Assassins in the GFFA (Star Wars/Assassin's Creed, CK2)

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You control Desmond Miles of the Order Of Assassins, only this time, in the Galaxy Far, Far Away. This particular sandbox has one goal: Getting The Apple Of Eden before Palpatine does, or defeating him before he unlocks it's secrets before bending the galaxy completely to his will.
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Chargin and backstory


Shadow Cabal Canine Revolutionary
At your local SPCA

You, the playerbase as a collective, control Desmond Miles. The Apple Of Eden, through a rift in time and space.. has been transported to somewhere in the Star Wars Galaxy..and Palpatine himself has noticed the Force Presence it has created surrounding itself. He doesn't know where it is..yet, but you can be sure that he will dispatch his agents and minions of the newly formed Galactic Empire. Desmond has once again been prompted to enter the Animus for the objective of building the Order Of Assassins in a completely different timeline..only this time, an alternate timeline in a completely different galaxy.

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Character Sheet (Desmond/Kal Cestis)

Desmond Miles

"I hate that this..mission, whatever you want to call it, is all on me, but I have to do it. I am an Assassin. I work in the dark to serve the light. Nothing is true, everything is permitted. That is the creed of my order, and I will do whatever it takes to ensure that this galaxy is not enslaved."


Martial: 12+4+2+2+5+2=27
Diplomacy: 20+2+2+2=26
Stewardship: 16+3+6+3+2+5+2=37
Intrigue: 20+3+2+2=27
Lore: 14+1+10+2+2+4=33
Learning: 16+2+2+5+2=27


Investigation: Desmond has, through different timelines in the Animus, acquired a knack for infiltrating various buildings and compounds in order to strike at his target. +3 to Intrigue and +1 to Learning.

Order-building: Desmond has developed the ability, through fighting the Templar in different timelines, to build the Order Of Assassins in a much more efficient manner over time. +3 to Stewardship and +1 to Learning.

Mustafar Blackguard Training: Kal, through Desmond, has survived his two years of training at the Blackguard's small Academy within the Volcanoes of Mustafar. As such, he gained +4 Martial, +6 Stewardship and +10 Lore.

Marshaling Forces: Kal has been reading the stories of Revan, and how he almost conquered the Republic, of how he tried to leave certain infrastructure intact before he was stopped by his lover, Bastila Shan, before his true war began..fighting the Sith Empire. While he personally failed, it does give insight to marshaling manpower and resources. +3 Stewardship, +2 Diplomacy, gain the ability to recruit and build bases and knowledge of off-the chart systems.

You have saved 12 Force-Sensitive children from misery and doom. You have gained yourself an ally in a powerful Jedi Knight, who will spread your exploits to other Jedi survivors throughout the galaxy. The Force has smiled upon you. You have done well. +2 Diplomacy, +2 Lore, +2 Martial.

Revan's Mentee:
Kal is currently the informal apprentice of Revan, both a powerful Jedi Knight, Sith Lord, and one of the most powerful practitioners of the Force in History. +2 to all stats, +4 to Lore.


The Holocron of Darth Traya:
She, during her time, was an extremely powerful Force-wielder, who was both Jedi Master and Sith Lord..and found both orders..wanting. She is your primary master, advisor, and trainer as of the beginning of this quest.
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State of the Order Of Assassins

This is a quick-and-dirty video of what Assassin's Creed is about, if you're not familiar with the Franchise.

Another quick-and-dirty video of the Order Of Assassins, the Order Desmond is trying to rebuild in the GFFA.

Edit: The first video is NSFW, but it's just a few seconds any cuss/sware words are used. NSFW = Not Safe For Work.

Members: 1

Bases: 1 (Jointly shared with Jedi Order)

Resources: 0

Credits: 0

Notable Members: Kal Cestis

Notable Allies: Ashoka Tano, Jedi Order
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Information from the GM
A few things, to keep this near the top and some information that will help you from the jump:

  1. While your overall goal is to keep the Apple Of Eden out of Palpy's hands, or defeat him before he unlocks it's secrets and enslaves the galaxy to his will, you can choose to either assist in the formation of the Rebel Alliance or ignore them completely. You may even have to fight them in order to keep them ignorant of your true objective. You can even choose to infiltrate the Empire itself..but that may be very dangerous depending on your skills.
  2. You will, in fact, be considered Force Sensitive. This may effect your starting points and trait selection.
  3. Events will begin 18 years before The Battle Of Yavin. This is right after the Events of Revenge of the Sith, but some things will be different to throw off metagaming.
Now, go. Choose your starting points and traits.
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[X] Plan Assassining

Martial: 20
Diplomacy: 12
Stewardship: 16
Intrigue: 20
Lore: 14
Learning: 16

-[X] Investigation: Desmond has, through different timelines in the Animus, acquired a knack for infiltrating various buildings and compounds in order to strike at his target. +3 to Intrigue and +1 to Learning.

