With an 82 aim Assault class, Mad Titan can potentially use Rifles if all the proper ranged guys are in the infirmary you roll that way. Or be even more deadly with a Shotgun.
Eh, I was hoping for assault but sniper is good too. Nothing says fuck you aliens quite like a sniper getting a crit on ogrewatch from across the map.
And friendship bullets. Please. Everyone knows that a true magical girl only fires bullets of raw stalinium. They are 4x effective against filthy capitalists.
The people have spoken, around the world Stormtroopers cheer. they now can shoot their allies better
A dinky little UFO has appeared in Nigerian skies, I let it go, after all, why go for the small fry when you can catch the big uns? Ooooorrrr not! Huh, Council Mission this early? While I am glad this isn't Portent, a bomb disposal mission has been referred to as...impossible by some people in early parts of the game. However, I found out the hard way that ignoring the mission would cause a panic increase. (Nigeria left my country that way...even though I had complete satellite coverage. You aren't doing Nigerian stereotypes any favors.)
At least one of them is coming home in a body bag, hell, don't be surprised if you can fit all of them in one urn. That's just how Thin Men are, and guess what Council Missions are filled with?
*gulp*Well, here goes...
"Glass Mountain" Yeah Thin Man hit hard but I wouldn't call them a damage sponge either...unless they're referring to my heavy. ...Yup this certainly bodes well. (@Superticus Please send me an address of any surviving kin to send your paycheck. Don't ask, just do it.)
Nothing so far just yet...
No points for guessing what happens next. If there is ever an XCOM bingo game, "Thin Man Crit" would be a fucking free space.
A futile gesture, I've got nothing to say other than "That's XCOM baby." and good thing I had a much better replacement sniper ha ha suck it aliens
Superlord has...other things to say. Quite a lot actually. (Walker died but I didn't cap it, trust me, we'll get another chance to see another Thin Man kill. Hell, you can google it if you like.)
With the first (of many) thin men down, the squad moves up, filling out their bingo card silently mourning their comrade's death. uwot m8 Spaceman triggers an alien, so how does the squad respond? Fleeeee~
The plan doesn't quite work out, failing to trigger overwatch (Then again, over half the squad were hunkering down so *shrug*) luckily, since this is a Sectoid not CritMaster3000, the shot misses.
Y'know, I'm surprised there are sectoids on a Council Mission, is it because this is an early one? Either way, not one to look at a gift horse in the month. (Apparently that statement's about checking the horse health through their mouth? Iunno.)
"We didn't want to fight Xenos today but the Lord of the Explosives says Nay Nay!"
An alien quickly takes up his fallen comrade's position, he's also just as a good as shot as that guy.
Explosives are the only jokes that are funny the 2nd time.
The end is at sight, good timing as well since we don't have a lot of those bomb energy...dispersal...thingamabobbers.
Surprisingly, without Superlord's Run and Gun, the entire mission would've been scrapped. For once, a mission critical unit isn't killed. yet (Seriously, all of the squadmembers couldn't reach it without a dash and well you can't do anything after a dash. A toast to SuperLord I'll say!) Anywho, moving up to this train car has spotted another Sectoid pod, much to my relief.
*You are now imagining a Sectoid dressed up like the Fonz*
The odds are in my favor...but I remember from last time.
Unlike guns that are filled with lies, grenades are filled with love, peace, and superior firepower.
The bomb is defused! Yay! Doing so triggered a pod! Boo!
You know the drill by now.
Goddammit. Ah well, it's not too bad, just one Sectoid.
See? It's even on Overwatch, one round of Focus Fire should do it i-
Okay okay....just...got to calm down a bit...everything...will be okay...see? One down, we're on a good pace here. Greeaaaaat now someone is going to die. Again.
Well, at least we managed to get that guy. (Yes he is actually dead, the pain just hasn't registered yet, or something, lab boys...come up with something.)
With 2 of my soldiers flanked, near close range, pretty much an easy instant kill, the Thin Man decides to...poison my heavy. Not kill him, poison him. I checked my difficulty, I am playing on Classic (Long War Brutal) I uhh...okay I believe in gifts.
The Sectoid missed. The Sectoid missed. On a Flanked Shot. No Cover Bonus whatsoever. ...Shadows, stop hiding under my chair. MURDER TRAIN STATUS: ACTIVATED.
Boo yea.
The last one, with above 80 aim, can she make it? The odds may be against her...but then again, what do I know about hit chances. 47% chance might as well be a 100 for all I know. "Ah yes...Snipers... We've already dismissed that claim."
Poisoned, High Cover, all add up to a 16% chance shot. The shot lands. *glares at whoever handed out troop designations*
One dead, but considering how Bomb Disposal missions usually go, this is a miracle.
You earned that promotion son, I am not kidding. 16%.
Coulda gone for Sprinter but since he's more of a Support unit, not really a Scouting unit, I thought Rapid Reaction was better. Time will tell if I made the right choice or not.
