You Will Be Worse - DOOM RP [Closed]

Jared Wright
Name: Jared Wright

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Appearance: A bit on the tall side. Shaves with his bayonet daily, thus obliterating any facial hair that could dare intrude on his helmet's interior. Has one emerald green eye, and one brown eye.

Personality: Likes spicy food. A lot. If anyone except Jared is capable of eating food that Jared enjoys, it obviously isn't spicy enough yet. Currently, he's up to using 25% resiniferatoxin as his spice of choice, since pure capsaicin clearly wasn't spicy enough. Aside from blasting his taste buds with chemical weapons, Jared also enjoys classical music. In battle, Jared has a tendency to improvise and use dirty tricks whenever it would be to his advantage.

Ability: Wormhole Creation

Jared is capable of generating shortcuts through spacetime commonly referred to as wormholes or portals. Passing through these portals, effectively zero distance is crossed, regardless of the distance between the portals in normal space. Momentum is conserved during portal transits.

-Only one portal pair may be open at a time
-Maximum portal radius of one meter
-Portals are stationary when open. The reference frame used to determine 'stationary' is either the inside of a moving vehicle, or if no vehicle is present, the surface of the portal's gravitationally dominant celestial body.
-Cannot open portals overlapping each other to rip a hole in spacetime.
-Portals must have a destination, no un-paired portals allowed.
-A solid object partway through the portal prevents it from closing.
-Can change the destination of one end of the portal pair at a time.
-Initial portal placement must be within line of sight, remembering that it's possible to see through portals.

Weapon: Electron Beam Rifle (with bayonet)
This is a specialized development of plasma beam weaponry, which uses a fairly low-level pulse of plasma to produce a trail of ionized gas between the target and whatever they're aiming at. Then it sends a massive alternating current electric discharge down the ionized trail, frying the target with man-made lightning, tailored to cause the maximum possible damage to the target. This even works in vacuum at short ranges, since the plasma pulse itself can act as the ionized trail for the electric discharge to travel down.

Typically, this weapon can fire 32 shots per power pack, with each shot lasting roughly 0.02 seconds, and being more than sufficient to blast a massive crater in a typical demon's chest. The Electron Beam Rifle has an effective range of 250 meters in air or water, and 50 meters in vacuum. It can fire in either semi-auto or four round burst modes.

The bayonet attached to the front of the Electron Beam Rifle is made from extremely durable Spring Steel with a corrosion-resistant coating, is 16 inches in length, has a razor sharp edge, and is decorated with holy symbols along the entire length of the blade.

Both the rifle itself and the bayonet have been further blessed by every priest or holy being Jared has managed to get anywhere near, with the primary goal of rendering their mere existence hazardous for any demons in close proximity. For the most part, this seems to have worked.

Misc Equipment:
-Full-body composite armor suit, with respirator and vision enhancements
-10 cans of irritant spray (basically a pepper-spray derivative with enough kick to make even demons severely miserable)
--Jared primarily uses these as condiments.
-4 kilograms blessed C-4 (seriously, the stuff's so absurdly stable that you can shoot it, burn it, anything but a proper detonator and it won't explode)
-Detonator Kit
-Extra MREs
-Extra Water (all of it's holy, just in case)
-Military-Grade Flute (gotta have something to do between fights)
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Carl Chester
Name: Carl Chester

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Appearance: Carl is a bald man of seemingly no discernible race. He is fit, athletic, and stands on the taller side at 6'4. He has a gruff face that makes him look older, and quite unapproachable. Here's a picture of him

Personality: Nothing is sacred, nothing is for forever; that is Carl's mindset in a single sentence. As a (former, extremely devout) Catholic, he yearned (and still yearns, unbeknownst to him) for something with integrity, something that could be described as genuine. It did not have to be love, and it could not have been family, as he lacked one, but what it did have to be was unconditional, absolute, everlasting, and human.

