Dethroning The Old Death (A Riot Quest)(ALWAYS RECRUITING)

When your God fully forms, how should I determine their actions?

  • NPC Ally

    Votes: 28 65.1%
  • Quest Protagonist (players vote on deity's actions in addition to Riot Actions)

    Votes: 15 34.9%

  • Total voters
Also, updated the compilation of stuff we have on Morth so far. @theflyingbiscuit , there's a bit concerning you in the associated spirits section- let me know if I've got something wrong.
There was also a vague suggestion that @theflyingbiscuit 's character, Elisa Roten, would incorporate the vengeance god she used to worship into Morth's servants, but I don't know if that's me talking out of my ass or what.
Reading too much into it. I (and Elisa) would like the vengeance god to be separate from Morth. That way when Morth rises to power, Elisa (if she survives) can work on bringing vengy back with a reference to Morth.
"Raised another god to replace his killer." Seems like an appropriate scripture for a god of retribution.

Besides we don't want Morth to have too many masks. That might cause a religious divide.
edit: or step on the toes of other non-death gods.
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[X] General Information Gathering
-[X] Investigate the disappearances
-[X] Method: Talking with our new local followers

Think I have a scripture story in mind. Hopefully its halfway decent at least. While I work on that, @I just write Are the 3 player race options the only inhabitants of this world or are there other usual fantasy fare?
[X] General Information Gathering
-[X] Investigate the disappearances
-[X] Method: Talking with our new local followers

Think I have a scripture story in mind. Hopefully its halfway decent at least. While I work on that, @I just write Are the 3 player race options the only inhabitants of this world or are there other usual fantasy fare?
The three options in the OP are the only ones available, yes.
SCRIPTURE: Tale of Three Brothers
A Tale of Three Brothers

Once upon a time, there lived three brothers, devoted to Morth in their own way. Each was gifted in their own way and many great things were expected of them. The Beastkin, powerful, proud and intelligent rose through the ranks of the military. The Human, cunning and charismatic, found his calling in the priesthood. The Chemina, aloof yet possessed of much wisdom, baffled everyone with his decision to retreat from society and renounced the world as a hermit.

The Beastkin General, ever ambitious, was left unsatisfied and seized control of the army and overthrew his King. The Human Priest, aware of which direction the wind was blowing, was quick to convince his Church to throw their weight behind the new ruler. Observing all this, the Chemina shook his head and proclaimed, "Such is the action of fools. They know not where their path will take them." and retreated further into seclusion.

The King Beastkin was satisfied for a time, but pride turned to envy as he eyed his neighbors and soon his armies were on the march. Quite content with the riches and followers new crusades would bring, the Human, now a High Priest, once again convinced the masses of the righteousness of their ruler. Observing all this, the Chemina Wiseman once again shook his head and proclaimed, "Such is the action of fools. They know not where their path will take them." and retreated even further into seclusion.

Now bent with age and ruling a vast domain, the Emperor was content for a time. But unwilling to relinquish his control, he played his children among themselves and died in bed, satisfied at his achievements and confident none of his children would ever equal his legacy. The Supreme Patriarch, more gold and stones than flesh at this point, was content with the seemingly endless spires and cathedrals being raised at his command all over the land. He died in bed, lamenting that he wouldn't see the largest and grandest of these buildings, a veritable citadel and town of its own, completed. Observing all this, the Sage, on his deathbed shook his head for the third time and proclaimed for the last time, "Such is the action of fools. They know not where their path will take them and now they must suffer for it." and then expired.

United in the afterlife, the three brothers, once the closest of friends, could barely stand each other. The Emperor mocked the Patriarch for his gluttony and claimed he did nothing but waste the empire's coffers in endless works of opulence. The Patriarch in turn called the Emperor a fool and chastised him for his wrath and endless greed. Both were much angered by the abuse and chastisement they received from their eldest brother. And so, arguing amongst themselves so intensely that even the Candle-Bearers sent to escort them were quite unwilling to do so, the trio eventually made their way to the gates of the afterlife.

Appearing to them in various shifting forms, the Endless Matron asked them if they thought they had lived a life in accordance with her wishes. The Emperor stepped forward proudly, in his full regalia and spoke of the size and breadth of his Empire and of how many lands paid tribute to Morth's chosen Emperor. The Matron merely nodded and bade the priest step forward. The Patriarch stepped forward proudly, in the full garb of his illustrious office and spoke of how many wonders Morth's followers had built to her, of the work and food houses the church administered and financed and how each day, hordes of the faithful stepped forward, all hoping to be ordained as one of her priests. Once again, the Matron merely nodded and then bade the hermit step forward. Garbed in rags and with a flimsy branch serving as his only belonging of worth he spoke of the simple life he lived, secluded from society, how he spent each day in meditation and worship of her holy name and how he did not interfere in the affairs of others. Having said his piece, the sage stepped back into formation with his younger brothers.

