Ok, first draft made me go full Alabama Apologist (not an actual term so don't try to look it up. Just don't.), so lets see if I can tone down the religious justifications for a bloody race war! Just going to stop shoveling coal into the fires of the insanity engine, in hopes that some rationality remains.

So, before and after the rewrite what happens if our tribe happens upon a human/faunus couple and does the presence of children by this couple or the gender of the human in the relationship matter?
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So, before and after the rewrite what happens if our tribe happens upon a human/faunus couple and does the presence of children by this couple or the gender of the human in the relationship matter?

That reaction is entirely up to you, but let me remind everyone that Human/Faunus relations do result in a Faunus child. The default reaction is... let's be euphemistic and say "Liberation".

You're not good people, not since you triple downed on being the successor to Adam's White Fang. This can change, of course, but it won't be easy.
Welcome to the quest @Martenzo. Unfortunately you missed the vote by a fair margin, but don't worry, you'll see the full force of the insanity later.
Champion Creation 0-3
In the histories of old, the naming of a hated enemy changed them, reducing the enemy into something which could be killed. To your people, the Schnee Dust Company was such an enemy. While others may have seen fit to replace old scars with fresh wounds, you forget nothing. The wisdom of the ancients goes "No evil deed goes unpunished," and the Schnees have a large debt to pay. This is why your tribe adopted the name of Schnee, so the debt can never be forgotten. There are other debts, of course, but none as great as the Schnees.

The Schnees, however, forced your tribe onto the path of greatness. Nearly every member of your tribe can rightfully claim heritage from one of the ancestors who once worked the Schnee Dust mines. Through their servitude, they learned much of Dust's secrets, and the tribe still holds some of the ancient knowledge. The Elders tell the story of Dust, and every member of your tribe knows the tale by heart.

This is the story of Dust, and it's truth cannot be questioned as the Elders have been blessed by Nerthus to never speak falsehoods.
Long ago, Ingwaz, the God of Humanity, grew jealous of the power Nerthus, the Mother Goddess of the Faunus, had granted onto her children, for it was far beyond any the greedy Ingwaz could produce. Without the strength to best Nerthus in battle, Ingwaz instead gave a bowl of water poisoned by a foulness to Nerthus. The Mother Goddess, ever kind to her fellow deities, drank the poison and fell into a deep slumber.

The trickster then fell upon the Mother Goddess, but when he could not steal her power, he slew Her and threw Her remains across Remnant. There She became the Dust which Humans had forced the Faunus to mine, for no Human can touch Dust which has not been excavated by a Faunus' hand. One day, the Faunus shall rise up and claim the Dust of the Mother Goddess as is their birthright. So say the Elders, and thus is the truth.

We have heard the story of your tribe, but not the story of it's leader. Your story is your own, not yet uttered by the silver tongues of the Elders.

AN: Remember, planned voting only.

Name: [] Write-In.

Gender: [] Male or Female.

Faunus Trait: [] Write-In. The Blessed By The Mother Goddess trait is needed for anything more than a cosmetic trait.

Champion Weapon: Every tribe has a weapon of the highest quality reserved for the leader of the tribe. This weapon is as much a symbol of the tribe's honor as your ability.
[] Write-In. If you choose the Champion Mechashift Weapon trait, you can combine a melee and a ranged weapon of some complexity.

History: Not every Faunus is born into a tribe. While the time of the Four Kingdoms may have been a time of at least begrudging acceptance, the Faunus of today have no such luck. Only in distant Menagerie are the Faunus able to claim acceptance, but they have simply changed the target of their loathing. Such talk of distant lands is not a part of your story, so where does your's begin?

[] You used to be a slave to a human tribe, born from other slaves of the same tribe. Your life was spent toiling on whatever project your masters deemed necessary, and the switch was never far from their hands. During a bandit attack you managed to escape, somehow finding the Schnee tribe before the Grimm found you. (Gain traits: Scarred and Brawny. Choose between Branded or Clubfooted (Non-inheritable) (if Clubfooted, gain a trait choice). One tribe considers you their property and wants you back in chains.)
[] You was the "Pet" of a tribal champion. He had taken an interest in you, stealing you from your original tribe in a raid. It had taken years for you to find the right time for your escape, but you did. In doing so, you made sure no one else would fall prey to your "owner" ever again. (Gain the Master Seducer/Seductress trait. One tribe in the area wishes to make an example out of you.)
[] Free Faunus: You were born into the tribe, and you have only see the pain of your people, never experiencing the pain first-hand. You were the favored successor for the previous champion, and were prepared for that role by the Elders. You have learned much from the Elders, and only fools would call their true teachings into question. (Gain trait: Mystic. People within your tribe gain +1 Relation (Tribal Insider). It's harder to break from tradition, with anti-traditional choices receiving a .5 weight modifier.)

