You Are: A sector admiral of a strained imperium.

If she boards? I am not so sure, you only have a half strength marine compliment. Though you do have Ranca aboard and there would be an awful lot of flailing around if they tried to board you given your ship is faster and better handled.

She's also still doing half damage to our marines, and we have three ships to keep her HCs away or counterboard if necessary.
Ahh, but remember, her refusing the surrender of the monitor is a MAJOR faux pas in Imperial noble circles. There will be those who support Reinhard for putting her down for dishonourable conduct.

Also, I suspect the Imperial house would be VERY happy with him for frustrating the plans of house Arslan.

A faux pas true, but not one where you can say 'Hey, I had to destroy her because she wouldn't accept the surrender of a enemy ship'. Its not exactly a great defence, and although its a faux pas, it can be easily written off as her being eager to destroy the enemies of the imperium, even if she did it in bad taste.

And us proving her guilt is going to be hard to do considering we can't record this conversation, and our word means little as a commoner. I also suspect that as you said, she likely has contingency plans for us if we end up not working with her.
If we have to kill her the inquiry is just going to be the worst.

"She directly opened fire on our ship after we interceded to prevent her from dishonouring the fine name of the Imperial Navy by refusing the surrender of a defeated foe."
*appends sensor records*

I mean, yes, it'll be horrible, but I very much doubt that it will end with us losing much. Especially if we tell the Governor what we were actually being offered. I suspect he'd believe us, and if we don't start the shooting, I could see his own political influence coming down on things. Getting the House Imperial on side is very much in our long-term benefit.

Note: I have no intention of opening fire on her unless she fires on us. If I can get her to fire on us, however, then whatever comes of that is on her own head. Might even get us a HC or two out of the bargain :V
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OK... I'm a little annoyed that the conversation in the update didn't follow the plan in what I thought were some important respects. (The repost to her bad plan should have been "you have a bad plan for starting a war, I have a better one.)

Oh well.

As far as both the Viscountess and Reinhard planning genocide... The US planned to strike only military and infrastructure targets in the event of war with the Soviet Union. The result, naturally, would have been genocide. See, the issue is that people tend to live around infrastructure targets and military targets tend to be close to where people live.

As to the Viscountess' proposal, one of the issues I have is that I don't see a "good" way to resolve this. Our ships are worn down and I'm not so sure about taking on the battleships over Imhotep (and possibly coming here). Our goal (to draw away Chuang Mu's fleet from Imhotep) is one we won't know if we've succeeded in until they appear in-system. Before those battleships arrive, we're basically stuck dealing with the planet itself, and from prior experience, I don't expect them to be cooperative.

The Viscountess' plan at least benefits from simplicity - we kill a few billion people then run away to the Imperial core to get promoted, yay us!

Another issue is, the optimal way to stop the Viscountess from committing genocide is to offer a better alternative. But can we actually do so? I don't know enough about the universe and the NASP itself to really have any better ideas to try and convince her with.

As far as going to the Falkor and meeting with her, or sending Ranca, this IS still a war zone and it's easy for her to arrange "accidents" I imagine. So I am inclined to say "not in the middle of a battle you fool".

Ahh, but remember, her refusing the surrender of the monitor is a MAJOR faux pas in Imperial noble circles. There will be those who support Reinhard for putting her down for dishonourable conduct.

Also, I suspect the Imperial house would be VERY happy with him for frustrating the plans of house Arslan.

We always have the "if you try and kill those people indiscriminately, not only will we never work for you, we will actively work against you and fight you right now." Card if we really want her to back off.
@Snowfire @Satar besides the hard negotiations we have to make it clear how our original plan and our own actions will lead to war. How what we"ll do will lead to a weakened NASP declaring war on the Imperium. Not as immediately, but it will happen. I already described all of the possible effects of the infrastructure bombardment and we discussed other ways we can provoke NASP, like turning the monitor into a mobile museum ship.

