[X] Plan Efficient Development

I think the trade Diplo action is more important at the moment as Castille has been smacked down so we don't really need the navy as much for the moment and we need to boost our income with the extra expenses this turn. I also can't really think of a reason not to get the military idea either.
Last edited:
[X] Plan Progress
-[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
-[X] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.
-[X] [60 Military] It is more important than ever to defend the wealth that allows Elysia to field such a well-trained and well-equipped army. Instituting a rotating patrol system for trade routes will allow our frontline units to gain experience as well as project Elysian power and influence.[Quality Ideas]
-[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
-[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)

Although I wasn't initially sold on getting the next tier of advisors this turn, it is something that will definitely be useful, so I've decided to add it. Hopefully we'll still be able to afford the 4k Latifundia project next turn. My plan also prioritises dip tech over trade ideas, as we're behind in that regard. I also include getting quality military ideas this turn, because we'll still be able to afford to get the next military tech next turn, once you factor in the boost we'll have from the new tier of advisors.
But for what, though? Our mil power income will be high enough to get the next mil tech by default, so unless you want to waste it by going really ahead of time there's not much point in saving it. On the other hand, quality ideas are good and very affordable. We can get the next one this turn, and still be able to afford tech next turn.
I feel like your somewhat missing my point here. From my most basic standpoint, we've had our income climb and it's going to continue so upgrading the constant influx of points that's otherwise perilously dependent on the whims of RNG. The earlier we increase the bonus, the more we'll get out of it. Add in the narrative angle of creating a golden center of culture and intellect and it seems like a fairly intuitive decision to me, I'm not doing this to try and get an extra tech next turn.

As for quality ideas, we've gotten several of them and it's time to upgrade our tech.
I feel like your somewhat missing my point here. From my most basic standpoint, we've had our income climb and it's going to continue so upgrading the constant influx of points that's otherwise perilously dependent on the whims of RNG. The earlier we increase the bonus, the more we'll get out of it. Add in the narrative angle of creating a golden center of culture and intellect and it seems like a fairly intuitive decision to me, I'm not doing this to try and get an extra tech next turn.

As for quality ideas, we've gotten several of them and it's time to upgrade our tech.
My point is that choosing quality ideas or military tech is a false dichotomy, as we'll be able to afford to get both of them. Quality ideas are useful, and they are affordable, so we have no reason not to get them, when doing so won't have any effect on our ability to get the next mil tech next turn.

As for the first part, I'm not really sure what having a reserve of mil power is going to do to help create "a golden center of culture and intellect", unless you mean that you want us to invest our mil power in development?

Just to be clear, I'm not arguing about the merits of getting advisors at this point. I'm specifically talking about why you want to save 60 mil power that won't have any effect on our ability to get military tech.
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To be fair, we already have an excellent growth rate for the time period. There's likely to be other effects, and keeping food plentiful and cheap will allow us to keep growing quickly.
When you are investing in a growth strategy, you really can't have enough cheap food.
And the nice thing about population growth is that it compounds. 2% population growth for 20 years raises a 100k population to 150k.
At 4% population growth, that's 220k, a difference of almost 50%.

Increase the time period and the difference becomes even more stark:
100k at 2% growth for 40 years ends with approx 220k.
100k at 4% growth for 40 years ends with 495k.

You want to pump that population growth now, not later.
And do remember that famines due to environmental disaster, insect blight or plant disease are not unknown in this time period.
Work on that food buffer.

For those curious, I got bored and found the updates that have maps showing Elysias development and growth.