Unfortunately for him, as smart as we humans are, we are just as complicated. A single misstep in what would've otherwise been an 'perfect' romance is likely to shatter the relationship like glass. An event that requires from your comrades sacrifice, true sacrifice, is the event that marks the end of their involvement. A single step away from the 'right' side of the morality spectrum, and you're no longer human in their eyes; the relationship you've built be damned.

Still, He searches. He looks in places more and more extreme, more and more insane for something truly unconditional. Perhaps a job as humanity's sword and shield would grant him his wish; soldiers have always been the closest evidence of his ideal, after all.

Ability: Crucify

Carl can conjure and shoot 'holy nails' that may break into any substance absolutely (meaning they can stick into practically any material) but aren't immediately fatal (since, though the nails can 'hook onto' even the strongest of demons, all they're really doing is 'breaking skin' and not going any deeper).

The thing about these holy nails, however, is that the longer that these nails are hooked into a demon (the longer it tries to ignore them and not pull them out), the more it breaks them down, deteriorates them. In this regard, Carl has three types of nails he can fire:

  1. Nail of Pride: These nails slowly deteriorate the victim physically. After a post cycle is complete, the demon will feel a 20% loss in their physical faculties; after a second cycle, an additional 30% loss will occur (totaling in 50%), so on, so forth. Should the demon pull the nail out, their strength will return at the rate by which it was lost (20% regain of strength in the first cycle, 50% in the second, ect.). Should the victim let the nails stay for long enough that a 100% loss of their physical attribute occurs, however, they will be left a husk of their old selves; thin like a wire and starved for energy, and will likely die in the timeframe of 30 or more minutes. After a 100% loss of their physical attributes, pulling out the nail will not let them regain their old strength, they will need to recover naturally.
  1. Nail of Sloth: These nail work the same as his Nails of Pride, but affect the Demon's mental and sensory faculties as opposed to their physical ones. After the first cycle is complete, any victim will feel dizzy, and have a difficult time performing activities requiring fine motor functions and an effective sense of balance (such as acrobatics, solving a Rubik's cube fast, etc). After the second cycle, a sense of drunkenness will overwhelm the nailed; damaging their hand eye coordination and balance even further, and affecting their mental state to perform more reckless and stupid actions. During this cycle, fine motor skills and problem solving skills are greatly reduced; what was a lithe, graceful, and patient predator would now be bumbling, reckless, and loud prey. The third cycle, is similar to the second, but with even more dizziness; resulting in the desire to vomit with strenuous physical activity. After 2 more cycles of progressively worse and worse mental and sensory deterioration, a total loss of senses will occur, and a coma will likely follow after 30 or more minutes. Again, pulling out the nail will have them recover what they'd lost, but not once total loss of senses occurs.
  1. Nail of Envy: Works the same as his two other Nail types, but affects abilities (fire breathing, fire balls, etc.) rather than physical, mental, or sensory attributes. The first cycle results in a 20% reduction in all ability 'stats' (the heat, speed, and explosiveness of a fireball, for example); the second cycle adds another 30%, resulting in a total loss of 50%, so on, so forth. Again, nails can be taken out to allow for demons to recover their ability strength, but after an 100% loss, their abilities are more or less permanently gone.
These nails, though quite pathetic in terms of immediate damage, can be fired in large amounts (10 every 3 seconds) to cause panic in lower demons (since, hey, it still hurts); or be focused on stronger demons to make them either 1, focus on getting all the nails out or 2, gradually weaken and rot them until they are a shadow of their former selves. Let it be known that his power may have a reduced effect against higher tier demons.


- Very effective against a small group of stronger targets, as their small numbers allow Carl to overwhelm them with nails and replace any that are taken out with new ones; effectively putting their combat effective states on a timer.


