Assassins in the GFFA (Star Wars/Assassin's Creed, CK2)

Interlude: Holocron Activation!
'If you allow it, Knight Tano, I must meditate and think about my next move. My Order's true purpose might be different than your own, but at the same time, we might have intersecting goals. I can tell you this, my overall goal is the defeat of Palpatine and his Sith Order before he unlocks..a secret.' Kal tells Ashoka before asking. 'I must ask you something. Do you have a spare room where I can relax? My training was..strenuous, as you can imagine, and I must center myself.'

The young, Togruta Knight replies, 'Of course. I understand. My Master put me through a lot, and he was a Jedi. I can't imagine what Sith training is like...and by the way, drop titles and rank please. You can call me Snips, or just Ashoka. I hate being so..formal.'

'How did you get the nickname 'Snips'?

'It's a long story, but to keep it short, Anakin Skywalker was my Master. He was an amazing Jedi Knight, he is who I aspire to be. He was a bit of a joker, and..gave me that nickname at the end of our first mission together. I called him Skyguy in response..'

'I loved him like a brother. A big brother. I left the Jedi Order for a few years, and he was the only one who stood up for me at the end. I was accused of being part of a plot to destroy the Jedi Temple, and the rest of the Order tried to exile me. Anakin came up with the proof that I was innocent, and stood by me pretty much the whole time..I must redeem myself for leaving my Master when he needed me. He would want me to fight the Empire. We share the same goal, Assassin Kal..'

'Please, just call me..Desmond.'

'If you say so..or should I just call you..Stabby?'


'Nevermind. Go and get some rest. We'll make a pit stop at a refueling station off-the-grid. Go do whatever you need to do."

'If you say so...' and Kal, or Stabby, as per Ashoka, takes his leave and takes the holocron he stashed in his robes.

It takes him four hours to meditate, centering his thoughts on how to unlock it..and it eventually does the trick. It slowly reveals itself, and an elder, human woman, appears in a hologram.

'I am Darth Traya, or simply, Kreia. You must have a powerful mind to unlock tell me, stranger, who are you? What is your truth?'

'I am Kal Cestis. I am an assassin. My code, and that of my Order, is simple. I am an Assassin. We work in the dark to serve the Light. Nothing is True. Everything is permitted.'

'Interesting..and I can tell you wield the Force as well, but you have just begun. Tell me, young one, are you Jedi or Sith?'

'If this makes any sense, I am neither. I am an Assassin, as I already told you. I probably lean more towards the light than dark, but I am willing to use both to complete my mission.'

'And what would that be.'

'All I will reveal is that there is a Sith Lord controlling the entire galaxy. He is in search of an artifact..that could enslave the lives of hundreds of trillions, if not more. That is all I will say for now.'

Traya responds...'That is a grave threat indeed, young one...and I find your order's..code to be similar to my own. If you wish, I can guide you..but if you do accept this bargain, I expect you to take to my teachings. Do you accept?'

'For now..I do.'

You have unlocked your Holocron. The Roll was 102, so you have gained an extremely useful teacher..but be wary of her teachings. Darth Traya can now be utilized as an advisor for Martial, Lore, and Learning.
Mission 2: Tython, Part 1

So, after much internal debate in his own head, Kal decides on the planet Tython, located in the Deep Core of the Galaxy, even deeper than Imperial Center, as it's being called now.

'Ashoka, I figured it out. We're going to Tython. It might be of use to you if you're trying to rebuild your own Order..and may be of use to The Order Of Assassins I am the only one of my kind, and by default, the Grandmaster. I'm starting from..scratch, basically.'

Ashoka immediately beams in her face. She's smiling. 'That's a great idea, stabby. My Master told me of his own research in the Jedi Archives in our old temple. There was once a Jedi Academy there, during the first Galactic Civil War between the Sith Empire and The Republic. Let's do it.'

And so, the Crystal Blade desends on an old landing platform for the Jedi Academy there. Tents are set up right outside the steps, and Kal and Ashoka agree to take turns watching the Younglings. You two found a few ancient security droids (four), and Ashoka activates them.

Ashoka has also agreed to..informally train you in the ways of the Jedi Knights. You will be able to choose a new Lightsaber form that she knows. You have a few ideas of your own that can help you get a start.

