And now, people who are new to my quests, you have a reason to be afraid.

You said it was an age of madness, I acted in accordance with the setting. I don't see the problem here.

[X] Plan Brilliance in madness
-[X] The Schnee tribe.
-[X] The White Castle
-[X] Dust Studies
--[X] Faunus Refuge
[X] Plan Brilliance in madness
-[X] The Schnee tribe.
-[X] The White Castle
-[X] Dust Studies
--[X] Faunus Refuge
MOOOHAHAHAHA THE INSANITY TRAIN IS WINNING! :evil::lol:evil::lol:evil::lol:evil:
Adhoc vote count started by san on May 2, 2018 at 9:37 AM, finished with 29 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Brilliance in madness
    -[X] The Schnee tribe.
    -[X] The White Castle
    -[X] Dust Studies
    --[X] Faunus Refuge
    [X] Keepers of the Atlas Vault: Your tribe are descendants of a research institute in the Ruins of Atlas, the buildings bearing the name Geppetto, which is where your tribe gains it's name. Within the Geppetto tribe, however, there exists a divided people. One side, the Keepers, are a caste of scholars who maintain the Vaults and seek knowledge of the Before Times. The second faction, the Warhawks, are a caste of warriors who claim descent from the military of Atlas and serve as the shield against the constant Grimm and Raider attacks. Both sides vie for power and control over the Seven Vaults: long sealed constructs under the research institute. No records remain of their contents, but they no doubt contain objects of great power within. (Tribe instead values Martial Might and Learning, with two factions to manage. Gain Weaponry 2, tribe is located directly in the Ruins of Atlas. Frequent, almost constant, Grimm, Raider and Reclaimer attacks.)
    -[X] You come from the Keepers, who are the ones who should concern themselves of the secrets of the universe, while the Warhawks continue their traditional role. (Bonus to Learning, Penalty to Martial.)
    [X] Keepers of the Geppetto Vaults
    -[X] Gatherer
    [X] Keepers of the Atlas Vault: Your tribe are descendants of a research institute in the Ruins of Atlas, the buildings bearing the name Geppetto, which is where your tribe gains it's name. Within the Geppetto tribe, however, there exists a divided people. One side, the Keepers, are a caste of scholars who maintain the Vaults and seek knowledge of the Before Times. The second faction, the Warhawks, are a caste of warriors who claim descent from the military of Atlas and serve as the shield against the constant Grimm and Raider attacks. Both sides vie for power and control over the Seven Vaults: long sealed constructs under the research institute. No records remain of their contents, but they no doubt contain objects of great power within. (Tribe instead values Martial Might and Learning, with two factions to manage. Gain Weaponry 2, tribe is located directly in the Ruins of Atlas. Frequent, almost constant, Grimm, Raider and Reclaimer attacks.)
    -[X] You come from the Keepers, who are the ones who should concern themselves with the secrets of the universe, while the Warhawks continue their traditional role. (Bonus to Learning, Penalty to Martial.)
[X] Plan Brilliance in madness
I already serve Eldritch Dice Gods whats the worse that can happen
Well, I see no point to continue the vote, as even combined, the Keepers don't have the numbers. Congratulations to Brilliance in Madness, for they have chosen the way.

Granted, it's not the Lovecraft route which I included, but I like the ambition.

So, in closing...
Well, I see no point to continue the vote, as even combined, the Keepers don't have the numbers. Congratulations to Brilliance in Madness, for they have chosen the way.

Granted, it's not the Lovecraft route which I included, but I like the ambition.

So, in closing...

huh I'm not even the biggest fan of metal but thats pretty good shit.

Also ya I got a few of my avid questers to vote on this since I know they will probably like it :D

plus you have a pretty good track record as a writer/QM ;)
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Wait.... There was a Lovecraftian option???

Dammit san! You deprived me of my Bloodborne/RWBY crossover! :cry::rofl:
One day I'll do a pure Bloodborne/RWBY crossover, but this never had that as an option. The option I had on the table was more... The Shrouded Isle mixed with The Road.
You'll have your chance to return if/when your tribe dies. Spoiler alert, that is very likely.

In this game, so long as the tribe survives, it doesn't matter how many leaders die. Your tribe is your dynasty, in effect. Whether you control your dynasty... Well, that's another matter.
Well, let me just add something to my "Changing Situations" table... And adjust the dice results... and fudge a few rolls...

And there we go, the first turn has been plotted out. I hope you guys enjoy desperate struggles.

Edit from 5/26/19: And here's where I started going off the deep end. Just read the threadmarks until Turn 2, because you're not going to see how I actually run the quest by judging from here on. It's like I was TRYING to drive people away from my quest.
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You started a new quest? And without telling me? I'm hurt, @Raiu. I thought we had something special.