- Weak against hordes of weak, disposable, but fast enemies. Because of their numbers, Carl wouldn't be able to keep replacing lost nails for each individual demon. If he spreads his nails in between all of the horde (assuming they're smart enough to remove the nails in the first place), each demon will only have, say, a single nail to take

Weapon: 12 Gauge Shotgun (Benelli M3)

A semi automatic 12 gauge shotgun; reliable and powerful. Carl has both mags filled with one ounce slugs and buckshot on his person, though he prefers the use of slugs.

Misc Equipment:

- Medium, heat resistant armor.
- A machete.
- Some water.
- Gas mask.
- Extra ammunition.
- A pack of cigarettes.
- Some MREs.

Difficulty: Hurt me plenty

EDIT, 1/1/2019 EST, 8:04 PM: Fixed some spelling mistakes and some grammar.

EDIT, 11/1/2019 EST, 9:08 AM: Grammar stuff.
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Name: Jared Wright

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Appearance: A bit on the tall side. Shaves with his bayonet daily, thus obliterating any facial hair that could dare intrude on his helmet's interior. Has one emerald green eye, and one brown eye.

Personality: Likes spicy food. A lot. If anyone except Jared is capable of eating food that Jared enjoys, it obviously isn't spicy enough yet. Currently, he's up to using 25% resiniferatoxin as his spice of choice, since pure capsaicin clearly wasn't spicy enough. Aside from blasting his taste buds with chemical weapons, Jared also enjoys classical music. In battle, Jared has a tendency to improvise and use dirty tricks whenever it would be to his advantage.

Ability: Wormhole Creation

Jared is capable of generating shortcuts through spacetime commonly referred to as wormholes or portals. Passing through these portals, effectively zero distance is crossed, regardless of the distance between the portals in normal space. Momentum is conserved during portal transits.

-Only one portal pair may be open at a time
-Maximum portal radius of one meter
-Portals are stationary when open. Questions about reference frames are still un-answered.
-Cannot open portals overlapping each other to rip a hole in spacetime.
-Portals must have a destination, no un-paired portals allowed.
-A solid object partway through the portal prevents it from closing.
-Can change the destination of one end of the portal pair at a time.
-Initial portal placement must be within line of sight, remembering that it's possible to see through portals.

Weapon: Electron Beam Rifle (with bayonet)
This is a specialized development of plasma beam weaponry, which uses a fairly low-level pulse of plasma to produce a trail of ionized gas between the target and whatever they're aiming at. Then it sends a massive alternating current electric discharge down the ionized trail, frying the target with man-made lightning, tailored to cause the maximum possible damage to the target. This even works in vacuum at short ranges, since the plasma pulse itself can act as the ionized trail for the electric discharge to travel down.

Typically, this weapon can fire 32 shots per power pack, with each shot lasting roughly 0.02 seconds, and being more than sufficient to blast a massive crater in a typical demon's chest. The Electron Beam Rifle has an effective range of 250 meters in air or water, and 50 meters in vacuum. It can fire in either semi-auto or four round burst modes.

The bayonet attached to the front of the Electron Beam Rifle is made from extremely durable Spring Steel with a corrosion-resistant coating, is 16 inches in length, has a razor sharp edge, and is decorated with holy symbols along the entire length of the blade.

Both the rifle itself and the bayonet have been further blessed by every priest or holy being Jared has managed to get anywhere near, with the primary goal of rendering their mere existence hazardous for any demons in close proximity. For the most part, this seems to have worked.

Misc Equipment:
-Full-body composite armor suit, with respirator and vision enhancements
-10 cans of irritant spray (basically a pepper-spray derivative with enough kick to make even demons severely miserable)
--Jared primarily uses these as condiments.
-4 kilograms blessed C-4 (seriously, the stuff's so absurdly stable that you can shoot it, burn it, anything but a proper detonator and it won't explode)
-Detonator Kit
-Extra MREs
-Extra Water (all of it's holy, just in case)
-Military-Grade Flute (gotta have something to do between fights)

I don't see anything wrong, even if the lightning gun will be a little on the weak side. Shouldn't be too much an issue, though. Accepted.

