@Thyreus To clarify the Benefaction Mission's current capabilities, they do actually have more advanced magic than any humans on the surface and their technology is fully capable of killing juvenile dragons reliably though the odd exceptionally capable, prepared or lucky juvenile will hurt them back in the process (see Jandeiss who is probably the best living dragon mage in his age bracket, who took out an orbital weapons platform via burning magic from his hoard). If the battle recently had been just their corvette against the four juveniles in a straight fight without stored magic as a factor? It would probably have killed all of them or driven them fleeing with grievous injuries, without being harmed in the process.
The issue is that dragons can cheat by 1) Knowing magical techniques that took centuries or millennia to develop and are far more efficient than those developed by humans over the course of a few decades 2) Drawing upon stored magic to do things that would be otherwise impossible and 3) Just plain cheating, like with Sulqeum and her hatchling dragon piloted magitech fighters. That was basically like somebody showing up in late WW1 with a squadron of Apache gunships to have their back.
The way I am modelling it is that juvenile dragons mostly have a single pick from the positive traits that you chose from in character generation, but some do not, some have no positive picks and also a negative one because they kind of suck for a dragon and barely made it to (young) adulthood. They are still dragons who survived 1,400 years of activity though and will have
something going for them along with plans and ambitions of their own plus a keen survival instinct. Adult dragons such as yourself will always have at least one positive pick and will have as much as possible for me to work out, been clever with it.
Etorix has his godhood and human manipulation, Sulqeum has (had) absolutely ridiculous wealth but perhaps more importantly she is very very good at obtaining wealth. Her personal empire is in fact extremely well managed and she has been indirectly ruling it for centuries, with an inhumanly expert balance between economic growth and dragon hoarding. The fact she has had to parcel off cities and regions to vassal juvenile dragons has been spoiling this somewhat of course and she is balancing a snake (dragon?) pit of internal politics because there are over a dozen juveniles any three of whom could probably kill her in a direct fight. The four she brought to meet with you were the male dragons most infatuated with her who she could rely upon to not want to kill her.
The youngest and weakest 'Ancient' is a dragon who has gotten to Etorix or Sulqeum's current state, then survived a millennia of activity during an era of magic with a sufficiently large hoard to live through to the next. They are not actually any bigger, Etorix is fully grown, but very few dragons do make it through the threshold winnowing process and so they tend to be the meanest, most capable and with the keenest self preservation instincts. More importantly they learn things, secrets, powers, tricks, additionally it is a well known fact that a dragon who successfully does dragon things like being ludicrously wealthy, being in utter control and power, knowing no peers, etc will become more durable and stronger over time even without a being a god. Bones grow denser, scales harden, one's internal fire grows hotter.
So any ancient will be supremely dangerous and capable but they also accumulate ludicrously huge hoards, it would not be unknown for an ancient to both waken 'early' (for an ancient) and still have a hundred or more stored magic if they have been successfully avaricious, magic that they could likely spend almost as well as you can in your divine portfolio fields on literally anything. Or just as well, if they are an ancient who is good with magic.
Which has gotten
way off the original topic. Basically even an ancient will die if the Benefaction Mission manage to find their hibernation spot then hammer it with a really large antimatter bomb but right now any adult dragon such as yourself who is willing to expend a whole lot of magic could just teleport into the ark and ruin them. An 'average' dragon might have to spend 3-4 magic rather than the 2 you did, due to not being a god, but they could do that right from awakening if they kept a reserve. If the Benefaction Mission tried to hit you with an antimatter missile then you are paranoid and powerful enough to have constantly running 'danger sense' magic and would be able to teleport out before it hit but would spend magic doing so and that would not help if they decided to destroy the entire planet. The same can probably be said of any awake and active fully adult dragon and certainly of any ancient. (Though the ancient might be paranoid enough to have a cave on a moon they can hide in or something similarly ludicrous).
Even though the Benefaction Mission has had over 60 years to deal with the return of magic they do not have the population to really improve upon or maintain their own tech base, they are an expedition from a much larger society with the billions of humans needed to actually advance a near plateau level of tech. They rely upon (extremely good) designs produced by that home culture that they then essentially 3-D print. Whilst they do have a population of a few tens of millions all with superb education that is mostly required to maintain and give slight tweaks at their level of advancement, even with extensive automation.
Being a dragon who has lived through (and helped uplift to) a near peak civilisation you basically have in your head all pertinent information of plateau level technology along with knowing exactly how to fully incorporate magic to best effect, you can also eloquently explain this or even telepathically push it into people's heads (carefully).
They cannot just start turning out something as good at Sulqeum's magitech fighters on a production line but if you train their mages and update their designs then they can likely start manufacturing something a generation less sophisticated with only a few years of build up. Of course those things are freakishly dangerous, if all six of the G75 had been focused on you in the battle then you would have been forced to flee or die, at this level of ambient magic at least (they can only operate right now with dragon pilots).