Xianxia Encompassing the World! (Xianxia Rec Discussion and Idea thread)

Forty millennium is good at the start and then it becomes a drag to read. Not that I don't like philosophical discussions but lord there's too much. And the Mc will die anyways as immortality is impossible in that verse right? What's the point of cultivation then?
Well, it does extend your lifespan by quite a bit, if you do it right. Also, I'm not certain that it's impossible? There are certainly ways to continue to exist as a cultivator even after you die, and I think maybe those didn't necessarily have lifespan worries?

Incidentally, Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! (Enlightened Master Crouching Cow's other easily findable work) is cut from very similar cloth. Starts out really good, has a bunch of cool and interesting stuff in it, but eventually starts choking on the political philosophy that is his go-to filler for when he's run out of ideas and needs to pad wordcount. Like, yes, I know about this fundamental tension in society, and the fact that we don't really have a particularly good answer for it. This it the fifth time you've laid it out in detail in the last twelve chapters.

Very much a matter of "read it until you don't want to read it anymore, and then walk away and never look back". Still, it's got some pretty cool stuff for that first bit.
Yeah probably won't be reading that one.

Has anyone done a kaiju cultivation story. I had an idea where basically godzilla and all the homes and non homes get accidentally sent to a xianxia world as humanoid beasts. As per usual they were fighting in a massive war on earth and the humans used some blackhole tech that when combined with the gamma radiationcreated a portal to another universe. A human esper got caight up too as they were in a helicopter nearby. Think of it like a human with kaiju aspects. Anyways they if they have enough qi can temporarily transform back into their kaiju form. And because they are known for absorbing random energies and mutating from it their innate abilities as kaiju evolve to become cultivator type bloodlines that can evolve cause you know kaiju. They are regressed to ten years old and like pretty much all their memories but godzilla and ghidorah still have a innate dislike for each other and some emotions still remain. Mothra is different though because the human psychic that got caught up in the accident fused with her weak consciousness as she was in her larvae stage at the time. So she is now a ten year old little moth girl who has to keep the group together in order to survive in this strange new world despite knowing these were the beasts who ravaged earth in the past. I just want to see cultivating kaiju lol
Yeah probably won't be reading that one.

Has anyone done a kaiju cultivation story. I had an idea where basically godzilla and all the homes and non homes get accidentally sent to a xianxia world as humanoid beasts. As per usual they were fighting in a massive war on earth and the humans used some blackhole tech that when combined with the gamma radiationcreated a portal to another universe. A human esper got caight up too as they were in a helicopter nearby. Think of it like a human with kaiju aspects. Anyways they if they have enough qi can temporarily transform back into their kaiju form. And because they are known for absorbing random energies and mutating from it their innate abilities as kaiju evolve to become cultivator type bloodlines that can evolve cause you know kaiju. They are regressed to ten years old and like pretty much all their memories but godzilla and ghidorah still have a innate dislike for each other and some emotions still remain. Mothra is different though because the human psychic that got caught up in the accident fused with her weak consciousness as she was in her larvae stage at the time. So she is now a ten year old little moth girl who has to keep the group together in order to survive in this strange new world despite knowing these were the beasts who ravaged earth in the past. I just want to see cultivating kaiju lol
"Reborn as Monster" is basically a system story but you can feel the strong Xianxia influence in that one. You have the usual magic fruits and secret paradise, instead of dungeon and quest.

The MC is reborn as knockoff godzilla, identified as Kun (blue dragon). He later found monster allies.
(The funniest part of the ordeal is his pseudo-love interest is a giant female Gorilla)
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Any of you ever read Cultivation Nerd? On SB and RR. I've been following along with it since pretty early on, but it wasn't quite interesting enough for me to say anything about until now.

Starts off with transmigrator MC, member of an okay-sized local clan that is pretty mid compared to the sect they feed into. Guy he transmigrated into just got his shit rocked in an outer sect tournament. He was kind of arrogant but hadn't made any enemies yet, so no real baggage to deal with. MC is not an ambitious guy and mostly just ends up hanging around the library. He just wants to eventually reach Foundation Establishment to not be pushed around so much and can just peacefully read books. Between that and the mediocre talent of his body it seems set up to be a low-key MC. Particularly since there's a more obvious typical xianxia MC type running around as well with his grandpa in a ring and whatnot.

