Their Light Will Be Ours [Stellaris]

Here is a summary of everything we just got.

New Ship Module Unlocked:

Basic Subspace Sensor Package (5 Size)

Innovation Cards Decked:

Advanced Subspace Imaging [Warp Physics]
Warp Perturbation [Warp Physics]

Dangerous Subspace Terrain Might Exist?

Innovation Cards Decked:

Subspace Equilibrium Theory [Warp Physics]
Subspace Cartography [Warp Physics]

New Module Unlocked:
Brilliant Drive Mk. II

Size: 25
Emits no radiation hazardous to Klaxes biology.
Max Supported Hull Size 150
Reaction Mass Consumption: 1 Size / 1.25 Light Year
Jump Speed: 5 Hours per LY
Drive Spool Time: 1 Hour
Minimum Safe Jump Intercession: 3 Hours

Innovation Cards Decked:
Field Contouring Theory [Warp Physics]

New Module Unlocked:

Mk. 1 Quantum Jump Computer
Size: 5
Qbit Reserve: 5
Qbit Reserve spent per Jump: 1
Minimum Jump Range: 3 Light Years
Multicomputer: Spend 1 Qbit Reserve to boost a Tidewatch roll by +10.
Qbit Refresh Cost: 5 Modules, 1 month. [Shipyard Required]

Polity Benefit: Quantum Computing

Each Grant Cycle, you may force-discard a single technology card. That card is guaranteed to be replaced with a never-drawn technology in the next grant cycle, if one exists for its subfield.

Innovation Cards Decked:

Quantum Keybreaking [Computing]
Adiabatic Quantum Computation [Computing]

The swift completion of this research has improved the general public's opinion of the Science Board. Unrest and memetic drift chance have been reduced, and the morale of our crews has improved.

Form-Based Education Polity Benefits:

All specialists with non-Hybrid Forms have gained an additional +2 to the natural stat bonuses of their Forms.
All future specialists have an increased chance of positive traits.
All future specialists are less likely to have traits not applicable to their specialties.
The positive trait "As According To Form" has been unlocked.
The negative trait "Shell-Bound" has been unlocked.
The Specialization and Eugenics polity memes have been significantly reinforced.
The Self-Modification and Workability polity memes have been weakened.

Technology Cards Decked:

Formal Representatives [Political Science]
Formal Apprenticeships [Political Science]

Polity Benefit: Xenoecological Adaptation

All alien worlds gain a +1 modifier to their Habitability.

Unlocked Ship Module: Asteroid Harness

Size: 15
Maximum Asteroid Capture Size: 1000 or 2x Size of ship, whichever is smaller.
Range: Point-Blank
Reload Time: Unreloadable (Requires Warpdock)

Unlocked Orbital Industry Project: Asteroid Mining Bay
A dedicated section of this orbital habitat allows it to process asteroids for useful ore. Though the required technology is still in its infancy, even this early refinery pays for the fuel expended in an asteroid's capture several times over.

Cost: 100 Raw Materials
Adds Asteroid Storage: 10,000
Adds Manufacturing: 50 Asteroid -> 10 Raw Materials

Polity Benefit: Orbital Surveying

Survey jumps will now update the system's Raw Material count to include asteroids!

Innovation Cards Decked:

Asteroid Fusion [Void Engineering]
Microgravity Electrolysis [Void Engineering]
Minimal Delta-V Expenditure [Void Engineering]
Interstellar Ore Prospecting [Void Engineering]
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Just in case it wasn't clear, the vote is locked now. The final results were:

Discard Terrestrial Agriculture.
Research Warp Perturbation with the Lights.
Use the SCIENCE!! grant on Hybrid Vigor.

I'm now in the progress of building a State Of The Program report.
This is a big one. It's intended to collate and collect the results of everything in the last five years, essentially serving as a total record of the overall gamestate.
3005 Interstellar Exploratory Program Review
With the completion of your first five years serving as Exploratory Director, it's come time for the first formal Review of the Decision to install you in the position. While you've recieved many, many envelopes with the Recorders' broken-shell seal, a little part of you has never really gotten used to them. Not after you were dragged before the Science Board to be made a public example of in front of the whole world.

