Dethroning The Old Death (A Riot Quest)(ALWAYS RECRUITING)

When your God fully forms, how should I determine their actions?

  • NPC Ally

    Votes: 28 65.1%
  • Quest Protagonist (players vote on deity's actions in addition to Riot Actions)

    Votes: 15 34.9%

  • Total voters
Seeing as 25 units of currency came from an epic success we can presume its a Decent amount, especially for one administration action.

Defensive structures and infrastructure is an administration thing.

Maybe a good idea is to set up hospital-churches? This would give both Some good will and Maybe Some income.
But most importantly, it Lets us check to make sure bo one is sneaking in Some cheeky death plagues.

We have some admin players, we can ask them about it.

Wow, this thread blew up while I was asleep.
What is 1 unit of currency equal to?

This round I'm trying my hand at creating an Augury ritual,hopefully that can be the first step to more advanced divination.

Good, thats an excellent start, it sounds like as a group we are leaning towards, walls/towers and scrying to find who is doing the kidnapping or where the kidnapped are going.

We may need an information network as well, get our spies on that so we know when someone is kidnapped fast enough to scy their location.

Which still leaves us needing a team to go do the rescue, we have a few mages but I really think some NPC "guards" would be a good idea to fill out the ranks some (They can respond without us spending an action , which would be to late). We are in a town filled with skilled black smiths, arms and armor should be cheap.
Seeing as 25 units of currency came from an epic success we can presume its a Decent amount, especially for one administration action.

Defensive structures and infrastructure is an administration thing.

Maybe a good idea is to set up hospital-churches? This would give both Some good will and Maybe Some income.
But most importantly, it Lets us check to make sure bo one is sneaking in Some cheeky death plagues.
According to the update it's "...easily enough to finance the construction of a basic temple and a set of holy paraphernalia." So a definitely a good amount. We should probably either make said temple or use the money to fund the lantern festival into something big.
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According to the update it's "...easily enough to finance the construction of a basic temple and a set of holy paraphernalia." So a definitely a good amount. We should probably either make said temple or use the money to fund the lantern festival into something big.
I'd go for the temple first, then the lantern festival as a 'we did it, construction complete' celebration to further cement us in the town and to have a holiday that could help us spread and gather belief. Just look at Samhain/All Hallows Eve and how that exploded from Ireland to most of Western culture.
I'd go for the temple first, then the lantern festival as a 'we did it, construction complete' celebration to further cement us in the town and to have a holiday that could help us spread and gather belief. Just look at Samhain/All Hallows Eve and how that exploded from Ireland to most of Western culture.

I'm really thowing my hat into the ring, a wall to (help) stop the kidnappings, if we want the peoples faith we should earn it with action rather than simply singing out own praises.
I'm really thowing my hat into the ring, a wall to (help) stop the kidnappings, if we want the peoples faith we should earn it with action rather than simply singing out own praises.
Fair, I was just stating what I'd choose to do first between 'Temple vs Festival'
Something I will note: the locals know how to make hot air balloon lanterns.
This gives me so many ideas. I'd love to try creating hot air balloons for scouting/patrolling and dropping alchemical concoctions. Although would such craft probably fall under administration? It would be a rather significant undertaking.
I'm really thowing my hat into the ring, a wall to (help) stop the kidnappings, if we want the peoples faith we should earn it with action rather than simply singing out own praises.
We don't have nearly enough money for that. A decent sized local church only has maybe 100ft of wall. We could probably afford a bit more with the costs of glass and pews and such but certainly not enough to encircle the town.
We don't have nearly enough money for that. A decent sized local church only has maybe 100ft of wall. We could probably afford a bit more with the costs of glass and pews and such but certainly not enough to encircle the town.