Uhhh...*looks back at the flaming wreckage from all the explosives* Yeah! Definitely, trains were in no way harmed in this Let's Play Operation!
We get medals! Panic isn't much of a problem later on in the game and since we can't change powers later on, I thought this was a better choice.
It was this, or "Boo Boo Go Away"
No surprise here.
Once again, Aim is King early game, mid game, and late game. Will's kinda eh. misses every shot next mission
Hmm...odd...usually a large scout would spawn if I ignored the small one...interesting, looks like that's a tactic I can't rely on. (Large scouts give better loot than small ones.)
With that said, welcome @JarringToaster enjoy your stay! the body measurements were made so you won't chafe in your armor, odd question but do you prefer Lebanon wood or Oak? Or perhaps Mahogany?
I...don't know why she's carry a medkit, I took it off after this screenshot. Of course because I did that, it's going to bite me in the ass when I inevitably have to stabilize someone.
"Swift Dirge" I am now imagining an upbeat version of the Funeral March, hmm...dubstep funeral march...D-D-D-D-D-DROP THE COFFIN *BWOWONWOWOWOWOWNG*
You two are assaults. How do you have a worse range than freaking snipers hell even the goddamn heavy can walk faster than you.
*grumble grumble* worthless assaults *grumble* hope you die *grumble* uriah gambit *grumble*
This train awfully reminds me of Confounding Light. It's one of the harder ones but it's also one of the funner ones. Although "Fun" is subjective at best. Outright lying at worst. (I actually do honestly like the mission though.)
Walker spots a Sectoid.
The trap is set.
The trap is sprung.
Alas, he missed on the second shot but not bad not bad, I gladly accept this outcome.
Oh what the hell, seriously? Thin Men I have no problem with but Sectoids?
Ugggghhhh come on you didn't even get hit! I swear I'm going to-
...to reward you with that excellent kill. You never do fail to impress, don't ya Superticus?
With half the squad sucking on their thumbs and asking for their mothers bearing safety blankets incapacitated, the rest of the squad decides to stay put.
Good thing I did so, if I moved up things would've been slightly...hairy.
The trap is resprung. (Switched to a pistol for Superlord since a shotgun won't hit anything at long range. I forgot to do that for JarringToaster. D'oh! )
...okay maybe I made the right choice to forget to switch to a pistol, okay for now on, shotguns only.
Except you Superlord, you're sticking with pistols. way to bring down the curve
That, right there, is a 10% chance shot. Semi cover reduces his shot chance to 20, but being in overwatch reduces it to 15 anyways. So yes, he made a 15% chance with a shotgun. And landed. Waiting for the other shoe to drop...
*jumps* JUMPING CRIMINEYS-oh wait it's just a Sectoid's corpse, panic over now.
More aliens are seen trying to catch the late train, so what does XCOM do?
I swear, it's not running away, it's a tactical retreat! There's a big difference okay?
They are few, very few in fact, but there are times where I feel, just a teensy bit sad for the aliens. Just a little.
! Spaceman has calmed the Witch! Commander!
"...And they all lived to Ogrewatch another day."
Funny how the roles are reversed this time around, a kill's a kill so I got nothing to say about this.
More Sectoids, at this point you can make a drinking game out of what I'll do next.
*whistle* I've been working on the raaaailllroaaad All the live long day~
Uhh...oh gods...THEY'RE ADAPTING.
Spaceman1997: *sigh*
*ahem* I have been notified that while the Aliens are indeed adapting to our tactics, they are not immune to bullets. Crisis Averted. With that in mind, obvious course of action is to continue our usual tactics. See, the Aliens will think "Ah ha! We showed them we can beat their old tactics, now they'll move on to a new one!" and rush forward, thinking that we'll change up our formation. Little do they know th-
...wait is it just me or does the litter look awfully...2D? Like, it's 3D looking but flat...huh. Odd that.
And of course, it's tradition at this point. (I would've given SuperLord a proper XCOM funeral but I kinda forgot he died. Such is life working for XCOM.)
Mission Title is Prophetic *ding +1*
ROCKETMAN 2: THE SHREDDER BOOGALOO shredder rockets deal less damage as their payload is reduced to put in a miniature speaker that blast loud metal causing the enemy to be dazed putting them off their guard hence why it deals more damage -Totally Dr. Vahlen 3 days later... Our soldiers will now suck less from now on! Hopefully.
Unfortunately, because we didn't splash the UFO, we didn't get any special UFO parts, but it does take a while to research anyways/not that useful early game/takes too long. So what's next?
[] Xeno-Biology
[] Alien Materials
[] Experimental Warfare
Hadn't read this LP now now, mostly because I saw the title on the thread page and thought "OH BOY, IT'S ONLY THE 34TH XCOM LP OF THE MONTH. WHAT JOY." Now that I know it's you, I'll keep track!
I'll tell you who deserves a medal. Whoever came up with those mods. Amazing stuff.
Speaking of which...