mil so we can afford it)
-[X] Develop Hetor's Rest System (-1 Alloy, -2 Minerals, 1 Energy upkeep)
-[X] 2d Tactical Nuclear Weapons
-[X] 2d Wave Capacitors

Culture Dice: 1 Base, 1 3/7 trade, 2/5 leader -> 2 29/35 dice (2.83)

Reasoning: Avg research dice is 53.025 (50.5*1.05)
Passive: 20 Physics, 25 Material (Sapiens has no valid current research project) and we have a random 45 applied by our genius researcher (all of this multiplied by 1.05)

If passive goes to the tech in the category with the most research done then then we get 26.25 to nuclear which is currently at 84/250->+26.25+106->216 so depending on where that random research goes or if we roll above average (and thanks to our expanded explode range our actual average is higher) we can finish that project this turn, wave capacitors has more research to go but trying to finish off the projects we have progress on. Culture we are adding .98d compared to last turn so that will be a big gain and a good chance to finish the current project.

Hetor's Rest- One stage is guaranteed to give alloys or strategic resources
Either of those seem like good things more alloy income or strat resources is useful.

For the offensive- This deploys 100x the number of soldiers we originally sent and sends the 4 corvettes we have built, keeping 2 frigates for local defense.


edit 2- turned into a vote
Okay, I get that by the numbers it is technically possible, but you do realize that you would basically be throwing an entire generation onto the war front right? With said war front giving us massive casualty rates and huge levels of psionically induced madness?

Please don't commit this many of our troops to the front lines.
Okay, I get that by the numbers it is technically possible, but you do realize that you would basically be throwing an entire generation onto the war front right? With said war front giving us massive casualty rates and huge levels of psionically induced madness?

Please don't commit this many of our troops to the front lines.
I could drop it to 50 mil, which is less than our pop growth per turn and then send another 50 mil in 3 turns when we will have more ships up and running (tentative goal is to start ship production again next turn so the turn after we can send a few more ships and the 2nd batch of soldiers) will that work for you?
Please don't commit this many of our troops to the front lines.

This is a galactic war with a galactic threat. If Federation is defeated now, the Dalfea die. If Federation is severely pushed back, Dallon is lost and Dalfea's culture probably dies. If the war is prolonged, more Dalfeans die over its course.

Do you really think that sending less people to fight when they have better chances is a more humane choise when someone has to fight?
I could drop it to 50 mil, which is less than our pop growth per turn and then send another 50 mil in 3 turns when we will have more ships up and running (tentative goal is to start ship production again next turn so the turn after we can send a few more ships and the 2nd batch of soldiers) will that work for you?
That would still be a little steep, but I would be willing to accept that yeah.

This is a galactic war with a galactic threat. If Federation is defeated now, the Dalfea die. If Federation is severely pushed back, Dallon is lost and Dalfea's culture probably dies. If the war is prolonged, more Dalfeans die over its course.

Do you really think that sending less people to fight when they have better chances is a more humane choise when someone has to fight?
Considering that, regardless of our meteoric rise in status, we are a recently uplifted species with the woefully small population numbers to reflect that? I think it would be a good idea to not send an entire generation of Dalfeans to go and die on the front lines yeah. Let those with actual galactic scale economies and populations be the ones to throw the most meat into the grinder.
Let those with actual galactic scale economies and populations be the ones to throw the most meat into the grinder.

In raw numbers they do though. Noone is asking us to commit a billion of people, even though other members have probably commited 10 times as much at least. But the position of "we're small, so we'll do almost nothing" doesn't sit right with me. Especially for no defined reason other than "but what about the generation?!".
That would still be a little steep, but I would be willing to accept that yeah.
Done, the next time though is going to be a min of 50 mil, maybe more depending on the situation (though that will have 3 turns of growth)
In raw numbers they do though. Noone is asking us to commit a billion of people, even though other members have probably commited 10 times as much at least. But the position of "we're small, so we'll do almost nothing" doesn't sit right with me. Especially for no defined reason other than "but what about the generation?!".
I dropped it to 50 mil, which is a bit under our pop growth but still 50x the original batch of soldiers. I do plan on pushing for a new wave of ships to start construction next turn at which point the turn following we can send off another batch of soldiers along with the new ships
In raw numbers they do though. Noone is asking us to commit a billion of people, even though other members have probably commited 10 times as much at least. But the position of "we're small, so we'll do almost nothing" doesn't sit right with me. Especially for no defined reason other than "but what about the generation?!".
Okay, let me try to re-contextualize this for you.

There are currently 2.2 billion people on Dalfea.
2.2 billion divided by 100 million is 22.

That vote is asking for 1 in every 22 people on Dalfea to go on the front lines, with massive casualty rates, as well as massive levels of mental strain and stress. Do we even have that many psionics? Are our people even particularly useful as frontline soldiers beyond their psionic abilities?

Doesn't one in 22 people across the entire planet being sent off to war seem like an absolutely ridiculous number?

This isn't even about doing nothing; it's because of our admiral that we were even able to predict the hive mind in the first place, if you remember.
But the position of "we're small, so we'll do almost nothing" doesn't sit right with me.

But we are only able to do 'almost nothing' because we are just that small.
Especially for no defined reason other than "but what about the generation?!".

You do not see the downsides of throwing away an entire generation, then I would recommend you should research why doing that is potentially disastrous rather than complaining that we don't want to be making Hard Decisions like Hard Men. War is more than just how many bodies you can throw into the meatgrinder.

