Zergling and Spartans

Watched for the sheer amount of WTF I felt while reading it.
Z&S - 6 (old)
"Never thought I would see a spartan get licked to death. I think she likes you Chief."
- Sargent Williams
"Surprised so many of you survived. How?" - MC
Never seen a talkative Chief before. Nice! Her voice sounds smooth too. Relaxing.
"Haha, it helps when you have covenant hunting hounds like these guys. They tear apart the covies with ease! Shields do nothing to these guys! Anyways Captain Johnson wants you on the bridge. I hear he has a plan. " - Sargent Williams

The Chief nods and starts to move. I follow while the other zerglings stay with the marines.
"Heh, looks like you have an admirer Chief! Anyways come on marines. Lets drive the covie bastards off our ship!" - Sargent Williams

Now Chief is freaking talented at killing the covenant regardless of gender. The searing sensation of plasma on my skin hurts. I feel the itching as I heal the damage. They don't hit me often but when they do its painful. Once I figure out how I am going to upgrade my carapace.

I take cover as a hunter shoots a fuel rod at me. I hear the hissing as I dash around the side. The titanium floor bending as my claws press down. I leap at the hunter ripping its body in half under my claws.
The Chief looks at me as I eat my latest prize.
"Good boy."
I was way to proud to hear that.
Z&S - 7 (old)
Eventually. After tearing, ripping, and in my case eating. We made it to the bridge where low and behold instead of no bullets Captain Keyes we have Captain Johnson with a freaking shotgun. How did he get this high ranked!
"Heyya chief and dog from hell. We got some damn covies all over this ship so I decided lets change the field. Cortana explain to the Chief what I mean." - Captain Johnson
I swear this is the guy from the halo mission where you drive a tank over a bridge.
"Chief the covenant came at us from no where. They were waiting for us. The captain here decided we should show them that was a mistake. Thanks to the and I quote "dogs from hell" we have managed to mostly clean them off our ship. It has been decided that we deliver a payload in the ship that is docked to us. Blow it up and initiate a blind slipspace jump. You will be taking me and I will disable the docking tubes on the covenant ship so we can engage the jump."

Ooo big mission! I remote control one of my zergling to evolve larva production. Man that feels weird. My main focus is over here and I am dealing with the weird feeling over there. I follow the Chief as she moves through the ship either looking for a dock tube or a pelican. I am both looking forward to this and not looking forward to this.
Stay safe, this fic so far is surprisingly amusing and it would suck if you got washed away before we see an ultralisk rush.
This is surprisingly entertaining for how straightforward it is. "Let's SI as a zerg murder puppy and make friends with Master Chef." Simple and murderous fun!

Master Chef really needs to give best murder dog some headpats though!
Z&S - 8 (old)
Come on let me on I will googly eye you!
"That won't work on me big guy. There isn't any room!" - Spartan Jay-089
Everything is depressing. I watch as the pelican takes off. Well I'm coming. So how did I fly into space last time. I used wings however that wouldn't work in space. Lets see... Ah here it is! An anti gravity strain! Isn't this the same strain used in the zergs air units?

Well lets evolve wings again. THE ITCH! FREAKING CRAP ON A FIDDLESTICK! Atleast evolving is fast. I stretch out my wings. I don't really feel them but I do have them. I use them to guide my anti gravity. Too bad this isn't a gravity manipulation strain like in my RP I was doing before I arrived here.

I jump out into the void and follow the pelican man it got over there fast. On another note I now have 36 zerglings scouring the ship for covenant. We are way too good at piercing shields. But considering my claws can pierce titanium? It isn't much.
Oh my god~! I'm seeing more and more Starcraft stories out here! Is this some sort of miracle!:o Is the world ending earlier than we expected! Thanks for the chapter, and keep up the good work. I just hope that the later updates are longer.
Z&S - 9 (old)
It took a moment to rip my way into the ship. I targeted a good spot as well. Took down the shield preventing the pelican from entering. I watched as the pelican lands in the hangar bay. That may or may not be covered in blood thanks to a certain someone.

After they land they drag a big box out onto the ship. I can't hear what they are saying thanks to the void unfortunately. But I follow as they drag the box deeper into the ship.

I am guessing that box is a nuke. We eventually managed to move deep into the ship. Chief put Cortana into one of the consoles after doing that they deployed the nuke. 5 minutes is way to short in my opinion but who would ask me?