Name: Carl Chester

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Appearance: Carl is a bald man of seemingly no discernible race. He is fit and athletic, but stands on the taller side at 6'4. He has a gruff face that makes him look older, and quite unapproachable. Here's a picture of him

Personality: Nothing is sacred, nothing is for forever; that is Carl's mindset in a single sentence. As a (former, extremely devout) Catholic, he yearned (and still yearns, unbeknownst to him) for something with integrity, something that could be described as genuine. It did not have to be love, and it could not have been family, as he lacked one, but what it did have to be was unconditional, absolute, everlasting, and human.

Unfortunately for him, as smart as we humans are, we are just as complicated. A single misstep in what would've otherwise been an 'perfect' romance is likely to shatter the relationship like glass. An event that requires from your comrades sacrifice, true sacrifice, is the event that marks the end of their involvement. A single step away from the 'right' side of the morality spectrum, and you're no longer human in their eyes; the relationship you've built be damned.

Still, He searches. He looks in places more and more extreme, more and more insane for something truly unconditional. Perhaps a job as humanity's sword and shield would grant him his wish; soldiers had been the closest evidence of his ideal, after all.

Ability: Crucify

Carl's power allows him to summon 'Holy Nails' to smite his enemies, and heal his allies with. The power, number, and his accuracy goes up as the number of sources of light he's touching and their brightness increase. Assuming he has 5 60 watt lightbulbs (800 lumens each) strapped to his back, all lit, he'd be able to fire a set of 5 nails every second, each as powerful as a .300 Winchester Magnum round, as accurately as trained marksmen. Tripling the lumens of lightbulbs would triple their power and accuracy. Similarly, firing Holy Nails with 5 60 watt lightbulbs towards an ally will heal them a maximum of how much damage they would've received from .300 Winchester Magnum (assuming a character is able to shrug off a .300 Winchester Magnum round with a bruise, they'd heal only bruise upon contact with a 'Holy Nail'); unfortunately for the healed, the healing process is very painful; every bone being aligned, every nerve reconnected will be felt. His healing may apply to himself as well.

Weapon: Pocket Railgun.

Even with the innovations in technology that plasma weapons would imply, Carl's railgun still releases an obscene amount thermal and kinetic energy with every shot fired. Instead of trying to dissipate the thermal energy a forearm sized firearm would release by shooting a slug with enough power to match a round from a heavy caliber, armor piercing sniper rifle round, it is converted into light that exit the sides of the gun to fuel Carl's power (a function of the gun that Carl may toggle on and off). The recoil is just barely manageable through new and innovative tech.

Misc Equipment:

- Heavy Armor
- Battery pack
- 9 60 watt lightbulbs made of extremely malleable/flexible material.
- 6 100 watt lightbulbs made of extremely malleable/flexible material.
- A chain of several dozen unusually bright (200 lumens) Christmas lights made of the same material.
- Extra ammunition.
- A pack of cigarettes.
- Some MREs.

Difficulty: Hurt me plenty

Apologies in advance if there are grammatical mistakes, don't have time to check it over just yet.

Denied. I have criticisms about both your Ability and your Weapon.

Ability: First and foremost, I hate powers that have different effects depending on whether a target is Friend or Foe. Which means you automatically have to drop one part and either be a healer or a DPS. The whole "being light powered" part feels dumb and slightly overpowered since the Sun is a thing. The striking power and accuracy is bullshit strong. If you're hitting with a nail, you're hitting at nailgun power. And those don't hit all that hard, or very accurately. Additionally, the stylization of your power doesn't feel like it's a good healing power, since you're throwing nails at them and all.