You took a little pride in that, back then - that your theories were at least strong enough to need official dismissal by the Science Board itself - but it was cold comfort when your grants evaporated and your Specialist certification was revoked. To this day, the Recorders' pearlescent envelopes still make a little thrill of fear catch in your gizzard.

Carefully, almost reverently, you break the seal.

To Global Director Xartaxes, Chair of Interstellar Exploration, Chair of Warp Physics:

Enclosed is the first five-year review of your Decisions serving on the Global Direction Board. Though the Recorders believe your performance to date to be satisfactory overall, there are some areas where we have cause for concern.

For a newly-instated Global Director, your overall record is above-average. However, we note that your actions so far have demonstrated unusually high risk tolerance, and that you appear to have issues delegating your responsibilities. Though your personal skill has so far allowed you to stave off catastrophic consequences, your cavalier attitudes towards global risks are a sign of poor calibration regarding the true scope of your new position. This failure mode is common among newly-appointed Directors, and so you are not formally reprimanded at this time. However, consultation with Synthesis has resulted in the binding Decision that you be allocated a dedicated secretarial aide and be required to use their services, regardless of how much you personally dislike the idea. The desire to personally oversee all your responsibilities, while admirable, is impossible for Global Directors as a simple matter of scheduling constraints. Moreover, the attempt to do so conceals the true scale of your responsibilities from you. The true scale of the Klaxes Directorate is not visitable or tourable, and accurately representing its full diversity is difficult even for Specialist sociologists. Attempting to guess its opinions based on personal experience is a common heuristical error, and a common source of major miscalibration.

However, as some of your Decisions to date have been extraordinarily successful, even beyond your predicted outcomes, (which this Review Board feels have been over-optimistic, on the whole), we believe that your leadership style does possess underexplored virtues. The close associations you maintain with the Carcina's crew have given both you and them significant multidisciplinary expertise, a rarity in the Directorate: the resulting improvisational skill has gained the Directorate significant advantages and prevented serious catastrophe more than once.

Additionally, it is difficult to wholly ascribe the high variance across your Decisions to date to your personal biases, as you are working in fields where no true expertise yet exists. A more representative comparison of your records to other Global Directors holding newly-created Chairs suggests that your current performance is comparable even to Directors a decade senior to you, though the insignificant sample size makes this analysis of dubious validity.

In conclusion, we reaffirm the Board's Decision to instate you as a Global Director, and hope that further training and greater experience with your duties will allow you to perform your duties even more efficiently and effectively. Your next review will be in 3010. You are encouraged to read the full report for more detailed analysis of your major Decisions, so that you may understand your own strengths and weaknesses more thoroughly.

For the betterment of all minds:
Senior Recorder Aldraxis,
Senior Recorder Keldranis,
Senior Recorder Jegthix,

here representing the Official Decision of the
Klaxes Global Review Board.

The report beneath is many pages thick, larger than any previous Review you've recieved: clearly-labelled sections mark major Decisions and areas of responsibility. "Economic Policy." "Exploratory Policy." "First Contact Scenarios." "Jagta Singularity Event." "Precursor Encounters." Beneath that is a requisition form for a personal secretary: a note attached states that if you do not select your preferred candidate by the end of the month, one will be assigned to you by the Office of Synthesis.

Beneath that is another thick document: the cover page announces it as a five-year review of the Exploratory Program as a whole.

And tucked into that... the final medical report for your apprentice, Aletas.

Taking a steadying breath, you begin to read.

Prepared by the Global Review Board of the Directorate Records Office, 3005.01.20
Primary Reviewer: Keltas Aldraxis

Exploration Report:

Exploration to date has shown an unexpectedly high density of extraterrestrial life.

Having already discovered two different starfaring species, and found archaeological evidence of a third, it seems that we are living in a crowded galaxy. Fortunately, the incidence of habitable planets also appears to be higher than anticipated.

This unexpected density has resulted in more repeat missions to the same systems than planned, and has shown that our current ship complement is woefully inadequate. However, retrofits to industry based on recovered alien technologies have delayed production of the Carcina II.