Things change however once he starts getting into the action, and with the backer he attaches himself to. While his cultivation speed isn't (too shocking) owing to the mediocre spiritual roots, his comprehension ability is certainly quite talented, and his fighting ability is no joke either. He also ends up becoming the lackey of a "young mistress" type, daughter of a major clan head, and niece of the sect leader. Very talented, very perceptive, but also very violent and direct. Somehow MC endears himself to her with his no shits given attitude, giving things to her straight instead of bullshitting her or sucking up like other people. Story seemed like it was going in the direction of him becoming her lieutenant and the brains of the operation, and perhaps making her less psychotic over time as he reigns her in.

Instead, as events have progressed, she's gotten worse, and seems to have made him worse too. She's become even more murderously psychopathic and MC has become way too comfortable with her spontaneous murders. But the two have this strange inexplicable trust with each other. For an example, when MC was badly injured and she brought him to her clan's medicine hall they put him in queue because they were treating a family member. So she just killed that injured family member on the spot and made them heal the MC instead. Or when the MC was visiting her in prison after that (where she was being tortured), and being escorted there by a gold core (he's in like qi refinement), instead of saying what the gold core wanted to hear, like trying to reason with her or talk her down from doing something else stupid, he instead told her they should just tear everything down and destroy it all after she gets out of prison, right next to that gold core that could hear him.

One commenter described MC as becoming the strangely rational and affable second in command to her psychotic evil dark lord type. Kind of an interesting dynamic. Morbidly curious to see where this goes.
I was reading it, but a bit after the meeting with the young mistress, there was a bit that turned me off. Specifically, after the fight with the Ice user, they were set to kill her, and then he talks himself into sparing her. And I just didn't think the logic matched how he'd previously acted and thought, it really smacked of the author railroading the story where he needed it to go. I've been thinking of going back to it. I did like the developing dynamics, of the MC as the more rational second in command to the young mistress.

But the description of the later plot points makes me kind of leery. That sounds like the issue that made me stop reading earlier.
There's Cog Cultivator, if it's not suggested. I only read through the early chapters but it's where a robot in a post-apocalyptic world with cultivation decides to join a sect to cultivate and become human, I think, unsure on the pinocchio plot point.
Man now I realize what TRULY lacks in Xianxia when compared to Wuxia/Murim stories.

Duel of honor.

No one actually respect duel and the loser will always try to commit revenge. Now pair this with blatant double standard of protagonist-centric morality. No wonder anything less than clan genocide is not acceptable.
A good opportunity as any to mention A Regressor's Tale of Cultivation, though duels of honor are more something that happen between those who came from a martial artist and equivalent background. Cultivators have their own duels where both parties come out alive and not looking to genocide the other but in such cases it is likely a test.

I'd recommend ARTC regardless, it's just really fun with an admittedly a weak start because of how the first few cycles are more summarized but damn it if id doesn't get good. The mysteries discovered over cycles about the affairs of the lower realms and the ones past ascension, the absurdity of immortals, and the MC's (Seo Eun-hyun) struggles with cultivators (in terms of fighting against and with them). Great stuff all around.

Though after reading a KR xianxia I'm a little curious as to what a JP xianxia story would look like.
Cultivators have their own duels where both parties come out alive and not looking to genocide the other but in such cases it is likely a test.
I mean that's just the usual "Lecture/Discussion" which also happens in Wuxia and Murim stuff.
Though after reading a KR xianxia I'm a little curious as to what a JP xianxia story would look like.
That would require Japan to care about heavenly business. There's good reason why Japanese fiction is full of Earth Gods.
Even creation myth like Amaterasu saga took place on earth. And a lot of original Japanese Buddhist stories also very earth and mortal centric.
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I mean that's just the usual "Lecture/Discussion" which also happens in Wuxia and Murim stuff.
No, like, between equals with no interest in teaching or learning for each other. I'm referring more to tests to be allowed to be part of a group and for recognition (either against a party that kind of wants the character to join or a party that really does not want that but once they fail still go through with what is asked of them).
The "Lecture/Discussion" types come from the Wuxia like characters mostly, the story starts as one for at least 30 chapters iirc.
Man now I realize what TRULY lacks in Xianxia when compared to Wuxia/Murim stories.