It will be that large. Imhotep was a fairly unimportant planet in the Mimir sector and now it is a giant fiscal black hole for the sector. 2% of the NASP military is too large to not be felt by NASP. If they're contributing that much they have an economic contribution that isn't insignificant. There is already a minority in Chuang Mu who think they're better off leaving and how many NASP member states in this confederacy will be eager to foot the bill for their reconstruction? This can only end in creating strife.

Chuang Mu makes up 2% of the NASP military. That is more than the three battleships at Imhotep. The Imperial Navy and NASP have capital ships in the triple digit range. They likely have warships and sub scale ships in the quadruple digit range. We're looking at dozens of ships who suddenly can't be supported by their homeworld. Think of all the ways this can damage NASP relations. Increased piracy within NASP, Chuang Mu ships leaving their garrison to guard their home world because they don't trust NASP to protect them, attempts by other worlds to take the ships for themselves or more rogue actions by the Chuang Mu military that will only strain relations. This can only end to our benefit. Chuang Mu is a good example of how this is a loose alliance. They have a weak or no shared identity. This is why @Snowfire is making a good point about how nuking their cities is a strategically bad decision. It is better to have a weakened NASP that declares war on the Imperium.

There aren't dozens of ships on a low end estimate but there are still enough to give NASP hell, including the three battleships that are currently over Imhotep.

The Empire now, the Empire forever; we either stand with some sort of principles or we become the Ducal house's attack dog.

Not become the ducal attack dog so we remain the attack dog of the empress and her family? Reinhard will be a pawn until he gets to the point he has enough power to stop being one.

I feel the need to point out that we have no way to verify the supposed knowledge she has of the Earth Sphere, and that she is diplomatically inclined enough she may just be lying.

This is a heat of the moment thing, and if she is lying, it would be easy to scapegoat us for the destruction of Chuang Mu while she goes about her merry way if needed.

She isn't lying. Packrat foreshadowed a ducal house that wants to overthrow the Imperial dynasty will try to hire us out. The next update we received word of the Ducal Scion arriving. She has no incentive to leave us out to dry and leave someone else to save our career in exchange for loyalty when she can protect us and secure our loyalty.

To accept on these terms would be utterly backward and would solidify the idea that we can be bought. What I have in mind is going to be quite different.

She wants us to help her, to help her House. Regardless of our opinion on that matter, the simple fact is that she's looking at this like what she is; a child with a 'plan' so riddled with holes you could fly a star system through it. We're the finest strategic mind in the Empire.

She is trying to buy us out. She is promising us a Share, more than one promotion in the Navy, political protection from Fleet Command and having our actions spun in the way that makes Reinhard a hero to the Imperium, in exchange for playing along and siding with her father.

I'm of the opinion that we aren't going to win here, we can only choose the best of what we have in front of us.

This quest can be described as Packrat giving us unambiguously bad choices and choices that are good and bad.

I mena, it'll be less awful and have less overall deaths, but we're still inflicting hundreds of millions of deaths from disease, starvation, and the other aftershocks of technological society losing large portions of transportation and energy infrastructure to its cities and etc.
We're effectively firing a bunch of weapons at infrastructure, not just military infrastructure. I'd also be highly surprised if us firing at the planet doesn't cause knock on effects either to its environment.

We can tiptoe around the fact that it's not technically genocide in that we aren't directly aiming at civilian targets, it's honestly just degrees of separation about the effect it'll have on the planet and populace.

Packrat had already answered this. Their infrastructure is good enough that infrastructure bombardment is going to be less bad than the bombardment in WW2. What we voted for before isn't a war crime by any definition and it would only happen for as long as they refused to pay tribute.

To clarify now that I am home, population bombardment is by default likely to kill tens of millions or more, depending on how quickly they cave. It would be literally nuking a major city, then another, then another, until they cave and give you everything you want. That is why it would work so quickly, but it would be a horrific war crime.