Upon review, the Recorders believe that the primary exploratory duty of the program has been somewhat eclipsed by foundation-building in these founding years, given the unexpected richness of interstellar space. As such, the program's failure to reach the expected number of extrasolar systems is reasonable. We expect Director Xartaxes' investments in infrastructure to pay significant dividends over the coming decade.

We would, however, like to stress the necessity for further investments in fuel and jumpship manufacturing if we are to maintain an exploratory fleet of any size.

Systems Scanned: 3
Systems Jump Surveyed: 3

Klaxes Stations and Colonies:

Klaxis Majoris: Klaxis Prime (Ocean Homeworld, Tier V)
Klaxis Majoris: Clawpair Orbital (Tier 1)

Potential Colony Sites:

Proxima Axtra: Gas Giant Aerostat (Orbital) (Renewable Resources, Genetics/Xenology Lab Site)
Proxima Axtra: Arid Moon (Habitability Class 1, No Surface Survey)
Proxima Jaxus B: Tropical Moon (Habitability Class 2, No Surface Survey)
Proxima Jaxus B: Arctic Planet (Habitability Class 0, No Surface Survey)

Known Alien Polities:

Far-Flung Lights

Known Alien Stations and Colonies:

Klaxis Majoris: Cloaked Station (Alien Polity Unknown)
Proxima Jaxus B: Far-Flung Lights (Stargazer) Research Station
Birthright: Far-Flung Lights Homeworld
Half-Brother: Far-Flung Lights (Spark) Gaia Planet

Objects of Interest:

Klaxis Majoris: Jagta Singularity
Proxima Axtra: Burnt-Out Precursor Cruiser
Proxima Axtra: Strange Molten Structures
Proxima Jaxus B: Precursor Drones

Personnel Report:

While the Director's reliance largely upon Specialists whom they personally know is cause for some concern, the present extremely limited scope of the exploratory program makes this more than likely an artifact of the development process. Though Xartaxes' personnel choices are unorthodox to say the least, their repeated successes in life-or-death situations have empirically proven their reliability. We have recommended Xartaxes' policies in this regard to the Sociology Board for further examination.

Innovation Card Decked: Practical Meritocracy [Political Science]

Chaktr Xartaxes
(Hero Unit) (You!)
Position: Exploratory Director, Director of Warp Physics
Hero Class: Warp Pioneer
Age: 37
Cutspawn 22
Hardshell 8
Rightform 10
Clawclack 15
Frontways 20
Tidewatch 16

Major Traits:

Visionary (+2 Cutspawn, +2 Clawclack, +2 Tidewatch, +2 Frontways.)
You were the one who made the "impossible" Warp Drive possible. Now that you are vindicated, many who once scorned you want a piece of your prestige.

Mad Scientist (+4 Cutspawn, +2 Tidewatch, -2 Rightform)
You have devoted your life to the study of extreme fringe science. Now, your diligent study has paid off. You will never let others tell you what you can and cannot do!

Good Empiricist (+2 Rightform, +2 Tidewatch, +2 Clawclack, -2 Frontways)
Director Xartaxes can be relied upon to give their honest, professional opinion even when they are incentivized to stray from the strict facts. Some find this unusual in a visionary of this caliber: they haven't met the Exploratory Director's brand of incisive honesty.

Hybrid Form (+2 Cutspawn)
Your Form is a muttly hybrid of the four traditional Forms.

Minor Traits:
Unconventional Administrator (+2 Cutspawn, +2 Frontways, -2 Rightform)
Director Xartaxes' unconventionally hands-on administrative style can take some getting used to, but it affords them a degree of flexibility few other Directors can match.

Card Counter (+2 Frontways, +1 Clawclack)
When strapped for cash to fund your fringe research, you turned to gambling. Your mathematical skills proved too much for the local casinos: you have a lifetime ban.

Grant Grinder (+2 Rightform, +1 Hardshell)
You have learned persistence and tactical politeness at the feet of a grant approval board.

Pure Form (+1 Rightform, +1 Hardshell)
Your Form is unusually free of genetic patches.