Trait Selection: Choose two traits. You can gain more trait choices by selecting up to two negative traits.

[] Awakened Aura: While the process is brutal, having an Aura which can defend oneself is useful in these cruel times.
[] Wellspring of Aura: Even among those who possess an awakened Aura, your's is especially powerful. Almost as powerful as the Huntsmen of old. Counts as Two Traits. Requires Awakened Aura.
[] Blessed by the Goddess Mother: While all Faunus have a trait which separates them from Humanity, you were born with something unique. Perhaps it was a pair of beautiful wings, skin which can change color, fangs which leak venom or any other advantage which marks you as unique.
[] Mechashift Champion Weapon: The secrets of true mecha-shifting weaponry was lost with the Four Kingdoms, but some tribes have created unique replicas. Your weapon is one such masterwork. (Select a melee and ranged weapon to combine, up to a smoothbore musket in complexity.)
[] Duelist: A touchy ego and a quick trigger-sword finger make for a lethal combination.
[] Greedy: You love to hoard resources! Why? Who cares! You have shinies!
[] Giant: By the Gods, you're enormous (even by the standards of Remnant)! Genetics has (blessed? cursed?) you with a towering size, to use as you see fit. Many find you intimidating, but you have no hope of hiding in a crowd.
[] Spartan: You shun decoration and frivolities. Instead, you require simplicity, practicality, and a humbling faith.
[] Touched By Destiny: Despite the cruel world you inhabit, you've always felt a sense of… purpose.
[] Laconic: You are not prone to long-winded speeches, but when you do speak, each word bears weight beyond its brevity.
[] Coward - You didn't survive this long by sticking your head out as far as possible. Gain a trait selection.
[] Brave: You fear nothing… even if you should.
[] Gregarious: You are outgoing and boisterous, much to the delight of your company.
[] Recluse: You shun the company of others, and have dedicated your time to other pursuits.
[] Randy: You have a one track mind, one that leads straight to bed. This has led to years of expertise in dealing with the opposite (or same) sex.
[] Chaste: You've never been one to indulge in sex.
[] Fashionable: You know that keeping yourself immersed in the latest fashions is important when holding court. Plus, you look fine as hell.
[] Trusting: You like people, and they appreciate that.
[] Likeable: You're easy to get along with, and people trust you more easily. You didn't become that way by hiding away and reading a book, however.
[] Subtle: Large, ostentatious meetings or displays of power have never been your style. Manipulating from the shadows, however…
[] Paranoid: You didn't get this far in life without watching your back...constantly. Unfortunately it also has led you to assuming the worst of everyone.
[] Cruel: You are by most accounts, a vicious Champion.
[] Kind: You are known as a caring, soft-hearted Champion.
[] Wroth: You have a quick temper, and it is a dangerous, unstable thing when roused.
[] Calm: You have a neutral temperament, one that has colored your personality a great deal.
[] Attractive: You are beautiful/handsome... even by Remnant standards!
[] Ugly: By the Gods… hideous people do exist on Remnant, and you're one of them! Gain one trait selection.
[] Hunter: While everyone in your tribe has to pull their own weight, you have been known to bring back much more than is needed to feed yourself.
[] Raider: Even though you are young, you've earned a reputation as a raider equal to any bandit lord.
[] Cold: You rule your tribe with a frigid, practical demeanour.
[] Cutthroat: Even at a young age, you were always knew you would do whatever shady shit had to get done to get what you wanted.
[] Smuggler: Years of engaging in clandestine criminal enterprises have given you a wealth of experience in concealment.
[] Bruiser: Never has a problem presented itself that cannot be solved with violence.
[] Flair for the Dramatic: You missed your calling as an actor, as you are able to easily emotionally invest those you work with. However, you are less inclined to take subtle, less glory-winning approaches.
[] Pious: You love learning about your religion, and all its facets.
[] Strange Customs: No one will question your devotion to your religion… but they might raise an eyebrow at how you profess it.
[] Genius: You excel at all that you try. Counts as two traits.
[] Quick-Witted: You are a fast learner. Cannot be taken with 'Genius'.
[] Booming Voice: Your vocal cords go all the way to eleven, a useful trait to wield on the battlefield… but not anywhere else.
[] Persuasive: You always find the right words, be it small talk with leaders or a speech for your warriors. However, you are now more inclined to find the less confrontational path.
[] Silver-Tongued: You always know exactly what to say at all times.
[] Hedonist: Life has to be lived to the fullest, and you can use that experience well.
[] Interrogator: You have received good instruction on how to extract information from prisoners. This has made you very adept at the practice, but your mindset is off-putting in polite company.
[] Strong: You are blessed with a powerful physique.
[] Weak: You have been cursed with a weak frame in world of death. You've filled your time with other pursuits. Gain one trait.
[] Wroth: Your anger strikes frequently and without mercy.
[] Agile: You are flexible and quick.
[] Leader: You are a natural born leader, able to inspire and draw others to your cause. Counts as two traits.
[] Good Sense of Humor: You have a standout sense of humor. Naturally, this requires not taking everything as seriously as one should.
[] Whisperer: You keep your speech quiet, and know how to pick up on other's muted mumblings.
[] Zealous: You take your faith very seriously.
[] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
[] Ostentatious: You're a Champion dammit! Make your people bow and scrape before your radiant glory!
[] Pragmatic: Remnant is not a kind world, and reaching for lofty ideals is fit only for fools. Strong steel and a stronger will shall save the day.
[] Idealist: Remnant is not a kind world, but that is why you must change it. Gain one Fate Point, prepare for the consequences.
[] Arrogant: You sneer at those below you. How could you not? You are their Champion!
[] Small Frame: You aren't as large as many of your peers, but you are certainly more agile.
[] Just: You always do your best to wield the scales of justice with care, and hold yourself to a higher standard than most.
[] Arbitrary: Your rule is capricious and fickle. Gain one trait.
[] Grimm Expert: The creatures of Grimm rule Remnant, and you decided early on to acquire as much knowledge about them as you could.
[] Dust Aficionado: Dust is sacred to every member of your tribe, but you are a master in it's veneration.
[] Dust Weaver: The art of weaving Dust into threads is a mysterious and art, one which has been mastered by very few people. You, however, are one such master. Requires Dust Aficionado.
[] Spark of Insight: Madness? Genius? Who knows, but you have sudden bouts of inspiration that can bear exceptional result... If they don't kill you first.
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Welcome to The Embers Crackle, where big draws from earlier quests are much more limited, and I need to very carefully dance around issues by relying on my readers' intelligence.