Chuang Mu has a population of about six billion on the surface, so call it twenty times that of the United States. Do you think that the USA would surrender unconditionally because a representative of a huge evil slaving empire blew up a population of a hundred thousand? A million?

They are an older polity than the modern day United States for that matter, one that is vastly more prosperous, a society that is more effectively organised and unified than is possible with any real life state (I am not going to dwell on how exactly, they are a far future space society that knows better than me how to organise a nation). You are heralding a vast, rapacious interstellar empire that represents unspeakable horror.

They are not going to roll over and give everything to you unless you completely break their military or subject them to sufficient atrocity and civilisation breaking trauma that the majority of their populace gives up. Either that or they agree to relatively mild looting in the hope/anticipation that their battleships are going to return and smite you righteously but it will stop you breaking things/people in the meantime.

Remember that the bulk of the population do not realize how bullshit you are. They see that you have one capital ship, they have three hopefully coming to their rescue, they are pretty sure their capital ships are better than yours because they are not evil.
Hey, new player here. So, reading this quest, the mc has done some very shady things like turning a blind eye to smuggling for political gain, promoting officers that aren't fit for their positions for political gain, turning over technical not-pows for vivisection and torture for political gain, and planning to destroy the infrastructure of chuang ma likely to result in megadeaths and is only not genocide because most of the deaths will be caused indirectly. When it comes down to it, I don't think the mc will turn down a lucrative offer for political advancement on moral grounds.

I think the war, both with nasp and the civil war is just a matter of time, with the question being which one happens first. If we keep the peace with nasp tensions will keep increasing at home exacerbated by the additional burden of service to get out of debt bondage. Then nasp will strike whoever wins. We've seen nasp has expansionistic tendencies by their subversive actions on imhotep. When it come down to it, a war now with nasp, before internal tensions get worse is more likely to preserve the imperium's existence and set the stage for winning the civil afterwards. So, I think mc would go for it from that angle.

That leaves how trustworthy she is. She could certainly scapegoat the mc for the genocide, but that would deprive her of his services. The services of the greatist strategist in the imperium. Services she needs if she wants to come out on top. I wouldn't put it past her to use it as blackmail, but if she's telling the truth then imperium culture is willing to accept such actions and by the time she doesn't need our services, selling us out to another culture won't be an option because we've already won. I think scapegoating is only an issue if we lose.

I definitely see him going for it. We just need to make sure we transfer our loyal officers with us when we leave.

@Packrat I would like to congratulate you on writing a main character which I find morally reprehensible but still interesting and well written. Thank you for your efforts in writing this quest.
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...I'd be ok with her offer of transferring a Share to us, spares our Wealth for other things. I'm also okay with joining her, as she seems to have access to more information on the larger strategic picture than we do. She also seems to be even remotely close to us in terms of talent and maybe intellect, if not ruthless; I kinda like her.

Granted, I suck at actual plan-making, so... *crosses fingers*
You're quite entirely wrong about my intentions. I'm not against working with her House, I'm just against doing so on her terms. She will negotiate with us, or she will fail in making us a friend whilst also not making us an enemy. It's quite simple.
It is quite simple, yes, due to how we came to have this conversation we're either walking out of here as enemies or allies. I think we stand a far, far better chance successfully working with her House by walking out of here as allies.

She's not going to just meekly accept our declining her offer here, regardless of whether she can do anything in the moment. Once she gets back to Imperial space, if we decline her offer after the humiliating way we intervened for the monitor, we're going to be facing worsened relations with Fleet Command, House Arril, and House Jamoor in preparation for either a hard sell or getting us killed.
"She directly opened fire on our ship after we interceded to prevent her from dishonouring the fine name of the Imperial Navy by refusing the surrender of a defeated foe."
*appends sensor records*

I mean, yes, it'll be horrible, but I very much doubt that it will end with us losing much. Especially if we tell the Governor what we were actually being offered. I suspect he'd believe us, and if we don't start the shooting, I could see his own political influence coming down on things. Getting the House Imperial on side is very much in our long-term benefit.