1465, 1470, 1480, 1485, 1495, 1515, 1540, 1545, 1550, 1555, 1560, 1565, and this turn 1570.
Adhoc vote count started by UlseDovThur on Feb 13, 2019 at 2:42 PM, finished with 23 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan Getting Stronk
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)
    [x] Project: Trade Empire
    [X] Plan Efficient Development
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [60 Diplomatic] Presently the right of citizenship is predicated on certain responsibilities that have made it excessively difficult for merchants setting up across the Atlantic to maintain their taxation privileges as citizens. Extending certain exemptions for these men will increase the reach of our trade network. [Trade Ideas]
    -[X] [60 Military] It is more important than ever to defend the wealth that allows Elysia to field such a well-trained and well-equipped army. Instituting a rotating patrol system for trade routes will allow our frontline units to gain experience as well as project Elysian power and influence.[Quality Ideas]
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)
    -[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [12 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.
    [X] Plan Progress
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.
    -[X] [60 Military] It is more important than ever to defend the wealth that allows Elysia to field such a well-trained and well-equipped army. Instituting a rotating patrol system for trade routes will allow our frontline units to gain experience as well as project Elysian power and influence.[Quality Ideas]
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)

Adhoc vote count started by UlseDovThur on Feb 13, 2019 at 2:48 PM, finished with 25 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Getting Stronk
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)
    [x] Project: Trade Empire
    [X] Plan Efficient Development
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [60 Diplomatic] Presently the right of citizenship is predicated on certain responsibilities that have made it excessively difficult for merchants setting up across the Atlantic to maintain their taxation privileges as citizens. Extending certain exemptions for these men will increase the reach of our trade network. [Trade Ideas]
    -[X] [60 Military] It is more important than ever to defend the wealth that allows Elysia to field such a well-trained and well-equipped army. Instituting a rotating patrol system for trade routes will allow our frontline units to gain experience as well as project Elysian power and influence.[Quality Ideas]
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)
    -[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [12 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.
    [X] Plan Progress
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.
    -[X] [60 Military] It is more important than ever to defend the wealth that allows Elysia to field such a well-trained and well-equipped army. Instituting a rotating patrol system for trade routes will allow our frontline units to gain experience as well as project Elysian power and influence.[Quality Ideas]
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)

Adhoc vote count started by UlseDovThur on Feb 13, 2019 at 3:15 PM, finished with 29 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan Getting Stronk
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)
    [x] Project: Trade Empire
    [X] Plan Efficient Development
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [60 Diplomatic] Presently the right of citizenship is predicated on certain responsibilities that have made it excessively difficult for merchants setting up across the Atlantic to maintain their taxation privileges as citizens. Extending certain exemptions for these men will increase the reach of our trade network. [Trade Ideas]
    -[X] [60 Military] It is more important than ever to defend the wealth that allows Elysia to field such a well-trained and well-equipped army. Instituting a rotating patrol system for trade routes will allow our frontline units to gain experience as well as project Elysian power and influence.[Quality Ideas]
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)
    -[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [12 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.
    [X] Plan Progress
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.
    -[X] [60 Military] It is more important than ever to defend the wealth that allows Elysia to field such a well-trained and well-equipped army. Instituting a rotating patrol system for trade routes will allow our frontline units to gain experience as well as project Elysian power and influence.[Quality Ideas]
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)

Adhoc vote count started by UlseDovThur on Feb 13, 2019 at 4:02 PM, finished with 31 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Plan Getting Stronk
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)
    [x] Project: Trade Empire
    [X] Plan Efficient Development
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [60 Diplomatic] Presently the right of citizenship is predicated on certain responsibilities that have made it excessively difficult for merchants setting up across the Atlantic to maintain their taxation privileges as citizens. Extending certain exemptions for these men will increase the reach of our trade network. [Trade Ideas]
    -[X] [60 Military] It is more important than ever to defend the wealth that allows Elysia to field such a well-trained and well-equipped army. Instituting a rotating patrol system for trade routes will allow our frontline units to gain experience as well as project Elysian power and influence.[Quality Ideas]
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)
    -[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [12 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.
    [X] Plan Progress
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.
    -[X] [60 Military] It is more important than ever to defend the wealth that allows Elysia to field such a well-trained and well-equipped army. Instituting a rotating patrol system for trade routes will allow our frontline units to gain experience as well as project Elysian power and influence.[Quality Ideas]
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)