I wouldn't worry too much about missing options, since there are some very interesting ways to get what you want in play.
[X] Plan The Fox Knows Many Things
-[X] Vulpa Clay
-[X] Female
-[X] Fox-ears
-[X] Weapon: A khopesh, a sword shaped like the moon that gives you sight in the darkest nights.
--[X] It was passed down from one great warrior to the next, its wielders forging great ambitions and leaving greater legacies. It passed through the hands of four tribes and across the sea, each one becoming greater than the last before slowly fading, gracefully giving the blade to a worthy successor. Each one foretold that one day, the sword would bring one tribe to a greatness that would never end. That a worthy leader would bear it through toil and hardship, and emerge as radiant as the crescent it was shaped after. This sword is Elatha, the Moonscar, the Blade of the Crossroads. And you are its wielder.
-[X] History: You used to be a slave to a human tribe, born from other slaves of the same tribe. Your life was spent toiling on whatever project your masters deemed necessary, and the switch was never far from their hands. During a bandit attack you managed to escape, somehow finding the Schnee tribe before the Grimm found you. (Gain traits: Branded or Clubfooted (Non-inheritable) (Select when chosen, if Clubfooted, gain a trait choice). One tribe considers you their property and wants you back in chains.) Trait Chosen: Clubfooted
-[X] Traits:
--[X] Cynical
--[X] Weak
--[X] Quick-witted
--[X] Leader
--[X] Dust Aficionado
--[X] Dust Weaver

I'm willing to work on the Traits, people.
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Whoop, let me just step right in @King Tharassian, since it looks like I forgot to make something clear. The choice has been altered, but now you choose between Branded or Clubfooted, rather than Scarred, Brawny etc. If you choose Clubfooted, then you gain a trait choice. Branded has it's own problems.

