Their Light Will Be Ours [Stellaris]

What deck is [Plasmarail Emulation] in?

Void Engineering.
Adhoc vote count started by Evenstar on Oct 22, 2018 at 8:10 PM, finished with 12 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Submersible Droneswarms
    [X] Metamaterial Theory
    [X] Second-Shells
    [X] Submersible Droneswarms
    [X] Rugged Robotics Platforms
    [X] Second-Shells
    [X] Metamaterial Theory
    [X] Submersible Droneswarms

Adhoc vote count started by Evenstar on Oct 22, 2018 at 8:11 PM, finished with 12 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Submersible Droneswarms
    [X] Metamaterial Theory
    [X] Second-Shells
    [X] Submersible Droneswarms
    [X] Rugged Robotics Platforms
    [X] Second-Shells
    [X] Metamaterial Theory
    [X] Submersible Droneswarms

Adhoc vote count started by Evenstar on Oct 22, 2018 at 8:11 PM, finished with 12 posts and 6 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Evenstar on Oct 22, 2018 at 9:11 PM, finished with 14 posts and 8 votes.
Tally looks pretty decisive for Submersible Droneswarms, so I'm going to lock it in in another hour or so, assuming Metamaterial Theory or Second-Shells doesn't tie up.
Adhoc vote count started by Evenstar on Oct 22, 2018 at 9:11 PM, finished with 14 posts and 8 votes.
No technology was researched for Industry because the tech trades obsoleted what we were working on, right? And we sent the money somewhere else?
No technology was researched for Industry because the tech trades obsoleted what we were working on, right? And we sent the money somewhere else?

Yeah, we developed a Carbon Nanotube replacement based on Light technologies, which obsoleted our current research. The remaining grant money got reallocated to building the Jagta Singularity station.
3005 Research Grant Cycle: Void Engineering
HIGH PRIORITY RESEARCH (+1 Hand Size, all subfields)

Void Engineering:
Director of Void Studies: Kaltanash Drekxa

Trait: Driven (+1 Research Options)


Asteroids are not as easy to mine as we'd like. For one thing, you have to get to them. For another, they're a lot more like flying clouds of rubble than solid chunks of harvestable ore, at least in most cases. Though early concepts proposed something like a harpoon, our teams have finally settled on a solution more like a giant net or sack.

When combined with the Torch Drive, this will allow us to harvest the closer asteroid orbits of most systems with reasonable efficiency.

Unlocked Ship Module: Asteroid Harness
Size: 15
Maximum Asteroid Capture Size: 1000 or 2x Size of ship, whichever is smaller.
Range: Point-Blank
Reload Time: Unreloadable (Requires Warpdock)

Unlocked Orbital Industry Project: Asteroid Mining Bay
A dedicated section of this orbital habitat allows it to process asteroids for useful ore. Though the required technology is still in its infancy, even this early refinery pays for the fuel expended in an asteroid's capture several times over.

Cost: 100 Raw Materials
Adds Asteroid Storage: 10,000
Adds Manufacturing: 50 Asteroid -> 10 Raw Materials

Polity Benefit: Orbital Surveying

Survey jumps will now update the system's Raw Material count to include asteroids!

Innovation Cards Decked:

Asteroid Fusion [Void Engineering]
Microgravity Electrolysis [Void Engineering]
Minimal Delta-V Expenditure [Void Engineering]
Interstellar Ore Prospecting [Void Engineering]

Orbital Shipyards

The experimental assembly yards of the Clawpair habitat will not suffice in the long term. We need to develop proper orbital shipyards if we're ever going to have a jumpship navy comparable to the Lights'.

When completed, unlocks the "Orbital Shipyard" Industry Project. A required technology towards larger ship classes.

K-Killer Spawnshield

Concerns about potential defenses against relativistic weaponry have resulted in this proposed defense - a network of broadly-scattered drone platforms, each not much more than a can of fuel and an engine, ready to leap in front of any incoming relativistic weapon. Theoretically, it ought to be cheaper than throwing even a single torchship at full speed. Theoretically, the sensors are the expensive part. Theoretically.

When completed, unlocks the K-Killer Spawnshield system defense.

Jump-Capable Shuttlecraft

Though Brillance gave us the designs for a much smaller Warp Drive, we don't have a hull design similar to the Sparks' lightweight shuttles yet.

Though some of us prefer to work on larger and more powerful ship classes, following the Stargazer approach, Brilliance makes the case that smaller ships are more useful for exploratory and military purposes, and therefore should be pursued first.

He still isn't sharing the Sparks' schematics for their own shuttles, though. Apparently even his trust only stretches so far.

When completed, unlocks the Shuttle ship class. (Hull Size from 50 - 150.) A necessary technology towards even smaller ship sizes.

Voidborne Salvage Operations

Given our encounters with multiple abandoned Precursor craft, the topic of how to efficiently perform salvage operations in microgravity has been brought up more than once. If four non-professionals can extract a Warp Core that's better than anything we've ever manufactured, what could we do with some real training and equipment?

Grants the Void Salvagers Polity Benefit, and unlocks the Salvage Bay ship module.