If only I didn't have a crippling Omake-writing addiction...
So let me ask you this, my (Quaestors? Nah) Questers. What happens when you name a tribe of Faunus after a rich family known for abuses against Faunus, put them in the middle of a cold, unforgiving land where they were historically repressed, and have them worship the things which their ancestors were whipped to dig up?

I'll answer it for you. You get the White Fang who have a religious reason to make every human suffer, simply because their religion told them to.

I hope you weren't planning on being diplomatic with anyone who doesn't have a tail. I won't say it's impossible, but it will take quite a lot of work to reverse generations of closed minding thinking.

Welcome, CthulhuWasRight to the insanity train. We got rid of the tracks a long time ago to dive faster into insanity.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Miner249er on May 3, 2018 at 6:24 AM, finished with 41 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan Brilliance in madness
    -[X] The Schnee tribe.
    -[X] The White Castle
    -[X] Dust Studies
    --[X] Faunus Refuge
    [X] Keepers of the Atlas Vault: Your tribe are descendants of a research institute in the Ruins of Atlas, the buildings bearing the name Geppetto, which is where your tribe gains it's name. Within the Geppetto tribe, however, there exists a divided people. One side, the Keepers, are a caste of scholars who maintain the Vaults and seek knowledge of the Before Times. The second faction, the Warhawks, are a caste of warriors who claim descent from the military of Atlas and serve as the shield against the constant Grimm and Raider attacks. Both sides vie for power and control over the Seven Vaults: long sealed constructs under the research institute. No records remain of their contents, but they no doubt contain objects of great power within. (Tribe instead values Martial Might and Learning, with two factions to manage. Gain Weaponry 2, tribe is located directly in the Ruins of Atlas. Frequent, almost constant, Grimm, Raider and Reclaimer attacks.)
    -[X] You come from the Keepers, who are the ones who should concern themselves of the secrets of the universe, while the Warhawks continue their traditional role. (Bonus to Learning, Penalty to Martial.)
    [X] Keepers of the Geppetto Vaults
    -[X] Gatherer
    [X] Keepers of the Atlas Vault: Your tribe are descendants of a research institute in the Ruins of Atlas, the buildings bearing the name Geppetto, which is where your tribe gains it's name. Within the Geppetto tribe, however, there exists a divided people. One side, the Keepers, are a caste of scholars who maintain the Vaults and seek knowledge of the Before Times. The second faction, the Warhawks, are a caste of warriors who claim descent from the military of Atlas and serve as the shield against the constant Grimm and Raider attacks. Both sides vie for power and control over the Seven Vaults: long sealed constructs under the research institute. No records remain of their contents, but they no doubt contain objects of great power within. (Tribe instead values Martial Might and Learning, with two factions to manage. Gain Weaponry 2, tribe is located directly in the Ruins of Atlas. Frequent, almost constant, Grimm, Raider and Reclaimer attacks.)
    -[X] You come from the Keepers, who are the ones who should concern themselves with the secrets of the universe, while the Warhawks continue their traditional role. (Bonus to Learning, Penalty to Martial.)
So let me ask you this, my (Quaestors? Nah) Questers. What happens when you name a tribe of Faunus after a rich family known for abuses against Faunus, put them in the middle of a cold, unforgiving land where they were historically repressed, and have them worship the things which their ancestors were whipped to dig up?

I'll answer it for you. You get the White Fang who have a religious reason to make every human suffer, simply because their religion told them to.

I hope you weren't planning on being diplomatic with anyone who doesn't have a tail. I won't say it's impossible, but it will take quite a lot of work to reverse generations of closed minding thinking.

Welcome, CthulhuWasRight to the insanity train. We got rid of the tracks a long time ago to dive faster into insanity.

I am so happy right now with how this turned out :D :D :D

question @Raiu can we also be descended from a Weiss who was disgusted with her family and ended up being with a Faunus? I think that might be fun to add! Add a bit of disgust from our fellow Faunus to that madness mixture while we are at it! :evil::evil::evil::evil:

*insane laughter continues*

Ps: It would also make sense as the reason we named our tribe the Schnee tribe! (and it might let us diplo the odd human sooner though not by too much faster)
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You thought you could surprise me with this information like you did the others @Raiu, BUT I HAVE PLANNED FOR THIS!!!
Ok, first draft made me go full Alabama Apologist (not an actual term so don't try to look it up. Just don't.), so lets see if I can tone down the religious justifications for a bloody race war! Just going to stop shoveling coal into the fires of the insanity engine, in hopes that some rationality remains.

Edit from 5/26/19: Wat?
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