Yu-Gi-Oh - Sufficient Momentum [CLOSED]

Xyz Monsters?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 51.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • I don't understand the question.

    Votes: 5 18.5%

  • Total voters
Imagine if you would... A slightly altered Neo Domino City, and a similarly different Satellite.

A rooftop near the edge of the district, looking out over the water. From here you can see the lights in the distance. A figure leans on a rail, a man approaches from behind...

"Couldn't sleep huh boss?"

The figure turns and sighs. "I had some things on my mind..."

Two cities unburdened of the madness of the Signers and their Dark counterparts. Where there is no cult of personality following a duel king around the track and where -for all the politicking and pettiness- there exists a tentative peace between them that has as yet gone unbroken.

"Every Damn year it's the same... They hold the tournament, mosta the time they win and we're all still stuck in this junkheap... An' anytime they lose it's never the strongest of us dat gets through..."

"Heh... Don't I know it... I used to think it was bad luck, ending up against such strong duelists early on, but when they started losing a few rounds further on, and I just kept seeing them..." A shrug; "you know what they say."

"What's that?

Every year the cities meet, a grand tournament between them over the one thing where they can be considered equals. Duel Monsters is ubiquitous on both sides of the bridge, and even the richest of Domino's citizens can't buy skills even if they can buy the best cards. The prize is simple. The best duelists from Satellite will get to move to Neo-Domino to join the heavily commercialized dueling scene there.

Teeth gleam in the darkness...

"Once is coincidence... Twice is Suspicious... And Three times..."

They lean away from the rail, and the light cast by the doorway falls across their face, revealing crimson eyes.

"Three times is enemy action."

It's almost that time of year again...

And this year's tournament will be quite spectacular indeed.

Welcome to Yu-Gi-Oh: Sufficient Momentum! A Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay based on the setting of 5Ds with it's twin cities of Neo Domino and Satellite. In Neo Domino, life is good. Even the lowest classes have the essentials of living easily in reach, and it only goes up from there. In Satellite on the other hand? They live in the cast-offs of their sister city, working day and night to recycle the refuse of Neo Domino into usable parts once more.

Needless to say, there's a little bit of tension between the two populations.

Every year, the best duelists of both cities are brought together for a tournament, and every year they go head to head against each other in a grand tournament. Satellite residents that make it high enough in the standings get to move to Neo Domino, but with every year of duels come cries of favoritism, and a common trend of strong but unreasonable or rowdy duelists consistently failing to make it high enough in the rankings has left people suspicious of the entire process. After all, what's the point of a tournament without fair competition and even odds for all comers?

This year, the tournament is under watch from both sides of the bridge, but more important than mere oversight are the players. Rumors are spreading through Satellite of plots and plans to undermine the tournament or to bust through, but while these whispers are common, this year they seem... Stronger than most.

You the players will be duelists in this upcoming tournament.

You don't need to have watched the show to play this, but you do need to be willing to make up your own deck for your character and play a few online duels in order to determine outcomes. While I have a plot in mind for this RP, it will in many ways be influenced by which characters advance through the brackets, as well as what plots play out on the sidelines of the duels. Just remember! No matter how ridiculous it seems! Everything can be settled with a children's card game!

  1. Stay in the Spirit of things: I know I know, looking from outside, settling everything with Children's card games is an absolutely ridiculous premise, but I am not trying to run an abridged series here. Make jokes OOC if you want, but IC, I would really appreciate it if people tried to stay true at least to the attitudes of the Yu-Gi-Oh show. Duels are serious business, and the stakes of them will in many cases be real within the world. Try to treat them as such?
  2. Duels and Decks: I expect everyone joining this RP to make their own deck for their character to play. That said, while I hope to hold actual duels between the players where possible on Dueling Nexus, I don't intend for duel results to necessarily be final. The Online duels should be used to brainstorm how a duel between two characters will play out,and -in the case of a conflict over who should win the duel- used to decide who the victor will be within the RP. That said, you don't need to write out a blow by blow of exactly how things went down online. Talk with the people you're playing with, and try to come up with something suitably epic that you can both have fun writing! Full of that Yu-Gi-Oh chaos and pompousness!
  3. As Usual: Stay sane, be respectful, and try to have fun. This RP is here for people to have a narrative where they can have fun being ridiculous characters who take card games super seriously and to give us an excuse to build a little community of duelists who can play against each other in a relatively low pressure environment.
Deckbuilding Notes
  1. First and Foremost, try not to go too ham. As mentioned above this is meant to be some good sane fun, so try not to make super competitive murder decks or anything? That's not to say your decks should be terrible messes like in the actual show, but just... Try to gauge your deck and not go too hard on everyone alright?
  2. Some Cards are Not Allowed: Obviously all standard restrictions like bans and limitations on cards will apply in this RP but of additional note is this. Since this RP takes place in the 5Ds timeline, I will not be allowing pendulum summoning as a mechanic, so please try not to build a deck around it. I am considering restricting XYZ summoning in a similar manner, but I will take player requests into consideration on that one. If more people would prefer to have it, the XYZ will stay in. Otherwise, I would rather leave it out.

We have a Discord Here

A Loose Character Sheet

Origin: (Do you come from Satellite or Domino?)

Backstory: (What led your character into dueling? How did they end up in this tournament?)

Goals: (To get out of Satellite? To represent your district in Domino? To earn some of that prize money or a place in the real dueling circuits? What drives your character here?)