First off, do you party people even want Lightsaber forms at all as a mechanic in this quest?

[x] Yes
[x] No

If so, Ashoka is proficient in Shien and Jar'kai, forms 4 and a variant of form 6, on top of Shii-cho, which she is now considered an expert on. For those who don't know, Shii-Cho is form 1, the basic form that all Jedi Initiates and Padawans are expected to know. It's good as a starting basis for learning later forms. Form 6 is Niman, using dual single-bladed Lightsabers. Form 5, Shien, is a good all-around Form, good for both offense and defense, deflecting blaster bolts, good with taking on opponents with lightsabers, everything.

If the vote above is yes, choose your new form.
[x] Further training in Shii-Cho (will give you bonuses to other forms you choose later on).
[x] Unlock access to form 4, Ataro.
[x] Unlock access to form 6, Niman/Jar'kai.

Over the course of the next year (you'll spend 6 turns here, in two-month intervals) you can choose 5 different..tasks, or mini-missions:

[x] Find a ship and droids to repair said ship, as well as fining spare parts and fuel to get it running.

[x] Explore the wilderness, including searching for items, weapons and artifacts.

[x] Learning study for the purpose of blueprints and reverse-engineering (lightsabers, droids, basically anything you want) +5 Learning.

[x] Martial training with Ashoka. She was promoted by Master Kenobi to the rank of Jedi Knight at 19, but she's an accomplished duelist in her own right, and knows some Martial Arts as well. +5 Martial.

[x] Holocron research with Darth Traya. She has much to teach you in the ways of the Force, her own thoughts and ways of thinking, martial skills, pretty much everything you can think of to give you a better grounding in the GFFA. +8 to all basic points, distribute as you wish.

[x] Intrigue training with Darth Traya. She was, in her time, a master in the art of manipulation, almost as good as the current Dark Lord of the Sith, whatever the kriff his true name is. +5 to intrigue.

[x] Stewardship training with Ashoka. She, in the course of the few years that passed before she rejoined the Jedi Order, learned to husband her meager resources to survive..and survive, she did. She can teach you how to do more with less in this galaxy. +5 Stewardship.

[x] Explore the ancient Jed'aii Temple. This Order was the predecessor to the Jedi Order, which may unlock secrets that you may use for build your own Order.

[x] Write-in 1 (use any resource you can think of from Tython. Show me a wiki link from anything)

[x] Write-in 2 (use any resource you can think of from Tython. Show me a wiki link from anything)

I'm doing a write-up for Ashoka's stats next, and then you'll have until tomorrow to vote, probably around 12pm Eastern Standard Time.


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Well, considering in the past I've done MANY episodes on Tython?

I've also written approximately half the book on lightsaber forms (enough to know Jar'kai is the Niman variant involved in the use of dual sabers and Niman itself is more about the integration of powers with bladework).

I may have a few ideas of places for them to go. Stuff Desmond might be interested in reactivating or repurposing, because this planet should become Desmond's home base and could in theory be the place he explores to the point he knows it backwards and forwards.

If you'd like, I could go into a full essay for why.
Notable Allies

Notable Ally: Ashoka Tano: Jedi Sentinel

Martial: 44+2+4+2=52
: 22+4+2=28
: 36+4+2=42
: 32+4+2=40


Jedi Sentinel:
+2 to all stats. An additonal +2 in Intrigue, Martial and Lore.

Jedi Knight: Ashoka, or 'Snips', is now a true Jedi Knight, promoted by Obi-wan himself just last year. She will be crucial to her own Order, and the fate of the Galaxy, and she knows it. She is a true servant of the Light, connected to both the Living and Unifying force, as all Jedi Knights are intended to be. +4 to all basic stats.

Resource Husbandry:
She has learned to survive on her own in her few years in self-exile before rejoining the Jedi. +5 to Stewardship.

Practitioner: Niman:
Ashoka has learned Niman, form 6, to a pretty good level. She has used her youth and athleticism to her advantage. +4 Martial.

Practioner: Ataro:
Ashoka knows Ataro as well, form 4. Again, this is a form where she can use her stamina and athleticism. +4 Martial.