Xaxah Kertas (Hero Unit)
Hero Class: Warpslip Commander
Position: Commander of the Carcina
Age: 24
Cutspawn 10
Hardshell 15
Rightform 22
Clawclack 9
Frontways 17
Tidewatch 15

Major Traits:

Tradeform (+4 Frontways, +4 Rightform, -2 Tidewatch)

First in Command (+4 Clawclack, +4 Hardshell)
As the commander of the first mission to orbit an alien star, your name will go down forever in the history of spaceflight.

Precision Instrument (+2 Rightform, +2 Tidewatch, -2 Clawclack)
You were a commander of experimental jumpships. You're still alive. You don't boast about it.

Warpslip Instinct (1/4 Less Reaction Mass Spent/Jump)
The countless hours you spent on experimental missions with prototype jumpships have honed your skill at jump plotting to an art form. When every drop of reaction mass could mean the difference between life and death, you're either perfect or lucky.

You're not lucky.

Blockade Runner (+4 Frontways, +2 Clawclack, -25% Drive Spool Time)
Your skill at plotting precision jumps saved your life and the lives of all your crew from the guns of a precursor cruiser. You have learned the virtues of stealth and speed from direct experience.

Minor Traits:

Pure Form (+1 Rightform, +1 Hardshell)

Only My Duty (+2 Rightform, +1 Tidewatch)
You resolutely believe that any other Klaxes would do the same thing as you, were your positions reversed. You are not uncommonly brave, intelligent, or talented. You were simply the right tool in the right place at the right moment.

Reclusive Heroine (+2 Frontways, +1 Cutspawn)
Following your return from an alien star, you were unexpectedly thrust into the limelight. In the months since, you've become necessarily adroit at evading the press.

Once Burned (+2 Tidewatch, +1 Hardshell, -2 Frontways)
The disorientation and memory loss you suffered during your encounter with a malfunctioning Precursor drive was one of the worst things you've ever experienced. Your logging habits, already meticulous, have become almost obsessive: if you're losing time, you want to know.

Archaktium Weave Uniform (+1 Hardshell)

Hakras Tach (Hero Unit)
Position: Pilot of the Carcina.
Hero Class: Galactic Venturer
Age: 26
Cutspawn 14
Hardshell 27
Rightform 6
Clawclack 26
Frontways 9
Tidewatch 11

Major Traits:
Warform (+4 Clawclack, +4 Hardshell, -2 Tidewatch)

First Pilot (+4 Clawclack, +4 Hardshell)
As the pilot of the first mission to orbit an alien star, your name will go down forever in the history of spaceflight.

Immovable Presence (Nearby allies auto-succeed Morale checks)
You might not always know what to say, but all eyes turn to you when the chips are down. You are an immovable pillar against the rage of the world.

Over? Under? Through. (+2 Hardshell, +2 Cutspawn, -2 Frontways)
You're too damn stubborn to give up. On anything. Ever.

Minor Traits:
Keen Form (+1 Clawclack, +1 Hardshell)

Keep Your Big Mouth Shut (+3 Rightform, +1 Hardshell, -1 Clawclack)
A series of media scandals after your return forced you to learn discretion, or else be grounded forever.

Reckless, Not Stupid (+2 Tidewatch, +2 Frontways, -1 Rightform)
Some say you're an idiot who should never have been allowed to fly an RC plane, much less an experimental jumpship. You disagree with the first part.

I Want One Of Those
After witnessing the destructive glory of a precursor plasma railgun, you've become intent on acquiring one for your own jumpship.

Nagging Feeling
You feel like you've forgotten something important, but can't recall what it was. Perhaps it'll return to you in time.

Archaktium Weave Uniform (+1 Hardshell)

Aletas Chitaka (Hero Unit)
Position: Carcina Drive Technician
Hero Class: Drive Shepherd
Age: 31

Cutspawn 19 (20 with Raktal)
Hardshell 8 (10 with Raktal)
Rightform 7 (9 with Raktal)
Clawclack 11 (12 with Raktal)
Frontways 19 (20 with Raktal)
Tidewatch 29 (30 with Raktal)

Major Traits:

Thoughtform (+4 Tidewatch, +4 Frontways, -2 Hardshell)

Shadow of Genius (+2 Frontways, +2 Tidewatch, +1 Clawclack, -1 Rightform)
You learned at the feet of Director Xartaxes. You flew with Commander Kertas on the first interstellar jump. Your name is in the history books... in the second paragraph.

