You know what this thread needs? An Omake.
Cristoforo Colombo
Primo Tenente di Vascello Garibaldi jerked out of his brown study and sat more erect in the Captain's chair. "What was that, Sotto Capo?"
The young man on the with the bulky headset on talker duty touched one hand to his headphones, listening for a moment, then repeated himself to Garibaldi. "Sir, aft lower lookout reports at least two ships approaching, bearing 0245, range 18 kilometers, altitude 8,000 meters and climbing towards us. Small, no flags. They're not responding to hails or the signal lamp."
Garibaldi felt his hands grip the armrests of the chair harder. No markings, and no communication attempts? Over a known lawless area like the central Agean Sea? Only one thing those ships could be.
"Pirates..." he muttered. He took a deep breath and turned to the Sergente behind him. "Tell the lookout to keep signaling, and sound general quarters." The man began to move, but halted when the XO continued. "And...send a runner to go wake Capitano Schettino," he said less energetically.
The Sergente winced, but nodded, and ran down the gangway at the aft end of the bridge. The general quarters alarm began to sound throughout the ship.
R.Dir. Cristoforo Colombo was far from the newest or best light cruiser in the
Regia Aeronautica, but her age, decaying armament, and indifferent crew were not the biggest problem that they'd bring into the first actual fight they'd run into in this so-far very boring anti-piracy patrol they'd been on for the last few weeks. No, the biggest problem was Capitano Schettino himself. The reason Garibaldi was at the conn himself, instead of supervising the crew trying to repair the stuck portside lower Gatling array, was Schettino. Schettino the
raging alcoholic.
Their less-than esteemed Capitano was currently sleeping off the results of last nights drinking, as he was most mornings. Primo Tenente di Vascello Garibaldi had
quite the report ready to turn in to the Naval Attaché at the Italian Embassy in Istanbul when they arrived in a few days, carefully and logically laying out why his nominal superior needed to be promptly relieved of command for the good of the service. But that was later. Right now, their less than sterling zeppelin had to deal with two pirates that had apparently mistaken them for a wayward merchantman. Which was indeed the point of their slow speed and camouflaged exterior. Two pirate ships versus one actual military Zeppelin, even one as ragged as theirs, shouldn't be too much to handle.
He wouldn't have any worries if it wasn't for Capitano Schettino's inability to even organize an orgy at a whorehouse.
"Sir! We've lost contact with the fore topside lookouts! Last report was
another ship approaching, east-northeast!"
Garibaldi shook his head, trying to stop the ringing. He blinked at the Sergente shouting at him. That last blast had stunned him pretty badly, and torn a gaping hole in the hull near the aft damage control station where they'd retreated to. He looked around. He had only a dozen men left, all wounded, and only 2/3 of them armed.
The pirates had been far more creative and sharp than they'd expected. Capitano Schettino had lazily ordered them to open fire on the approaching smaller airships only a few minutes before they'd suddenly lost contact with the aft topside lookouts. Only the screams and gunshots that followed informed them they'd been boarded.
A running gunfight had followed, the
Cristoforo's unprepared crew rapidly overwhelmed by the boarding party. The situation only got worse as Schettino delayed before issuing contradictory orders, and the third pirate ship that had approached from above while they were focused on the two below got close enough to grapple and send more boarders.
And now the last word they were going to get said yet another pirate ship was coming to pick their bones. It was too much to hope that the new ship was a merchantman foolish enough to try rescuing a military airship with three others grappled to it, or another military ship that might stand a chance. They were doomed. He sighed. So this was it.
"Sergente, get the men to the lifepods. I'll set the scuttling charges," he told the senior surviving NCO.
The older man paled, but nodded. They weren't retaking the ship with a dozen wounded men, and the pirates weren't in the prisoner-taking business. Taking to the wilds of the Agean Sea at night this far from land was rolling the dice with your life on the line, but a better set of odds than the pirates would give. The real terror was the scuttling charges. Thermite charges placed on the fuel tanks for the engines and on each gas cell were capable of turning the ship into a flying inferno in less than 30 seconds. Grappled as they were, the pirate ships with them would stand no chance of escape. It was the best revenge they could accomplish.
Scuttling charges that could only be set off from the bridge... or by hand.
If there was any
Regia Aeronautica sailor still alive on the bridge to set the timer, he'd eat his hat. So he'd have to do this the hard way. He-
"Sir!" One of the wounded at his feet tugged at his pant leg. "They've stopped shooting!" He pointed out the gap in the hull.
Just in time to see the first grappling hook fly in and catch.
The knock at the door to his office was a welcome distraction to Capitano di Corvetta Mennella from the time-filling drudgery of his paperwork. It was frankly amazing how much was generated by the Embassy, when he didn't even have any ships, sailing or airship, under his purview.
One of his underlings poked his head in, holding out a message slip from the wireless room. "Sir, note from the airship portmaster. The
R.Dir. Cristoforo Colombo is three days overdue."
Mennella grimaced. That light cruiser was supposed to be his ride home, no less. And now it was overdue? Schettino had a reputation as sloppy, but still, that's why a young hotshot like Garibaldi had been settled as his XO, to keep the ship flying. Overdue from a patrol was not a good sign, but he had confidence in the crew.
"Thank you, Martino. It's probably just weather. Send the portmaster my regards, and ask him to put out the word for any other European warships headed that way to let us know if they sight her."
It was probably nothing.
@7734! Have an omake that may or may not leave a slightly-crappy
Regia Aeronautica CL in pirate hands in our path. I'm a helper!