Weapon: No no no no no. The research into harnessing plasma is wildly different that the research to miniaturize railguns to handheld level. The name "Pocket railgun" implies handgun sized, which is an immediate no-go for a railgun. In Doom, the railgun (technically it's a gauss cannon, but the two styles of weapon are rather similar in effect, if not in the technical) is huge. I think the thing is larger than the chaingun, and you can't move while firing it with certain upgrades. Can the weapon match a sniper rifle in power and accuracy? Yes. Can a handgun do the same? Hell no. Additionally, the recoil would be in no way manageable. At all. Also, the ability to crank up your power with a lightbulb mounted on top is a clear attempt to limit the Flaw in your power, and as such is very much not allowed.
I don't see anything wrong, even if the lightning gun will be a little on the weak side. Shouldn't be too much an issue, though. Accepted.

Denied. I have criticisms about both your Ability and your Weapon.

Ability: First and foremost, I hate powers that have different effects depending on whether a target is Friend or Foe. Which means you automatically have to drop one part and either be a healer or a DPS. The whole "being light powered" part feels dumb and slightly overpowered since the Sun is a thing. The striking power and accuracy is bullshit strong. If you're hitting with a nail, you're hitting at nailgun power. And those don't hit all that hard, or very accurately. Additionally, the stylization of your power doesn't feel like it's a good healing power, since you're throwing nails at them and all.

Weapon: No no no no no. The research into harnessing plasma is wildly different that the research to miniaturize railguns to handheld level. The name "Pocket railgun" implies handgun sized, which is an immediate no-go for a railgun. In Doom, the railgun (technically it's a gauss cannon, but the two styles of weapon are rather similar in effect, if not in the technical) is huge. I think the thing is larger than the chaingun, and you can't move while firing it with certain upgrades. Can the weapon match a sniper rifle in power and accuracy? Yes. Can a handgun do the same? Hell no. Additionally, the recoil would be in no way manageable. At all. Also, the ability to crank up your power with a lightbulb mounted on top is a clear attempt to limit the Flaw in your power, and as such is very much not allowed.

That's cool, but since you mention criticism, I'm assuming you're open to changes regarding my ability and weapon.

I do want to specify that he must be in physical contact with the light source to harness it's power, and that's not possible with the sun. As for the Power's... power, would you like to discuss it a little over discord? I'm not quite sure why you specifically mention a nailgun, since he's not shooting said nails from a nailgun in the first place, I think we might have a miscommunication in that regard.

On a another note though, I'm perfectly fine limiting his role to just a long range DPS.

About his weapon... yeah, didn't think much into that, would you mind it if I just changed it to say... a 12 gauge shotgun? Much simpler, gives him a fighting chance at close range too.
Announcement #2
Submissions will close sometime over New Years. Soon after, Henry and I will go over the Accepted sheets and pick out the final roster for the game. A day or so after that, the IC will hopefully go up.

If you have not been Accepted yet, you have until submissions close to make changes to your sheet. If we are in the middle of discussing how to change your power to better fit, you will be allowed to change afterwards.

Currently, there are 9 Accepted and Threadmarked sheets. @Melonbomination's sheet is under review and I am waiting to hear from Henry. @Terran Imperium and @Ryven Razgriz this is last call if you want to edit your sheets so they will be accepted. As far as I'm aware you're both still on the Discord, and we can discuss things there if need be.
Name: Carl Chester

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Appearance: Carl is a bald man of seemingly no discernible race. He is fit and athletic, but stands on the taller side at 6'4. He has a gruff face that makes him look older, and quite unapproachable. Here's a picture of him

Personality: Nothing is sacred, nothing is for forever; that is Carl's mindset in a single sentence. As a (former, extremely devout) Catholic, he yearned (and still yearns, unbeknownst to him) for something with integrity, something that could be described as genuine. It did not have to be love, and it could not have been family, as he lacked one, but what it did have to be was unconditional, absolute, everlasting, and human.