Anyways they fly off in their pelican and I follow with my wings. Its a good thing I don't require air. They flew fast. Me on their tail. I see the hangar doors closing on the ship. Come on this isn't a movie! I make myself as small as possible as I dive after the pelican I feel the clamps as they shut behind me. Way too close! I immediatly push my anti gravity to max as the pelican collides with the wall. I do not want to splat.

The back open up and the Chief with the two other spartans hop out. I feel the shrudder as the either the nuke goes off or we enter slipspace. 108 zerglings already? Lets stop before I crowd my stolen section of the ship.
Z&S - 10 (old)
After we started the jump a clean up started. My zerglings explored the rest of the ship searching for any remnant covenant. I heard a few of the marines talking about my zergling. All good things too.

My zergling room seems to be mine now. I sort of laze around there. A researcher took some samples of my custom creep. I am guessing ONI.

Everyone was slightly tense. Probably because once we exit slipspace we will have a chance of encountering the covenant. So I started working on evolution strains. Currently I am trying to synthesize an organic version of an energy shield. I had creep infest one of the elites armor inorder to get a hold of energy shielding. It worked.. Partially. I know how to make it but when put in practice it normally ends with a charred zergling. Remember I technically am all these zerglings at once. Burning to death in an instant is a rather painful feeling you can guess.

Eventually I decided I wasn't smart enough so I started to engineer my own researcher! I am very excited. But the time it takes to evolve him is annoyingly long. Took 8 minutes before my researcher was revealed.

'Greetings SwarmLord.'
You look like a floating head... God I made Modok. You know what. Thats your name now. Modok. We just need to get you some psionic powers and it will fit perfectly.

'As entertaining as that Idea is SwarmLord what is it you would like me to do?'

Ah yeah. Take a look at this strain. I am trying to incorporate energy shielding into my swarm but I don't have the know how inorder to effectively do so. I would like your help to realize that idea for my swarm.

'Yes SwarmLord! Hmm. For someone who claims to not know how to mess with strains you did amazingly with the current zerglings. Looking here you made the zerglings claws almost as effective as Ultralisk tusks with a bit more refinement your zerglings would effectively be stronger than one! Your even using anti gravity strains to propel the spikes giving your swarm range without hydralisks! Amazing!'

When you put it that way. I am pretty great.
Z&S - 11 (old)
Freaking a! Modok be careful I feel it when they die you know!

'Ah I apologize lord. It seems that we canct handle the energy generated by the energy shields. I don't think we have a strains necessary to keep the energy contained.'

Then make them.


Really, watch this.

I reach out into the expanse of essence inside myself. I rip them into their basic conpounds and twist them together. Creating a conductive strain while difficult isn't impossible. I pull pieces together running dozens of simulations in my mind. In a few moments I have the basics of a new strain.

'Amazing! SwarmLord do you know what you just did!'


'You really are the SwarmLord, to do something that amazing without realizing it. If your able to do that you are able to produce new strains without us consuming anything. That should be impossible yet you can do it with ease! Amazing!'

Well can you use it?

'Not yet. But I should be able to refine it to the point where it will work!'

Alrighty then. You work on this, I got some humans to spy on.

I let the floating head get back to his work. Apparently I am breaking reality somehow. Well atleast its useful.
Z&S - 12 (old)
Well listening into the humans is boring. They are slightly tense and are doing final checks as we approach our destination.
Though I did feel it when it happened. I have to admit the spartans have good senses.

I felt the lurch as the ship slid out of slipspace.

POV ???

Heh, the experiment is doing well. It shows a weird attachment to these terrans. But it has shown its ability to replicate. I would say this experiment would be a complete success... If it weren't for these terrans. Why is it showing attachment for a terran of all things! It does not matter. For the glory of Amon I will succeed.
Templars unite! Eliminate the interloper. I want Zeraph back under our control for editing!

POV: True

The covenant were ready freaking A. Wait isn't that a halo? Wow. Suddenly something hits my bodies head.
Huh a piece of paper?

"Hey me. You have a problem. The people I borrowed your body from noticed something was wrong. You have Templars coming. You will see them in 2 hours."

... F***.
Rickety Crikey! Damn do you update fast! Thanks for the chapter and keep up the good work. Though I would love to see the POV of other character, and see what their reactions are to us.