Clone Wars Veteran:
She fought alongside her Master, Anakin Skywalker, and learned from him while deployed on dozens of campaigns during the Clone Wars, and as a result, improved her knowledge in pretty much everything relevant to commanding forces in combat. +2 to all skills, +4 to Martial while commanding a small army or special forces.

Notable Ally: Revan, Master Force Adept

Martial: 50+8+4+6+8=76
Diplomacy: 40+4+6=50 (60 with Mandos)
Intrigue: 40+8+4+6+8=66
Stewardship: 60+4+6=70
Lore: 60+8+4+6+8+6=92
Learning: 30+4+6+6=46

Dark Lord of the Sith:
Once upon a time, Revan was a powerful Sith Lord, using the Dark Side of the Force and marshaling a huge army and navy to save the Republic from itself. He learned many different Sith Techniques, mostly self-learned. +6 to Martial, +8 to Lore, +6 to Intrigue.

Galactic Civil War Commander:
He fought on both sides of the first Galactic Civil War, both for the Republic and Sith Empire. This required him to learn some of everything. +6 to all basic stats.

Jedi Knight:
He was both Sith Lord and Jedi Knight, and while he is simply a servant of the Force now, not aligned with either side, he still retains his knowledge during training at the Jedi Academy on Dantooine. +4 to all basic stats.

Mandalorian Reverence:
Mandalorians respect strength, and Revan earned himself quite a bit of respect by defeating Mandalore the Ultimate. +10 to diplomacy rolls while dealing with Mandalorians.

Battle Meditation:
His wife, Bastila Shan, taught him the basics of Battle Meditation after the end of the 1st Galactic Civil War. He's not adept enough at it to influence entire fleets or armies, but he can use it enough for small starfighter squadrons or squads of troops. +4 Martial during small space or ground engagements.

Revan, at the time of his training, was considered to be one of the most promising Force users ever in terms of potential, and that hasn't changed one bit. +8 to Martial and Lore.

Kreia's Apprentice:
While Revan had multiple Masters, Kreia is the one who made the biggest impression on him. She taught him some..forbidden techniques that made him stronger. +6 to Lore, +8 to Intrigue, +6 to Learning.
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Well, considering in the past I've done MANY episodes on Tython?

I've also written approximately half the book on lightsaber forms (enough to know Jar'kai is the Niman variant involved in the use of dual sabers and Niman itself is more about the integration of powers with bladework).

I may have a few ideas of places for them to go. Stuff Desmond might be interested in reactivating or repurposing, because this planet should become Desmond's home base and could in theory be the place he explores to the point he knows it backwards and forwards.

If you'd like, I could go into a full essay for why.

If you choose to stay allied to the Jedi Order, it could be the home base for both Jedi and Assassins.

Also, look at Ashoka's stats. That's just the stats you're looking at to be a young Jedi Knight. Power levels are going to be crazy in this quest.
Well, considering in the past I've done MANY episodes on Tython?

I've also written approximately half the book on lightsaber forms (enough to know Jar'kai is the Niman variant involved in the use of dual sabers and Niman itself is more about the integration of powers with bladework).

I may have a few ideas of places for them to go. Stuff Desmond might be interested in reactivating or repurposing, because this planet should become Desmond's home base and could in theory be the place he explores to the point he knows it backwards and forwards.

If you'd like, I could go into a full essay for why.

Alright, so I'll switch it to Jar'kai for Ashoka. You're right.
[X] Yes

[X] Further training in Shii-Cho (will give you bonuses to other forms you choose later on).

[X] Learning study for the purpose of blueprints and reverse-engineering (lightsabers, droids, basically anything you want) +5 Learning.

[X] Martial training with Ashoka. She was promoted by Master Kenobi to the rank of Jedi Knight at 19, but she's an accomplished duelist in her own right, and knows some Martial Arts as well. +5 Martial.

[X] Holocron research with Darth Traya. She has much to teach you in the ways of the Force, her own thoughts and ways of thinking, martial skills, pretty much everything you can think of to give you a better grounding in the GFFA. +8 to all basic points, distribute as you wish.

[X] Stewardship training with Ashoka. She, in the course of the few years that passed before she rejoined the Jedi Order, learned to husband her meager resources to survive..and survive, she did. She can teach you how to do more with less in this galaxy. +5 Stewardship.

