User Fiction

Written a story? Post it here for other users to read.


Original Fiction

For original works
Original Mature Fantasy 


For fanfiction related to the webnovel Worm and the Parahumans series by Wildbow.

Weird History

Historical timelines and stories of a supernatural, futuristic, or simply "weird" type!
Timeline Post-1900 Supernatural 

Fanfiction Discussion

Want to get a discussion going about the fanfiction? This is the place.


For archived stories without any other posters cluttering the thread.


Gregory Johnson is a young boy from the small town of New Bark Town, living there with both his mother and father. Like most, he aims to be the very best Pokemon trainer there ever was, and now that he has turned 16 and graduated from the town's local Pokemon Trainer academy, he will get his chance to make that dream a reality. Join him as he takes on the Johto Region's Silver Conference, where he will make new friends, face many challenges, and, of course, explore the vast world of Pokemon...
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Just a boy, there is nothing to see here! This is the first time I have ever posted a fanfiction on the internet. My original stories are safely stored in my mind, well, not so much safe. English is not my main language, so please bear with me. Hope you enjoy.
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Kurosaki Ayumi is born before her brother, Kurosaki Ichigo. The smallest of changes can create the largest of ripples. How much does having an older sister actually change Ichigo's story? Less...and more...than one would assume. (OC-SI as Ichigo's sister. Leaning more to the OC side. Also crossover power set.)
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Mike Coenac's a failure in every sense of the word. He's destitute, barely skirting along by sleeping in an empty shipping container and pushing drugs for the Merchants. His only saving grace is the Cauldron vial he's managed to chug down, giving him powers he doesn't fully understand. Bad news? Getting his powers, if they can even be called that, most definitely laid to rest any plans of staying a Merchant. Sounds like the perfect recipe for a supervillain in the making, doesn't it? With...
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The story of a newly graduated high school kid, saved from certain death by a well meaning entity and thrown into the Young Justice universe. Armed with new powers, how will he handle a world with superheroes and supervillains? Will he be able to make friends and allies, all while fighting off more than a few enemies?
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Too often, power is given to those who did not work for it, who did not struggle for it, and who did not earn it. Those who are freely gifted power do not know how to wield it and are too callous to understand the enormity of what was given to them. So, what if, in order to gain power, you had to give something in return? Not something as replaceable as blood, sweat, and tears. Something more...intangible, yet even more precious. What would you do to gain the right to stand at the top...
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Seven years after being destroyed by Leviathan, the city of Sydney, Australia stands tall and proud once again. With the pristine new construction comes a new generation of corruption and villainy, however - scurrying at the outskirts, or built directly into the fledgling city's very foundations. Parthian joins the burgeoning cape scene as its newest Tinker... But with some volatile secrets of her own, joining the heroes isn't on the cards - leaving her to forge her own path between heroism...
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The Dark Elves were the one-off villains in one of the lowest rated MCU movies to date and have barely been seen since, but there is so much more to them than what we've seen! This is a story about a man from our world reborn as one of the Älfeneel, a dark elf, with a unique ability long forgotten by his people. This is the story of Nokhri the Bastard, the Half-Elf, and quite possibly, the last hope of a broken people.
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What is the connection between beds, space, Green Lantern, and me? Can't believe that's a question I have to think about...
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Autumn's never trained a pokémon for battle in her life, and she's not going to start now. Can she still make a comfortable life in Hoenn? And what's up with this goth chick who keeps insisting on helping her? Slowburn yuri. Chapters weekly on wednesday evenings. Complete. AO3 Mirror.
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I decided to create my own history surrounding a fictional mangaka named Hideyoshi Kudo because I've long admired the imaginative worlds and storytelling potential that manga offers. In particular, I've been a fan of Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro, known for "Toriko," and Tite Kubo, famous for "Bleach," who have made significant contributions to the manga industry. However, I've always felt that their talents have not been fully realized or appreciated to the extent they should be. Shimabukuro has...
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Jumper's sure got it easy, don't they? Visit their favorite settings, gather power, and move on. Nothing could be finer. Except, what if you're mistakes actually followed you? What if someone didn't appreciate their world getting wrecked for your power? This is the story of a young woman in pursuit of a certain Jumper.
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What would you do if you were granted the ability to become any Character you want, so long as it's from a Game? Cloud Strife, Asura, Naruto, Goku, Jackie, Dante, Sir Chief... What would you do if you were given this kind of power in a world where death is just around the corner?
