Generally speaking, the two usually suggested novels to start getting into the Culture are either Consider Phlebas, or Player of Games.

Consider Phlebas suffers a bit from being the first novel and therefore not quite like the rest, but it does work very well with being set outside the Culture looking in, and having a protagonist who really, really doesn't like the Culture. So your first introduction to them is from the POV of someone who interprets everything they do very negatively.

Player of Games has tons of fun Special Circumstances chicanery and skulduggery, though, and gives you much more insight into what life is like for people IN the Culture.
Maybe I've just been hanging out in the wrong sections of the internet, but your Yui is a much nicer person than the fan interpretations I am used to.

This is the woman who abandoned her child to go get her soul omnomnomed by an eldritch abomination created by humans from their own progenitor. And she did it right in front of him too; took him to the observation window and everything, wtf Yui.

Granted, she probably didn't have much of a choice on the matter considering the implications that Seele was close to figuring out her agenda, but still it could have all been done without traumatizing the shit out of lil' Shinji.
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This is the woman who abandoned her child to go get her soul omnomnomed by an eldritch abomination created by humans from their own progenitor. And she did it right in front of him too; took him to the observation window and everything, wtf Yui.

Granted, she probably didn't have much of a choice on the matter considering the implications that Seele was close to figuring out her agenda, but still it could have all been done without traumatizing the shit out of lil' Shinji.
*semi-joking*Consider she's Shinji's mother, I'll put it at cluelessness runs in the family :p.
Thread watched. Adding all relevant Culture novels to my wish list. Waiting.

Ringworld-esque AI superminds plus Eva equals to be a pretty good cup of tea for me.
Er. Having a test this week. And the next week. And the week after that.
Will hopefully continue when summer come...
2. Rocks fall, Nobody Dies.​


Time is subjective.

Or rather, a person's perception of the passage of time is subjective. Lock someone in a room without any clock or natural light source, and sooner or later their perception of time would be skewed. She was well aware of that.

However, that little piece of trivia took on an entire new meaning in here.

She had spent what felt like hours explaining the Dead Sea Scroll, the Angels, Instrumentality, and SEELE's plot to the Mind. She had, of course, tried to hide as much of her true plan as possible, though she was not sure how much it could deduce about that. It was mentally exhausting, trying to dance around its questioning to avoid accidentally revealing anything unwanted.

At the very least, the thing was very much against SEELE – though not for the reason she expected. Apparently, dissolving the "selves" and merging a group into a single mind was OK as long as everybody involved gave their consent.

But forcing billions to take that action against their wills amounted to a gigadeathcrime.

And the process of this "Instrumentality" was too fishy to be trusted, too.

Then she found out that the whole thing, from when she woke up to the end of their lengthy conversation, had happened in less than a single second.

Then, time flowed "normally" again when she talked to Shinji. She hoped that he would understand why she'd had to leave him for his own safety, and the truth was, she did miss her son. Still, the kid was understandably unhappy about the whole conspiracy-plotting-for-human-extinction thing, and that both of his parents were involved.

And then, she had opted out of having her biological needs simulated, and spent subjectively months - and objectively less than a second - studying what essentially came straight out of science fiction.

Hyperspace, Field manipulation, Exotic matter, Worm hole, Nanotech… and the occasional break to travel whatever imaginative landscape the Mind could think up. She was amazed. Even if it took centuries to fully go through the process of building the tools to build the tools to fully make use of the knowledge the Mind showed her, they would still greatly benefit mankind, possibly even more than the discovery of EVA related techs.

Of course, the Mind had also informed her that it was entirely possible that this universe had different laws of physic, and so much of its scientific knowledge could be inaccurate.

"Still, since I am functioning just fine, whatever differences there might be shouldn't be too drastic."

Well, at this rate, Yui felt that she could spend an entire lifetime reviewing this information, and still wouldn't be done, assume that there was even enough room in her memory to remember it all (though she supposed she could just ask for more space. After all, whatever limitations her brain had were just simulation), and she was aware that she might get bored. Maybe next "month", she would consider asking the Mind to slow the simulation down to real life speed, though the Mind and Yui herself agreed that letting her use Shinji's senses to view the outside world would be intrusive, so maybe she'd choose the alternative of "pausing" the simulation "until something interesting happens", in its words.

The blue Renault Alpine sped down the deserted road connecting NERV headquarter and the main city. It was a peaceful summer evening - the roar of the engine was the only sound that could be heard by the three passengers aboard the vehicle. An uncomfortable silence went on inside the car, mostly because of the troubled expression on the face of the Third Child.

The newly promoted Major had tried to find out the reason behind her charge's sudden change of mood by gently starting a conversation about it, but the kid has been strangely evasive. The first explanation she could think of for that was the result of the harmonic test; but from what she knew about the Third Child, it was unlikely he would be that upset about something like that.