[X] Explore the ancient Jed'aii Temple. This Order was the predecessor to the Jedi Order, which may unlock secrets that you may use for build your own Order.
[X] Yes

[X] Further training in Shii-Cho (will give you bonuses to other forms you choose later on).

[X] Learning study for the purpose of blueprints and reverse-engineering (lightsabers, droids, basically anything you want) +5 Learning.

[X] Martial training with Ashoka. She was promoted by Master Kenobi to the rank of Jedi Knight at 19, but she's an accomplished duelist in her own right, and knows some Martial Arts as well. +5 Martial.

[X] Holocron research with Darth Traya. She has much to teach you in the ways of the Force, her own thoughts and ways of thinking, martial skills, pretty much everything you can think of to give you a better grounding in the GFFA. +8 to all basic points, distribute as you wish.

[X] Stewardship training with Ashoka. She, in the course of the few years that passed before she rejoined the Jedi Order, learned to husband her meager resources to survive..and survive, she did. She can teach you how to do more with less in this galaxy. +5 Stewardship.

[X] Explore the ancient Jed'aii Temple. This Order was the predecessor to the Jedi Order, which may unlock secrets that you may use for build your own Order.
Also I think it's a typo that happened but form IV is Ataru. I will work on my plan and what it contains. It will likely have at least one custom place, possibly 2.
1) Belia Darzu's Fortress.
->Features: ~1000 year old ship. Mecha-zombies. At least 5 lightsabers, including at least one double-bladed lightsaber.
2) NINE ancient Je'daii temples
-> Features: Balance, Science, Arts, Healing, Knowledge, Martial, Force, Crafting, School-for-small-ones.

You want Order-Building, this is definitely the place to do it. If I have to pick one of these temples? Kaleth. Built over a Force Nexus and just about screams "HEY LOOK AT ME THERE IS SOMETHING GOING ON HERE".

So. Plan.

[X] Plan Desmontana Jones
-[X] Learning study for the purpose of blueprints and reverse-engineering (lightsabers, droids, basically anything you want) +5 Learning.
-[X] Martial training with Ashoka. She was promoted by Master Kenobi to the rank of Jedi Knight at 19, but she's an accomplished duelist in her own right, and knows some Martial Arts as well. +5 Martial.
-[X] Holocron research with Darth Traya. She has much to teach you in the ways of the Force, her own thoughts and ways of thinking, martial skills, pretty much everything you can think of to give you a better grounding in the GFFA. +8 to all basic points, distribute as you wish.
--[X] +2 Martial, +2 Learning, +2 Intrigue, +2 Lore
-[X] Explore Belia Darzu's Fortress
-[X] Explore ancient Je'daii temples (as many as possible, and I'd imagine that each would have references and maps to the others)

For the +8 points? +2 Martial (getting us to 25), +2 Learning (getting us to 25), +2 Intrigue (getting us to 25), +2 Lore (never enough Lore. The path to becoming a being of pure ridiculous bullshit power is through Lore.)

Martial and Learning because Martial plays into express QM bias and Learning because Desmond doesn't know just how crazy the tech can be. They also have stuff at 25 and these are the fast way to do that.

Darzu's Fortress has a ridiculous amount of stuff, all of it silly useful to us.
[X] Yes

[X] Further training in Shii-Cho (will give you bonuses to other forms you choose later on).

[X] Learning study for the purpose of blueprints and reverse-engineering (lightsabers, droids, basically anything you want) +5 Learning.

[X] Martial training with Ashoka. She was promoted by Master Kenobi to the rank of Jedi Knight at 19, but she's an accomplished duelist in her own right, and knows some Martial Arts as well. +5 Martial.

[X] Holocron research with Darth Traya. She has much to teach you in the ways of the Force, her own thoughts and ways of thinking, martial skills, pretty much everything you can think of to give you a better grounding in the GFFA. +8 to all basic points, distribute as you wish.

[X] Stewardship training with Ashoka. She, in the course of the few years that passed before she rejoined the Jedi Order, learned to husband her meager resources to survive..and survive, she did. She can teach you how to do more with less in this galaxy. +5 Stewardship.