Thank you for letting me make something clearer.
[X] Plan The Fox Knows Many Things
-[X] Vulpa Clay
-[X] Female
-[X] Fox-ears
-[X] Weapon: A khopesh, a sword shaped like the moon that gives you sight in the darkest nights.
-[X] History: You used to be a slave to a human tribe, born from other slaves of the same tribe. Your life was spent toiling on whatever project your masters deemed necessary, and the switch was never far from their hands. During a bandit attack you managed to escape, somehow finding the Schnee tribe before the Grimm found you. (Gain traits: Scarred, Brawny, Branded or Clubfooted (Non-inheritable) (Select when chosen, if Clubfooted, gain a trait choice). One tribe considers you their property and wants you back in chains.) Trait Chosen: Branded
-[X] Traits:
--[X] Quick-witted
--[X] Laconic

I'm willing to work on the Traits, people.
love this except I would like to switch Laconic for Awakened aura as I feel it would fit more effectively with the history option.
When there's a whip, there is a way.

Oh right, before I forget, care to give the khopesh a name? It's already quite unique given that it's more a Vacuan weapon, but why not add to the history of the blade? (I love the text of the weapon.)
Soooo many good traits, though Dust Weaver calls to me the most, because duh. Grabbing some of those negative traits seems like a good idea.
Which are the negatives? I can't find them in that wall. (no offense Raiu!)

And which ones fit the build?

EDIT: Maybe... Cowardly, Weak or Cynical?
Adhoc vote count started by King Tharassian on May 5, 2018 at 8:37 PM, finished with 65 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan Brilliance in madness
    -[X] The Schnee tribe.
    -[X] The White Castle
    -[X] Dust Studies
    --[X] Faunus Refuge
    [X] Keepers of the Atlas Vault: Your tribe are descendants of a research institute in the Ruins of Atlas, the buildings bearing the name Geppetto, which is where your tribe gains it's name. Within the Geppetto tribe, however, there exists a divided people. One side, the Keepers, are a caste of scholars who maintain the Vaults and seek knowledge of the Before Times. The second faction, the Warhawks, are a caste of warriors who claim descent from the military of Atlas and serve as the shield against the constant Grimm and Raider attacks. Both sides vie for power and control over the Seven Vaults: long sealed constructs under the research institute. No records remain of their contents, but they no doubt contain objects of great power within. (Tribe instead values Martial Might and Learning, with two factions to manage. Gain Weaponry 2, tribe is located directly in the Ruins of Atlas. Frequent, almost constant, Grimm, Raider and Reclaimer attacks.)
    -[X] You come from the Keepers, who are the ones who should concern themselves of the secrets of the universe, while the Warhawks continue their traditional role. (Bonus to Learning, Penalty to Martial.)
    [X] Plan The Fox Knows Many Things
    -[X] Vulpa Clay
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Fox-ears
    -[X] Weapon: A khopesh, a sword shaped like the moon that gives you sight in the darkest nights.
    --[X] It was passed down from one great warrior to the next, its wielders forging great ambitions and leaving greater legacies. It passed through the hands of four tribes and across the sea, each one becoming greater than the last before slowly fading, gracefully giving the blade to a worthy successor. Each one foretold that one day, the sword would bring one tribe to a greatness that would never end. That a worthy leader would bear it through toil and hardship, and emerge as radiant as the crescent it was shaped after. This sword is Elatha, the Moonscar, the Blade of the Crossroads. And you are its wielder.
    -[X] History: You used to be a slave to a human tribe, born from other slaves of the same tribe. Your life was spent toiling on whatever project your masters deemed necessary, and the switch was never far from their hands. During a bandit attack you managed to escape, somehow finding the Schnee tribe before the Grimm found you. (Gain traits: Branded or Clubfooted (Non-inheritable) (Select when chosen, if Clubfooted, gain a trait choice). One tribe considers you their property and wants you back in chains.) Trait Chosen: Branded
    -[X] Traits:
    --[X] Quick-witted
    --[X] Awakened Aura
    [X] Keepers of the Geppetto Vaults
    -[X] Gatherer
    [X] Keepers of the Atlas Vault: Your tribe are descendants of a research institute in the Ruins of Atlas, the buildings bearing the name Geppetto, which is where your tribe gains it's name. Within the Geppetto tribe, however, there exists a divided people. One side, the Keepers, are a caste of scholars who maintain the Vaults and seek knowledge of the Before Times. The second faction, the Warhawks, are a caste of warriors who claim descent from the military of Atlas and serve as the shield against the constant Grimm and Raider attacks. Both sides vie for power and control over the Seven Vaults: long sealed constructs under the research institute. No records remain of their contents, but they no doubt contain objects of great power within. (Tribe instead values Martial Might and Learning, with two factions to manage. Gain Weaponry 2, tribe is located directly in the Ruins of Atlas. Frequent, almost constant, Grimm, Raider and Reclaimer attacks.)
    -[X] You come from the Keepers, who are the ones who should concern themselves with the secrets of the universe, while the Warhawks continue their traditional role. (Bonus to Learning, Penalty to Martial.)