Unfortunately for him, as smart as we humans are, we are just as complicated. A single misstep in what would've otherwise been an 'perfect' romance is likely to shatter the relationship like glass. An event that requires from your comrades sacrifice, true sacrifice, is the event that marks the end of their involvement. A single step away from the 'right' side of the morality spectrum, and you're no longer human in their eyes; the relationship you've built be damned.

Still, He searches. He looks in places more and more extreme, more and more insane for something truly unconditional. Perhaps a job as humanity's sword and shield would grant him his wish; soldiers had been the closest evidence of his ideal, after all.

Ability: Crucify

Carl can conjure and shoot 'holy nails' that may break into any substance absolutely (meaning they can stick into practically any material) but aren't immediately fatal (since, though the nails can 'hook onto' even the strongest of demons, all they're really doing is 'breaking skin' and not going any deeper).

The thing about these holy nails, however, is that the longer that these nails are hooked into a demon (the longer it tries to ignore them and not pull them out), the more it breaks them down, deteriorates them. In this regard, Carl has three types of nails he can fire:

  1. Nail of Pride: These nails slowly deteriorate the victim physically. After a post cycle is complete, the demon will feel a 20% loss in their physical faculties; after a second cycle, an additional 30% loss will occur (totaling in a 50% loss), so on, so forth. Should the demon pull the nail out, their strength will return at the rate by which it was lost (20% regain of strength in the first cycle, 50% in the second, ect.). Should the victim let the nails stay for long enough that a 100% loss of their physical attribute occurs, however, they will be left a husk of their old selves; thin like a wire and starved for energy, and will likely die in the timeframe of 30 or more minutes. After a 100% loss of their physical attributes, pulling out the nail will not let them regain their old strength, they will need to recover naturally.
  1. Nail of Sloth: These nail work the same as his Nails of Pride, but affect the Demon's mental and sensory faculties as opposed to their physical ones. After the first cycle is complete, any victim will feel dizzy, and have a difficult time performing activities requiring fine motor functions and a effective sense of balance (such as acrobatics, solving a Rubik's cube fast, etc). After the second cycle, a sense of drunkenness will overwhelm the nailed; reducing their hand eye coordination and balance even further, and affecting their mental state to perform more reckless and stupid actions. During this cycle, fine motor skills and problem solving skills are greatly reduced; what was a lithe, graceful, and patient predator would now be bumbling, reckless, and loud prey. The third cycle, is similar to the second, but with even more dizziness; resulting in the desire to vomit with strenuous physical activity. After 2 more cycles of progressively worse and worse mental and sensory deterioration, a total loss of senses will occur, and a coma will likely follow after 30 or more minutes. Again, pulling out the nail will have them recover what they'd lost, but not once total loss of senses occurs.
  1. Nail of Envy: Works the same as his two other Nail types, but for abilities (fire breathing, fire balls, etc.) rather than any physical, mental, or sensory attributes. The first cycle results in a 20% reduction in all ability attributes (the heat, speed, and explosiveness of a fireball, for example); the second cycle brings in another 30% to be piled on, resulting in a total loss of 50%, so on, so forth. Again, nails can be taken out to allow for demons to recover their ability strength, but after a 100% loss, their abilities are more or less permanently gone.
These nails, though quite pathetic in terms of immediate damage, can be fired in large amounts (10 every 3 seconds) to cause panic in lower demons (since, hey, it still hurts); or be focused on stronger demons to make them either 1, focus on getting all the nails out or 2, gradually weaken and rot them until they are a shadow of their former selves. Let it be known that his power may have a reduced effect against higher tier demons.


- Very effective against a small group of stronger targets, as their small numbers allow Carl to overwhelm them nails and replace any that are taken out with new ones; effectively putting them on a timer.