Adhoc vote count started by UlseDovThur on Feb 13, 2019 at 6:24 PM, finished with 42 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X] Plan Getting Stronk
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)
    [x] Project: Trade Empire
    [X] Plan Efficient Development
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [60 Diplomatic] Presently the right of citizenship is predicated on certain responsibilities that have made it excessively difficult for merchants setting up across the Atlantic to maintain their taxation privileges as citizens. Extending certain exemptions for these men will increase the reach of our trade network. [Trade Ideas]
    -[X] [60 Military] It is more important than ever to defend the wealth that allows Elysia to field such a well-trained and well-equipped army. Instituting a rotating patrol system for trade routes will allow our frontline units to gain experience as well as project Elysian power and influence.[Quality Ideas]
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)
    -[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [12 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.
    [X] Plan Progress
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.
    -[X] [60 Military] It is more important than ever to defend the wealth that allows Elysia to field such a well-trained and well-equipped army. Instituting a rotating patrol system for trade routes will allow our frontline units to gain experience as well as project Elysian power and influence.[Quality Ideas]
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)

Adhoc vote count started by UlseDovThur on Feb 13, 2019 at 7:02 PM, finished with 45 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Plan Getting Stronk
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)
    [X] Plan Efficient Development
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [60 Diplomatic] Presently the right of citizenship is predicated on certain responsibilities that have made it excessively difficult for merchants setting up across the Atlantic to maintain their taxation privileges as citizens. Extending certain exemptions for these men will increase the reach of our trade network. [Trade Ideas]
    -[X] [60 Military] It is more important than ever to defend the wealth that allows Elysia to field such a well-trained and well-equipped army. Instituting a rotating patrol system for trade routes will allow our frontline units to gain experience as well as project Elysian power and influence.[Quality Ideas]
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)
    -[X] [22 Hyperpyra/-4 Expenses] [12 Vessels] Trade made the merchant republics some of the richest in Europe, capable of toppling small nations if it meant more gold flowing into their coffers. Their large navies were in no small part responsible for this dominance, the sheer quantity of trade ships carrying goods giving them the money to finance their dominance of the sea. We would be wise to follow their example.
    [x] Project: Trade Empire
    [X] Plan Progress
    -[X] [110 Administrative] We stand on the shoulders of giants - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Yet their legacy is being built upon every day, and new ways of thinking are beginning to proliferate among natural philosophers. Understanding the world in a systemic way can be applied to more than just knowledge - we must be prepared to adjust our views and experiment to achieve the utmost for the realm. [Unlocks Plantations and a new Idea Group].
    -[X] [90 Diplomatic] The navy is at present comprised of similar vessels, differing only in size and armament. But as the applicable uses and range of seapower both increase the differentiation of vessels on a more fundamental level is becoming more common. We should endorse this new practice with some experimental designs, to make sure that our warships and merchantmen can outperform our rivals in times of need.
    -[X] [60 Military] It is more important than ever to defend the wealth that allows Elysia to field such a well-trained and well-equipped army. Instituting a rotating patrol system for trade routes will allow our frontline units to gain experience as well as project Elysian power and influence.[Quality Ideas]
    -[X] [1300 Hyperpyra] [Nyspios] The theme of Nyspios is primarily populated by Elysian settlers, with only the outermost region falling under the control of the Natchez tribe. Despite its coastal location the local industry is more concerned with farming and furs than exploiting the sea, while there seems some potential for cotton cultivation among the marshland of the Natchez territory. Expanding the coastal dock and shipyard system would also provide direly need services to ships that have rounded the point of Anthiros and entered the bay.
    -[X] [810 -2250 Expenses] As the splendour of the empire grows and trade links deepen with Europe, the Imperial Court of New Constantinople is becoming the de facto heart of a new and distinctly Byzantine renaissance. Wisdom of all kinds and the greatest natural philosophers of an age debate within its halls and reverently examine the ancient knowledge taken from Greece before its fall. That this means they are close to hand to advise the state and their discoveries on matters of import are heard first in the city is not coincidental. The cost of being patron to the greatest minds of the age is far from cheap, but that the expense can be afforded and luxuries so freely lavished on the court is itself a potent statement. (+50 Points per Turn)
As for quality ideas, we've gotten several of them and it's time to upgrade our tech.