One With The Drive (Drive mishaps never occur. If damage or other interference, immediate safe shutdown.)
Xartaxes might have designed it, but it was you and your sister who built the Drive. No-one knows its intricate and beautifully deadly failure modes like you do.

Really Are Out To Get You... (+4 Frontways, +2 Tidewatch, -2 Rightform)
Decades as a fringe researcher with a disabled political advocate for a sister have permanently set your nerves on high alert. It's only adaptive to start jumping at shadows when the shadows can and will kill you or those you love.

Warp-Touched (+5 Cutspawn, +2 Clawclack, -2 Rightform, -4 Hardshell)
Heavy exposure to exotic radiation from a Precursor warp drive has blanched large sections of your shell, and left you with a permanently numb left claw. Though you're almost as dextrous as before, you had to fight a beuraucratic battle to keep your place on the Carcina's crew. Fortunately, your firebrand sister has done this song and dance more than once.

Though the fact that your left claw can't feel pain is occasionally useful, you still don't like the looks people give you when they pass in the station corridors.

Radiant Heart (+4 Clawclack, +2 Cutspawn)
When Precursor radiation threatened the lives of your crewmates, you fought through disorientation and memory loss to understand and repair the root issue, willingly taking on great personal risk for the sake of everyone else aboard. No-one can question your commitment to your duty, nor your abilities under pressure.

Minor Traits:

Right Claw of Reason (+2 Tidewatch, +2 Rightform, +2 Hardshell, -2 Frontways, -2 Cutspawn, -2 Clawclack. All bonuses double and penalties halve if working with Raktal Chitaka.)

You've always been half of a working pair of claws. You hardly know how to go without your sister.

We'll Get Through This (+2 Hardshell, +1 Clawclack, -1 Rightform)
When your sister Raktal becomes despondent and unable to find her fire, you are the rock that steadies her. You have weathered the world's worst and come out on top: anyone who tries to hurt either of you has made a tactical error.

Meticulous (-10% Reaction Mass expended when in command)
Even the tiniest of details can cause major problems. You've learned to always triple-check everyone's work.

Archaktium Weave Uniform (+1 Hardshell)

Raktal Chitaka
(Hero Unit)
Position: Ship's Engineer of the Carcina
Hero Class: Starfield Technician
Age: 31
Cutspawn 18 (21 with Aletas)
Hardshell 5 (7 with Aletas)
Rightform 1 (3 with Aletas)
Clawclack 14 (17 with Aletas)
Frontways 18 (20 with Aletas)
Tidewatch 11 (13 with Aletas)

Major Traits:
Thoughtform (+4 Tidewatch, +4 Frontways, -2 Hardshell)

Shadow of Genius (+2 Frontways, +2 Tidewatch, +1 Clawclack, -1 Rightform)
You learned at the feet of Director Xartaxes. You flew with Commander Kertas on the first jumpflight. Your name is in the history books… in the second paragraph.

More Lives Than Legs (50% chance to survive anything that would otherwise kill her.)
You have honestly no idea how you managed to live through all the workplace accidents that occurred in Director Xartaxes' underfunded subspace labs. You're either lucky or good, and you're really not sure you want to find out which.

It Runs On Duct Tape (No penalty for improvised repairs.)
As Director Xartaxes' personal assistant, there was never enough funding for anything. You managed. Repairing a badly damaged warp drive using scavenged parts from the air recyclers reminds you of old times.

Honorary Hexeye (+5 on any Drone-related roll. +2 Rightform when dealing with Lights.)
Your interest in robotics exploded into a full-blown passion when Light drone technologies became available to the Klaxes. Begging, borrowing and stealing, you managed to obtain a genuine Hexeye prototype through a truly outlandish chain of deals, and haven't looked back since. Your obvious curiosity has made you more than a few friends among the alien bugs.