We can raise more funds, and we have followers, we can get much of the work done for free, or at least I think I can whip our followers into doing much of the work. I don't think it will be done in one turn, but I think we can do it fairly quickly. We build them a wall, and we make the town safe, and I think the whole town will be our church.
We can raise more funds, and we have followers, we can get much of the work done for free, or at least I think I can whip our followers into doing much of the work. I don't think it will be done in one turn, but I think we can do it fairly quickly. We build them a wall, and we make the town safe, and I think the whole town will be our church.
For sure it's a decent idea. Also, on the upside I forgot to multiply the wall length by four after I rooted the square footage so it's more like 440ft of wall. Add another 60 ft for pews and junk and we'd get an even 20ft per Fund. What's the circumference of the town?
Can I suggest we put together a core group of preachers whose job is just to focus on worshippers? That aspect of resource acquisition is crucial to awakening Morth. The rest is definitely important too, of course, and there's other uses preachers can be put to, but it might be an idea to have three or four who just go about acquiring new followers continuously until we hit critical mass.
Can I suggest we put together a core group of preachers whose job is just to focus on worshippers? That aspect of resource acquisition is crucial to awakening Morth. The rest is definitely important too, of course, and there's other uses preachers can be put to, but it might be an idea to have three or four who just go about acquiring new followers continuously until we hit critical mass.

Yeah me and Always confused were planning on that essentially, probably with one or two others, what we are doing first those is trying to share a few skill tags, so that we are worth more per action, per person.

If we lose 1 turn to gain +10 each, to 3 people, for every other turn, it's a very worthwhile trade.

For sure it's a decent idea. Also, on the upside I forgot to multiply the wall length by four after I rooted the square footage so it's more like 440ft of wall. Add another 60 ft for pews and junk and we'd get an even 20ft per Fund. What's the circumference of the town?

Probably still not enough, but if we simple start building a wall, I think we can get donations from the rich family that runs the place/everyone else and get our followers to do much of the labor.
Can I suggest we put together a core group of preachers whose job is just to focus on worshippers? That aspect of resource acquisition is crucial to awakening Morth. The rest is definitely important too, of course, and there's other uses preachers can be put to, but it might be an idea to have three or four who just go about acquiring new followers continuously until we hit critical mass.
Based on my calculations, if our four best Preachers team up they'll have a collective +115 to all their gather follower rolls. Or +105 depending on how much scripture narration gathering followers involves. And that's before any Tag training.
Yeah me and Always confused were planning on that essentially, probably with one or two others, what we are doing first those is trying to share a few skill tags, so that we are worth more per action, per person.

If we lose 1 turn to gain +10 each, to 3 people, for every other turn, it's a very worthwhile trade.

Based on my calculations, if our four best Preachers team up they'll have a collective +115 to all their gather follower rolls. Or +105 depending on how much scripture narration gathering followers involves. And that's before any Tag training.

Okay. This sounds like something we can definitely use, then. @The Froggy Ninja, can I ask which four you were using? Looking at the roster, Danaal (my character) has four and @always_confused has three, but I know that hasn't been updated since the new influx of players and we had at least one Preaching five character who I can't remember.
Okay. This sounds like something we can definitely use, then. @The Froggy Ninja, can I ask which four you were using? Looking at the roster, Danaal (my character) has four and @always_confused has three, but I know that hasn't been updated since the new influx of players and we had at least one Preaching five character who I can't remember.
I'm preaching 5, and have a skill for +10 on all preaching.
Just caught up with the backlog of character submissions. Working on threadmarks for omakes, now.
Okay. This sounds like something we can definitely use, then. @The Froggy Ninja, can I ask which four you were using? Looking at the roster, Danaal (my character) has four and @always_confused has three, but I know that hasn't been updated since the new influx of players and we had at least one Preaching five character who I can't remember.
I'm preaching 5, and have a skill for +10 on all preaching.
theflyingbiscuit also has Preaching 3 and no one else has more than 2.
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I had some questions about magic. Does the Spiral Power method supplement established wizards since they believe that they can do magic? And does a god need to hit Demigod, and thus actual rites, for wizardly cultists to get domain applicable discounts?
Yes, established wizards get a bonus from the Spiral Power effect, though said effect works best if they don't think about it. And yes, a deity needs to hit Demigod for wizards to get discounts.
I don't disagree that it's useful, I'm just sad we don't have more priest, and that our skill tags favor magic.

