Your Avatar save Christmas

Snap finger. every present already in all the right place and the villain banished to another dimension.
The bad children are set on fire. The good children are also set on fire, but as it is Christmas the fires are a little less hot.
My greatest gift is ending world hunger!
You might give the world heart attacks though.

As for Homucifer, she has time stop, flight and hammerspace. All the presents would be delivered instantly.

As for stopping the villain:

*stops time*

*shoots a barrage of bullets and magical arrows*

*resumes time*
Soul Edge literally hang around doing nothing until some smuck pick it up, then its proceed to consume the soul of whoever caused this.

Then, it gifted all children in the world with a shard of itself.

Everybody went evil happily ever after.
Attending an illegal festival without permission. Theft. Reckless driving.

20 Years Isocube for everyone and merry christmans.
Louisiana dons her Christmas costume, adds a Santa hat on top of her officer's cap, and proceeds to give presents to everyone using a TARDIS her best friend South Dakota built. The smalltime villain gets deleted by Louisiana's Tomahawks, 16-inch cannons, and 5-inch cannons.
SOIEVS with Christmas gifts delivered by ODSTS and Pelicans.
Villain either apprehended by Aegis' ground teams, or, if he's hiding in an isolated location, MAC'd from orbit.
Inspired by the power of JOLLY COOPERATION, everyone around the world band together to save Christmas! The Christmas Villain is summerarily dogpiled by all the 'THEY GUN DESTROY MUH CHRISTMAS' folks (finally, a true foe for their wrath!), and people everywhere arrange to buy presents for their loved ones during the holiday, almost as if Santa didn't exist or something.

Praise the Sun(cake)!
By act of ROB Santa will be out of commission for Christmas. And like how it usually goes, all of his presents must be delivered. So the ROB has tasked your Avatar with saving Christmas. Add to the mix the usual Christmas Villain who wants to ruin Christmas for everyone and your Avatar will have his, her or its hands full. So what would your Avatar do to deliver the presents to all the children of Earth and how would your avatar deal with the villain that wants to ruin Christmas?

P.S: The Christmas Villain will be trying to make people miserable in a few towns scattered around the world. Your avatar can choose to imprison the villain, Banish him or outright kill him.
Black Hand saving Christmas? I highly doubt it. Even if he does decide to deliver presents, it would be for the purpose of getting the kids emotional enough and then he`ll rip their hearts out.
Black Hand saving Christmas? I highly doubt it. Even if he does decide to deliver presents, it would be for the purpose of getting the kids emotional enough and then he`ll rip their hearts out.
I don't know.
~In each box, wrapped with care,
A present black, vile, was there.~
Has a nice Ring to it, no?
The villain would probably be Neclord.

She'd kill him. Easily. Especially with Santa's sleigh.

And then she'd have some hapless elf or the reindeer deliver all the presents, because she's lazy and wants a nap.
Sans' shortcuts would probably help, but even then it's not enough for every family that celebrates Christmas in a single night.
Impassioned by a special Christmas projection, all the customers in the planetarium that day decide to elect themselves Secret Santas and spread the word across the web. Rather than saving Christmas by herself, she gets everybody to indirectly save their own Christmases.

Christmas Villain ends up kidnapping Yumemi to try to stop her or make it all bittersweet, and the supporting characters introduced at the start of the Christmas Special episode burst in and save her at the last minute before...I dunno, he melts her or something.
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Christmas results in the death of the human race, even if they survive the UEF shelling them with presents, in the morning every child in the world will wake up to find a hypertech engine of destruction in the crater where the tree used to be. The resulting Super Robot Wars will kill anyone who survived.

On the bright side, all presents were delivered and the villain is probably sitting in a smoking crater regretting his decisions.