[X] Plan Reasonable Commitment and Hoping for Alloy
-[X] Aid the Offensive (Fleet commitment, Industrial Sector commitment, Population commitment)
--[X] Deploy the 4 New Corvettes and 10 Million Soldiers from the Capital (growth rate is 87 mil so we can afford it)
-[X] Develop Hetor's Rest System (-1 Alloy, -2 Minerals, 1 Energy upkeep)
-[X] 2d Tactical Nuclear Weapons
-[X] 2d Wave Capacitors

I am only sending 10 Million because that is about 0.5% of our population joining the army aka 1 in 200.
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[X] Plan Reasonable Commitment and Hoping for Alloy

Edit: Sorry @Void Stalker, but 50 mil still seemed a little steep. You can change it back to 100 mil if you wish.
In hindsight 100 mil was probably too steep, 50 mil is a lot but is under pop growth and as mentioned the next time we will have ships to send and thus more soldiers is in three turns so we will have three turns of pop growth for the next batch of soldiers.
Doesn't one in 22 people across the entire planet being sent off to war seem like an absolutely ridiculous number?

In a war for our very surival? No, it doesn't.

then I would recommend you should research why doing that is potentially disastrous rather than complaining that we don't want to be making Hard Decisions like Hard Men

You talk like losing this war is not disastrous. I wonder what you would say if big players of our federation decided that they want to commit less than a generation to this war. After all, if everyone thinks like this then who will do the fighting? The swarm outnumbers us massively.

[X] Plan Offensive and Hoping for Alloy
You talk like losing this war is not disastrous. I wonder what you would say if big players of our federation decided that they want to commit less than a generation to this war. After all, if everyone thinks like this then who will do the fighting? The swarm outnumbers us massively.

Oh hey, you forgot to read the next sentence.
War is more than just how many bodies you can throw into the meatgrinder.
This isn't 40k where you can just send that much of the population into a war and it will work out for you because grimderpness means that you only need to worry about how many bodies you can throw into the battlefield. If the big players of our federation decided to commit less than an entire generation, I wouldn't bat an eye because I have been assuming competence on their part. Heck, they did decide to conscript en entire generation into their ground forces and toss them at the enemy, I would be horrified and begin planning for us losing the war in the next couple of turns.

It is stupid to throw an entire generation into the battlefield because stuff like logistics, morale and economies matter in wars and the QM is clearly going for verisimilitude in this quest. Reality cares for facts not Hard Men making Hard Decisions.
Oh hey, you forgot to read the next sentence.

This isn't 40k where you can just send that much of the population into a war and it will work out for you because grimderpness means that you only need to worry about how many bodies you can throw into the battlefield. If the big players of our federation decided to commit less than an entire generation, I wouldn't bat an eye because I have been assuming competence on their part. Heck, they did decide to conscript en entire generation into their ground forces and toss them at the enemy, I would be horrified and begin planning for us losing the war in the next couple of turns.

It is stupid to throw an entire generation into the battlefield because stuff like logistics, morale and economies matter in wars and the QM is clearly going for verisimilitude in this quest. Reality cares for facts not Hard Men making Hard Decisions.
Though given that our army commitment has only been 1 million that was most likely made up of people already enlisted and from more than one generation, the same with the next batch we send in. And not everyone we send will be on the front lines, some are in supply, some are in headquarters, others are used to occupy planets behind the lines.
Though given that our army commitment has only been 1 million that was most likely made up of people already enlisted and from more than one generation, the same with the next batch we send in. And not everyone we send will be on the front lines, some are in supply, some are in headquarters, others are used to occupy planets behind the lines.

I had already figured as much. My argument against Varder is that sending as much manpower as you can to the frontlines is a horrible way to wage war which is more likely to result in defeat than victory and pointing out that you will have negative population growth from how many people you are conscripting is a valid reason to send less soldiers.

I am actually okay with your plan winning now that it isn't going to harm our economy, but I prefer my own (which is basically yours except for conscripting less people).
You talk like losing this war is not disastrous. I wonder what you would say if big players of our federation decided that they want to commit less than a generation to this war. After all, if everyone thinks like this then who will do the fighting? The swarm outnumbers us massively.
In a war for our very surival? No, it doesn't.

You assume that your strategy will lead to victory.

It won't. First of all, sending additional forces is more likely to weaken our side than to strengthen it. The Hivemind is psionic, and our units can not stand against that psionic might. The more forces we send, the greater a weakness we create within the allied defenses, and the more intel the hivemind has access to.

Overall... The Dalfea that return from the front report terrible sensations, as though they are being constantly watched or observed. Psionically sensitive Dalfea who have returned from the front seem to have spontaneously developed sociopathic tendencies and other violent behaviors, bar a few exceptions for some of the highest-rated in terms of sheer might. In their current state of psychic maturity, the Dalfea are very vulnerable to the Psoq'a psionic gestalt when in proximity, with a few hardy exceptions.

Secondly, the war has not yet started. What were doing now is a pre-emptive strike. The real battle will take a few years yet. By overcommiting our forces now, we ensure that when the enemy truly arrives, we will be defenseless.
After all, remember that we're not fanatic xenophobes or fanatic militarists. Our hat is xenophilia. Taking massive (and pointless or counterproductive) losses in war is going to collapse our government, if not our society.

Edit: On an entirely different note, why research nuclear and shield capacitors? That's not usefull at all, unless we want to create new ship designs. We've only just done that, so I don't see a reason to do it again.
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