Duel of honor.

No one actually respect duel and the loser will always try to commit revenge. Now pair this with blatant double standard of protagonist-centric morality. No wonder anything less than clan genocide is not acceptable.

This reminds me of the fact that the Code of Hammurabi, as brutal as it looked to us now, was actually rather fair for it's time. Cause before that justice was all about a neverending cycle of revenge and vigilante justice.
This reminds me of the fact that the Code of Hammurabi, as brutal as it looked to us now, was actually rather fair for it's time. Cause before that justice was all about a neverending cycle of revenge and vigilante justice.
Yeah... turns out that one of the primary structural goals of judicial systems is to reduce the overall amount of revenge killings.
Man now I realize what TRULY lacks in Xianxia when compared to Wuxia/Murim stories.

Duel of honor.

No one actually respect duel and the loser will always try to commit revenge. Now pair this with blatant double standard of protagonist-centric morality. No wonder anything less than clan genocide is not acceptable.

Another thing missing is friendly sparring, except in name. They always talk about "exchanging pointers," but it's always just used as a chance to - at best - smugly show off by trouncing scrubs, or at worst as a thinly-veiled pretext for attempting to cripple or kill someone you don't like.

Usually wuxia/murin stories have at least one character who earnestly enjoys seeing new styles and techniques and loves to challenge new fighters just to see what they can do and have fun with it. But in xianxia the powers are just something you show off with and exert power over others, not something you actually learned for their own sake, and you're only interested in what others can do because that knowledge might prove useful to you.
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These actually existed in early xianxia, like The World after Ascension, or Jade Sword, par with their roots in wuxia novels. These slowly started to taper off as xianxia got more gamified, and people started to see xianxia as some type of alternative isekai, a place where they don't have to take care of social norms as they do in mainland china. I'd recommend you read early xianxia if you want to see a wuxia-esque tropes and better character relationships.
they don't have to take care of social norms as they do in mainland china
*Not set in China, no need Chinese values*
*proceed to have the most fine-tuned neo-Confucian values in the fiction sphere, misogyny recommended*

At least with Wuxia and Murim, you can have 50:50 gamble
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A good opportunity as any to mention A Regressor's Tale of Cultivation, though duels of honor are more something that happen between those who came from a martial artist and equivalent background. Cultivators have their own duels where both parties come out alive and not looking to genocide the other but in such cases it is likely a test.

I'd recommend ARTC regardless, it's just really fun with an admittedly a weak start because of how the first few cycles are more summarized but damn it if id doesn't get good. The mysteries discovered over cycles about the affairs of the lower realms and the ones past ascension, the absurdity of immortals, and the MC's (Seo Eun-hyun) struggles with cultivators (in terms of fighting against and with them). Great stuff all around.

Though after reading a KR xianxia I'm a little curious as to what a JP xianxia story would look like.
Just wanted to say, I've been reading this one and... yeah. It's quality. Has my rec, too. Have just finished Chapter 37.
The original confucianism isn't that bad
The one merged with legalism during Han.... otoh...
I refer to the one that's more... unreasonable.
For example, filial piety.
It's a good virtue, yes. But the confucianism that colored my perception against it demands that filial piety be practiced... even against toxic parents, because "they gave birth to you".
It's a good virtue, yes. But the confucianism that colored my perception against it demands that filial piety be practiced... even against toxic parents, because "they gave birth to you".
Which hilariously never be practiced in Xianxia
Your parents got abusive? They courted death. Doesn't matter if you're protagonist or a villain. People will cheer on you for that.

Most Xianxia honestly have anti-authority streak in general. Especially with so many MC lacking respect toward even kind elders.
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