-[X] Order-building: Desmond has developed the ability, through fighting the Templar in different timelines, to build the Order Of Assassins in a much more efficient manner over time. +3 to Stewardship and +1 to Learning.
[X] Plan: Nothing is True

Martial: 12
Diplomacy: 20
Stewardship: 16
Intrigue: 20
Lore: 14
Learning: 16

-[X] Investigation: Desmond has, through different timelines in the Animus, acquired a knack for infiltrating various buildings and compounds in order to strike at his target. +3 to Intrigue and +1 to Learning.

-[X] Order-building: Desmond has developed the ability, through fighting the Templar in different timelines, to build the Order Of Assassins in a much more efficient manner over time. +3 to Stewardship and +1 to Learning.
[X] Plan: Nothing is True

Desmond Death is one of the resion i stoped play AC, but i loved the saga so here i am!
I'm gonna try to get some sleep, I'll call the vote whenever I wake up. I'll try to be up around noon, EST (that's US East Coast).
Now, for the character Desmond controls., and starting planet. Keep in mind certain characters may or may not be where they were in the Movies. I switched some things up to prevent blatant metagaming.

Part 1, choose:

[x] Teenager. Fairly low starting stats, but can develop faster throughout the overlapping arc of the campaign, or quest. You will be given a Holocron to start training.
[x] Young Adult. Your character is close to the level of a Jedi Knight or Sith Acolyte. You don't have much to do to complete those trials, should you happen to stumble across a master. No Holocron is available, which might stunt your development.
[x] Middle-Aged Adult. You're a Knight or an Acolyte, basically, if the Jedi or Sith path is your choice, should you find said options during your missions. Development will be slow.

Part 2, choose:

[x] Named Character.
[x] Originial Character.

Starting planet, choose:

[x] Tython.
[x] Korriban.
[x] Mustafar.
[x] Tattooine.
[x] -Players choice (define exactly where)
[x] Teenager. Fairly low starting stats, but can develop faster throughout the overlapping arc of the campaign, or quest. You will be given a Holocron to start training.

[X] Original character: Altaire Asassinson

[x] Tattooine.
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@radioxaxa you may as well have named your character Murder McMurder DeSlaughter :V

That's not what I meant. I'll clarify:

Named character means a character that already exists in-universe. Originial character means it's custom-made.
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...I can already tell this quest is going to off the rails. This gun b fun.
[x] Young Adult. Your character is close to the level of a Jedi Knight or Sith Acolyte. You don't have much to do to complete those trials, should you happen to stumble across a master. No Holocron is available, which might stunt your development.
[x] Named Character cal kestis
[x] -Players choice bogano
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[x] Teenager. Fairly low starting stats, but can develop faster throughout the overlapping arc of the campaign, or quest. You will be given a Holocron to start training.

[X] Original character: Kal Kestis

[x] Mustafar

Let's be a lava gremlin!
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[x] Young Adult. Your character is close to the level of a Jedi Knight or Sith Acolyte. You don't have much to do to complete those trials, should you happen to stumble across a master. No Holocron is available, which might stunt your development.

[x] Originial Character.

[x] Mustafar.
[x] Teenager.
[x] Originial Character.
[x] Mustafar

Let's see where this goes. I mean, the quest I'm running (see my sig) isn't much saner.
"So my uncle is a ship. My big brother is a droid. My cousin came back from the dead because a bunch of lizard-men pushed the life force of the planet into his brain."
The Assassins.
The wisdom of our creed is revealed through these words. We work in the dark to serve the light. We are assassins. Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

This is the Creed of the Order Of Assassins, which may or may not be interpreted as a complete paradox if your character revealed this to say, a Jedi Master or Sith Lord. What this means to you as a playerbase? That's up to you. What I will tell you is this:

With a Force-Sensitive Assassin, you have to walk a very tight rope to stay in the light. While using the Darkside is, of course, permitted as the Creed says, don't allow yourself to fall too much..or your character will start randomly go on killing sprees and the like and you'll end up highlighting yourself, and it's pretty much game over at that point.

You have a tight rope to walk. Keep that in mind as the game progresses.

References to Assassin's Creed, if you don't know the franchise:

The Assassin Brotherhood, also known as the Assassin Order, the Hidden Ones during its early years and the Hashashin during the Crusades, is an organized order of assassins and sworn enemies of the Templar Order, against whom they fought a continuous, recondite war throughout the entirety of recorded human history.

Long before mankind existed, the Isu, a civilization of technologically advanced beings inhabited Earth. They created humanity, and enslaved them by modifying their brains to be obedient in the presence of a Piece of Eden. For some time there was a forced peace, until two Human/Isu hybrids, Adam and Eve, stole one of the Pieces, an Apple,[14] and incited the Human-Isu War.[4]
As all were too preoccupied by the war to see any other threat, a major solar flare impacted the Earth, and significantly damaged both mankind and their makers. The Isu slowly became extinct, while mankind grew and populated the Earth, seeing their predecessors as myths and gods.

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Closing chargin-2 at 3pm Eastern Standard Time. Then we move to the beginning mission.