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An Sacred Reich led by its divine king Yhwach he is not the same, for since he was born he has had memories of previous livfe and that of one specific cartoon.
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Welcome to 'The Nobody Man', a story that, at its core, is about the warped perception of reality that the protagonist has. Mike lives in a state of constant flux, slipping into the skin of others and leaving his previous skinsuit a shambling, mindless husk.
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There is a prophecy. One day, Eight heroes would come to rid the world of evil Seven would come from all over the world One would come from beyond it Seven will return triumphant One will leave victorious Seven may be remembered as heroes One may forever be tarnished by their actions A hundred years ago, a party of eight would travel the lands to defeat the Demon King and his hordes of monsters. Seven came from each of the Seven Kingdoms, and the leader claimed to have come from another...
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Kalos is currently in the clutches of a drug epidemic, and Odette Cinq-Mars is a former theater hopeful with a little too much time on her hands and a penchant for reading into things a little deeper than most. When her best friend Noel uncovers an alarming discrepancy in some public case files regarding the drug epidemic, she begins to do more than just question. When an old flame returns to haunt her, she launches herself into the world of the Shiny Pokemon Trade to uncover some answers...
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Arcadia High student Alex Lavere comes into contact with the Goddess of Luck, Tyche and receives her blessing. Now he must navigate the world of parahumans while not truly being one himself. Of course if there’s one power it’s hard to screw up with, it’s luck.
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This thread is for all my ideas that just kept coming to my mind, and decided to write and publish it here. I will apologize in advance because of my poor grammar and bad story writing. Other than that, enjoy!~♪
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"It is a good first solo mission, relatively safe with little risk." Mace said. Plo Koon nodded in agreement. Mace sent for padawan Ambrose to be briefed. This would be a learning experience and one that every Padawan would need. Mace stumbled back and collapsed, the force drowning him in possibilities, the fate of the galaxy flashing before him.
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What happens when a young Teen wanting for more excitement in life triggers from a terrible event well he finds himself living in interesting times can he be heros he wants to be can he find himself at peace
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Follow the journey of a young man who suddenly finds himself transported into the mystical world of Naruto. But as he navigates this new and unfamiliar world, he begins to realize that things are not quite as they seem. As he struggles to find his place in this mystical realm, he is faced with a series of challenges that test his mettle and his resolve. But with each new obstacle, he also discovers new opportunities and potential within himself, as he delves deeper into the secrets of...
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Sometimes, it's possible to be in the wrong place three times over. Reincarnating before canon starts properly can arguably be one. Having the ability to see spirits in a Shonen show that barely references the idea of spirits is a definite another. Finding out that you're living in the canon of a fanfiction of the original canon is a very distressing third. Reisen Usagitsuki is a rabbit Mink who has the questionable honor of being spiritually aware in the world of One Piece. She's made her...
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oooo The Z Gamer oooo South City, Age 749, Sunday March 9 "Ten, go get some tomatoes and...
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When Harry is suddenly whisked away from his life by a man calling himself the 'Keeper', he is confused. However, when he's given an opportunity to obtain power beyond his imagination, he does not even think of refusing. This is just what he'd been waiting for. For his first rodeo, he chooses the world where games are played for the throne. Very minor gamer elements. OC
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You can do everything right, but in the end everything can still go wrong in an instant. And then all doors are shut with no chance of escape. Except on rare occasion, another door opens. Its the light at the end of the tunnel. But going through it, can you live with the knowledge that you failed? That all you strove for came to naught? Can you go on, knowing that nothing has changed, and that everything will happen again? (Harry Potter / OC-SI / AU / Isekai(?)) (A/N: Working hook. Did it...
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It's not easy being me, you know. I'm sure everyone looks at me and thinks "Oooh check out Kaida! She's so rich and effortlessly pretty and graceful and her Dad loves her so much and all those means gangbangers just fall over for her." And see, what they don't know is that I'm also heiress to a criminal empire, my Dad is Lung, and I'm the greatest Tinker who've ever lived. Really, it's not easy being ✨Perfect✨.
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In Brockton Bay, We've got the goodies, and the baddies. The winners and the losers. It's all one big cog of suffering, really. In Brockton Bay, no, on Earth, we've got the monsters hidden under sacks of flesh and monsters in the form of natural disasters. But what if, there is one more kind of monster? Only that this one eclipses them all! Martian Manhunter OC
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A collection of one-shots and snippets that may or may not eventually become their own stories.
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