The Second Child had tried to use those same results to annoy the boy, gloating about her "victory" and how a professional like her would surely beat an amateur like him, but again, his detached attitude had quickly deflated the girl's enthusiasm.

The Mind felt somewhat bad about this, but until it could be sure that neither of them worked for the conspiracy, it had no choice but to advise the kid to be cautious.

Being a veteran of the Idiran war, it was no stranger to the foolishness of meatbags, and thus, it wasn't in the least surprised that they could murder billions of their fellow humans in their search for power. Still, such uncivilized barbarism, such idiotic greediness, and, in some cases – it suspected, such blinded zealotry. Trusting a, by all accounts, unverified, untested document of dubious origin, hoping that they could control machineries far above their technology level, to engage in a process that was only vaguely described.

That last part bothered it a lot. The Mind still could not figure out the exact nature of this Instrumentality. Could be an effector effect, forcing every mind to join a group mind, with the one controlling the machine being the dominant personality. Or it could be some kind of forced Sublimation – this one was much less likely, for no one had ever successfully forced a sentient being into joining the Great Enfolded against their will, but with the Sublime, one could never tell.

Either way, it needed to get to the bottom of this. And, regretfully, that meant it needed the help of the kid. First things first, they needed to make sure that their place was safe.

"It's a shame that the kid is too young to drink beer. I miss myself some."

"If you want, I can perfectly simulate that particular type of alcoholic beverage for you."

"It wouldn't be real, though."

"Technically speaking, it would have the same atomic, and even quantum, structure as the real deal. Beside, you don't actually exist in real space, either."

"Still. The party looks pretty fun. The major seems to be enjoying herself. She doesn't look the part of a SEELE spy. No way anyone can keep secrets if they drink that much."

"Maybe. But consider what's at stake here; I wouldn't like taking any chances. And there's still the girl."

"Ah, the girl. I thought you made it very clear you don't like putting children in these kinds of things?"

"Well, I don't. But I still have to take into account the possibility that she had been indoctrinated."

"I knew her parents. They were not with SEELE."

"And we know that she is currently not with her parents. And quite possibly not for a long time now. She might not even know the full extent of their plan - they would only need her to report for them."

"What if she was? Shinji is rather… fond of her, isn't he? That would hurt him."

"That's something you should ask him directly. Either way, I'll try my best to leave all the Children out of this. The involvement of your son is very unfortunate, but unavoidable," the avatar turned to her and smiled broadly,showing two rows of perfect silver teeth, its great height loomed over her, "given that you dragged him into this in the first place."

Yui made a "Tsk" sound. By now, she had come to expect this kind of attitude from the thing whenever the topic came up. It still annoyed her greatly, though she supposed that was the whole point.

"And I told you I wouldn't do that if I had any other choice."

The kid was pretty surprised when they talked again after the sync test, and found out that Yui and the Hub Mind had this kind of banter going on between them. In Yui's case, that was the result of spending months with no one but the damn thing to talk to.

For the Mind, that was just natural, it would say.

Nevertheless, the party went on without any incident, then two more people showed up.

~What would he be doing in Antarctica?

~I don't know. If Fuyutsuki is with him, it's possible that it's just some research.

~Shouldn't we inform him about you?

~Too dangerous. SEELE no doubt keeps an eye on him all the time. That was the reason why I couldn't inform him about my plan even back then. There was a pause. I hope he would understand in the end.

~Hey, can I ask you something?

~Never hesitate, my dear.

~This… Instrumentality. Is it really a bad thing? I mean, a world with no pain, no suffering, everybody gets what they want. Isn't that supposed to be good?

~Well, I'll admit that I don't have enough to tell exactly what it is, but from what is described; it will have no change, no running process. Life is change, development, movement. If you remove the possibility of the alteration of an individual's circumstances, and that must include the possibility of altering them for the worse, you no longer have life. You just have death.

~You chose death.

~Yes. And I'll respect the same choice from other sentient beings – remember, I had respected the choices of those who were in the three Orbitals, despite my misgivings. But forcing that same choice on other people - the term we use for that, I believe, is genocide.

~And you must also remember that if you ever consider taking that path, ask yourself if life still has anything to offer, if the possibility of happiness still exists.

~And you should try to catch some sleep, kid. Tomorrow, we need to go find the components for our scanner.

Of course, high up in orbit, a certain piece of alien tech had another plan...
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Yay this is back. And I guess the next angel attack is going to happen about now?
I don't know anything about the Culture series, and at the moment I'm not really looking for another series to start. Regardless, this story has my attention. It's not the first time I've seen 'sympathetic entity helps Shinji out', but this is the first I've seen with... a super-AI?