[X] Explore the ancient Jed'aii Temple. This Order was the predecessor to the Jedi Order, which may unlock secrets that you may use for build your own Order.
GM Annunouncement/Mistake
Everyone that's put stuff into their own plans so far, your cap is now 35 for basic stats. This year is 16 BBY (Which I'll add into the start of the Tython mission.) Starting 15 BBY, you'll be capped at 7 per year increase for every point per stat, per year, excluding traits.

@Barondoctor, @radioxaxa @Tensiv @john fox if you want to do so, change your plans accordingly.
I just feel the need to point something out here and how insane this quest could potentially be.

Your current Master, Darth Traya, had the end-goal of killing the Force as of KOTOR 2.

Your opponent, Darth Sidious, wants to enslave the galaxy to his will, using the Apple Of Eden.

To defeat Sidious, you must wield the Force, the one thing more than anything else Traya hates.'s gonna be like that.
They are two very powerful individuals who very much hate what the other stands for.

Then there's us in the middle. Hoping to be able to learn enough from Kreia to be able to stop Palpatine but not fall under her sway so much to do her bidding. Hoping to be able to stop Palpatine without losing our will in the process.

We win by being smarter, not more powerful. Being more powerful than any of them isn't exactly going to be in the cards for us for a long while yet.
[X] Yes

[X] Further training in Shii-Cho (will give you bonuses to other forms you choose later on).

[X] Learning study for the purpose of blueprints and reverse-engineering (lightsabers, droids, basically anything you want) +5 Learning.

[X] Martial training with Ashoka. She was promoted by Master Kenobi to the rank of Jedi Knight at 19, but she's an accomplished duelist in her own right, and knows some Martial Arts as well. +5 Martial.

[X] Holocron research with Darth Traya. She has much to teach you in the ways of the Force, her own thoughts and ways of thinking, martial skills, pretty much everything you can think of to give you a better grounding in the GFFA. +8 to intrigue

[X] Stewardship training with Ashoka. She, in the course of the few years that passed before she rejoined the Jedi Order, learned to husband her meager resources to survive..and survive, she did. She can teach you how to do more with less in this galaxy. +5 Stewardship.

[X] Explore the ancient Jed'aii Temple. This Order was the predecessor to the Jedi Order, which may unlock secrets that you may use for build your own Order.
[X] Plan Desmontana Jones
-[X] Learning study for the purpose of blueprints and reverse-engineering (lightsabers, droids, basically anything you want) +5 Learning.
-[X] Martial training with Ashoka. She was promoted by Master Kenobi to the rank of Jedi Knight at 19, but she's an accomplished duelist in her own right, and knows some Martial Arts as well. +5 Martial.
-[X] Holocron research with Darth Traya. She has much to teach you in the ways of the Force, her own thoughts and ways of thinking, martial skills, pretty much everything you can think of to give you a better grounding in the GFFA. +8 to all basic points, distribute as you wish.
-[X] Explore Belia Darzu's Fortress
-[X] Explore ancient Je'daii temples (as many as possible, and I'd imagine that each would have references and maps to the others)

This is the winning vote, all you party people need to do is figure out point distribution on Traya's training sessions. If there's no re-vote, I'll go with @Barondoctor and said poster's vote, and we go through the Tython missions. You have two hours.
[X] Plan Desmontana Jones
-[X] Learning study for the purpose of blueprints and reverse-engineering (lightsabers, droids, basically anything you want) +5 Learning.
-[X] Martial training with Ashoka. She was promoted by Master Kenobi to the rank of Jedi Knight at 19, but she's an accomplished duelist in her own right, and knows some Martial Arts as well. +5 Martial.
-[X] Holocron research with Darth Traya. She has much to teach you in the ways of the Force, her own thoughts and ways of thinking, martial skills, pretty much everything you can think of to give you a better grounding in the GFFA. +8 to all basic points, distribute as you wish.
-[X] Explore Belia Darzu's Fortress
-[X] Explore ancient Je'daii temples (as many as possible, and I'd imagine that each would have references and maps to the others)

This is the winning vote, all you party people need to do is figure out point distribution on Traya's training sessions. If there's no re-vote, I'll go with @Barondoctor and said poster's vote, and we go through the Tython missions. You have two hours.
Are you sure it won? Try checking Mission 2: Tython, Part 1 rather than gm mistake.
Inserted tally