Shifting to her form of Judgement, the Matron then made her proclamation. "Oh Emperor! You have drowned the lands in blood! How many have you left slain on the endless fields of battle? How many died for your petty ambitions? You claim to conquer in my name, but observe the results of your folly!" She showed the three brothers a vision of ineffectual heirs fighting each other for scraps as the Empire crumbled around them, of how many more untimely deaths were to follow and how the name of Morth was poison to the ears the lands all around. The name promised no release or rest for the weary, but only of death and conquest. "You stand here, stained with the blood of the innocent that were and will be. You struck down many lives in your time, Emperor, but your legacy, such as it is, will strike many more down. I have seen this. See where your ambition has taken the lands and tell me if you deserve respite from the Inferno before you venture into the Halls of Eternal Rest beyond." The Emperor was struck speechless and observed. With the wisdom brought of hindsight and of a wise advisor sorely missed in life, he could make no argument and repented. He would willingly cleanse himself in Inferno.

Turning to the Patriarch, the Matron condemned him as well. "The coffers of a dozen Kingdoms have you emptied to build your grand halls and structures! And to what purpose? Magnificent from the outside, yet hollow of all purpose. Raised by the blood and toil of those that you refer to as the 'little folk', wonders meant simply to show the opulence of your office and the riches of your church. The workhouses and soup kitchens you raise, to no purpose but to assuage what remains of your conscience. You claim to work for the common folk yet you do nothing to ensure they provide the services you promise. See you now how your vaunted apprentices mismanage these places of charity." The Patriarch observed and a conscience so long extinguished burst into flame at the sight of the abuse done to the common folk in these supposed houses of charity. "You speak of the faithful willing to take up the life of a priest. Yet I see naught but hungry, terrified and weary faces longing to be guaranteed the scraps of the cloister. Better that than the uncertainty of the streets or the abuses of the workhouses! What willing faith and belief is to be found? These masses care little for worship. They merely seek to find their next meal in a world so mismanaged by their so-called superiors!" The Patriarch, for the first time, finally understood the meaning behind the words and sermons he had preached as a mere means of gathering followers. Chastised, he accepted his punishment. He too would willingly cleanse himself in the Inferno before venturing into the Halls of Eternal Rest.

Seeing the plight of his brothers, the Eldest stepped forth and harangued the duo before proudly turning to the Matron. To the shock of all three brothers, the Matron condemned the Sage as well. "To be granted the gift of wisdom and to misuse it entirely, Man! How can you now condemn your brothers? Your failures are no less than theirs. You escaped from the company of your fellow mortals and to do what? To spend your days in endless meditation and worship? What use does the world, indeed what use do I have of such a devotee? To live life to the fullest and to raise and be raised by your fellows is what I preach, for only with a fulfilled and happy life will souls rest peacefully in my halls. You condemn the rest of the world as fools, yet offer no advice to correct them. How many mistakes of your brothers do you think you could have corrected? You mock them for the path they followed, and yet did nothing to caution them. Indeed, having heard my judgement, you still feel the need to add your piece. To show your superiority over your brothers. You claim to live a humble life, but in truth you rate yourself even higher than an Emperor and Patriarch could ever do so." But the 'wise' sage was adamant he deserved no punishment and loudly complained of his treatment. In vain did the younger two attempt to caution him. Seizing the impertinent sage, the Matron thrust him into the Inferno.

With a sad face, she turned to the remaining two brothers. "...I have judged you all. Go forth and receive your punishment in the Inferno." The two brothers bowed deeply at the feet of the Matron and made to leave but embers of a brotherhood long extinguished seized their movement and rooted them to the spot. Seeing their hesitance and divining their worry, the Matron placed a soothing hand on their shoulders and spoke in a much calmer and comforting voice. "Do not worry of your brother. He too shall rest in the Eternal Halls eventually. Punishment in the inferno is not eternal. Everyone must pay for their crimes and the price for many is heavy. But that price will eventually be paid and they too shall find peace. This too is my duty and promise to the both of you and every other soul. You go forth now to receive your punishment, but do so with your heads held high and your spirits light. Perhaps in time, in another place, you shall be worthy of your titles of Emperor and Patriarch." So comforted, the remaining two siblings walked into Inferno, hand in hand.
Wel done friend!
...Granted the Inferno is a mask, not a location.
...or is it?
Like, are those little punishment realms Also called Inferno's?
Is it like Hades the god Rulling the underworld, sometimes ALSO called Hades...
*pokes head in* an IJW Riot quest? Fucking. Sold.

Where is my vote needed? What specialties need covered?
So, speaking of battlemages, at the acknowledged risk of opening Pandora's Box what are decent-Mysticism-stat wizard-method casters expected to be able to do? Short-range illusions, spells for telekinesis and firestarting, (EDIT: also things like healing spells or inanimate material conversions, w/e) for more advanced ones an 'inner world' that's less a divine realm and more hammerspace reality marble, or?