I Won't Lose You (-1 to all stats when Aletas is not present. +10 to all rolls made to protect her.)
Your sister's brush with death by radiation poisoning has made you realize just how much she means to you. You can't stop yourself from worrying whenever she's gone.

Minor Traits:
Spawnwarped (+5 Cutspawn, -1 All Other Stats)

Left Claw of Passion (+2 Cutspawn, +2 Frontways, +2 Clawclack, -2 Hardshell, -2 Rightform, -2 Tidewatch. All bonuses double and penalties halve if working with Aletas Chitaka.)
You've always been half of a working pair of claws. You hardly know how to go without your sister.

Vocal Advocate (+2 Clawclack, +1 Frontways, -1 Rightform)
You use whatever limited fame you have to speak on behalf of Spawnwarped klaxes everywhere. This forthright approach has made you some enemies... but more than a few allies as well.

Archaktium Weave Uniform (+1 Hardshell)

Jumpfleet Report:

Our jumpfleet, consisting as it does of a single now-obsolete ship, is hardly worthy of the name. We expect scheduled refits later this year to dramatically improve our current ship's capabilities, but further ship production is likely to take significant time and technology investment.

Active Ships: 1

The Carcina (Experimental Destroyer)
20/20 Reaction Mass
0/0 Cargo Space
4/4 Crew:
Xaxah Kertas (Hero, Commander)
Hakras Tach (Hero, Pilot)
Aletas Chitaka (Hero, Drive Technician)
Raktal Chitaka (Hero, Ship's Engineer)

In production: 1

Carcina II (Experimental Destroyer)
40/150 Hull (+25/turn)

Unique Modules: 1
Precursor Drive (Size 5)

Manufacturable Modules:

Crew Health & Comfort:
Minimal Crew Quarters (Size 5)
Basic Crew Quarters (Size 10)
Comfortable Crew Quarters (Size 15)
Sickbay (Size 20)
Common Room (Size 25)
Generative Artwork (Size 5)
Minimal Life Support (Size 5)
Basic Life Support (Size 10)
Advanced Life Support (Size 20)
Hydroponics Garden (Size 75)
Lightweight Cosmic Radiation Shielding (Size 5)
Lightweight Drive Shielding (Size 5)
Advanced Radiative Heatsink (Size 10)


Archaktium-Weave Hull Reinforcement (Size 5)
Hiveskin Kinetic Plating (Size 10)
Sparkhold Thermal Plating (Size 20)


Jumpship Computer Mk. I (Size 10)
Quantum Jump Computer Mk. I (Size 5)
Automated Video Processor (Size 5)
Identification Database (Size 5)
Second-Guesser (Size 5)
Tactical Computer (Size 5)
Virus Payload (Size 5)
Systems Monitor (Size 5)
Vitals Monitor (Size 5)
Drone Management Subsystem (Size 5)

Sensors & Communications:

Basic Sensor & Communications Suite (Size 5)
Basic Subspace Sensor Package (Size 5)


Miniaturized Fusion Generator (Size 10)


Brilliant Drive Mk. II (Size 25)
Torch Drive (Size 15)
Maneuvering Thrusters and Fuel (Size 5)

Weapons & Ammunition:

Mass Driver Mk. II (Size 10)
Ammunition Bay (Size 5)


Asteroid Harness (Size 15)
Ore Processing Bay (Size 10)


Swarm Stowage Bay (Size 5)
Sample Surveyor (Size 10)

Ship Patterns:

Carcina-Pattern [Obsolete]
Size 150 Experimental Destroyer

Module Loadout:
Mk. 1 Warp Drive (Size 50)
Drive Shielding (Size 10)
Minimal Crew Quarters x4 (Size 20)
Basic Life Support (Size 10)
Cosmic Radiation Shielding (Size 10)
Mk 1. Jumpship Computer (Size 10)
Miniaturized Fusion Generator (Size 10)
Maneuvering Thrusters and Fuel (Size 5)
Basic Communication & Sensor Suite (Size 5)
Reaction Mass x20 (Size 20)

Research Report:

Director Xartaxes has demonstrated a commendable commitment to research, allocating many resources towards the successful pursuit of advanced technologies. Though their priorities have not always agreed with Recording's opinions, they are entirely within their authority in this matter.