Fusion-Pumped Lasers

Though until now, nuclear-powered lasers have had difficulty reaching high intensities and short wavelengths, the same precision-fusion technologies that the Lights use in their Torchships are readily applicable to the focussing of intensely powerful X-ray lasers. Beyond the obvious weapon applications, these would be useful to our materials science and industry, and could even be used as a form of spacecraft propulsion.

Unlocks the Fusion Laser Battery Industry Project. Of theoretical interest for further research into directed energy weapons.

Microgravity Electrolysis [Dangerous]
Now that we can capture asteroids, it's worth considering how to get the best use out of them. One of the most valuable components thereof is water, which can be separated into hydrogen and oxygen - major components of Reaction Mass.

However, concentrated hydrogen and oxygen have a nasty tendency to spontaneously light on fire - and fire in microgravity is no laughing matter. It stays lit even at far lower oxygen concentrations, spreading rapidly towards any source of air.

So. Safety precautions are going to be necessary. However, refining our own fuel in space is a crucial step towards becoming a truly interstellar civilization.

Unlocks the Orbital Refinery and Orbital Fuel Silo Industry Projects.

The Darkstar Array [Permanent, Unique]

Many proposals have crossed your desk to use the Jagta Singularity's gravitational lensing to form the "mirror" for an astonishingly-precise telescope. This is the one of the best. If it were to be realized, it would have a resolution bordering on the supernatural… assuming it worked as planned.

Unlocks the Darkstar Array Wonder.

Void Engineering Cards in the Innovation Deck: 7
Never-Drawn Technologies: 6
Hand Size: 7
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The Darkstar Array [Permanent, Unique]

Many proposals have crossed your desk to use the Jagta Singularity's gravitational lensing to form the "mirror" for an astonishingly-precise telescope. This is the one of the best. If it were to be realized, it would have a resolution bordering on the supernatural… assuming it worked as planned.

Unlocks the Darkstar Array Wonder.
Oh yisss.

Shipyard is probably the practical pick though
Lots of good stuff here.

The Darkstar Array is probably really cool and all, but it's probably really flipping expensive, guys. It'll still be there in five years.
Minimized drive cores working together with

[X] Jump-Capable Shuttlecraft

Can probably produce some very impressive little machines, on a sober budget.
[X] Orbital Shipyards
[X] Jump-Capable Shuttlecraft

Thinking it over, our biggest limitation is that we can't build ships for shit.
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Good point. Expanding my vote.

[X] Jump-Capable Shuttlecraft
[X] Orbital Shipyards
Minimized drive cores + shuttlecraft can probably produce some very impressive little machines, on a sober budget.

5 (warp core) + 10 (warp computer) + 5 (cosmic radiation shield) + 5 (minimal life support) + 5 (crew cabin) + 20 (fuel storage - good for a 12 LY round trip) = 10 space spare for high priority courier cargo on a 60 Size tiny shuttle bus, even more compact than Brilliance's shuttle. I do like the sound of that.

Edit: We'd also want Basic Maneuvering Thrusters (5), probably.
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The Asteroid Harness is giving me flashbacks to Homeworld and those glorious glorious capture ships. Why blow something up when you can borrow it, you know, forever.

Beyond that, we now technically have a weapon to put on our ships. In essence, we have an oversized sling, ready to throw nice big rocks at space goliath.

As cool as unlocking a wonder would be, we do not have anywhere close to the amount of materials needed to successfully pull it off. The Microgravity Electrolysis would be an extremely useful thing, but I don't see Ok, scratch that, M.E. actually gives us access to Orbital Silos, which means we'd be able to keep our fuel in space and not have to pay gravity the exit fee for every bit of fuel we send up. That's extremely useful, and who knows, more experiments on how fire works in 0G could be good for our SCIENCE!!! meme. Granted, such experiments would be "Can Reaction Mass create a false aurora if detonated in significant quantities?"

Fusion Pumped Lasers is also an interesting tech, since it will allow us to move away from the Giant-Techno-Sling and into some proper weaponry, which would be a good deterrent for a while. Not as useful as having a proper shipyard, so onto the back burner it goes.

So, time to do some approval voting.

[X]Microgravity Electrolysis
[X]Orbital Shipyards
Makes sense. And shuttles build faster too, so they solve the build speed problem from another angle.

Approval voting shipyards and shuttles
[X] Orbital Shipyards
[X] Jump-Capable Shuttlecraft

Right now we're badly hampered by the fact that we have barely any ships.
That's a lock for Submersible Droneswarms, by the way.

... I just started putting together the full vote list for the SCIENCE!! grant and the Quantum Computing discard-and-draw, and, uh. It's a really good thing I broke this up into sections. There are 29 valid options, AFTER we've excluded the eight techs we'll already be researching.

No fricking wonder this took a while.
We can select one extra technology from ANY field due to SCIENCE!!, and we can select one extra specifically Subspace Physics technology due to the research agreement with the Sparks. The Sparks will also get the extra subspace tech we research, and we'll get the extra subspace tech they researched- unless I'm misunderstanding that?