Adhoc vote count started by King Tharassian on May 5, 2018 at 8:38 PM, finished with 91 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan The Fox Knows Many Things
    -[X] Vulpa Clay
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Fox-ears
    -[X] Weapon: A khopesh, a sword shaped like the moon that gives you sight in the darkest nights.
    --[X] It was passed down from one great warrior to the next, its wielders forging great ambitions and leaving greater legacies. It passed through the hands of four tribes and across the sea, each one becoming greater than the last before slowly fading, gracefully giving the blade to a worthy successor. Each one foretold that one day, the sword would bring one tribe to a greatness that would never end. That a worthy leader would bear it through toil and hardship, and emerge as radiant as the crescent it was shaped after. This sword is Elatha, the Moonscar, the Blade of the Crossroads. And you are its wielder.
    -[X] History: You used to be a slave to a human tribe, born from other slaves of the same tribe. Your life was spent toiling on whatever project your masters deemed necessary, and the switch was never far from their hands. During a bandit attack you managed to escape, somehow finding the Schnee tribe before the Grimm found you. (Gain traits: Branded or Clubfooted (Non-inheritable) (Select when chosen, if Clubfooted, gain a trait choice). One tribe considers you their property and wants you back in chains.) Trait Chosen: Branded
    -[X] Traits:
    --[X] Quick-witted
    --[X] Awakened Aura
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Because these Traits are going to be important, and some of them are powerful enough that I really don't want to spend them on neutral personality traits, gonna pick out the ones that have caught my attention.

First up, the negative traits.

[] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.

Probably my favorite of the negative traits. I kinda like these sorts of characters, and it seems a small sacrifice for some of those later traits.

[] Weak: You have been cursed with a weak frame in world of death. You've filled your time with other pursuits. Gain one trait.

Another one that interests me. The sort of leader who is weak of body, but is excellent in other areas.

[] Coward - You didn't survive this long by sticking your head out as far as possible. Gain a trait selection.

Don't like this one, a pretty bad personality traits to have.

[] Ugly: By the Gods… hideous people do exist on Remnant, and you're one of them! Gain one trait selection.

Personal charisma is kinda important in a leader, so maybe not.

Now, for some single traits.

[] Mechashift Champion Weapon: The secrets of true mecha-shifting weaponry was lost with the Four Kingdoms, but some tribes have created unique replicas. Your weapon is one such masterwork. (Select a melee and ranged weapon to combine, up to a smoothbore musket in complexity.)

If we go martial, this is obviously great.

[] Touched By Destiny: Despite the cruel world you inhabit, you've always felt a sense of… purpose.

Something of a mystery bag that might give some strong benefit towards a larger goal.

[] Idealist: Remnant is not a kind world, but that is why you must change it. Gain one Fate Point, prepare for the consequences.

Probably goes with Touched By Destiny very well, if we want to do more than maintain our tribe.

[] Spark of Insight: Madness? Genius? Who knows, but you have sudden bouts of inspiration that can bear exceptional result... If they don't kill you first.

This one could be really powerful, but also a bit dangerous, and I don't feel great about it.

Now for the really important stuff, the double traits.

[] Awakened Aura: While the process is brutal, having an Aura which can defend oneself is useful in these cruel times.
[] Wellspring of Aura: Even among those who possess an awakened Aura, your's is especially powerful. Almost as powerful as the Huntsmen of old. Counts as Two Traits. Requires Awakened Aura

Huge boost to personal combat, obviously.

[] Genius: You excel at all that you try. Counts as two traits.

The ever-wanted Genius trait. Obviously great, though better in intellectual type characters.