Ongoing Research Projects:

The Precursor Drive
The Jagta Singularity
The Cloaked Station

Ongoing Reverse-Engineering:

Integration Theory
Voidcraft Attack Drones
Megascale Reflectors

Innovation Deck:

37 Cards drawn this grant cycle.
4 Cards force-discarded.
9 Cards researched.
13 new cards decked.

Total Decked Cards: 51 (38 Undrawn)

Warp: 8 (7 Undrawn)
Computing: 7 (5 Undrawn)
Biology: 7 (4 Undrawn)
Politics: 6 (4 Undrawn)
Xenology: 7 (4 Undrawn)
Industry: 9 (7 Undrawn)
Void Engineering: 8 (7 Unknown)

Skimming through the lengthy report, you frown. Though it's good to see Aletas returned to active duty... when did we start being able to produce Archaktium-weave hulls? "Generative Artwork?" Whose bright idea was it to list a giant hydroponics garden as a possible form of life support? And where the shell did all these computing modules come from?

Shuffling the stack of papers on your desk, you turn up a Light Integration Progress Report, buried under an Inhabited Systems Report and a Research Project Status Report. Maybe Recording does have a point regarding trying to do this all by yourself: if nothing else, you're drowning in paperwork.

[ ] Press on regardless.
[ ] Maybe look into that requisitioning-an-aide thing. You could probably use some competent help around here, to be honest.
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[X] Maybe look into that requisitioning-an-aide thing. You could probably use some competent help around here, to be honest.

The head(-ish) of state NEEDS a secretary. I'm surprised we've survived this long, tbh.
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[X] Maybe look into that requisitioning-an-aide thing. You could probably use some competent help around here, to be honest.

Can't wait to build a hydroponics garden with generative artwork in our far-in-the-future plus-sized diplomatic cruiser.
[X] Maybe look into that requisitioning-an-aide thing. You could probably use some competent help around here, to be honest.

Yeah we need this in order to get on top of stuff, next we really should do a refit of our old destroyer when things get done.

Maybe find a way to miniaturize other stuff so we can make a dedicated science vessel with some armed drones for defense.
We might need a diplomatic dreadnought to support a diplomatic crew in comfort and luxury.

Comfortable Crew Quarters (Size 15) x4
Sickbay (Size 20)
Common Room (Size 25)
Generative Artwork (Size 5)
Advanced Life Support (Size 20)
Hydroponics Garden (Size 75)
Lightweight Cosmic Radiation Shielding (Size 5)
Advanced Radiative Heatsink (Size 10)
Archaktium-Weave Hull Reinforcement (Size 5)
Quantum Jump Computer Mk. I (Size 5)
Automated Video Processor (Size 5)
Second-Guesser (Size 5)
Tactical Computer (Size 5) [Cyberwarfare]
Systems Monitor (Size 5) [Fault-tolerant Algorithms]
Vitals Monitor (Size 5) [Fault-tolerant Algorithms]
Basic Sensor & Communications Suite (Size 5)
Basic Subspace Sensor Package (Size 5)
Miniaturized Fusion Generator (Size 10)
Brilliant Drive Mk. II (Size 25)
Torch Drive (Size 15)
Maneuvering Thrusters and Fuel (Size 5)

...Something like ~300, if we want all the bells and whistles in.
We might need a diplomatic dreadnought to support a diplomatic crew in comfort and luxury.