Ramiel should be next.

A couple of things caught my eye:
perception of time would be skewered
That should be skewed... unless you actually meant that her sense of time had been impaled.

The Second Child had tried to use those same results to annoy the boy, gloating about her "victory" and how a professional like her would surely beat an amateur like him, but again, his detached attitude had quickly deflated the girl's enthusiasm.
This line sounds like they haven't done the test yet, despite Asuka talking about how she won. May I suggest 'would obviously beat an amateur like him'?

Wait, isn't that the Angel with the mind-rape beam? ...It's going to get jacked isn't it.
It shouldn't even be time for Armisael. The fact that the line mentioned 'alien tech' suggests to me that something else from the Mind's corner of space is up there.

...Actually, what part of the Eva timeline are we up to? I don't recall seeing any mention of Angels besides the Third.
Guess the Mind will soon enough be trying to create a counter conspiracy, I guess it's just slow going for now because its standards of risk to avoid genocide are much higher then your average person.

Wonder if it can conceive of ways to quickly improve the weapons currently available as well... well probably, but how could you get them improved with out giving the game away to the conspiracy? Hmm...
Wonder if it can conceive of ways to quickly improve the weapons currently available as well... well probably, but how could you get them improved with out giving the game away to the conspiracy? Hmm...

Mind - [Huh, how quaint. A positron emission rifle. But the targeting system is woefully lacking... I can fix that.]


Gendo - 'Yes, He will miss the first shot...'

Shinji - *Shoots the core first time* Boom. Headshot.


Mind - [The AT field system is incredibly lacking in finesse. It could be so much more with a little help and multi-tasking.]
Shinji - [Do it!]

Ramiel - [SCREAMING!]


Gendo - God Dammit Shinji!
Thus us pretty interesting. Haven't read the Culture books before, but they sound very advanced indeed. Still need a beta, btw?
They are, yup. It's like the technological singularity happened and they got past that and just kept on going and then they got to some kind of super-technological singularity and they went hmm, looks suspicious and instead for the next thousands of years just kept developing along as a post singularity civ, reaching some mild tones of super-singularity civilization...

And well yeah, they are what one would call preposterously advanced compared to most other SF civs.

Still, with out the spacecraft there is but so much a Mind can do.
- Are you sure we can win? How can you know that you didn't doom us all by derailing my plan?

- Because for all their power, they're just creatures of flesh and bone, Miss Ikari. And if there is something I know for certain, it is how pathetically easy things like them - like you, die.

Despite all of her inner insecurities, it was fair to say that Doctor Akagi took a certain pride in her intellect.
After all, you could not become the leading expert in a revolutionary new field by being an idiot. Among the scientific community, she was recognized as the very best expert on metaphysics.

The best among those who were still alive, that was.

For all of her talents, she was still plagued by a somewhat irrational inferiority complex to her mother. Not so unusual, since such thing was often unavoidable when you chose to walk the same path as your seniors. Because of that, she had tried very hard to crawl out of the shadow of the late Naoko Akagi. And these days, she could at least have said that, intellectually, she was a match for her mother.

Until now.

She kept telling herself that she knew the MAGI very well. That there was no secret behind Naoko's legacy that she was not aware of. That her mother's creation couldn't surpass the daughter's own intellect.

And yet, the damn things had just produced, out of thin air, an attack course for "Maximum effect" using the N2 missile against the tenth Angel, after the first volley failed to as much as put a dent in the monster. Something nobody had even known the three AIs could do, and even more alarmingly, nobody had even ordered them to do. Sure, the attack did not destroy the Angel, but it had successfully pushed the thing back, caused some visible damage (that sadly was already regenerating), and slowed it down a bit.

Well, she couldn't really complain, seeing that anything that helped them against the oversized amoeba ought to be good. Still, Ritsuko fully intended to go over the mechanic trio if she happened to survive this one.

Shinji was trying pretty hard to listen to Major Katsuragi's briefing about the bizarre Angel suicide bombing them, with questionable success. The Third Child couldn't help it but keep staring at his blue haired teammate. According to the Mind, there was a high possibility that she was a clone of his mother. And Yui herself had confirmed that the girl resembled her closely.

And his dad was her guardian. And likely, her creator, too.

Now, Hub had repeatedly assured him that a clone without the mind of the original was for all intents and purposes, a completely separate sentient being, who undoubtedly deserved every right and benefit a natural one possessed. But still, that meant he couldn't trust her, even more so than the other two people currently in this room – she might be indoctrinated from even before she was born to fulfill her creator's purposes, whatever they were. And while he tried to ignore Rei's odds features, knowing the reasons behind them just made her even more alien in his eyes. The one person who could give him a feeling of peace and calm now only gave the boy a feeling of wariness and dread. In truth, apart for the two inside his head, he was more alone than ever before.