@Mostlyblue, there's the tally. Your vote was pretty much the same, you were just outvoted on Traya's point distribution.
Adhoc vote count started by ComradeDoge on Jan 22, 2020 at 10:47 AM, finished with 17 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Yes
    [X] Further training in Shii-Cho (will give you bonuses to other forms you choose later on).
    [X] Learning study for the purpose of blueprints and reverse-engineering (lightsabers, droids, basically anything you want) +5 Learning.
    [X] Martial training with Ashoka. She was promoted by Master Kenobi to the rank of Jedi Knight at 19, but she's an accomplished duelist in her own right, and knows some Martial Arts as well. +5 Martial.
    [X] Stewardship training with Ashoka. She, in the course of the few years that passed before she rejoined the Jedi Order, learned to husband her meager resources to survive..and survive, she did. She can teach you how to do more with less in this galaxy. +5 Stewardship.
    [X] Explore the ancient Jed'aii Temple. This Order was the predecessor to the Jedi Order, which may unlock secrets that you may use for build your own Order.
    [X] Holocron research with Darth Traya. She has much to teach you in the ways of the Force, her own thoughts and ways of thinking, martial skills, pretty much everything you can think of to give you a better grounding in the GFFA. +8 to all basic points, distribute as you wish.
    [X] Plan Desmontana Jones
    -[X] Learning study for the purpose of blueprints and reverse-engineering (lightsabers, droids, basically anything you want) +5 Learning.
    -[X] Martial training with Ashoka. She was promoted by Master Kenobi to the rank of Jedi Knight at 19, but she's an accomplished duelist in her own right, and knows some Martial Arts as well. +5 Martial.
    -[X] Holocron research with Darth Traya. She has much to teach you in the ways of the Force, her own thoughts and ways of thinking, martial skills, pretty much everything you can think of to give you a better grounding in the GFFA. +8 to all basic points, distribute as you wish.
    --[X] +2 Martial, +2 Learning, +2 Intrigue, +2 Lore
    -[X] Explore Belia Darzu's Fortress
    -[X] Explore ancient Je'daii temples (as many as possible, and I'd imagine that each would have references and maps to the others)
    [X] Holocron research with Darth Traya. She has much to teach you in the ways of the Force, her own thoughts and ways of thinking, martial skills, pretty much everything you can think of to give you a better grounding in the GFFA. +8 to intrigue
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Mission 2: Tython, Part 2
Tython, 16 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin)

To give the Younglings a chance to start their training on the fly, small groups of them are being allowed by Ashoka along with two secruity fight these 'Gnarl' creatures, with nothing but their lightsabers. The droids are for Overwatch, to make sure the younglings are safe, and they are starting to progress themselves.

While Ashoka is exploring the old Jedi Academy, you have chosen to explore Belia Darzu's Fortress. Traya spoke of her as a Shapeshifter-turned-Sith Lord who was fairly powerful in her own right during her lifetime. 'How does she even know of her?' Kal asks to himself. 'She was kriffing alive almost 3,000 years after her own time!?!?' His Master is more powerful than she lets on. 'Maybe she has access to the Holonet, or whatever the crap the internet is in this galaxy..' Desmond thinks to himself in the Animus. He presses on..and finds something.

Going forth requires an Intrigue roll. I have four items in mind, DC is 40/60/80/100 for rolls, including your Intrigue modifier. First one gets it.
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Martial: 12+4+2+2+5=25
Diplomacy: 20+2+2=24
Stewardship: 16+3+6+3+2+5=35
Intrigue: 20+3+2=25
Lore: 14+1+10+2+2=29
Learning: 16+2+2+5=25

These are Kal's current stats, just updated them before I started Tython: Part 2. Check Desmond's sheet in the threadmarks.
Another note: I added a few 5-6 minute videos for those not familiar with Assassin's Creed about the game franchise, and the Order Of Assassins and what they stand for. It's actually an interesting mix of some Christian/Muslim themes, even if you aren't of either faith.

It's under State Of The Order Of Assassins.
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DC 40 intrigue with a +25 to the roll. Let's go.

EDIT: BOOYAH! Think that's like 117 or so?
Barondoctor threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Intrigue Total: 92
92 92
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