She isn't that stupid or suicidal. She"ll back off and the third House that doesn't like us will be the strongest of the seven. If she dies Reinhard will still have made enemies of half the Ducal Houses. This goes back to cornering Reinhard as having to side with and hide under the protection of the Imperial dynasty.

@fasquardon I missed your post but when I believed infrastructure bombardment would lead to genocide, @Packrat said it won't because of their futuristic infrastructure and organization. Wartime stockpiles, personal emergency stockpiles, redundant infrastructure, war resistant infrastructure and localized infrastructure makes it harder to wipe out a large portion of the population by targeting infrastructure.

is only not genocide because most of the deaths will be caused indirectly.

It won't. As a new player you missed out on the commentary Packrat provided on and the reasoning of the players by only reading the threadmarks. Much of what you said has already been covered in the last eleven pages.

When it comes down to it, I don't think the mc will turn down a lucrative offer for political advancement on moral grounds.

Most of us don't have a problem with it on moral grounds. The dilemma is what we get out of it, the issue of being manipulated by House Arslan and whether this will make it possible for us to eventually become Emperor or not.
Most of us don't have a problem with it on moral grounds. The dilemma is what we get out of it, the issue of being manipulated by House Arslan and whether this will make it possible for us to eventually become Emperor or not.
I think advancement, to emperor or otherwise, is more likely under house arslan than the imperial house. To them, our services are more valuable. They intend to disrupt the staus quo in a manner that makes rapid advancement possible. The status quo doesn't favor us.
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[X] Accept her terms

It seems to me that we aren't getting out of this without making some enemies, either on our own side or on our enemies side. Let's just go for it, if we ever need to back off, then we can turn on her in the future.

I would ask people to strongly consider whether we could really win a fight against not just her, but her family and friends. This isn't a pleasant option, it pushes our plans a lot faster than we'd like, but it does mean we get some benefits out of this, including an alliance, title, money and the backing of a noble and powerful house.
we're going to be facing worsened relations with Fleet Command

That will be ameliorated by the purchasing of a Share and the successful actions we've taken.

To them, our services are more valuable. They intend to disrupt the staus quo in a manner that makes rapid advancement possible. The status quo doesn't favor us.

How are we more likely to do it than in the Imperial Navy? The status quo is already being disrupted. A NASP war and civil war are going to happen and our character can't prevent that.

I also deny all accusations that it will influence your ultimate arch nemesis here in this quest.

Why did you say that twice? :thonk:
How are we more likely to do it than in the Imperial Navy? The status quo is already being disrupted. A NASP war and civil war are going to happen and our character can't prevent that.

Now, lets be fair. The absolute best way to get Wealth would be as the admiral of a victorious ducal fleet over New Atlanta, firing the duke out of an airlock before sending your assault landers to seize and loot the Imperial Palace and its two thousand years of stockpiled treasure.
[X] Accept her terms
[X] No, We Are Still In Active Combat

How are we more likely to do it than in the Imperial Navy? The status quo is already being disrupted. A NASP war and civil war are going to happen and our character can't prevent that.
the imperial navy fears us and desires for us to stagnate. They won't put us in charge of anything more substantial until everything is on fire. Advancing under the imperial house means advancing despite their opposition, not because of their support. We are very likely to be kept in our position, which carries significant risk of dying during the opening stages of the war, as our forces are only meant as a tripwire.

We are also quite good at making loyal officers, and arslan has an interest in putting forces under us to take advantage of our skill.
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the imperial navy fears us and desires for us to stagnate. They won't put us in charge of anything more substantial until everything is on fire. Advancing under the imperial house means advancing despite their opposition, not because of their support. We are very likely to be kept in our position, which carries significant risk of dying during the opening stages of the war, as our forces are only meant as a tripwire.