EDIT: tagging @I just write for clarity
Extra questions: we know they gather idle unused belief to use for spellcasting, but is this stored in themselves as direct-use magic based on belief gotten, or is it processed into magic energy or something at some point that can be used for unrelated spells?
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With 200 followers in a village of only 1,250 souls, this is getting wayyyy ahead of ourselves but politically how far are you all willing to go? Just being accepted as part of the pantheon and with our own share of worshipers in the kingdom(s) or...being the dominant deity followed by the land?
At the risk of losing my nerve, I'll just go ahead and apply with this now instead of trying to come up with some multi-paragraph horror.

Player: @HammeredApple
Name: Khaliss Silungue
Description: A somewhat thin Lizard-person that speaks with a thick 'bayou' accent. Always finds joy in his work and is tries to share that joy, regardless if it's cleaning out latrines or preparing ritual sacrifices to empower spells or cast an augury.

Backstory: Khaliss was born in the jungles and swamps of his homeland, raised by his tribe to find revere his ancestors and to respect the natural order of things.
Now Zerrakh, that be some bad juju, tormenting the spirits and denying them a final rest by animating their bodies, this just won't do. As such Khaliss has volunteered into this plan to birth a new god, to cast down the desecrator of the dead.

Stats: Preaching 0, Mysticism 3, Subversion 2, Administration 0
Skill Tags: [VOODOO_DOCTOR] Khaliss is adept at finding and producing various substances from unlikely ingredients, ranging from healing salves to deadly poisons. +10 to the research/creation of potions.

EDIT: Added this because I didn't want to multi-post.
[X]Research Wizardry
-[X] Ritual: Augury
Perhaps it is possible to learn of future troubles or opportunities by reading the entrails of a sacrificed animal, the tossing of carved bones, or the pattern of bird droppings.
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With 200 followers in a village of only 1,250 souls, this is getting wayyyy ahead of ourselves but politically how far are you all willing to go? Just being accepted as part of the pantheon and with our own share of worshipers in the kingdom(s) or...being the dominant deity followed by the land?

Good question. I think personally I'm willing to coexist with other gods as long as zerrakh is dead and gone- I'm happy to be part of a pantheon if they'll bqck us up on that, or at least not interfere.
I'm just in it for replacing Zerrakh with something that isn't awful for when I die.
Speaking of the other deities, they don't seem particularly enthusiastic about stopping Zerrakh. @I just write

Is that the case or is the position of Death on the pantheon high up enough no one wants to rock the boat?
Speaking of the other deities, they don't seem particularly enthusiastic about stopping Zerrakh. @I just write

Is that the case or is the position of Death on the pantheon high up enough no one wants to rock the boat?
The only one whose purview would really be opposed to Zerrakh is Vervant, and she's more preoccupied with ensuring good harvests than anything else.
Character Sheet Template
Player: Zedalb
Name: Donavin patterson
Description: Donavin is a sharp witted young human man who dresses sharply to fit his thin tall frame. With slick black hair and a roguish smile he screams businesses man to most people. He tends to keep himself very clean and clean shaven with green eyes being the most colorful thing on his person most of the time.

Backstory: Donavin was supposed to be a priest of Vervant, but never quite finished his schooling, his faith in her never quite pure enough so he found another good who lit a fire in him, but that only lasted so long before he found himself running free again. Until he heard of a new god and deiced maybe he had simply been in training, maybe the reason none of the gods sounded right was because he destined for another. So he joined and now he seeks to lead them to new heights.

Stats: Preaching 5
Skill Tags:[PREACHER_TRAINED] +10 to preaching rolls

[X] Recruit followers
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VIGNETTE: Donavin's Diatribe

The young man has spent the last several days in this town making himself a known figure. He has collected information on the missing, he has searched high and low looking for them. He has helped tend to the ill, and helped a woman farm who's husband is among the missing. He has done everything he can to help them and make himself a known figure in the town.

Now he sits in this tavern with these people and the air is filled with not just fear, but a kind of acceptance of their place in life. With an insane god of death tormenting them and his priesthood taking their people can you blame them?

The man looks over the patrons and walks through the bar he lays a hand on a should of a few he knows as he passes through to the back. There is a simple stage where some one occasionally plays music. He steps up onto it. He looks to the floor and gather his words.

"Fuck this!"
His shout instantly draws eyes and the barkeep makes sure a weapon is ready under the bar.

"We deserve better than this, I spent today at Sallies farm, we all know that farm is doomed, she and her family is going to lose that farm, lose that land, lose their home and who knows what is going to happen to them after? They don't deserve that, that woman deserves her husband and her kids deserve their father.