Anyway we need to cooperate, so I'm thinking we need to as a group talk about our goals for the next few turns, we seem to kinda of randomly be scrambling.

We have 25 funds, but I have no idea what that is worth.

Maybe we should work on protecting the town, both from future attack and to stop the kidnappings, a wall and a few watch towers could go a long way if they are being taken out of the town, and even if they aren't that wall could still be useful later.

So I think a wall, and some watch towers could be wise, and a few "Paladins" or "Knights Templar" some sort of gourd force underneath the church. We should have a few hundred followers some type of policing group would make sense. I don't know if the town gaurd, of whatever variety it is, would let us man the walls and watch towers with them, but maybe.

So my thoughts are
Faith based police force (to later turn into an army, but gotta start somewhere)
Build some type of temple/head quarters. (Even just a big old barn style building would give us a place to teach/preach and may be worth some bonus with a small alter in it)

Next turn, I want to try to teach our priest, ideally all of them/anyone who plans to do recruiting all in a big batch, I have decent odds, I'd like to wait until I have another tag or two, but thats risky, since it could take 2-3 turns depending on the rolls.

So teaching is my personal next goal.

Short term goals
[] Stop the kidnappings
(See walls/police)
[]Convert the entire town (within reason)
(In progress)
[] Build a headquarters
(How much is 1 unit of currency?)
[] Formalize some groups/factions/roles (Our mage core/priest/admins/spies) This should help us teach/supply/organize better.
(This is really just us tagging each other and deciding what our projects are)

Long term goals:
[] Convert enough people for our god.
(Gotta have a way to protect our followers)
[]Slay/undo the other god of death
(Can you say infiltration then dedicated strike teams)
[]Save the world
[] Pay Zedalb on paetron.

Speaking of making a Holy Order, I was thinking of doing something like that and fixing them up with contract magic. The first one would be some sort of waiver to prevent betrayal, while not necessarily making it impossible to leave active duty - maybe signing away some classified memories when you leave the order? Maybe that's too draconian.
Another thing I'd like to try with this as-of-yet theoretical holy order is having members sign away their health to each other, meaning that they carry the burdens of injury between them or have the ability to sacrifice themselves to save each other. Things like that.
Palstat does have the skill for learning things
I know and I have the highest teaching ability if I can learn it, I can teach it easier, and spread more of our orders capacity.

Speaking of making a Holy Order, I was thinking of doing something like that and fixing them up with contract magic. The first one would be some sort of waiver to prevent betrayal, while not necessarily making it impossible to leave active duty - maybe signing away some classified memories when you leave the order? Maybe that's too draconian.
Another thing I'd like to try with this as-of-yet theoretical holy order is having members sign away their health to each other, meaning that they carry the burdens of injury between them or have the ability to sacrifice themselves to save each other. Things like that.

I think the best way to do that, would be in a few steps, teach a few very very very simple contract magic that enhances magical/combat abilities or makes them useful in some route. Make a place for training them and housing them, then have them teach more. So IC you develop the program and teach the first few instructors and after that we can "automate" it.

I'll think on potential uses for combat contract magic. My knee jerk reaction is to have our congregation of hundreds give a tiny amount of energy/strength to a group of protectors. Ideally it would be a permanent boost (strength in exchange for services of protection and such,) but if not, we could have a congregation give strength in a temporary form so that they can train longer and harder, possibly without needing to sleep (at all or as much) during the training process.
Stamina is a big limiter to training, could help remove muscle fatigue so they can develop more ability faster.

Question for all.

Do we have a weapon for our god yet?
If not, are we going to go cliche scythe or Kama?
Other gods of death used a staff, or the bow (Hunters literally survive by killing things with a bow)
A dagger would fit as well.