Comfortable Crew Quarters (Size 15) x4
Sickbay (Size 20)
Common Room (Size 25)
Generative Artwork (Size 5)
Advanced Life Support (Size 20)
Hydroponics Garden (Size 75)
Lightweight Cosmic Radiation Shielding (Size 5)
Advanced Radiative Heatsink (Size 10)
Archaktium-Weave Hull Reinforcement (Size 5)
Quantum Jump Computer Mk. I (Size 5)
Automated Video Processor (Size 5)
Second-Guesser (Size 5)
Tactical Computer (Size 5) [Cyberwarfare]
Systems Monitor (Size 5) [Fault-tolerant Algorithms]
Vitals Monitor (Size 5) [Fault-tolerant Algorithms]
Basic Sensor & Communications Suite (Size 5)
Basic Subspace Sensor Package (Size 5)
Miniaturized Fusion Generator (Size 10)
Brilliant Drive Mk. II (Size 25)
Torch Drive (Size 15)
Maneuvering Thrusters and Fuel (Size 5)

...Something like ~300, if we want all the bells and whistles in.

That's going to be tough to make...unless we want a very large science vessel for SCIENCE!!!

Also are there leviathans QM?
"Nagging Feeling
You feel like you've forgotten something important, but can't recall what it was. Perhaps it'll return to you in time."
...I don't like the sound of that. It's from Warp Radiation exposure, I guess.

Aletas survived, and is forever changed.
That's going to be tough to make...unless we want a very large science vessel for SCIENCE!!!

Also are there leviathans QM?

There are totally leviathans. I'd be remiss to put in endgame tech where you can make Dyson spheres and Ringworlds and have the players not be able to fling around something a mere hundred kilometres long.

As to the existence or nonexistence of space krakens, no comment. Crabs don't know: you don't get to either. You can be assured that none of the Stellaris endgame crises exist.
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[X] Maybe look into that requisitioning-an-aide thing. You could probably use some competent help around here, to be honest.

I expect that Xartaxes might not have even realized it would be possible to have a secretary.
Can we build a ship without a warp drive, to be an in-system cargo wagon or asteroid miner?
I have lots of questions abut all the different modules, but that can probably wait until ship design time.
We might need a diplomatic dreadnought to support a diplomatic crew in comfort and luxury. (Calculation Snipped.)

Size 300 is still only Cruiser class, and at the lower end.

Just for reference, here are the current ship size classes:
Shuttle/Fighter: Size 50-150
Freighter/Destroyer: Size 150-250
Heavy Freighter/Cruiser: Size 250-500
Galleon/Battleship: Size 500-1,000
Mothership/Dreadnought: Size 1,000-5,000
Worldship/Leviathan: Size 5,000-100,000

The Carcina pattern is the smallest stable hull we know how to build. We can go larger, but that would naturally delay it even more: right now the holdup on larger ships is industrial capacity.

Can we build a ship without a warp drive, to be an in-system cargo wagon or asteroid miner?

Yes, definitely. There's nothing that says all spaceships have to be Jumpships.
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"What exactly do all these modules do?" is broad and sweeping, so.
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Can we convert Carcina II from a 150-size ship to a 165-size one just so we aren't letting the warpdock not use its full capacity for a year?
There are three different kinds of armor listed. Can we have more than one armor? More than one copy of each, and more than one kind, separate questions.
There are three different kinds of armor listed. Can we have more than one armor? More than one copy of each, and more than one kind, separate questions.

They don't stack, but we can have more than one kind.
These have to do with the combat system, which has damage types: Kinetic and Thermal are the big ones, with more exotic weapons having Radiation, Disintegration, etc. as additional lovely options. One Armor per damage type, plus a Hull Reinforcer like Archaktium Fibers.

Can we convert Carcina II from a 150-size ship to a 165-size one just so we aren't letting the warpdock not use its full capacity for a year?

What, and change the entire design pattern on the fly? Spacecraft hulls aren't things you just slap together nilly-willy, you know.

However, the additional 15 production won't be wasted: it'll be put towards Carcina III, or whatever we designate to build after Carcina II.
Yeah we really should go look at that, we were probably being studied by a older alien species that are doing the whole prime directive thing.
They don't stack, but we can have more than one kind.
These have to do with the combat system, which has damage types: Kinetic and Thermal are the big ones, with more exotic weapons having Radiation, Disintegration, etc. as additional lovely options. One Armor per damage type, plus a Hull Reinforcer like Archaktium Fibers.

The Size of the armor probably scales with the size of the ship?