And lets not pretend her story is unique, I know husbands and wives have been taken. Over and over, fathers and mothers taken and even a few of the children. Lets not pretend we don't know what is going on. We speak of it in whispers, afraid that we will be next if we speak to loudly.

But you know what? Fuck that and fuck them. This town has damn good people, and it's under attack. Yet we do so little. Fuck this asshole god of death and fuck his followers. I said it, and I will say it again. Fuck them.

So lets fight back. Lets show them that this town won't take it. I know some of you have met the church I'm part of and some of you have been afraid because we speak of a god of death, but let us be clear. We speak of a replacement for all the evil this town has suffered we speak of an afterlife that you would be happy to call home and life unimpeded by any god of death until you actually die.

We speak of a better life, and I swear this to all of you. Today in front of you I swear my life to stopping the suffering, stopping that evil, stopping the undead plagues, Stopping the kidnapping and stopping that damned evil cult.

Do you want to help? I'm not asking you to join me in battle, not yet but maybe one day. All I'm asking for is a little faith. A little faith that things can get better, a little faith in our God, a little faith in us and a little faith in each other. I don't ask anything hard. Get dressed and pray with us. Pray for a better world, pray for the strength to help make it, pray for a better afterlife, pray to end the suffering and torment you have been suffering.

I know all of you have prayed for it in the quiet of your hearts I'm just asking that you do it together, that you do it with us. That you do it where it will make a difference. Because none of you, none of us deserve this.

I'm leaving now, you all know where we meet in the morning, I hope to see you there. "

When he steps down and out the bar is silent, but a few more meet his eyes now, a few nod or raise a glass, the fear that hangs in the room seems just a little bit more tinted with anger and determination.
He needs their souls, but right now he will settle for a little fire in them, that is enough for today.

He leaves the bar and goes to prepare his sermon for tomorrow, after all he did just use most of it tonight.
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Player: @The Froggy Ninja
Name: Hermes Trismegistus
Description: Hermes is a Mercurial, and as such has no set form, often reverting to a puddle or blob of silvery liquid when frightened or surprised. He often forms clothing in the form of a lab coat and goggles, made from his own silvery "flesh." Mentally, he has a habit of getting distracted from practical matters with his experiments, and not really having a solid grip on what's dangerous to someone who is always solid and capable of being poisoned.
Backstory: Hermes was created by his "mother" Allagí Lógios in the hopes that the naturally alchemical nature of quicksilver would make him a good assistant. She was right, and they shared a silent bond of love and trust until the day that a cultist of Zerrakh broke into their home and ritualistically murdered Allagí, with Hermes only escaping because the cultist took a while to figure out how to kill or contain a person with no organs and the ability to flow through cracks. From that day, he swore to enact vengeance on Zerrakh and to find a better way for death.
Stats: Preaching 0, Mysticism 5, Subversion 0, Administration 0
Skill Tags: [MAD_ALCHEMIST] Hermes has a knack for mystically combining the traits of things, whether it be herbs and animal bits into potions, creating mystical materials or even, theoretically, making a new Chemina.
[X] Research Wizardry
-[X] Try to develop a potion that partially "unglues" souls from bodies, allowing people to view the local spirit plane, interact more with ghosts. Try to err on the side of nothing happening rather than accidentally turning people into ghosts/killing them.
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Try to develop a potion that partially "unglues" souls from bodies, allowing people to view the local spirit plane, interact more with ghosts. Try to err on the side of nothing happening rather than accidentally turning people into ghosts/killing them.
I hope this rolls particularly well in case it creates the equivalent to the Stand arrow from JoJo, or Touhou half-ghosts. Or maybe the deathseeing glasses from Ge.Ne.Sis so we avoid any cases of 'invisible zerrakh-worshipping assassins'. Definitely retry this if it fails but proves theoretically possible.
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I completely glossed over what @The Froggy Ninja skill tag was and I'm glad I re-read your sheet. I have a feeling that you and I will be the best of friends in the future, creating ridiculous potions and generally terrorizing the mooks with SCIENCE!!
I hope this rolls particularly well in case it creates the equivalent to the Stand arrow from JoJo, or Touhou half-ghosts. Or maybe the deathseeing glasses from Ge.Ne.Sis so we avoid any cases of 'invisible zerrakh-worshipping assassins'. Definitely retry this if it fails but proves theoretically possible.
I don't know Ge.Ne.Sis but it sounds like that's closer to what I'm going for, along with a degree of Ghost Touch type shit. Basically artificially, and maybe temporarily, turning people into mediums.
I completely glossed over what @The Froggy Ninja skill tag was and I'm glad I re-read your sheet. I have a feeling that you and I will be the best of friends in the future, creating ridiculous potions and generally terrorizing the mooks with SCIENCE!!
Oh for sure. Though it should be noted that Hermes is a gud boi who just doesn't really understand what makes things dangerous.