Decklist: Please make your deck over here at Dueling Nexus

I will be completely honest with you, the primary reason I haven't signed up for this yet (assuming it's even still open) is because I got left behind by Yu-Gi-Oh a long time ago. Pretty much, my interest in the anime waned around GX, and as I primarily played the video games rather than the actual card game at the time, I soon stopped playing the game as a whole.

That means that I have no knowledge of how to deal with mechanics beyond that of the GX mechanics, which boiled down to the basic rigmarole of Tribute Summons, Fusion Summons, Ritual Summons, etc. I have no concept of how to apply the new summons, such as Synchros, XYZs, etc to a strategy, which means that I'm terrified I'll end up as one of the worst duelists of the lot. And don't even get me started on the whole "card games on motorcycles" thing.
I will be completely honest with you, the primary reason I haven't signed up for this yet (assuming it's even still open) is because I got left behind by Yu-Gi-Oh a long time ago. Pretty much, my interest in the anime waned around GX, and as I primarily played the video games rather than the actual card game at the time, I soon stopped playing the game as a whole.

That means that I have no knowledge of how to deal with mechanics beyond that of the GX mechanics, which boiled down to the basic rigmarole of Tribute Summons, Fusion Summons, Ritual Summons, etc. I have no concept of how to apply the new summons, such as Synchros, XYZs, etc to a strategy, which means that I'm terrified I'll end up as one of the worst duelists of the lot. And don't even get me started on the whole "card games on motorcycles" thing.
Ehh, we have NPCs who haven't shown up you could replace if OP's fine with it, the OP @Spectral Waltz isn't doing turbo duels as far as I know, and...Hmm..Not knowing about the XYZ would be fine, the synchro would be problematic cause of the era, they'v been around a long time...
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Ehh, we have NPCs who haven't shown up you could replace if OP's fine with it, the OP @Spectral Waltz isn't doing turbo duels as far as I know, and...Hmm..Not knowing about the XYZ would be fine, the synchro would be problematic cause of the era, they'v been around a long time...

Well, at the time I made that post I didn't know if the game was actually closed. I don't want to be pushy or anything. Although if @Spectral Waltz agrees, I'll gladly take an NPC's place, I'll admit I don't want to be That Guy.

As for the 5D's mechanics, I guess I could just watch an episode or two of the anime, since this is designed to emulate the antics of the show. It's probably on Crunchyroll somewhere.
Well, at the time I made that post I didn't know if the game was actually closed. I don't want to be pushy or anything. Although if @Spectral Waltz agrees, I'll gladly take an NPC's place, I'll admit I don't want to be That Guy.

As for the 5D's mechanics, I guess I could just watch an episode or two of the anime, since this is designed to emulate the antics of the show. It's probably on Crunchyroll somewhere.
Or join us on the discord, the guys will be happy to explain Synchro to you. XYZ isn't diffucult at all tbh
Updated threadmarks to only track to current players.

If your character is not currently threadmarked. Please let me know.
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Name: Edward Hawkins
Age: 19

Backstory: Edward Hawkins is...depressingly average. While Neo Dominoans are stereotyped as being aristocratic snobs, the vast majority of them do not live in fancy mansions or luxurious skyscraper penthouses, but in homes comparable to the middle-class or even lower-middle class of a real-world developed nation. His life was godly by Satellite standards, but his average, middle-class upbringing, combined with parents who didn't spoil him, left him without the snobbishness that Neo Dominoans are stereotyped as. Now in college as a history major, he had long dueled for fun, but only now began to seriously build a deck that reflected him. In his case, he had a particular fondness for both military and feudal Japanese history, and thus built a deck around the Six Samurai archetype.

Goals: To use the prize money and fame to pay for his college loans and quite possibly remove the need for a history degree altogether.

Main Deck:

2x Great Shogun Shien
2x The Six Samurai - Irou
1x Raigeki
2x Return of the Six Samurai
1x Shien's Castle of Mist
1x Temple of the Six
2x Cunning of the Six Samurai
3x Shien's Squire
2x Six Scrolls of the Samurai
1x Enishi, Shien's Chancellor
2x The Six Samurai - Zanji
1x Hand of the Six Samurai
2x Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
2x Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Spirit of the Six Samurai
2x The Six Samurai - Nisashi
2x Mirror Force
1x Musakani Magatama
2x Statue of Anguish Pattern
1x Black Luster Soldier - Sacred Soldier
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
1x Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
1x Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho
1x Backs to the Wall
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Twin Twister

Extra Deck:

1x Stelllarknight Delteros
1x Number 39: Utopia
3x Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
1x Shadow of the Six Samurai - Shien
1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
1x Number 11: Big Eye
1x Number 103: Ragna Zero
1x Daigusto Emeral
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You know a version of that first game where Emilia Targeted the Spirit with Uru might be a great candidate for the IC duel. A bit short... but Earthbound can't really do long one way or the other.
Game Over
I hate to say this, but with Spiderlord's effective disappearance, I've kinda lost most of my motivation to continue this as their character was becoming pretty central to several of my plans, not to mention their writing skill was really helping to pull everything together and they were running an additional character who was not central but was of great assistance in fleshing out the world.

Maybe someday if they return I will reopen this RP, or perhaps someday I will attempt this again and invite a new cast to take on this story I had hoped to tell.

For the moment though, it is with deep regret that I declare this RP CLOSED for the forseeable future.

A big thank you to everyone who came out and played, even if you didn't actually get to play any duels in the story yet. And I'm really sorry to everyone that it ends like this...

I wish you all luck in future RPs, and if you hang around, you might spot me starting up something new sooner or later once I have my feet back under me.

Hope to see you all around, out there on the threads~

Your (sorta-)GM and coordinator.
-Spectral Waltz