X-Com 2:A Reistance Town

LOL they can do that as many times as they want. Im not going to mind them.
What I don't get is why they're mad at ME. I'm just Bob the Builder. xD
I've been spending my points on things that give everyone more points to be honest.

Your in charge of those points! I've said that a few times. When you upgrade the towns productions you need to tell me where those 70/20 points are going or tell me your letting someone else do it. You have command of all production and construction.
Hasnt it only been ONE turn? xD I cant do much about it.

Been two turns.

The second turn pretty much said something was coming with the drones.

Anyway I don't blame you.

IC some people might though given there equipment failed, and you make equipment.
IC some people might though given there equipment failed, and you make equipment.
Cough Crippled Men Cough Cough Squads 1, and 2 Cough...

Being honest yeah I expect IC wise Squads 1 and 2 to be pissed or at least distrustful.

Also @Zedalb as I said earlier Lore wise Advent Soldiers used Magnetic Rifles not Laser weapons...although either way it fucks people up
Cough Crippled Men Cough Cough Squads 1, and 2 Cough...

Being honest yeah I expect IC wise Squads 1 and 2 to be pissed or at least distrustful.

Also @Zedalb as I said earlier Lore wise Advent Soldiers used Magnetic Rifles not Laser weapons...although either way it fucks people up

I actually think the penetrating power would be HIGHER for a rail gun than a laser. Really that is what I get for a bunch of mods.
*Shrugs* I'll probably just shift it in the future.
Okay, just to confirm.

I finished Better Construction Tools.

Am now working on Better Workshop. I'd like to put all my CP into this.
Okay, just to confirm.

I finished Better Construction Tools.

Am now working on Better Workshop. I'd like to put all my CP into this.

So 3 actions (60)
+ Towns Auto (+70)

130 CP into a better workshop.

That still leaves the towns 20 production points.
Week 3
For a lot of people the idea that you are in rebellion is just now becoming real. They react in different ways, a few families pack up there belongings and want to leave, will you stop them by force? A few other people from nearby towns want to join you having heard a little bit of whats going on, do you let them? Anyone could be reporting to or a spy from Advent, you have to be careful. In other news after the funeral the town has worked well together making progress on a variety of things and hunting out drones giving you 42 more Alien Alloy and 2 Elerium. The collect efforts after the battle gives another 20 Alien Alloy and 3 Elerium.

50+62=112 Alien Alloy
5 Elerium

Alien Alloy Basics: When the Advent soldiers were killed they exploded shortly afterwards leaving only a pile of gore and what shards you could find of there next generation material, now if only you can learn to use them. 100 RP
Alien Alloy Bullets: Trying to shoot Advent armor with lead bullets is a bit like trying to break a stone wall with a wooden stick. Get a damage increase 100 RP(17 of 100)
Alien Alloy Tools: Chain saw blades, drills, axes and more there are many tools that could use an upgrade to help your town. 100 RP
Alien Alloy Edged Blades: A sharp steel edge is great but making weapon quality long lasting alloy edged blades is better if difficult ( 25 of 100)
Alien Alloy Coated Ballistic Plates: Not quite as good as Advents armor but a massive step up from traditional materials 200 RP
Alien Alloy Advanced use: You can do basic forging but making more complicated things entirely from alien alloy is still out of your grasp, until now. 500 RP

Elerium Basics: Elerium seems to be essential in the use of Advent weapon and power systems. Understandings the basics of it could make incredible differences when and if you get more. (0 Of 250 RP and 5 Elerium)

Kevlar Production: While Alien Alloy is rare Kevlar with some research can be produced as fast as you are willing to invest into it. In time it may even have use with other materials for better armor.(45 of 100) 100 RP

Reverse Engineering Arc Thrower: The ability to capture advent troops alive would mean valuable information and possibly equipment and it is probably a good idea to know how to make more arc throwers before risking your only one in combat. 500 RP

Better Science!: Looking around the lab you see several areas you could write better procedures or look into how world leading labs work and copy it. With this you can expect the college to produce an Extra 50 RP a turn. 250 RP

Melee weapon experimentation: X-Com does it! Well more importantly many of the aliens rush into close combat, having a decent stabbing implement on hand may be the difference between life and death. This is designing a bladed weapon for melee combat with those aliens or advent troops. Long enough to matter short enough to wear practically. 50 RP

Arc Throwers: A great stunning side arm with a very real chance of knocking out an opponent in short range incredibly useful for material and information gather. 20 PP per squads worth.

Alien Alloy Construction tools: Chain saws, axes and many other tools can be greatly improved with Alien alloy+50 CP (250 PP and 50 Alien Alloy)

Alien Alloy machinery: Production of better machinery for larger scale production with the use of the stronger and more heat resistant alien alloy.+50 PP (250 PP and 50 Alien Alloy)

Hardened steel ballistic plates: A surprisingly easy method of making ballistic plate body armor a major step up from a Kevlar vest, and once you have Kevlar production you can use it to carry these. 20 PP per squads worth.