We are also quite good at making loyal officers, and arslan has an interest in putting forces under us to take advantage of our skill.

Dragon you missed out on too much information from not following the quest from the beginning. Your first two sentences are not true.

@Gunman You would keep your personal Wealth, Political Capital and also investments, along with anything you personally owned like ships or similar, depending upon circumstances you could keep your flagship and all assigned officers, or you could end up arriving at your new position in a shuttle and have to re-recruit anyone you want to keep.

Of course the circumstances under which you might be moved to a new job are still entirely up in the air. You might be promoted and placed in command of a grand fleet to wage a massive offensive, or placed in overall command of the entire NASP border, or get hired out of the navy by a ducal house who wants to overthrow the Imperial House and wants the best possible commander.

Or you might be shuffled into commanding a six battleship squadron around the capital that does not move apart from a twice a year parade.

Or you could be condemned as a criminal and flee with a handful of your most loyal officers and stolen ships to become a pirate lord if things go completely off the rails.
Of course the better you do the more opportunities you have there and the better your chances of getting promoted or being given prestigious postings, you are also drastically under strength right now especially with all of your light cruisers out of action. You still have at minimum 9 or so Strategic turns before the standard time period for reassignment comes up so you are only 1/4 of the way in. Leaving a nice, safe, well secured sector at the end would probably also lead to Political Capital bonuses.

Command of the entire border would mean being a Rear Admiral with two Commodores running sectors under you and personal supervision over whichever sector was most strategically important, so you would need to be a noble to get the promotion. Also at that point I would start increasing the level of abstraction, you might not get to see Commanders for example and only care about Captains and Commodores unless somebody makes particular waves.
That combined with wanting to keep a Fleet In Being without risking their capital ships is why all of the battleships and battlecruisers are being hoarded around the capital under the command of close relatives of the Empress.

Now if you impress enough, or the situation gets dire enough, that might change, but if you become a noble (even more if you marry a noble in addition) then the base loyalty of your officers would be higher, important people would view you in a less adversarial light, promotion would become much easier, etc.

There are more posts to look for to support my argument if you're still not convinced. He has told us a good posting is guaranteed with a Share and PC over 100. If we have one or neither then we have to spend 50 PC to get it. We're not going to stay in our position after the 8 turns unless we decide we want to. We have done too much to be ignored by the players of the Imperium. You also seem to be under the impression that a civil war will happen because of House Arslan. It won't. The Empress has no clear heir and there are three more ducal houses we know nothing about. A civil war is likely to be a three way or more war. That the Imperium is better off having a war with NASP before a civil war is a point I've raised before, but it isn't that simple. A war will massively weaken the Imperial Navy fleet again and there is the question of when the Empress dies or when the war will start. The later it starts, depending on our actions, the better position the Imperial dynasty will be and the weaker NASP will be. The Imperial dynasty is going to take the most damage no matter when the war happens.
Dragon you missed out on too much information from not following the quest from the beginning. Your first two sentences are not true.

There are more posts to look for to support my argument if you're still not convinced. He has told us a good posting is guaranteed with a Share and PC over 100. If we have one or neither then we have to spend 50 PC to get it. We're not going to stay in our position after the 8 turns unless we decide we want to. We have done too much to be ignored by the players of the Imperium. You also seem to be under the impression that a civil war will happen because of House Arslan. It won't. The Empress has no clear heir and there are three more ducal houses we know nothing about. A civil war is likely to be a three way or more war. That the Imperium is better off having a war with NASP before a civil war is a point I've raised before, but it isn't that simple. A war will massively weaken the Imperial Navy fleet again and there is the question of when the Empress dies or when the war will start. The later it starts, depending on our actions, the better position the Imperial dynasty will be and the weaker NASP will be. The Imperial dynasty is going to take the most damage no matter when the war happens.
i'll grant that advancement under the imperial house isn't impossible.