[] Leader: You are a natural born leader, able to inspire and draw others to your cause. Counts as two traits.

Well... Duh?

[] Dust Aficionado: Dust is sacred to every member of your tribe, but you are a master in it's veneration.
[] Dust Weaver: The art of weaving Dust into threads is a mysterious and art, one which has been mastered by very few people. You, however, are one such master. Requires Dust Aficionado.

Oh boy this one calls to me.

Alright, here's my idea for a backline Dust specialist, though I don't really care about name or gender or anything, so just offering suggestions for other people.

Negative Traits: Clubfooted/Cynical, Weak

Positive Traits: Genius, Dust Aficionado, Dust Weaver

Sacrifices physical combat power for raw intellect and skill with Dust. I really like this one, doubles down on our focus on Dust. Taking both Clubfooted and Cynical could grab us Spark of Insight, tripling down on our intellect.
[X] Plan Dust Wizard
-[X] Name: Diamant
-[X] Gender: Female
-[X] Faunus Trait: Lynx(Ears)
-[X] Champion Weapon: The Silverstave, a staff of bright silver metal with a long spike on one end, and a socket on the other, in which a carefully worked Dust crystal can be mounted.
-[] History: You was the "Pet" of a tribal champion. He had taken an interest in you, stealing you from your original tribe in a raid. It had taken years for you to find the right time for your escape, but you did. In doing so, you made sure no one else would fall prey to your "owner" ever again. (Gain the Master Seducer/Seductress trait. One tribe in the area wishes to make an example out of you.)
-[X] Free Faunus: You were born into the tribe, and you have only see the pain of your people, never experiencing the pain first-hand. You were the favored successor for the previous champion, and were prepared for that role by the Elders. You have learned much from the Elders, and only fools would call their true teachings into question. (Gain trait: Mystic. People within your tribe gain +1 Relation (Tribal Insider). It's harder to break from tradition, with anti-traditional choices receiving a .5 weight modifier.)
-[X] Coward - You didn't survive this long by sticking your head out as far as possible. Gain a trait selection.
-[X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
-[X] Awakened Aura: While the process is brutal, having an Aura which can defend oneself is useful in these cruel times.
-[X] Dust Aficionado: Dust is sacred to every member of your tribe, but you are a master in it's veneration.
-[X] Dust Weaver: The art of weaving Dust into threads is a mysterious and art, one which has been mastered by very few people. You, however, are one such master. Requires Dust Aficionado.
-[X] Spark of Insight: Madness? Genius? Who knows, but you have sudden bouts of inspiration that can bear exceptional result... If they don't kill you first.
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[X] Plan Dust Wizard
-[X] Name: Diamant
-[X] Gender: Female
-[X] Faunus Trait: Lynx(Ears)
-[X] Champion Weapon: The Silverstave, a staff of bright silver metal with a long spike on one end, and a socket on the other, in which a carefully worked Dust crystal can be mounted.
-[X] History: You was the "Pet" of a tribal champion. He had taken an interest in you, stealing you from your original tribe in a raid. It had taken years for you to find the right time for your escape, but you did. In doing so, you made sure no one else would fall prey to your "owner" ever again. (Gain the Master Seducer/Seductress trait. One tribe in the area wishes to make an example out of you.)
-[X] Coward - You didn't survive this long by sticking your head out as far as possible. Gain a trait selection.
-[X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
-[X] Awakened Aura: While the process is brutal, having an Aura which can defend oneself is useful in these cruel times.
-[X] Dust Aficionado: Dust is sacred to every member of your tribe, but you are a master in it's veneration.
-[X] Dust Weaver: The art of weaving Dust into threads is a mysterious and art, one which has been mastered by very few people. You, however, are one such master. Requires Dust Aficionado.
-[X] Spark of Insight: Madness? Genius? Who knows, but you have sudden bouts of inspiration that can bear exceptional result... If they don't kill you first.
ummm you do realize you have too many positive traits here right? also I will never agree to a plan with coward in it.
Nnnope. Only Genius and Leader are like that. Each of his positive Traits only need one. Weaver requires Aficionado to be taken, but each of them only costs 1.
well shit huh your right... I got mixed up and thought the dust thing and the insight had the same cost as aura and genius... still not worth it in my eyes though. \

also @King Tharassian changed his plan a bit and its even better now I would check it out.
Fox Girl or Cat Girl
Why am i not suprised nobody likes the reptile people do they?