Writing Something Every Day*, Xantalos Edition

340 words done today! Also I broke my foot today so I'm expecting my available writing time to go up - hopefully I'll be able to up my word count correspondingly!
I'm feeling conflicted. I feel sorry for you about your broken foot, yet excited about possible more updates. Hope you heal well mate.
492 words completed today so far, and I may manage to get more done before I get back home. We'll have to see.
1136 words so far today, probably more. Will edit when I'm done. This section's gonna be a long one and it is all BirdBodhisattva's fault for being so creative.
Edit: 1413 total.
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202 words today, didn't put much time aside for writing, only around a half hour. Still gratifying to know I can write if given actual direction and an outline; the hardest part of writing aside from actually doing the work is coming up with ideas of what to write, for me at least.

Man, that's a funny sentence now that I look at it. 'It's hard to do this, but it's also hard to think about how to do it! This makes sense as a phrase.'
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1,042 words over the last few days - just forgot to actually note it here. Officially 2/10 fully done this overambitious juggernaut of a post!
Had a bit of a quiet period, but I'm back at it now! 1,345 words today and another section within this section down.