I maintain that taking the offer to work with house arslan will lead to better, faster advancement because the imperial house wants to secure their current power and arslan wants to disrupt things which will open up positions that would otherwise be occupied. She also offers a better upfront concessions for switching allegiances and a change in posting without needing wait or pay for it. I think she's more eager to take advantage of our talents than the imperial house and that will lead to better and more frequent opportunities.

Packrat said:

Edit: Also, regarding the update, one issue is that the NASP is growing stronger over time, significantly so. I perhaps did not make it clear enough in some of the setting stuff (or it was just right at the start) but a major danger is that the NASP is forming a coherent fleet and building the capital ships to make it a reality.

In the first war they had a relatively small core of capital ships that was rather disparate, separate navies of the richer constituent powers, plus the odd dribs and drabs from richer systems like Chuang Mu that had a few modern vessels. They then also threw in huge numbers of corvettes and cruisers and older things (including monitors) to the battle lines and suffered terribly for it. If you put corvettes into a battle where the Empire is fielding a fleet of 30 battleships? They die, horribly. A lot of their victories came from attrition and strategic maneuvering.

They have been spending the last few years building battleships to common designs at least on par with Imperial vessels and drilling them in fleet maneuvers whilst forming a centralized command structure. This is something that you absolutely wrecked locally with your actions (As in, you stabbed the local admiral running the program to death, personally, and stole her ship), but that does not stop what they are doing a sector back from the front line.
This makes me think that nasp is building up faster than the imperium, and that an early war leaves us less disadvantaged.

I don't think she's lying, I don't think mc has moral objections, and from a certain pov this is more likely to have positive result for the imperium than waiting for nasp to build up while internal tensions build. I don't really see beeing a pawn of arslan as a serious concern because we are currently a pawn of the imperium and if arslan wants to make best use of us then she has incentive to a powerful force under us that we can whip into shape and mold in our image.
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That will be ameliorated by the purchasing of a Share and the successful actions we've taken.
That's certainly true. It's rather unclear just what our exposure is if we decline her. I wouldn't be terribly surprised by anything from moderate inconvenience to utter ruin resulting from it, depending on how we decline it, what her backing for this mission is like, and how we handle things back in our sector.
Declaring firmly for the Imperial House but failing to actually get much support from them could see us targeted in an early move of the upcoming civil war.
This makes me think that nasp is building up faster than the imperium, and that an early war leaves us less disadvantaged.
kinda makes me wonder if the Ducal Houses are building any battleships in secret, though it's at most vaguely related to that.
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[x] refuse the offer stating we refuse to become her attack dog. Also tell her outright that we intend to take their capital ships ourselves so if she wants to start a war here she is welcome to try but we will be leaving that to her and we will shoot her down if she refuses to accept the ships surrender.

[x] No, We Are Still In Active Combat
Guys. Ask her for 3 shares immediately, telling her that since we are the greatest naval leader in the Empire that our price is very dear, and also mention that if war happens, business will struggle and there will be higher taxes and stuff so three shares will ensure Reinhardt actually benefits from it.

Or we could demand five shares. Drive an extremely tough bargain and we can make her believe that we aren't an enemy of hers we just have massive pride.
Guys. Ask her for 3 shares immediately, telling her that since we are the greatest naval leader in the Empire that our price is very dear, and also mention that if war happens, business will struggle and there will be higher taxes and stuff so three shares will ensure Reinhardt actually benefits from it.

Or we could demand five shares. Drive an extremely tough bargain and we can make her believe that we aren't an enemy of hers we just have massive pride.

Asking for more shares up front isn't actually a terrible idea.

Although that might make us seem too greedy. Depends on what impression we want to give off.
[x] refuse the offer stating we refuse to become her attack dog. Also tell her outright that we intend to take their capital ships ourselves so if she wants to start a war here she is welcome to try but we will be leaving that to her and we will shoot her down if she refuses to accept the ships surrender.

[x] No, We Are Still In Active Combat