- Weak against hordes of weak, disposable, but fast enemies. Because of their numbers, Carl wouldn't be able to keep replacing lost nails for each individual demon. If he spreads his nails in between all of the horde (assuming they're smart enough to remove the nails in the first place), each demon will only have, say, a single nail to take

Weapon: 12 Gauge Shotgun (SRM 1216 12 Gauge)

Y'know, a 12 gauge shotgun, this one specifically is semi-automatic for 4 shot before the need to twist the magazine kicks in. Carl prefers the use of one ounce slugs over buckshot. Here's a video on the gun if you'd like to know more.

Misc Equipment:

- Medium, heat resistant armor.
- A machete.
- Some water.
- Gas mask.
- Extra ammunition.
- A pack of cigarettes.
- Some MREs.

Difficulty: Hurt me plenty
Accepted. However, your power will not work quite the way you have written due to the narrative driven system as opposed to a mechanical driven system. Also... are you sure that is the shotgun you want? Almost any other shotgun would be better, if purely for repackaging magazines alone. Henry and I may be a liiiitle biased against that shotgun.
Accepted. However, your power will not work quite the way you have written due to the narrative driven system as opposed to a mechanical driven system. Also... are you sure that is the shotgun you want? Almost any other shotgun would be better, if purely for repackaging magazines alone. Henry and I may be a liiiitle biased against that shotgun.

Gotcha, that post cycle thing is just to give people a general idea; the basic gist of it is 'debuff that gets worse and worse faster and faster the longer the enemy doesn't do anything about it', and so long as that's kept, I'm good.

Though, uh, now I'm a little scared of choosing that shotgun. I'll get a different semi-auto shotgun instead; the Benelli M3.
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Gotcha, that post cycle thing is just to give people a general idea; the basic gist of it is 'debuff that gets worse and worse faster and faster the longer the enemy doesn't do anything about it', and so long as that's kept, I'm good.

Though, uh, now I'm a little scared of choosing that shotgun. I'll get a different semi-auto shotgun instead; the Benelli M3.

You can still take it, Its just not our favorite shotgun.
Name: Private Ursine
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Personality: He is a bear, meaning that while he is generally fine when left alone, he will, without hesitation, land a hit on you if you try bothering him.

He typically keeps to himself, but occasionally interacts with people.

He likes salmon, outdoor activities, and forests. He thinks doors are stupid.
Ability: He is a sentient bear that can talk.
Weapon: Being a bear, it is quite hard for him to use weapons designed for human. However, he does have on special claw enhancers that let him hit even harder than a bear usually hits, letting him go toe-to-toe with demons in hand-to-hand combat.
Misc Equipment: Since he has to get up close, he wears ultra-heavy armor, which he can use since he is a bear. This armor has thousands of spikes on it so that if a demon tries to jump on him, they'll get stabbed.
Difficulty Rating: Hurt Me Plenty
Name: Private Ursine
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Personality: He is a bear, meaning that while he is generally fine when left alone, he will, without hesitation, land a hit on you if you try bothering him.

He typically keeps to himself, but occasionally interacts with people.

He likes salmon, outdoor activities, and forests. He thinks doors are stupid.
Ability: He is a sentient bear that can talk.
Weapon: Being a bear, it is quite hard for him to use weapons designed for human. However, he does have on special claw enhancers that let him hit even harder than a bear usually hits, letting him go toe-to-toe with demons in hand-to-hand combat.
Misc Equipment: Since he has to get up close, he wears ultra-heavy armor, which he can use since he is a bear. This armor has thousands of spikes on it so that if a demon tries to jump on him, they'll get stabbed.
Difficulty Rating: Hurt Me Plenty
Denied. I've said it for other submissions that we aren't accepting inhuman characters. Additionally, I meant to close submissions sometime last night. My apologies, but that means you will not have the opportunity to change your character to try and fit the game. Sorry.
@Atma Warrior If you don't respond either here on on Discord, or make an IC post in the next two days, you will be removed from the game to allow us to move along.
48 hours have more or less passed, so @Atma Warrior is being removed from the game so that we might be able to actually do things. Expect a GM post soon-ish.