Extra Guns: Currently you don't have any guns stock piled, if you ever want to produce more squads or equip them differently you are going to need to produce some primary weapons: 25 Points per squads worth or primary weapons.

Extra Side arms: Same as above but for pistols 10 Points per squads worth of pistols.

.50 Cal: A thing of destructive beauty a single .50 Caliber machine gun to be bolted to a truck bed, or a fixed heavy weapons position. 50 PP each

Ammo Stock pile: Everyone has a few magazines at the moment but extra ammo could be spent to enhance training and make soldiers feel a bit better knowing they have more ammo than what is on there person. (2 of 10) 10 Points per stock pile.

Weapon Customization: Every member of every squad has a wish list for there weapon. Jungle style magazines, red dot laser sights or custom stocks you can knock out the better thought out of any given wish list to give them a bonus in ranged combat. 25 PP per squad.

Better construction tools: There are a lot of tools your construction crew wishes it had build a few for them and they will work a lot better. 250 PP for +50 CP (200 of 200)

Reinforced concrete wall: The way the roads come into town and the shape of it, you can almost draw a perfect hexagon around the town. This is covering one of those hexagon lines with a wall (6 times to protect the whole town) 1000 CP each.

Bunker: Great to exist at each point between the walls it provides great cover and is an excellent place to mount a heavy weapon. 500 each of 6

Trenches: A deep trench along one of those 6 lines, except for on the major roads you guys want protects from rapid vehicle attacks that would be hard to see coming. 250 CP each

Low wall: Instead of the reinforced concrete you can instead stack wood logs and through whatever cheap iron and reinforcement atop it. It won't be much more than waist high and it certainly will break down under laser fire fairly quickly, but it is a lot better than nothing. 250 each of 6

Shooting range: A modern decent range can make for much more effective long range training.(2 of 100) 100 CP for +10 to long range EXP

Gym: There are already a few small gyms spread through out town, putting them together under one roof is a big improvement for close range training. 100 CP for +10 to short range exp

Better workshop: It takes some heavy equipment to move all of there equipment but putting your workshops together under one roof and attaching some housing can provide a bonus to PP per turn. 250 CP for +50 PP (200 of 200)

Redesigning the college: Do you really need a school for interior design? Clearing out a lot of the unneeded programs to expand the needed ones and expanding the living areas. ( 3 of 300 CP for +50 Science!)

Training in long range
Medic Training
Veteran Level +2 Been around the block a few times
Long Range Strength 4+3 (7) (50 of 100)
Short Range Strength2+2 (4)
-----------Other Skills
Courage: 3
Medic: 2 (30 of 50)
Live Capture: 2 Years of police work has it's perks.
Assault Rifle +3/+1
Pistol +0/+1

Kevlar Vest: Likely to lessen a laser wound to the torso.
Training in long range
Medic Training
Veteran Level +2 Been around the block a few times
Long Range Strength 4+3 (7) (50 of 100)
Short Range Strength2+2 (4)
-----------Other Skills
Courage: 3
Medic: 2 (30 of 50)
Live Capture: 2 Years of police work has it's perks.
Assault Rifle +3/+1
Pistol +0/+1

Kevlar Vest: Likely to lessen a laser wound to the torso.
Veteran Level
Long Range Strength 1+3 (4)
Short Range Strength 0+2 (2)
-----------Other Skills
Courage: 1
Medic: 0
Live Capture: 0
Assault Rifle +3/+1
Pistol +0/+1

Kevlar Vest: Likely to lessen a laser wound to the torso.
Training in long range
Medic Training
Veteran Level +2 Been around the block a few times
Long Range Strength 4+3 (7) (50 of 100)
Short Range Strength2+2 (4)
-----------Other Skills
Courage: 3
Medic: 2 (30 of 50)
Live Capture: 2 Years of police work has it's perks.

Assault Rifle +3/+1
Pistol +0/+1

Kevlar Vest: Likely to lessen a laser wound to the torso.

Town Facilities:
Research: Community College Improved once:) 150 RP per turn
Controlled by @Theaxofwar and @Noxturne90

Medical:Small Clinic Max of four medics and +2 after combat treatment no improvements
Controlled by @ReadsByLamplight

Production: Small bullet forge Improved once (All town equipment moved together) 70 Production points per turn
Controlled by @Glint

Construction: City road crew Improved once (Large scale tools built) 70 Construction pointer per turn
Controlled by @Glint

Military: State Patrol Station: not Improved: No bonuses to training can hold four squads.
Controlled by @CommanderBlade

Actions given already:
Commander blade
Reads by lamp light
Glint (missing 20 production points, goes up to 70 at the end of the turn)​