And it went without saying, for what purpose a man might create a clone of his departed love. Shinji, clueless as he was, had had that possibility cross his mind a few times. The same went for the two beings inside his head; and just for this one, it was fair to say Shinji was not the one whom that scenario troubled the most – though she preferred to avoid discussing it, even in "private" with the machine.

Shinji was vaguely aware that Asuka and Misato were having a brief shouting match, something about the ridiculousness of the latter's plan. His recent bad mood had affected them, too. Well, ridiculous or not, it was the only plan they had. It didn't really matter that he paid no attention, since the Hub would pick up the details for him. Moreover, the modified A2 connector on his head should allow it to access the MAGI through the wireless network, enabling it to contribute to the plan-making process under the disguise of the MAGI's suggestions – in fact, the earlier attack that bought them some time had been its idea. And as long as he was physically inside the plug, the Mind assured him that it would take care of all the fighting.

Then, suddenly, the former Hub Mind asked:

~Hey Ikari, can you ask if they have a telescope?"

~A what? Why?

~Well, the Angel had jammed our sensors. But I figure that we can still observe it visually, and with my assistant, locate it accurately enough to nail the fucker with a few shots from that positron cannon, as well as predict its landing zone more correctly should we need to actually try the Major's catch-it-with-your-fields plan.

~Uh… Well, OK. But how can you find it with a telescope?

~I have some idea where it might be, though there are too many unknown variables to make an accurate prediction. Still better than what the Major wanted to go with, but not odds I like to take.

~And hey, kiddo, relax a bit, we'll always be with you, OK? There was a chuckle. Literally. I believe you can do it, son. Let's go kick their ass.

~… Thanks, mom.

Many people thought that to be a good sniper, one just needed good eyes and steady hands. The skill to take a good aim at the target. Maybe also a calm, cold head.

In truth, sniping had more to do with mathematic calculation than any of that.

There were countless variables that could affect a shot, from wind to gravity to air resistance. Normally, a modern day sniper would have a "cheat sheet" to help them account for as many of those as possible. The rest relied on their skill and experience.

Now, when the sniper rifle in question was an experimental weapon with unknown ballistic quantities, the target was moving at asteroid impact velocity, and the only way to measure its position was "eyeballing" through a telescope; in order to score a hit, a human shooter needed to be exceptionally lucky.

Or just be inhumanly good at math.

In the Mind's mind, during the time it took for the blue abomination to pick up the weapon, it had finished calculating the exact path of the falling Angel. Taking into account every single variable the MAGI knew, plus many more it was able to decipher by observing, it patiently waited for the Ayanami kid to get to position. It would much prefer to be the shooter itself, but the major had been adamant about letting the best shot try first, and pushing the issue too hard could seem suspicious. It should still had time to try, should she miss.

Little did it know that the poor, suffering First Child had not only been suspicious of it, but was near to having an uncharacteristic freakout.

Unit 01 was dead, she thought. The-shadow-with-Shinji ate its soul. And now it was animating the damn thing around like nothing had happened. (Un)Fortunately for everyone, the mild sedatives she had been taking were helping her avoid outright freaking out. She even managed to stay focused enough to listen to the Third Child's instructions to aim at a specific spot, and be ready to fire on his mark. The fact that he had somehow come up with this plan, then somehow was able to find the Angel with a telescope, and now somehow capable of being her spotter, definitely had something to do with the… thing that went with him.

She decided to report directly to the Commander as soon as possible. (Un)Fortunately, that meant as least a few days later, since he had yet to return from his trip.

Looking through the scope of the rifle, she tried to breathe calmly as she waited for the Third Child. Despite the tremendous speed of the Angel, since the distant was large, one felt that it was falling quite slowly.

Then, just as it entered her field of vision, she heard the signal, and immediately squeezed the trigger.

The Mind had taken into account both the time which the sound from the Ikari kid's mouth would take to reach the comm. system, the time it would take for the system to transfer the request to the other Eva, then the time for the sound from the comm. in the other Eva to reach the First Child, and the time it usually took for the First Child to react, the delay between her command and the blue cyborg's action, and countless other little variables. None of which could be measured absolutely correct given the current tech base.

It, however, didn't factor in the true nature of the First Child, because of which she had a slightly better reaction speed than mere meatbag human. That, plus many other little inaccuracies, made the shot just slightly earlier than expected, nailing the Angel in the outer edge instead of the center of the eye, causing its field to flicker, and a small crack to appear, only to start closing faster than the rifle could charge up for another shot.

It was then the Mind decided to go with the Major's plan.

And it was with that impossible shot the Major decided that something very weird was going on.