Your Getting Stronk plan doesn't upgrade tech though. The tech costs 120. If we get the idea this turn, we are left with 10, and we gain 100 points plus 20 extra from the advisor upgrade (it was 30 before, now 50), so we'll have 130 next turn, as @Ptolemy has been saying. There is no reason not to get the military idea, seeing as we can only get a maximum of 1 tech or idea per turn (we had enough points to get 2 ideas before, but that wasn't allowed).
@Sayle Can we get some more details on the outcome of the War of the Protestant League? I am very curious. Did the Catholic side actually win and enforce Catholicism or was there a peace of two religions?

It sounds like Castile was on the victorious Catholic side, but the victory was a hollow one. They separate peaced with France, losing territory, and France also ate most of Britanny in a separate peace as well. I guess eventually Austria separate-peaced France, getting them out of the war, allowing them to eke out a bare victory in the main war against the League, and they ate the minors around Augsburg, but otherwise the big players Bohemia and Ottomans were unaffected (actually Bohemia seems to have annexed a prince as well). Overall, it seems to have been on paper loss for Protestant side but a victory in terms of actual territorial and power balance results.

Aragon seems to have conquered a significant part of Tunisia, and Crimea revolted against Theodoro (or got released in war).

You've essentially nailed it on the head. The Ottomans and Russians spiralled off into their own little proxy-war, while Austria and Bohemia were fairly well-consolidated and powerful Catholic nations. Comparatively the Protestants were a lot of small nations, but France's attention on Castile probably dealt the League a major blow in the opening stages of the war, allowing the Emperor to get some serious work done before France pivoted out of Iberia and into the war proper.

Yes, Bohemia is catholic. Catholicism has been enforced.

@Sayle what does Creta Minor's population look like now?

Minor. Bermuda is fucking tiny, man. They've dispersed to better territory in the Kykladian.
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wonder how much of an influx of ppl we might see coming our way with europa this torn up.
and us with plenty of good farm land and other trade`s looking for workers?
So is the Dark Blue in Europe The Russians? Or have the Swedish Kings decided to go on their Imperial Walkabout a bit Early?
Honestly, the most suprising thing is that Teutonic Order(or is it Prussia now?) is still around, whenever I play they seems to either get eaten by Poland, or be reduced to a Rump vassal state.
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Having reconsidered things I think I'm going to back @Eiri Fllyn 's plan instead. Although it doesn't opt for the next diplo tech, its emphasis on improving trade through ideas and more light ships means that our income should definitely be higher next turn. With that being the case, hopefully we'll be able to afford both the 4k and 2.5k building projects that turn as well. We'll also be able to get the next diplo tech, and then use it to upgrade our ships again the turn after that, once our shiny new shipyards are set up. In addition to all of that, unlike Plan Getting Stronk, it also includes the next tier of Quality Ideas.

So, without further ado:
[X] Plan Efficient Development

@demonthese2211 and @avatar11792 Just to let you know, I've changed my vote. However, you're welcome to stick with Plan Progress if you want, as it's still a perfectly fair and valid option.
@Redhead222 Don't forget to vote again, now that the two hours is up.

Having reconsidered things I think I'm going to back @Eiri Fllyn 's plan instead. Although it doesn't opt for the next diplo tech, its emphasis on improving trade through ideas and more light ships means that our income should definitely be higher next turn. With that being the case, hopefully we'll be able to afford both the 4k and 2.5k building projects that turn as well. We'll also be able to get the next diplo tech, and then use it to upgrade our ships again the turn after that, once our shiny new shipyards are set up. In addition to all of that, unlike Plan Getting Stronk, it also includes the next tier of Quality Ideas.

Then why order the new ships now? Why not wait until you want to get the new diplo tech and then get order them then? That seems to be the only difference between Plan: Efficient Development and Project: Trade Empire.
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